Some notes on Chapter 31, 32 (standard library, STL) of Stroustrup’s “The C++ Programming Language, 4th edition”.
I’d never heard the word emplace before, but it turns out that it isn’t a word made up for c++, but is also a dictionary word, meaning to “put into place or position”.
c++11 defines some emplace functions. Here’s an example for vector
#include <vector> #include <iostream> int main() { using pair = std::pair<int, int> ; using vector = std::vector< pair > ; vector v ; pair p{ 1, 2 } ; v.push_back( p ) ; v.push_back( {2, 3} ) ; v.emplace_back( 3, 4 ) ; for ( auto e : v ) { std::cout << e.first << ", " << e.second << '\n' ; } return 0 ; }
The emplace_back is like the push_back function, but does not require that a constructed object be created first, either explicitly as in the object p above, or implictly as done with the {2, 3} pair initializer list.
I’d written some perl code the other day when I wanted a hash that had multiple entries per key. Since my hashed elememts were simple, I just strung them together as comma separated entries (I could have also used a hash of array references). It looks like c++11 builds exactly the construct that I wanted into STL, and has both a multimap and unordered_multimap. Here’s an example of the latter
#include <unordered_map> #include <string> #include <iostream> int main() { std::unordered_multimap< int, std::string > m ; m.emplace( 3, "hi" ) ; m.emplace( 3, "bye" ) ; m.emplace( 4, "wow" ) ; for ( auto & v : m ) { std::cout << v.first << ": " << v.second << '\n' ; } for ( auto f{ m.find(3) } ; f != m.end() ; ++f ) { std::cout << "find: " << f->first << ": " << f->second << '\n' ; } return 0 ; }
Running this gives me
Observe how nice auto is here. I don’t have to care what the typename for the unordered_multimap find result is. According to gdb that type is:
(gdb) whatis f type = std::__1::__hash_map_iterator<std::__1::__hash_iterator<std::__1::__hash_node<std::__1::__hash_value_type<int, std::__1::basic_string<char> >, void*>*> >
The STL chapter outlines lots of different algorithms. One new powerful feature in c++11 is that the Lambdas can be used instead of predicate function objects, which is so much cleaner. I used that capability in a scientific computing programming assignment earlier this year with partial_sort.
The find_if_not algorthim caught my eye, because I just manually coded exactly that sort of loop translating intel assembly that used ‘REPL SCASB’ instructions, and that code was precisely of this find_if_not form. The c++ equivalent of the assembly was roughly of the following form:
int scan3( const std::string & s, char v ) { auto p = s.begin() ; for ( ; p != s.end() ; p++ ) { if ( *p != v ) { break ; } } if ( p == s.end() ) { return 0 ; } else { std::cout << "diff: " << p - s.begin() << '\n' ; return ( v > *p ) ? 1 : -1 ; }
Range for can also be used for this loop, but it is only slightly clearer:
int scan2( const std::string & s, char v ) { auto p = s.begin() ; for ( auto c : s ) { if ( c != v ) { break ; } p++ ; } if ( p == s.end() ) { return 0 ; } else { std::cout << "diff: " << p - s.begin() << '\n' ; return ( v > *p ) ? 1 : -1 ; } }
An STL version of this loop that uses a lambda predicate is
int scan( const std::string & s, char v ) { auto i = find_if_not( s.begin(), s.end(), [ v ]( char c ){ return c == v ; } ) ; if ( i == s.end() ) { return 0 ; } else { std::cout << "diff: " << i - s.begin() << '\n' ; return ( v > *i ) ? 1 : -1 ; } }
I don’t really think that this is any more clear than explicit for loop versions. All give the same results when tried:
int main() { std::vector< std::function< int( const std::string &, char ) > > v { scan, scan2, scan3 } ; for ( auto f : v ) { int r0 = f( "nnnnn", 'n' ) ; int rp = f( "nnnnnmmm", 'n' ) ; int rn = f( "nnnnnpnn", 'n' ) ; std::cout << r0 << '\n' ; std::cout << rp << '\n' ; std::cout << rn << '\n' ; } return 0 ; }
The compiler does almost the same for all three implementations. With the cout’s removed, and compiling with optimization, the respective instruction counts are:
The listings for the STL and the C style for loop are almost the same. The Apple xcode 7 compiler seems to produce slightly more compact code for the range-for version of this function for reasons that are not obvious to me.