PHY2403 (QFT I). Pondering the ground state bra formula.

November 5, 2018 phy2403 , ,

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In lecture 14 we found

\frac{ U(t_0, -T) \ket{0} }
e^{-i E_0(T – t_0)} \braket{\Omega}{0}
}{T \rightarrow \infty(1 – i \epsilon)},
and it was stated that we can also show that
\frac{ \bra{0} U(T, t_0) }
e^{-i E_0(T – t_0)} \braket{0}{\Omega}
}{T \rightarrow \infty(1 – i \epsilon)}.

This second statement is actually not obvious since
\frac{ U(t_0, -T) \ket{0} }
e^{-i E_0(T – t_0)} \braket{\Omega}{0}
\frac{ \bra{0} U(-T, t_0) \ket{0} }
e^{+i E_0(T – t_0)} \braket{0}{\Omega}

My first thought was that I’d written down \ref{eqn:qftLecture15:80} in my notes wrong, but this is actually also consistent with [1], which our Prof is following loosely (i.e. he is explicitly filling in many of the holes in that dense little 800 page book).

The resolution of this inconsistency is that the limit point \( \infty(1 – i \epsilon) \) doesn’t work if you just conjugate, and you’d also have to conjugate that limit, so while
\ref{eqn:braOmega:100} is correct, it is only part of the story, and should really be stated as
\frac{ \bra{0} U(-T, t_0) \ket{0} }
e^{+i E_0(T – t_0)} \braket{0}{\Omega}
}{T \rightarrow \infty(1 + i \epsilon)}.
This is awkward because now our expressions for \( \bra{\Omega} \) and \( \ket{\Omega} \) approach \( T \) from different directions, and we want to evaluate both with a single limiting argument.

To resolve this, we really have to start back with the identity expansion we used in lecture 14
\bra{0} e^{-i H T}
+ {\int\kern-1em\sum}_n \braket{0}{n} \bra{n}
e^{-i H T} \\
e^{-i E_0 T}
+ {\int\kern-1em\sum}_n \braket{0}{n} \bra{n} e^{-i E_n T}.
We argued (as does the text) that approaching to as \( T( 1 – i \epsilon) \) kills off the energetic states since
\bra{n} e^{-i E_n T}
\bra{n} e^{-i E_n T} e^{-E_n T \epsilon}
and the exponential damping factor is smaller for each \( E_n > E_0 \), so it can be neglected in the large \( T \) limit, leaving
\bra{0} e^{-i H T}
\lim_{T \rightarrow \infty(1 – i \epsilon)}
As we did for \( \ket{\Omega} \) we can shift the large time \( T \) by a small constant (this time \( -t_0 \) instead of \( t_0 \)), to give
\lim_{T \rightarrow \infty(1 – i \epsilon)}
\frac{ \bra{0} e^{-i H T} }
\braket{0}{\Omega} e^{-i E_0 T}
} \\
\lim_{T \rightarrow \infty(1 – i \epsilon)}
\frac{ \bra{0} e^{-i H (T – t_0)} }
\braket{0}{\Omega} e^{-i E_0 (T – t_0)}
} \\
\lim_{T \rightarrow \infty(1 – i \epsilon)}
\frac{ \bra{0} e^{i H_0( T – t_0)} e^{-i H (T – t_0)} }
\braket{0}{\Omega} e^{-i E_0 (T – t_0)}
} \\
\lim_{T \rightarrow \infty(1 – i \epsilon)}
\frac{ \bra{0} U(T, t_0) }
\braket{0}{\Omega} e^{-i E_0 (T – t_0)}
where the projective property \( \bra{0} e^{i H_0 \alpha} = \bra{0} \) has been used to insert a no-op (i.e. \( \bra{0} H_0 = 0 \)). This recovers the result stated in class (also: eq. (4.29) in the text.)


[1] Michael E Peskin and Daniel V Schroeder. An introduction to Quantum Field Theory. Westview, 1995.

Analysis of incorrect problem solution attempt (non-relativistic QFT massive scalar field with quadratic interaction)

November 1, 2018 phy2403 , ,

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An incorrect start at a field theory problem.

The following is a problem from the second PHY2403 problem set, and the start of a solution attempt I made. I’m not posting this because it shows how to do the problem, but because it was a useful problem to show that I didn’t understand a lot of the problem statement.
Understanding where I went wrong is actually pretty useful in this case.

Problem: Playing with the non-relativistic limit

Consider a real scalar relativistic field theory of mass m with \( \lambda \phi^4 \) interaction. Let there be \( N \) particles of momenta labeled by \( p_1,\cdots, p_N\), whose energies are such that they are insufficient to create any new particles. Nevertheless, the particles can scatter and exchange momenta. In what follows you will study this N-particle nonrelativistic limit in some detail.

  1. Write down the Hamiltonian of the field theory, including the interaction term, restricted to the N-particle sector of Hilbert space. (Use the creation and annihilation operator representation, i.e. write the result as sums of products of creation and annihilation operators of particles of various momenta.)
  2. Does the resulting Hamiltonian preserve particle number? Is there an associated symmetry? What is the operator that generates it?
  3. Consider now the interaction term in your reduced (to the N-particle sector of Hilbert space) Hamiltonian. How does a typical interaction term (for given configurations of momenta) act on an N-particle state? What kinds of scattering processes does it describe?
  4. What do you think is the potential, in x-space, that allows the various particles to scatter and exchange momentum? How would you describe the resulting nonrelativistic quantum system to friends who never took QFT but are well-versed in quantum mechanics?

Incorrect answer attempt.

The Lagrangian density of a massive scalar field with a \( \lambda \phi^4 \) interaction has the form
\LL = \inv{2} \partial_\mu \phi \partial^\mu \phi – \inv{2} m^2 \phi^2 – \lambda \phi^4.
The corresponding Hamiltonian is
H = \inv{2} \int d^3x \lr{ \pi^2 + \frac{m^2}{2} (\spacegrad \phi)^2 + m^2 \phi^2 } + \lambda \int d^3 x \phi^4.
In terms of creation and annihilation operators, we know the form of the non-interaction portion of the Hamiltonian, which in normal order is
H_0 = \int \frac{d^3 p}{(2 \pi)^3} \omega_\Bp a_\Bp^\dagger a_\Bp,
but the interaction contribution is much messier
\lambda \int d^3 x \frac{ d^3 p d^3 k d^3 q d^3 s}{4 (2 \pi)^{12} \sqrt{
\omega_\Bp \omega_\Bk \omega_\Bq \omega_\Bs
} }
\lr{ a_\Bp e^{-i p \cdot x} + a_\Bp e^{i p \cdot x} }
\lr{ a_\Bk e^{-i k \cdot x} + a_\Bk e^{i k \cdot x} }
\lr{ a_\Bq e^{-i q \cdot x} + a_\Bq e^{i q \cdot x} }
\lr{ a_\Bs e^{-i s \cdot x} + a_\Bs e^{i s \cdot x} } \\
\lambda \int d^3 x \frac{ d^3 p d^3 k d^3 q d^3 s}{4 (2 \pi)^{12} \sqrt{
\omega_\Bp \omega_\Bk \omega_\Bq \omega_\Bs
} }
\lr{ a_\Bp e^{-i \omega_\Bp t + i \Bp \cdot \Bx} + a_\Bp e^{i \omega_\Bp t – i \Bp \cdot \Bx} }
\lr{ a_\Bk e^{-i \omega_\Bk t + i \Bk \cdot \Bx} + a_\Bk e^{i \omega_\Bk t – i \Bk \cdot \Bx} } \\
&\quad \lr{ a_\Bq e^{-i \omega_\Bq t + i \Bq \cdot \Bx} + a_\Bq e^{i \omega_\Bq t – i \Bq \cdot \Bx} }
\lr{ a_\Bs e^{-i \omega_\Bs t + i \Bs \cdot \Bx} + a_\Bs e^{i \omega_\Bs t – i \Bs \cdot \Bx} } \\
\lambda \int \frac{ d^3 p d^3 k d^3 q d^3 s}{4 (2 \pi)^{9} \sqrt{
\omega_\Bp \omega_\Bk \omega_\Bq \omega_\Bs
} }
a_\Bp a_\Bk a_\Bq a_\Bs e^{-i (\omega_\Bp + \omega_\Bk + \omega_\Bq + \omega_\Bs)t} \delta^3( \Bp + \Bk + \Bq + \Bs ) \\
&\qquad +
a_\Bp a_\Bk a_\Bq a_\Bs^\dagger e^{-i (\omega_\Bp + \omega_\Bk + \omega_\Bq – \omega_\Bs)t} \delta^3( \Bp + \Bk + \Bq – \Bs ) \\
&\qquad \\
&\qquad + \cdots \\
&\qquad +
a_\Bp^\dagger a_\Bk^\dagger a_\Bq^\dagger a_\Bs^\dagger e^{-i (-\omega_\Bp – \omega_\Bk – \omega_\Bq – \omega_\Bs)t} \delta^3( -\Bp – \Bk – \Bq – \Bs )
\Big) \\
\lambda \int \frac{ d^3 p d^3 k d^3 q }{4 (2 \pi)^{9}
\omega_\Bp \omega_\Bk \omega_\Bq \omega_{-\Bp – \Bk – \Bq}
a_\Bp a_\Bk a_\Bq a_{-\Bp -\Bk – \Bq} e^{-i (\omega_\Bp + \omega_\Bk + \omega_\Bq + \omega_{-\Bp -\Bk -\Bq})t} \\
&\qquad +
\omega_\Bp \omega_\Bk \omega_\Bq \omega_{\Bp + \Bk + \Bq}
a_\Bp a_\Bk a_\Bq a_{\Bp + \Bk + \Bq}^\dagger e^{-i (\omega_\Bp + \omega_\Bk + \omega_\Bq – \omega_{\Bp + \Bk + \Bq})t} \\
&\qquad +
\cdots \\
&\qquad +
\omega_\Bp \omega_\Bk \omega_\Bq \omega_{-\Bp – \Bk – \Bq}
a_\Bp^\dagger a_\Bk^\dagger a_\Bq^\dagger a_{-\Bp -\Bk -\Bq}^\dagger e^{-i (-\omega_\Bp – \omega_\Bk – \omega_\Bq – \omega_{-\Bp -\Bk -\Bq})t}
Assuming we can normal order these terms as in \( H_0 \), we can rewrite the interaction as
\lambda \int \frac{ d^3 p d^3 k d^3 q }{4 (2 \pi)^{9} }
\omega_\Bp \omega_\Bk \omega_\Bq \omega_{-\Bp – \Bk – \Bq}
a_\Bp a_\Bk a_\Bq a_{-\Bp -\Bk – \Bq} e^{-i (\omega_\Bp + \omega_\Bk + \omega_\Bq + \omega_{-\Bp -\Bk -\Bq})t} \\
&\qquad +
\omega_\Bp \omega_\Bk \omega_\Bq \omega_{\Bp – \Bk – \Bq}
a_\Bp^\dagger a_\Bk a_\Bq a_{\Bp – \Bk – \Bq} e^{-i (-\omega_\Bp + \omega_\Bk + \omega_\Bq + \omega_{\Bp – \Bk – \Bq})t} \\
&\qquad +
\omega_\Bp \omega_\Bk \omega_\Bq \omega_{\Bp + \Bk – \Bq}
a_\Bp^\dagger a_\Bk^\dagger a_\Bq a_{\Bp + \Bk – \Bq} e^{-i (-\omega_\Bp – \omega_\Bk + \omega_\Bq + \omega_{\Bp + \Bk – \Bq})t} \\
&\qquad +
\omega_\Bp \omega_\Bk \omega_\Bq \omega_{\Bp + \Bk _ \Bq}
a_\Bp^\dagger a_\Bk^\dagger a_\Bq^\dagger a_{\Bp + \Bk + \Bq} e^{-i (-\omega_\Bp – \omega_\Bk – \omega_\Bq + \omega_{\Bp + \Bk + \Bq})t} \\
&\qquad +
\omega_\Bp \omega_\Bk \omega_\Bq \omega_{-\Bp – \Bk – \Bq}
a_\Bp^\dagger a_\Bk^\dagger a_\Bq^\dagger a_{-\Bp -\Bk -\Bq}^\dagger e^{-i (-\omega_\Bp – \omega_\Bk – \omega_\Bq – \omega_{-\Bp -\Bk -\Bq})t}

If we restrict the allowed momenta to the discrete set \( \Bp \in \setlr{ \Bp_1, \Bp_2, \cdots \Bp_N} \), the total Hamiltonian including the interaction term
takes the form
\text{\(:H:\)} &=
\sum_{i = 1}^N \omega_{\Bp_i} a_{\Bp_i}^\dagger a_{\Bp_i}
}{4 }
\sum_{j,m,n = 1}^N
\omega_{\Bp_j} \omega_{\Bp_m} \omega_{\Bp_n} \omega_{-{\Bp_j} – {\Bp_m} – {\Bp_n}}
a_{\Bp_j} a_{\Bp_m} a_{\Bp_n} a_{-\Bp -\Bk – \Bq} e^{-i (\omega_{\Bp_j} + \omega_{\Bp_m} + \omega_{\Bp_n} + \omega_{-{\Bp_j} -{\Bp_m} -{\Bp_n}})t} \\
&\qquad +
\omega_{\Bp_j} \omega_{\Bp_m} \omega_{\Bp_n} \omega_{{\Bp_j} – {\Bp_m} – {\Bp_n}}
a_{\Bp_j}^\dagger a_{\Bp_m} a_{\Bp_n} a_{{\Bp_j} – {\Bp_m} – {\Bp_n}} e^{-i (-\omega_{\Bp_j} + \omega_{\Bp_m} + \omega_{\Bp_n} + \omega_{{\Bp_j} – {\Bp_m} – {\Bp_n}})t} \\
&\qquad +
\omega_{\Bp_j} \omega_{\Bp_m} \omega_{\Bp_n} \omega_{{\Bp_j} + {\Bp_m} – {\Bp_n}}
a_{\Bp_j}^\dagger a_{\Bp_m}^\dagger a_{\Bp_n} a_{{\Bp_j} + {\Bp_m} – {\Bp_n}} e^{-i (-\omega_{\Bp_j} – \omega_{\Bp_m} + \omega_{\Bp_n} + \omega_{{\Bp_j} + {\Bp_m} – {\Bp_n}})t} \\
&\qquad +
\omega_{\Bp_j} \omega_{\Bp_m} \omega_{\Bp_n} \omega_{{\Bp_j} + {\Bp_m} – {\Bp_n}}
a_{\Bp_j}^\dagger a_{\Bp_m}^\dagger a_{\Bp_n}^\dagger a_{{\Bp_j} + {\Bp_m} + {\Bp_n}} e^{-i (-\omega_{\Bp_j} – \omega_{\Bp_m} – \omega_{\Bp_n} + \omega_{{\Bp_j} + {\Bp_m} + {\Bp_n}})t} \\
&\qquad +
\omega_{\Bp_j} \omega_{\Bp_m} \omega_{\Bp_n} \omega_{-{\Bp_j} – {\Bp_m} – {\Bp_n}}
a_{\Bp_j}^\dagger a_{\Bp_m}^\dagger a_{\Bp_n}^\dagger a_{-{\Bp_j} -{\Bp_m} -{\Bp_n}}^\dagger e^{-i (-\omega_{\Bp_j} – \omega_{\Bp_m} – \omega_{\Bp_n} – \omega_{-{\Bp_j} -{\Bp_m} -{\Bp_n}})t}

When we did the same sort of calculation for \( (\spacegrad \phi)^2 + m^2 \phi^2 \) all the time dependent terms cancelled nicely, but that isn’t obviously the case here.
However, we haven’t used the non-relativistic (low energy) constraint. That constraint can be expressed as \( \Bp^2 \ll m^2 \), in which case \( \omega_\Bp = \sqrt{ \Bp^2 + m^2 } \sim m \), the mass of each of the particles. Incorporating that into our N-particle Hamiltonian, we have
\text{\(:H:\)} &=
\sum_{i = 1}^N \omega_{\Bp_i} a_{\Bp_i}^\dagger a_{\Bp_i}
}{4 m^2 }
\sum_{j,m,n = 1}^N
a_{\Bp_j} a_{\Bp_m} a_{\Bp_n} a_{-\Bp -\Bk – \Bq} e^{- 4 i m t} \\
&\qquad +
a_{\Bp_j}^\dagger a_{\Bp_m} a_{\Bp_n} a_{{\Bp_j} – {\Bp_m} – {\Bp_n}} e^{-3 i m t} \\
&\qquad +
a_{\Bp_j}^\dagger a_{\Bp_m}^\dagger a_{\Bp_n} a_{{\Bp_j} + {\Bp_m} – {\Bp_n}} \\
&\qquad +
a_{\Bp_j}^\dagger a_{\Bp_m}^\dagger a_{\Bp_n}^\dagger a_{{\Bp_j} + {\Bp_m} + {\Bp_n}} e^{ 3 i m t } \\
&\qquad +
a_{\Bp_j}^\dagger a_{\Bp_m}^\dagger a_{\Bp_n}^\dagger a_{-{\Bp_j} -{\Bp_m} -{\Bp_n}}^\dagger e^{4 i m t}

The only annoying aspect to this Hamiltonian is the \( a_{{\Bp_j} + {\Bp_m} – {\Bp_n}} \) operator in the interaction term, which is not clear to me how to interpret. That seems to imply that it is possible to create particles with linear combinations of momentum that may not be in the original set of \( N \) particle momenta. I think that this can be further fudged by invoking the non-relativistic constraint again, and decreeing that each of the uniquely indexed creation and annihilation operators are distinguishable only by index, so we can write the N-particle non-relativistic sector Hamiltonian as
\text{\(:H:\)} =
\sum_{i = 1}^N \omega_{\Bp_i}
a_{i}^\dagger a_{i}
3 \lambda
}{2 m^2 }
\sum_{r,s,t,u = 1}^N
a_{r}^\dagger a_{s}^\dagger a_{t} a_{u}.


While there are a few things that are not wrong above, those correct parts are liberally mixed with a few fundamental errors.

Even before getting to the fundamential errors, there are a few minor issues too. For example, I don’t think that there is anything strictly wrong with the expansion of \ref{eqn:Nparticle:100} for example, although it appears that I confused myself by actually evaluating the delta function instead of just identifying it, something like:
\frac{\lambda}{4} \int \frac{ d^3 p d^3 k d^3 q d^3 s}{(2 \pi)^{12} \sqrt{ \omega_\Bp \omega_\Bk \omega_\Bq \omega_\Bs } }
\delta^3( \Bp + \Bk + \Bq + \Bs )
a_\Bp a_\Bk a_\Bq a_\Bs e^{-i (\omega_\Bp + \omega_\Bk + \omega_\Bq + \omega_\Bs) t} \\
&\qquad +
\delta^3( -\Bp + \Bk + \Bq + \Bs )
a_\Bp^\dagger a_\Bk a_\Bq a_\Bs e^{-i (-\omega_\Bp + \omega_\Bk + \omega_\Bq + \omega_\Bs)t} \\
&\qquad +
\delta^3( -\Bp – \Bk + \Bq + \Bs )
a_\Bp^\dagger a_\Bk^\dagger a_\Bq a_\Bs e^{-i (-\omega_\Bp – \omega_\Bk + \omega_\Bq + \omega_\Bs)t} \\
&\qquad +
\delta^3( -\Bp – \Bk – \Bq + \Bs )
a_\Bp^\dagger a_\Bk^\dagger a_\Bq^\dagger a_\Bs e^{-i (-\omega_\Bp – \omega_\Bk – \omega_\Bq + \omega_\Bs)t} \\
&\qquad +
\delta^3( -\Bp – \Bk – \Bq – \Bs )
a_\Bp^\dagger a_\Bk^\dagger a_\Bq^\dagger a_\Bs^\dagger e^{-i (-\omega_\Bp – \omega_\Bk – \omega_\Bq – \omega_\Bs)t}

So much of QFT is expressed in terms of delta functions, yet I tend to view them as something to be eliminated instead of retained. One lesson is that delta functions in QFT should be embraced, and had I done so in this case, I would have had a better chance of understanding the scattering part of the question that came later. One role of the delta function actually appears to be critical to the scattering question, as it actually encodes the constraints that lead to conservation of momentum in a “scattering process” related to the interaction term of the Hamiltonian.

I didn’t understand what was meant by a scattering process, but that was related to another more fundamental misunderstanding. That screw up was in my interpretation of what was meant by the “N particle sector of the Hilbert space.” In my reading of that phrase I tossed out “Hilbert space” as irrelevant. Part of that was somewhat reactionary, as it seems to me that Hilbert space is tossed around in so much QM in a way that makes it seem more rigorous, but we never touch on the scary mathematics that rigorously defines what a Hilbert space is. It seems to me that the phrase “Hilbert space” is often used as a pretentious way of saying “complex inner product space”. It has a more precise meaning to Mathematicians, but I don’t think that most physicists understand that meaning (and most certainly most students of QM don’t).

So, long story short, I interpreted “N particle sector of the Hilbert space” as “N particle sector” and though that meant I had to somehow discretize the system, introducing N discrete momenta into the mix. Here’s an example, using the non-interaction Hamiltonian, of exactly how I did that:
\int \frac{d^3 p}{(2 \pi)^3} \omega_\Bp a_\Bp^\dagger a_\Bp \rightarrow \sum_{i = 1}^N \omega_\Bp a_\Bp^\dagger a_\Bp.

This is wrong! I actually clued into part of the trouble with this, but didn’t know what the root cause was. I fudged around that my dropping the problematic side effects of having evaluated the delta function, which lead me to have terms like \( a_{\Bp + \Bq – \Bk} \) in the expansion of the interaction Hamiltonian. I couldn’t see how creation and annihilation operators that are associated with arbitrary linear combinations of the other momenta could maintain an \( N \) particle system. Those linear combinations could easily lie outside of the set of the original \( N \) particle system that I constructed in my discretization.

In office hours, Professor Poppitz had me work a small problem to illustrate the error in my ways, specifically applying the Hamiltonian to a two momentum state
H \ket{\Bp_1 \Bp_2}
\int \frac{d^3}{(2 \pi)^3}
\ket{0} \\
\int \frac{d^3}{(2 \pi)^3} \omega_\Bp
a_{\Bp_1}^\dagger a_\Bp
+ (2 \pi) \delta^3(\Bp -\Bp_1)
\ket{0} \\
\int \frac{d^3}{(2 \pi)^3} \omega_\Bp
a_{\Bp_1}^\dagger a_\Bp
\ket{0} \\
\int \frac{d^3}{(2 \pi)^3} \omega_\Bp
+ (2 \pi)^3 \delta^3(\Bp – \Bp_2)
\omega_{\Bp_1}\ket{\Bp_1 \Bp_2} \\
\lr{ \omega_{\Bp_1} + \omega_{\Bp_2} }
\ket{\Bp_1 \Bp_2}.
Observe that the Hamiltonian operates on a two momentum state, returning that state scaled by the energy associated with the sum of the momenta. Given an two particle subspace of all the possible two momentum states, perhaps with a basis like \( \setlr{\ket{\Bp_1 \Bp_2}, \ket{\Bp_3 \Bp_4}, \cdots } \), the Hamiltonian provides a mapping from that set onto itself, as it scales the states in question, but does not convert two particle states into combinations of one and three momentum states (say). This is not the case with the interaction Hamiltonian, as an operation like \( \int a^\dagger a^\dagger a^\dagger a \) doesn’t preserve a two momentum state. Example
&\frac{d^3 p}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bp}}
\frac{d^3 q}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bq}}
\frac{d^3 r}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Br}}
\frac{d^3 s}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bs}}
\delta^3(\Bp + \Bq + \Br -\Bs)
\ket{ \Bp_1 \Bp_2 } \\
\frac{d^3 p}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bp}}
\frac{d^3 q}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bq}}
\frac{d^3 r}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Br}}
\frac{d^3 s}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bs}}
\delta^3(\Bp + \Bq + \Br -\Bs)
\ket{0} \\
\frac{d^3 p}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bp}}
\frac{d^3 q}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bq}}
\frac{d^3 r}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Br}}
\frac{d^3 s}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bs}}
\delta^3(\Bp + \Bq + \Br -\Bs)
+ (2 \pi)^3 \delta^3(\Bp_1 -\Bs)
\ket{0} \\
\frac{d^3 p}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bp}}
\frac{d^3 q}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bq}}
\frac{d^3 r}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Br}}
\frac{d^3 s}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bs}}
\delta^3(\Bp + \Bq + \Br -\Bs)
+ (2\pi)^3 \delta^3(\Bp_2 – \Bs)
\ket{0} \\
&\quad +
\frac{d^3 p}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bp}}
\frac{d^3 q}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bq}}
\frac{d^3 r}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Br}}
\inv{\sqrt{ 2\omega_{\Bp_1}}}
\delta^3(\Bp + \Bq + \Br -\Bp_1)
\ket{0} \\
\inv{\sqrt{ 2\omega_{\Bp_2}}}
\frac{d^3 p}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bp}}
\frac{d^3 q}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bq}}
\frac{d^3 r}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Br}}
\delta^3(\Bp + \Bq + \Br -{\Bp_2})
\ket{\Bp \Bq \Br \Bp_1} \\
&\quad +
\inv{\sqrt{ 2\omega_{\Bp_1}}}
\frac{d^3 p}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bp}}
\frac{d^3 q}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Bq}}
\frac{d^3 r}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{ 2\omega_\Br}}
\delta^3(\Bp + \Bq + \Br -\Bp_1)
\ket{ \Bp \Bq \Br \Bp_2 }.
Such a term from the interaction Hamiltonian maps a two momentum state to a four momentum state. Notice how the continuous representation is critical to this evaluation, as well as that the action of the non-interaction Hamiltonian on a two (or N) momentum state. Attempting any sort of discretization leaves you with an operator that cannot be evaluated.

Observe that only the \( (a^\dagger)^2 a^2 \) terms in the interaction will map \((1,2,3,\cdots,N)\)-momentum states to \((1,2,3,\cdots,N)\)-momentum states, so the language that I didn’t understand “N particle sector of the Hilbert” space was really an encoded instruction to retain only those interaction terms. I did exactly that because intuition told me to do so (and didn’t justify why I did so), but I had the wrong reasons for making that selection. I knew there was something wrong, but didn’t know what it was. What I should have done was go back to basics and root out all the aspects of the problem statement that I did not understand, and ask about those. If I had done so (in a timely fashion, and not at the last minute when I attempted this problem), then I wouldn’t have gone down a dead end path that lead to more confusion. I didn’t even get to the interesting part of this problem, which was to show the correspondence between the QFT picture and the classical QM picture. I’ll still attempt to do so, despite having lost my window to get credit for that work.

PHY2403H Quantum Field Theory. Lecture 15: Perturbation ground state, time evolution operator, time ordered product, interaction. Taught by Prof. Erich Poppitz

October 31, 2018 Uncategorized , , ,

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DISCLAIMER: Very rough notes from class, with some additional side notes.

These are notes for the UofT course PHY2403H, Quantum Field Theory, taught by Prof. Erich Poppitz, fall 2018.


We developed the interaction picture representation, which is really the Heisenberg picture with respect to \( H_0 \).

Recall that we found
U(t, t’) = e^{i H_0(t – t_0)} e^{-i H(t – t’)} e^{-i H_0(t’ – t_0)},
with solution
U(t, t’)
T \exp{\lr{ -i \int_{t’}^t H_{\text{I,int}}(t”) dt”}},
U(t, t’)^\dagger
T \exp{\lr{ i \int_{t’}^{t} H_{\text{I,int}}(t”) dt”}} \\
T \exp{\lr{ -i \int_{t}^{t’} H_{\text{I,int}}(t”) dt”}} \\
&= U(t’, t),
and can use this to calculate the time evolution of a field
\phi(\Bx, t)
U^\dagger(t, t_0)
\phi_I(\Bx, t)
U(t, t_0)
and found the ground state ket for \( H \) was
\frac{ U(t_0, -T) \ket{0} }
e^{-i E_0(T – t_0)} \braket{\Omega}{0}
}{T \rightarrow \infty(1 – i \epsilon)}.


What’s the point of this, since it is self referential?


We will see, and also see that it goes away. Alternatively, you can write it as
\ket{\Omega} \braket{\Omega}{0}
\frac{ U(t_0, -T) \ket{0} }
e^{-i E_0(T – t_0)}
}{T \rightarrow \infty(1 – i \epsilon)}.

We can also show that
\frac{ \bra{0} U(T, t_0) }
e^{-i E_0(T – t_0)} \braket{0}{\Omega}
}{T \rightarrow \infty(1 – i \epsilon)}.

Our goal is still toe calculate
\bra{\Omega} T \phi(x) \phi(y) \ket{\Omega}.
Claim: the “LSZ” theorem (a neat way of writing this) relates this to S matrix elements.

Assuming \( x^0 > y^0 \)

\bra{\Omega} \phi(x) \phi(y) \ket{\Omega}
U(T, t_0)
U^\dagger(x^0, t^0)
U(x^0, t^0)
U^\dagger(y^0, t^0)
U(y^0, t^0)
U(t_0, -T)
e^{-i 2 E_0 T} \Abs{\braket{0}{\Omega}}^2

Normalize \( \braket{\Omega}{\Omega} = 1 \), gives

\frac{\bra{0} U(T, t_0) U(t_0, -T) \ket{0}}
e^{-i 2 E_0 T} \Abs{\braket{0}{\Omega}}^2
} \\
\frac{\bra{0} U(T, -T) \ket{0}}
e^{-i 2 E_0 T} \Abs{\braket{0}{\Omega}}^2
so that
\bra{\Omega} \phi(x) \phi(y) \ket{\Omega}
U(T, t_0)
U^\dagger(x^0, t^0)
U(x^0, t^0)
U^\dagger(y^0, t^0)
U(y^0, t^0)
U(t_0, -T)
\bra{0} U(T, -T) \ket{0}

For \( t_1 > t_2 > t_3 \)
U(t_1, t_2) U(t_2, t_3)
T e^{-i \int_{t_2}^{t_1} H_I}
T e^{-i \int_{t_3}^{t_2} H_I} \\
T \lr{
e^{-i \int_{t_2}^{t_1} H_I}
e^{-i \int_{t_3}^{t_2} H_I}
} \\
e^{-i \int_{t_3}^{t_1} H_I}
with an end result of
U(t_1, t_2) U(t_2, t_3) = U(t_1, t_3).
(DIY: work through the details — this is a problem in [1])

This gives
\bra{\Omega} \phi(x) \phi(y) \ket{\Omega}
U(T, x^0)
U(x^0, y^0)
U(y^0, -T)
\bra{0} U(T, -T) \ket{0}

If \( y^0 > x^0 \) we have the same result, but the \( y \)’s will come first.


\bra{\Omega} \phi(x) \phi(y) \ket{\Omega}
e^{-i \int_{-T}^T H_{\text{I,int}}(t’) dt’}
T ( e^{-i \int_{-T}^T H_{\text{I,int}}(t’) dt’} )

More generally
\phi_I(x_1) \cdots
\phi_I(x_1) \cdots
e^{-i \int_{-T}^T H_{\text{I,int}}(t’) dt’}
T ( e^{-i \int_{-T}^T H_{\text{I,int}}(t’) dt’} )
This is the holy grail of perturbation theory.

In QFT II you will see this written in a path integral representation
\phi_I(x_1) \cdots
\int [\mathcal{D} \phi] \phi(x_1) \phi(x_2) \cdots \phi(x_n) e^{-i S[\phi]}
\int [\mathcal{D} \phi] e^{-i S[\phi]}

Unpacking it.

\int_{-T}^T H_{\text{I,int}}(t)
\int d^3 \Bx \frac{\lambda}{4} \lr{ \phi_I(\Bx, t) }^4 \\
\int d^4 x
\frac{\lambda}{4} \lr{ \phi_I }^4

so we have
\phi_I(x_1) \cdots
e^{-i \frac{\lambda}{4} \int d^4 x \phi_I^4(x) }
e^{-i \frac{\lambda}{4} \int d^4 x \phi_I^4(x) }

The numerator expands as
\bra{0} T\lr{ \phi_I(x_1) \cdots \phi_I(x_n) } \ket{0}
-i \frac{\lambda}{4} \int d^4 x
\bra{0} T\lr{ \phi_I(x_1) \cdots \phi_I(x_n) \phi_I^4(x) }
\lr{-i \frac{\lambda}{4}}^2 \int d^4 x d^4 y
\bra{0} T\lr{ \phi_I(x_1) \cdots \phi_I(x_n)
} \ket{0}
+ \cdots
so we see that the problem ends up being the calculation of time ordered products.

Calculating perturbation

Let’s simplify notation, dropping interaction picture suffixes, writing \( \phi(x_i) = \phi_i \).

Let’s calculate \(
\bra{0} T\lr{ \phi_1 \cdots \phi_n } \ket{0}
\). For \( n = 2 \) we have

\bra{0} T\lr{ \phi_1 \cdots \phi_n } \ket{0}
= D_F(x_1 – x_2) \equiv D_F(1-2)


The rest of the lecture was very visual, and hard to type up. I’ll do so later.


[1] Michael E Peskin and Daniel V Schroeder. An introduction to Quantum Field Theory. Westview, 1995.

PHY2403H Quantum Field Theory. Lecture 14: Time evolution, Hamiltonian perturbation, ground state. Taught by Prof. Erich Poppitz

October 29, 2018 phy2403 , , , , , ,

[Click here for a PDF of this post with nicer formatting]

DISCLAIMER: Very rough notes from class, with some additional side notes.

These are notes for the UofT course PHY2403H, Quantum Field Theory, taught by Prof. Erich Poppitz, fall 2018.


Given a field \( \phi(t_0, \Bx) \), satisfying the commutation relations
\antisymmetric{\pi(t_0, \Bx)}{\phi(t_0, \By)} = -i \delta(\Bx – \By)
we introduced an interaction picture field given by
\phi_I(t, x) = e^{i H_0(t- t_0)} \phi(t_0, \Bx) e^{-iH_0(t – t_0)}
related to the Heisenberg picture representation by
\phi_H(t, x)
= e^{i H(t- t_0)} \phi(t_0, \Bx) e^{-iH(t – t_0)}
= U^\dagger(t, t_0) \phi_I(t, \Bx) U(t, t_0),
where \( U(t, t_0) \) is the time evolution operator.
U(t, t_0) =
e^{i H_0(t – t_0)}
e^{-i H(t – t_0)}
We argued that
i \PD{t}{} U(t, t_0) = H_{\text{I,int}}(t) U(t, t_0)
We found the glorious expression
U(t, t_0)
&= T \exp{\lr{ -i \int_{t_0}^t H_{\text{I,int}}(t’) dt’}} \\
\sum_{n = 0}^\infty \frac{(-i)^n}{n!} \int_{t_0}^t dt_1 dt_2 \cdots dt_n T\lr{ H_{\text{I,int}}(t_1) H_{\text{I,int}}(t_2) \cdots H_{\text{I,int}}(t_n) }

However, what we are really after is
\bra{\Omega} T(\phi(x_1) \cdots \phi(x_n)) \ket{\Omega}
Such a product has many labels and names, and we’ll describe it as “vacuum expectation values of time-ordered products of arbitrary #’s of local Heisenberg operators”.


Following section 4.2, [1].

H &= \text{exact Hamiltonian} = H_0 + H_{\text{int}}
H_0 &= \text{free Hamiltonian.
We know all about \( H_0 \) and assume that it has a lowest (ground state) \( \ket{0} \), the “vacuum” state of \( H_0 \).

\( H \) has eigenstates, in particular \( H \) is assumed to have a unique ground state \( \ket{\Omega} \) satisfying
H \ket{\Omega} = \ket{\Omega} E_0,
and has states \( \ket{n} \), representing excited (non-vacuum states with energies > \( E_0 \)).
These states are assumed to be a complete basis
\mathbf{1} = \ket{\Omega}\bra{\Omega} + \sum_n \ket{n}\bra{n} + \int dn \ket{n}\bra{n}.
The latter terms may be written with a superimposed sum-integral notation as
\sum_n + \int dn
so the identity operator takes the more compact form
\mathbf{1} = \ket{\Omega}\bra{\Omega} + {\int\kern-1em\sum}_n \ket{n}\bra{n}.

For some time \( T \) we have
e^{-i H T} \ket{0} = e^{-i H T}
\ket{\Omega}\braket{\Omega}{0} + {\int\kern-1em\sum}_n \ket{n}\braket{n}{0}

We now wish to argue that the \( {\int\kern-1em\sum}_n \) term can be ignored.

Argument 1:

This is something of a fast one, but one can consider a formal transformation \( T \rightarrow T(1 – i \epsilon) \), where \( \epsilon \rightarrow 0^+ \), and consider very large \( T \). This gives
\lim_{T \rightarrow \infty, \epsilon \rightarrow 0^+}
e^{-i H T(1 – i \epsilon)} \ket{0}
\lim_{T \rightarrow \infty, \epsilon \rightarrow 0^+}
e^{-i H T(1 – i \epsilon)}
\ket{\Omega}\braket{\Omega}{0} + {\int\kern-1em\sum}_n \ket{n}\braket{n}{0}
} \\
\lim_{T \rightarrow \infty, \epsilon \rightarrow 0^+}
e^{-i E_0 T – E_0 \epsilon T}
\ket{\Omega}\braket{\Omega}{0} + {\int\kern-1em\sum}_n e^{-i E_n T – \epsilon E_n T} \ket{n}\braket{n}{0} \\
\lim_{T \rightarrow \infty, \epsilon \rightarrow 0^+}
e^{-i E_0 T – E_0 \epsilon T}
\ket{\Omega}\braket{\Omega}{0} + {\int\kern-1em\sum}_n e^{-i (E_n -E_0) T – \epsilon T (E_n – E_0)} \ket{n}\braket{n}{0}
The limits are evaluated by first taking \( T \) to infinity, then only after that take \( \epsilon \rightarrow 0^+ \). Doing this, the sum is dominated by the ground state contribution, since each excited state also has a \( e^{-\epsilon T(E_n – E_0)} \) suppression factor (in addition to the leading suppression factor).

Argument 2:

With the hand waving required for the argument above, it’s worth pointing other (less formal) ways to arrive at the same result. We can write
sectionumInt \ket{n}\bra{n} \rightarrow
\sum_k \int \frac{d^3 p}{(2 \pi)^3} \ket{\Bp, k}\bra{\Bp, k}
where \( k \) is some unknown quantity that we are summing over.
If we have
H \ket{\Bp, k} = E_{\Bp, k} \ket{\Bp, k},
e^{-i H T} sectionumInt \ket{n}\bra{n}
\sum_k \int \frac{d^3 p}{(2 \pi)^3} \ket{\Bp, k} e^{-i E_{\Bp, k}} \bra{\Bp, k}.
If we take matrix elements
e^{-i H T} sectionumInt \ket{n}\bra{n} \ket{B}
\sum_k \int \frac{d^3 p}{(2 \pi)^3} \braket{A}{\Bp, k} e^{-i E_{\Bp, k}} \braket{\Bp, k}{B} \\
\sum_k \int \frac{d^3 p}{(2 \pi)^3} e^{-i E_{\Bp, k}} f(\Bp).
If we assume that \( f(\Bp) \) is a well behaved smooth function, we have “infinite” frequency oscillation within the envelope provided by the amplitude of that function, as depicted in fig. 1.
The Riemann-Lebesgue lemma [2] describes such integrals, the result of which is that such an integral goes to zero. This is a different sort of hand waving argument, but either way, we can argue that only the ground state contributes to the sum \ref{eqn:qftLecture14:220} above.

fig. 1. High frequency oscillations within envelope of well behaved function.


Ground state of the perturbed Hamiltonian.

With the excited states ignored, we are left with
e^{-i H T} \ket{0} = e^{-i E_0 T} \ket{\Omega}\braket{\Omega}{0}
in the \( T \rightarrow \infty(1 – i \epsilon) \) limit. We can now write the ground state as

\frac{ e^{i E_0 T – i H T } \ket{0} }{
}{ T \rightarrow \infty(1 – i \epsilon) } \\
\frac{ e^{- i H T } \ket{0} }{
e^{-i E_0 T} \braket{\Omega}{0}
}{ T \rightarrow \infty(1 – i \epsilon) }.
Shifting the very large \( T \rightarrow T + t_0 \) shouldn’t change things, so
\frac{ e^{- i H (T + t_0) } \ket{0} }{
e^{-i E_0 (T + t_0) } \braket{\Omega}{0}
}{ T \rightarrow \infty(1 – i \epsilon) }.

A bit of manipulation shows that the operator in the numerator has the structure of a time evolution operator.

Claim: (DIY):

\Cref{eqn:qftLecture14:80}, \ref{eqn:qftLecture14:120} may be generalized to
U(t, t’) = e^{i H_0(t – t_0)} e^{-i H(t – t’)} e^{-i H_0(t’ – t_0)} =
T \exp{\lr{ -i \int_{t’}^t H_{\text{I,int}}(t”) dt”}}.
Observe that we recover \ref{eqn:qftLecture14:120} when \( t’ = t_0 \).  Using \ref{eqn:qftLecture14:400} we find
U(t_0, -T) \ket{0}
&= e^{i H_0(t_0 – t_0)} e^{-i H(t_0 + T)} e^{-i H_0(-T – t_0)} \ket{0} \\
&= e^{-i H(t_0 + T)} e^{-i H_0(-T – t_0)} \ket{0} \\
&= e^{-i H(t_0 + T)} \ket{0},
where we use the fact that \( e^{i H_0 \tau} \ket{0} = \lr{ 1 + i H_0 \tau + \cdots } \ket{0} = 1 \ket{0}, \) since \( H_0 \ket{0} = 0 \).

We are left with
= \frac{U(t_0, -T) \ket{0} }{e^{-i E_0(t_0 – (-T))} \braket{\Omega}{0}}.

We are close to where we want to be. Wednesday we finish off, and then start scattering and Feynman diagrams.


[1] Michael E Peskin and Daniel V Schroeder. An introduction to Quantum Field Theory. Westview, 1995.

[2] Wikipedia contributors. Riemann-lebesgue lemma — Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2018. URL [Online; accessed 29-October-2018].

My libertarian primer has arrived.

October 26, 2018 Incoherent ramblings

I’ve been listening to the Tom Woods show and the Scott Horton show for a long time, and these books keep getting mentioned.  I’ve finally purchased them:

I probably won’t get to starting them until the new year (when I’m done with the phy2403, Quantum Field Theory I, course that I’m taking).

Btw., check out the awesome postage on the package that “Man, Economy and State” came from.  It took up the whole of the back of the package: