new math

Unionville public school. Acting even more like a jail.

October 26, 2015 Incoherent ramblings , ,

I dropped off Karl’s lunch on the way to work (we didn’t have anything he would eat, so I made him something when we got back).

The school is more and more like a jail. In addition to the asinine security system, the secretary today wouldn’t even let me into the school office to drop off Karl’s lunch. She came to the door to get it, instead of letting me in for a few seconds.

I view the security system at the school as pandering to idiotic media fear porn. Implemented board wide, I’m sure that some security company is making bucket loads of cash at our expense.

Perhaps they wouldn’t let me into the school because I didn’t play their Oh Canada conformity training game, and have been open stating that their multiplication teaching methods are stupid. I’m definitely a bad influence. The new-math “four ways of multiplying” are great for making Karl (and other kids) confused, but are excellent ways of ensuring that we’ll have another generation of kids that have to use a calculator to do basic math, and will shortly live in a third world country with respect to the sciences.

Damn, couldn’t resist walking out on Oh Canada during “New math” objections.

October 15, 2015 Incoherent ramblings , ,

I made the mistake of walking away from Oh Canada during a conversation.  I don’t respect the training in conformity and patriotism (a trait second only to religion for inspiring war) that the Oh Canada ritual provides.  This and other similar patriotism rituals like the US pledge of allegiance have no more business in the schools than the old religious pledges that we used to have to mumble as kids, not knowing what we were even saying.  In my opinion, Oh Canada is an important brainwashing technique, and trains us to love our country regardless of the actions done in our name by the government and its unending bureaucracy.  This ritual trains us in blind obedience.  The end result is that we are comfortable dismissing real insanities like the political party whip, a true destroyer of democratic representation.  With blind love for our country we can ignore insanities of our government, thinking of them as yet another facet of Canadian values.  It is training to not question the system imposed on us.
I know that I am extremely isolated in my distaste for Oh Canada, and I haven’t figured out a good strategy for dealing with it.  We’ve been trained to respect it with so much force, regardless of there being no good reason to do so, that breaking with the convention unfortunately upsets people when they see it done.  Once I came to the conclusion that Oh Canada should not be respected, it was hard to fight the training in conformity that I had been subjected to.  It would be much easier to just stand and pretend to like it, and let the old feelings of patriotism back in, but I feel I have a moral obligation not to do so.
Unfortunately, walking out on the go-to-war-for-country song, interrupted my conversation with Mr Dixon (Unionville public school principle) on the more important topic of some bizarre multiplication techniques that are being taught in fourth grade, techniques that have the side effect of severe confusion, and making mathematics suddenly a hated subject, where it used to be loved.  This hatred is coming from a boy with a natural aptitude for numbers, who for example, memorized 50 digits of pi in three days just for the sheer pleasure of doing so.  Because of the effort of trying to keep the “four multiplication methods” all straight in his head, he’s not sure how to do the most important of them all: the standard multiplication technique that has been the workhorse of paper multiplication for hundreds of years before these bizarre teaching ideas invaded the curriculum.  I recall when my kids came home with these techniques.  They had the good sense to go through the motions mechanically and forget about them after that.  To spend all this effort just for the best case option of having all the kids that learn it forget it after the test is nonsensical to say the least.  But when it also has the side effect of destroying love for the subject, it is unforgivable.