My step-son Karl started suiting up in snow gear this morning, even before eating breakfast, to go out and shovel the snow. I managed to get some food into him first, and while he was in the kitchen, he noticed sadly that the dishwasher had not been run last night, so he wasn’t able to unload it for us!
He then proceeded to explain to me that if he does things that we (the adults in the house) like, then he has noticed that he gets more game (i.e. video-game) time.
The volume in video-game time futures may not be very high, but this coin, as unphysical as bitcoin, is a actively being traded in Markham, Ontario. Kids understand the free market very well, long before they ever actively take any sort of economics!
Does this count as his DPA time? 😉
I tried to include the link: but it appears stripped…
I think so. He came in panting, took off his coat, and stood outside for a few seconds just to cool off.
If you put it on a blockchain then no one will be able to argue. Immutable video game time credits…There’s an ICO in this for sure lol.
The ICO might be problematic. There will be kids scrambling to create the blockchain themselves so they can pre-mine as much video game time as possible, before everybody else starts to get in on the action. Also, how will they convince their friends parents that video-game time bartered at school counts against chores at other houses?
Chores atother houses may even seem easier with other parents always seeming to apreciate them rather than expect them…