Here is a listing of my mathematica notebooks. The most recent of any of these notebooks can all be obtained from my github Mathematica repository.
The Wolfram CDF player can also be used to view a number of these notebooks after download.
Integrals of some powers of sine and cosine products
Antenna intensity plots for sine and cosine powers 1,2.
An interactive graphical visualization of a couple of radiation intensity functions.
In chapter 4 of Balanis' "Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design", are some discussions of the kr < 1, kr = 1, and kr > 1 radial dependence of the fields and power of a solution to an infinitesimal dipole system. This discussion severely lacks some plots. Here's a Mathematica Manipulate that allows for inspection of the real and imaginary parts of these functions, plotted against both k and r, with a kr == constant contour overlaid on it. The value of that constant can be altered using one of the sliders, as can the maximum range of k and r, and upper and lower bounds of the value of the functions being plotted.
think this was plots to generate figures for ps2
ps3 p1 3d plot Manipulator and figures generation for a superposition of electric and magnetic dipoles.
This is a Manipulator to show the far fields of a superposition of electric and magnetic infinestismal dipoles on the x and y axes respectively. The fields at one point on the surface can be controlled using the theta and phi sliders.
Polar plots of the radiation intensity for long z-axis electric current dipoles. This also does the radiation resistance numerical integrals.
Saved labeled plot for ps3 p2a.
A manipulate for visualizing the polar pattern for a long electric dipole, and showing the directivity. A version without the 3D checkbox option and without the directivity display is deployed as cdf in longDipolesWithLengthControl.cdf
A manipulate for visualizing the polar pattern for a long electric dipole.
Numerical directivity calculations for ps3 p2 b, long dipole.
Trig integrals and plots for ps3, p3. Numerical calculations of the directivity for part e.
A couple Cheybshev T plots.
A manipulate to show the radiation intensity of the array factor in 3D for the corner cube configuration. This doesn't include any contribution from the field itself (i.e. no sine squared term.)
Redo the plots and the numerical calculations for the corner cube configuration problem, ps3, q3.
Standalone generator for cornerCubeArrayFactorSq.cdf
Some simple trig integrals
A Manipulate for Cheybshev plot exploration. A plot of the first few, and a plot with a scale factor.
Deployed CDF manipulator for Cheybshev polynomial exploration.
Manipulate to visualize the variation with d for an N = 4 Cheybshev fitting.
This uses the Cheybshev design technique from the text to fit a 4 element array to a T3 function, and visualize it with polar plots. This includes a Manipulate to visualize the variation with d, saved separately as chebychevN4ArrayFitManipulate.cdf.
Exploring Dolph-Cheybshev method from the class notes. Plots and a Manipulator
Just the manipulator from ChebychevSecondMethod.nb
Deployed version of the manipulator from ChebychevSecondMethod.nb
Verify the paper calculations for this problem, and generate the plots and the numerical values of the angles for the nulls.
Add interactive controls to 2D PolarPlot of problem3BinomialArray.nb, deployed version.
Add interactive controls to 2D PolarPlot of problem3BinomialArray.nb.
Plots and numerical integration results for p4.
Calculate spherical coordinates for a reflected unit vector. Doesn't simplify nicely.
Check some of the trig algebra done by hand.
Plot the calculated electric field for the aperature problem. Here I did the 2D polar plots using a dB scale plot, which I hadn't done before, but makes a lot of sense to see the details of the lobes. Also did a similar log scale plot for the 3D view.
Some experimentation on how to plot a 3D surface with an arbitrary plane cut through it.