I’ve received my copy of my bound Antenna Theory notes today:

I wanted a copy for myself, but don’t expect that anybody else would buy this particular notes compilation. The course was taught from slides, and it was almost impossible to take good notes, so these aren’t much good without also having the (excellent) course text (Balanis.)
The two possible reasons to buy or download this notes compilation would be:
- to peruse the solved problems, or
- for the geometric algebra and tensor formalism exploration that followed from wondering how to deal with the magnetic sources that are used in this subject.
These notes are available for free in PDF form. Should somebody other than me want to purchase their own copy on paper, it can be found on amazon for $8.50 USD. I’ve set the price as close to amazon’s absolute minimum required price of $8.28, while also rounding up to a tidy multiple of $0.25
I find it curious that amazon requires a higher price (and royalty) just by virtue of enabling expanded distribution. Since I wanted to buy my copy locally in the Canadian amazon marketplace (amazon.ca) to utilize my local prime shipping subscription, I had to set the price higher for all markets, including the US market (amazon.com). Because shipping from the US to Canada is so high, it is cheaper for me to buy an aftermarket version using prime shipping from Canada, than to utilize kindle-direct-publishing’s option of buying an author draft (which would only be cost effective if I lived in the USA.)
EDIT: I misunderstood what Expanded Distribution (ED) meant. This is to sell to markets that are outside of the 6 or so official amazon marketplaces (USA, Canada, UK, Germany, …, Japan). I’ll probably take this book off of ED and lower the price instead.
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