
Potentials for multivector Maxwell’s equation (again.)

December 8, 2023 math and physics play , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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This revisits my last blog post where I covered this content in a meandering fashion. This is an attempt to re-express this in a more compact form. In particular, in a form that is amenable to include in my book. When I wrote the potential section of my book, I cheated, and didn’t try to motivate the results. My cheat was figuring out the multivector potential representation starting with STA where things are simpler, and then translating it back to a multivector representation, instead of figuring out a reasonable way to motivate things from the foundation already laid.

I’d like to eventually have a less rushed treatment of potentials in my book, where the results are not pulled out of a magic hat. Here is an attempted step in that direction. I’ve opted to put some of the motivational material in problems (with solutions at the chapter end.)

Multivector potentials.

We know from conventional electromagnetism (given no fictitious magnetic sources) that we can represent the six components of the electric and magnetic fields in terms of four scalar fields
\BE &= -\spacegrad \phi – \PD{t}{\BA} \\
\BH &= \inv{\mu} \spacegrad \cross \BA.
The conventional way of constructing these potentials makes use of the identities
\spacegrad \cdot \lr{ \spacegrad \cross \BA } &= 0 \\
\spacegrad \cross \lr{ \spacegrad \phi } &= 0,
applying those to the source free Maxwell’s equations to find representations of \( \BE, \BH \) that automatically satisfy those equations. For that conventional analysis, see section 18-6 [2] (available online), or section 10.1 [3], or section 6.4 [4]. We can also find such a potential representation using geometric algebra methods that are cross product free (problem 1.)

For Maxwell’s equations with fictitious magnetic sources, it can be shown that a potential representation of the field
\BH &= -\spacegrad \phi_m – \PD{t}{\BF} \\
\BE &= -\inv{\epsilon} \spacegrad \cross \BF.
satisfies the source-free grades of Maxwell’s equation.
See [1], and [5] for such derivations. As with the conventional source potentials, we can also apply our geometric algebra toolbox to easily find these results (problem 2.)

We have a mix of time partials and curls that is reminiscent of Maxwell’s equation itself. It’s obvious to wonder whether there is a more coherent integrated form for the potential. This is in fact the case.

Lemma 1.1: Multivector potentials.

For Maxwell’s equation with electric sources, the total field \( F \) can be expressed in multivector potential form
F = \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } \lr{ -\phi + c \BA } }{1,2}.
For Maxwell’s equation with only fictitious magnetic sources, the total field \( F \) can be expressed in multivector form
F = \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } I \eta \lr{ -\phi_m + c \BF } }{1,2}.

The reader should try to verify this themselves (problem 3.)

Using superposition, we can form a multivector potential that includes all grades.

Definition 1.1: Multivector potential.

We call \( A \), a multivector with all grades, the multivector potential, defining the total field as
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } A }{1,2} \\
\lr{ \spacegrad – \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } A

\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } A }{0,3}.
Imposition of the constraint
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } A }{0,3} = 0,
is called the Lorentz gauge condition, and allows us to express \( F \) in terms of the potential without any grade selection filters.

Lemma 1.2: Conventional multivector potential.

A = -\phi + c \BA + I \eta \lr{ -\phi_m + c \BF }.
This results in the conventional potential representation of the electric and magnetic fields
\BE &= -\spacegrad \phi – \PD{t}{\BA} – \inv{\epsilon} \spacegrad \cross \BF \\
\BH &= -\spacegrad \phi_m – \PD{t}{\BF} + \inv{\mu} \spacegrad \cross \BA.
In terms of potentials, the Lorentz gauge condition \ref{eqn:mvpotentials:680} takes the form
0 &= \inv{c} \PD{t}{\phi} + \spacegrad \cdot (c \BA) \\
0 &= \inv{c} \PD{t}{\phi_m} + \spacegrad \cdot (c \BF).

Start proof:

See problem 4.

End proof.


Problem 1: Potentials for no-fictitious sources.

Starting with Maxwell’s equation with only conventional electric sources
\lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} } F = \gpgrade{J}{0,1}.
Show that this may be split by grade into three equations
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} } F}{0,1} &= \gpgrade{J}{0,1} \\
\spacegrad \wedge \BE + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} \lr{ I \eta \BH } &= 0 \\
\spacegrad \wedge \lr{ I \eta \BH } &= 0.
Then use the identities \( \spacegrad \wedge \spacegrad \wedge \BA = 0 \), for vector \( \BA \) and \( \spacegrad \wedge \spacegrad \phi = 0 \), for scalar \( \phi \) to find the potential representation.


Taking grade(0,1) and (2,3) selections of Maxwell’s equation, we split our equations into source dependent and source free equations
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } F }{0,1} = \gpgrade{J}{0,1},
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } F }{2,3} = 0.

In terms of \( F = \BE + I \eta \BH \), the source free equation expands to
\lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } \lr{ \BE + I \eta \BH }
}{2,3} \\
\gpgradetwo{\spacegrad \BE}
+ \gpgradethree{I \eta \spacegrad \BH} + I \eta \inv{c} \PD{t}{\BH} \\
\spacegrad \wedge \BE
+ \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ I \eta \BH }
+ I \eta \inv{c} \PD{t}{\BH},
which can be further split into a bivector and trivector equation
0 = \spacegrad \wedge \BE + I \eta \inv{c} \PD{t}{\BH}
0 = \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ I \eta \BH }.
It’s clear that we want to write the magnetic field as a (bivector) curl, so we let
I \eta \BH = I c \BB = c \spacegrad \wedge \BA,
\BH = \inv{\mu} \spacegrad \cross \BA.

\Cref{eqn:mvpotentials:260} is reduced to
&= \spacegrad \wedge \BE + I \eta \inv{c} \PD{t}{\BH} \\
&= \spacegrad \wedge \BE + \inv{c} \PD{t}{} \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ c \BA } \\
&= \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ \BE + \PD{t}{\BA} }.
We can now let
\BE + \PD{t}{\BA} = -\spacegrad \phi.
We sneakily adjust the sign of the gradient so that the result matches the conventional representation.

Problem 2: Potentials for fictitious sources.

Starting with Maxwell’s equation with only fictitious magnetic sources
\lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} } F = \gpgrade{J}{2,3},
show that this may be split by grade into three equations
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} } I F}{0,1} &= I \gpgrade{J}{2,3} \\
-\eta \spacegrad \wedge \BH + \inv{c}\PD{t}{(I \BE)} &= 0 \\
\spacegrad \wedge \lr{ I \BE } &= 0.
Then use the identities \( \spacegrad \wedge \spacegrad \wedge \BF = 0 \), for vector \( \BF \) and \( \spacegrad \wedge \spacegrad \phi_m = 0 \), for scalar \( \phi_m \) to find the potential representation \ref{eqn:mvpotentials:100}.


We multiply \ref{eqn:mvpotentials:160} by \( I \) to find
\lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} } I F = I \gpgrade{J}{2,3},
which can be split into
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} } I F }{1,2} &= I \gpgrade{J}{2,3} \\
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} } I F }{0,3} &= 0.
We expand the source free equation in terms of \( I F = I \BE – \eta \BH \), to find
&= \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} } \lr{ I \BE – \eta \BH } }{0,3} \\
&= \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ I \BE } + \inv{c} \PD{t}{(I \BE)} – \eta \spacegrad \wedge \BH,
which has the respective bivector and trivector grades
0 = \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ I \BE }
0 = \inv{c} \PD{t}{(I \BE)} – \eta \spacegrad \wedge \BH.
We can clearly satisfy \ref{eqn:mvpotentials:420} by setting
I \BE = -\inv{\epsilon} \spacegrad \wedge \BF,
\BE = -\inv{\epsilon} \spacegrad \cross \BF.
Here, once again, the sneaky inclusion of a constant factor \( -1/\epsilon \) is to make the result match the conventional. Inserting this value for \( I \BE \) into our bivector equation yields
&= -\inv{\epsilon} \inv{c} \PD{t}{} (\spacegrad \wedge \BF) – \eta \spacegrad \wedge \BH \\
&= -\eta \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ \PD{t}{\BF} + \BH },
so we set
\PD{t}{\BF} + \BH = -\spacegrad \phi_m,
and have a field representation that automatically satisfies the source free equations.

Problem 3: Total field in terms of potentials.

Prove lemma 1.1, either by direct expansion, or by trying to discover the multivector form of the field by construction.


Proof by expansion is straightforward, and left to the reader. We form the respective total electromagnetic fields \( F = \BE + I \eta H \) for each case.

We find
&= \BE + I \eta \BH \\
&= -\spacegrad \phi – \PD{t}{\BA} + I \frac{\eta}{\mu} \spacegrad \cross \BA \\
&= -\spacegrad \phi – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BA)} + \spacegrad \wedge (c\BA) \\
&= \gpgrade{ -\spacegrad \phi – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BA)} + \spacegrad \wedge (c\BA) }{1,2} \\
&= \gpgrade{ -\spacegrad \phi – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BA)} + \spacegrad (c\BA) }{1,2} \\
&= \gpgrade{ \spacegrad \lr{ -\phi + c \BA } – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BA)} }{1,2} \\
&= \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad -\inv{c} \PD{t}{} } \lr{ -\phi + c \BA } }{1,2}.

For the field for the fictitious source case, we compute the result in the same way, inserting a no-op grade selection to allow us to simplify, finding
&= \BE + I \eta \BH \\
&= -\inv{\epsilon} \spacegrad \cross \BF + I \eta \lr{ -\spacegrad \phi_m – \PD{t}{\BF} } \\
&= \inv{\epsilon c} I \lr{ \spacegrad \wedge (c \BF)} + I \eta \lr{ -\spacegrad \phi_m – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BF)} } \\
&= I \eta \lr{ \spacegrad \wedge (c \BF) + \lr{ -\spacegrad \phi_m – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BF)} } } \\
&= I \eta \gpgrade{ \spacegrad \wedge (c \BF) + \lr{ -\spacegrad \phi_m – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BF)} } }{1,2} \\
&= I \eta \gpgrade{ \spacegrad (c \BF) – \spacegrad \phi_m – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BF)} }{1,2} \\
&= I \eta \gpgrade{ \spacegrad (-\phi_m + c \BF) – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BF)} }{1,2} \\
&= I \eta \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad -\inv{c} \PD{t}{} } (-\phi_m + c \BF) }{1,2}.

Problem 4: Fields in terms of potentials.

Prove lemma 1.2.


Let’s expand and then group by grade
\lr{ \spacegrad – \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } A
\lr{ \spacegrad – \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } \lr{ -\phi + c \BA + I \eta \lr{ -\phi_m + c \BF }} \\
-\spacegrad \phi + c \spacegrad \BA + I \eta \lr{ -\spacegrad \phi_m + c \spacegrad \BF }
-\inv{c} \PD{t}{\phi} + c \inv{c} \PD{t}{ \BA } + I \eta \lr{ -\inv{c} \PD{t}{\phi_m} + c \inv{c} \PD{t}{\BF} } \\
– \spacegrad \phi
+ I \eta c \spacegrad \wedge \BF
– c \inv{c} \PD{t}{\BA}
\quad + c \spacegrad \wedge \BA
-I \eta \spacegrad \phi_m
– c I \eta \inv{c} \PD{t}{\BF} \\
&\quad + c \spacegrad \cdot \BA
+\inv{c} \PD{t}{\phi}
\quad + I \eta \lr{ c \spacegrad \cdot \BF
+ \inv{c} \PD{t}{\phi_m} } \\
– \spacegrad \phi
– \inv{\epsilon} \spacegrad \cross \BF
– \PD{t}{\BA}
\quad + I \eta \lr{
\inv{\mu} \spacegrad \cross \BA
– \spacegrad \phi_m
– \PD{t}{\BF}
} \\
&\quad + c \spacegrad \cdot \BA
+\inv{c} \PD{t}{\phi}
\quad + I \eta \lr{ c \spacegrad \cdot \BF
+ \inv{c} \PD{t}{\phi_m} }.
Observing that \( F = \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad -(1/c) \partial_t } A }{1,2} = \BE + I \eta \BH \), completes the problem. If the Lorentz gauge condition is assumed, the scalar and pseudoscalar components above are obliterated, leaving just
\( F = \lr{ \spacegrad -(1/c) \partial_t } A \).


[1] Constantine A Balanis. Antenna theory: analysis and design. John Wiley & Sons, 3rd edition, 2005.

[2] R.P. Feynman, R.B. Leighton, and M.L. Sands. Feynman lectures on physics, Volume II.[Lectures on physics], chapter The Maxwell Equations. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Reading, Massachusetts, 1963. URL

[3] David Jeffrey Griffiths and Reed College. Introduction to electrodynamics. Prentice hall Upper Saddle River, NJ, 3rd edition, 1999.

[4] JD Jackson. Classical Electrodynamics. John Wiley and Sons, 2nd edition, 1975.

[5] David M Pozar. Microwave engineering. John Wiley & Sons, 2009.

Potentials in geometric algebra.

December 2, 2023 math and physics play , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Conventional formulation.

The idea behind introducing the scalar potential \( \phi \) and vector potential \( \BA \) is that we can impose a constraint on the form of our observable fields \( \BE, \BB \), (or \( \BD, \BH \)), that reduces the complexity and coupling of Maxwell’s equations. These potentials are not unique, but the types of allowed variations in those potentials (gauge transformations) do not change the observable fields.

The basic idea is that we are looking for representations of the fields that automatically satisfy the pair of source free Maxwell’s equations
\spacegrad \cdot \BB &= 0 \\
c \partial_0 \BB + \spacegrad \cross \BE &= 0,
so that the problem is reduced to solving just the remaining source dependent Maxwell’s equations.

The conventional way of constructing these potentials makes use of the identities
\spacegrad \cdot \lr{ \spacegrad \cross \Bf } &= 0 \\
\spacegrad \cross \lr{ \spacegrad \chi } &= 0,
where \( \Bf \) is a vector, and \( \chi \) is a scalar. This approach is straightforward. Instead of replicating it, here are a few well known references where such a treatment can be found

  1. section 18-6 potentials and the wave equation in [2] (available online),
  2. section 10.1 The potential formulation in [3], and
  3. section 6.4 Vector and Scalar Potentials, in [4],

Multivector potentials in geometric algebra.

The multivector form of Maxwell’s equation is
\lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } F = J,
where \( \partial_0 = (1/c)\partial/\partial t \), the electromagnetic field \( F = \BE + I c \BB = \BE + I \eta H \) has grades(1,2), and a multivector charge and current density \( J \). Grades(0,1) of the current are the charge and current densities respectively, and if desired, the grade(2,3) portion of the current has the fictitious magnetic charge and current densities (used in microwave and antenna engineering.)

It’s best to consider the case of electric sources, separately from the case of (fictitious) magnetic sources, and then use superposition to construct a potential representation that includes both.

We require a tool, that generalizes the \(\mathbb{R}^3\) cross product curl identities above.

Lemma 1.1: Curl of curl.

Let \( A \in \bigwedge^k \) be a blade of grade \( k \). Then
\nabla \wedge \nabla \wedge A = 0.

Observe that for scalar \( A \), this reduces to
\nabla \wedge \nabla A = 0.
We’ve recently proved this, so we won’t do it again now.

Now we are ready to figure out the structure of the potentials.

Case I. No (fictitious) magnetic sources.

Without magnetic sources, Maxwell’s equation is
\lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } F = \gpgrade{J}{0,1},
This can be split into two equations, one that has just the sources, and one that is source free
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } F }{0,1} = \gpgrade{J}{0,1},
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } F }{2,3} = 0.
If you are clever, or have the benefit of having worked out the answer already, you can look directly at \ref{eqn:gapotentials:880} and guess the multivector form for the potential. Hint: you want something closely related to \( F = \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A \), where \( A \) has grades(0,1).

If you aren’t that clever, or don’t have a time machine that let’s you look that clever, you’ll have to work it out systematically like the rest of us. We can start by breaking down \( F \) into it’s constituent observer dependent fields. That means that we want to find values for \( \BE, \BH \) that satisfy
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } \lr{ \BE + I \eta \BH } }{2,3} = 0.
Expanding the multivector factors gives us
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } \lr{ \BE + I \eta \BH } }{2,3}
&=\gpgradetwo{\spacegrad \BE} + \gpgradethree{I \eta \spacegrad \BH} + I \eta \partial 0 \BH \\
\spacegrad \wedge \BE
+ \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ I \eta \BH }
+ I \eta \partial_0 \BH.
Splitting this into one equation for each grade, leaves us with
0 = \spacegrad \wedge \BE + I \eta \partial_0 \BH
0 = \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ I \eta \BH }.
Observe that we could have also written \ref{eqn:gapotentials:960} as \( 0 = I \eta \lr{ \spacegrad \cdot \BH } \), which is the starting point of the conventional non-GA approach.
It’s clear that we want to write \( I \eta \BH = I c \BB \) as a (bivector) curl, and let
I \eta \BH = c \spacegrad \wedge \BA.
It’s a bit sneaky to toss that factor of \( c \) in here, but that’s done to make the units of \( \BA \) turn out in a way that matches the conventional vector potential. If it makes you feel better, you can think of this as an undetermined constant multiplicative undetermined factor that will be used to adjust the dimensions of \( \BA \) down the line.

Having made that choice, \ref{eqn:gapotentials:960} is automatically satisfied, and \ref{eqn:gapotentials:940} is reduced to
&= \spacegrad \wedge \BE + I \eta \partial_0 \BH \\
&= \spacegrad \wedge \BE + \partial_0 \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ c \BA } \\
&= \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ \BE + c \partial_0 \BA }.
We can now let
\BE + \partial_0 c \BA = -\spacegrad \phi.
Again, we had the option of including an arbitrary multiplicative constant, but this time, we managed to find the right switch for our time machine, and look ahead to see that we want that constant to be \( -1 \) in order to have agreement with the conventional result.

We are left with a potential construction for our individual field components
\BE &= -\spacegrad \phi – c \partial_0 \BA \\
I \eta \BH &= c \spacegrad \wedge \BA,
F = -\spacegrad \phi – c \partial_0 \BA + c \spacegrad \wedge \BA.
This automatically satisfies the grades of Maxwell’s equation that are source free, leaving us to solve just
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } F }{0,1} = \gpgrade{J}{0,1}.

Multivector potential.

It’s natural to wonder if there is a more structured form for \( F \) than \ref{eqn:gapotentials:1060}, just as we found a GA structure for Maxwell’s equation that eliminated the crazy mix of divs and curls that we had in the original Gibbs representation. Let’s find that structure. To do so, we can enclose \( F \) in a no-op grade selection operation
&= \gpgrade{ -\spacegrad \phi – c \partial_0 \BA + c \spacegrad \wedge \BA }{1,2} \\
&= \gpgrade{ -\spacegrad \phi – c \partial_0 \BA + c \spacegrad \BA }{1,2} \\
&= \gpgrade{ \spacegrad \lr{ -\phi + c \BA } – c \partial_0 \BA + \lr{ \partial_0 \phi – \partial_0 \phi } }{1,2} \\
&= \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } \lr{ -\phi + c \BA } }{1,2}.

We can now introduce a multivector potential, and express the remaining non-zero grades of Maxwell’s equation in terms of this potential
A &= -\phi + c \BA \\
F &= \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A }{1,2} \\
\gpgrade{J}{0,1} &= \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } F }{0,1}.

Lorentz gauge.

The grade selection in our representation of \( F \) is a bit annoying, and can be eliminated if we impose additional constraints on the potential. We can write
F =
\lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A

\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A }{0,3},
and then ask what conditions are required for this grade(0,3) selection to be zero. In terms of our constituent potentials, that is
0 &=
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A }{0,3} \\
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } \lr{ -\phi + c \BA } }{0,3} \\
c \spacegrad \cdot \BA + \partial_0 \phi,
This is the Lorentz gauge condition, recognized a bit more easily if written out in terms of the time partials explicitly
\inv{c^2} \PD{t}{\phi} + \spacegrad \cdot \BA = 0.

We can now write Maxwell’s equations, in the potential formulation, as
A &= -\phi + c \BA \\
F &= \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A \\
0 &= \inv{c} \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A }{0,3} = \inv{c^2} \PD{t}{\phi} + \spacegrad \cdot \BA \\
\gpgrade{J}{0,1} &= \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } F }{0,1} = \lr{ \spacegrad^2 – \partial_{00} } A.
This is quite nice. We have a one to one decoupled relationship between the potential and the current, and are free to use the well known techniques for solving the wave equation (using convolution and a superposition of advanced and retarded Green’s functions for the wave equation operator.)

Gauge transformation.

There’s one more thing that we should look at before moving on to the magnetic sources case, and that’s the question of gauge freedom. We’ve said that the potentials are not unique, but this non-uniqueness has a very specific form.

Since we’ve constructed \( F \) with a grade selection as
F = \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A }{1,2},
so it’s clear that any transformation
A \rightarrow A + \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } \psi_{0,3},
where \( \psi_{0,3} \) is any multivector with grades(0,3) components, will leave \( F \) invariant. That is
A &= -\phi + c \BA \\
-\phi + c \BA + \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } \psi_{0,3} \\
-\phi + c \BA + \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } \lr{ c \psi + I \bar{\psi} } \\
\lr{ -\phi + c \partial_0 \psi }
+ c \lr{ \BA + \spacegrad \psi }
+ I \spacegrad \bar{\psi}
+ I \partial_0 \bar{\psi}.
We see that the contributions of \( \bar{\psi} \) result in grade(2,3) terms, which are not of interest, and we find that a paired transformation of the potentials
\phi &\rightarrow \phi – \PD{t}{\psi} \\
\BA &\rightarrow \BA + \spacegrad \psi,
called a gauge transformation, leaves the field \( F \) unchanged. This can be expressed slightly more compactly as
A \rightarrow A + \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } c \psi,
where, once again, the multiplicative constant \( c \) is included so for consistency with the conventional expression for potential gauge transformation.

Case II. With (fictitious) magnetic sources.

With magnetic sources, Maxwell’s equation is
\lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } F = \gpgrade{J}{2,3}.
We put this in dual form
\lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } I F = I \gpgrade{J}{2,3},
which now has the sources all with grades (0,1) as we just analyzed. The dual vector \( I F \), like \( F \), has only grade(1,2) components.

Expanding the source free Maxwell’s equations in terms of \( \BE, \BH \), we have
&= \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } I F}{2,3} \\
&= \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } \lr{I \BE – \eta \BH } }{2,3} \\
&= \gpgrade{ I \spacegrad \BE – \eta \spacegrad \BH + I \partial_0 \BE – \eta \partial_0 \BH }{2,3} \\
&= \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ I \BE } – \eta \spacegrad \wedge \BH + I \partial_0 \BE,
or, by grade
0 = \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ I \BE },
0 = – \eta \spacegrad \wedge \BH + I \partial_0 \BE.
We see that the dual electric field needs to be a curl to satisfy \ref{eqn:gapotentials:1360}
I \BE = -\eta \spacegrad \wedge c \BF,
and after substitution into \ref{eqn:gapotentials:1361} we are left with
&= – \eta \spacegrad \wedge \BH + \partial_0 \lr{ – \eta \spacegrad \wedge c \BF } \\
&= \eta \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ -\BH – \partial_0 c \BF } \\
We set
-\BH – \partial_0 c \BF = \spacegrad \phi_m,
Our fields are
\BE &= – \inv{\epsilon} \spacegrad \cross \BF \\
\BH &= -\spacegrad \phi_m – \PD{t}{\BF}.
This has the structure that matches the potential conventions from antenna theory, for example as stated in [1].

Multivector potential.

As with the electrical sources, we expect that we can write this as something like
F = \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } I A }{1,2}.
Let’s verify that this is the case.
&= I \eta \spacegrad \wedge (c \BF) -I \eta \spacegrad \phi_m – I \eta \partial_0 c \BF \\
&= \gpgrade{ I \eta \spacegrad \wedge (c \BF) -I \eta \spacegrad \phi_m – I \eta \partial_0 c \BF }{1,2} \\
&= \gpgrade{ I \eta \spacegrad c \BF -I \eta \spacegrad \phi_m – I \eta \partial_0 c \BF }{1,2} \\
&= \gpgrade{ I \eta \lr{ \spacegrad \lr{ – \phi_m + c \BF } – \partial_0 c \BF + \partial_0 \phi_m – \partial_0 \phi_m} }{1,2} \\
&= \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } I \eta \lr{ – \phi_m + c \BF } }{1,2}.

Lorentz gauge.

Let’s see what constraints we need to write our field in terms of a potential without a grade selection, that is
F = \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } I \eta \lr{ – \phi_m + c \BF }.
We need the grade(0,3) components of this multivector to be zero. Those components are
0 &=
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } I \eta \lr{ – \phi_m + c \BF }}{0,3} \\
\gpgrade{-\spacegrad I \eta \phi_m+\spacegrad I \eta c \BF+ \partial_0 I \eta \phi_m – \partial_0 I \eta c \BF }{0,3} \\
\gpgradethree{ \spacegrad I \eta c \BF }
+ \partial_0 I \eta \phi_m \\
I \eta \lr{ c \lr{ \spacegrad \cdot \BF} + \partial_0 \phi_m },
0 = \inv{c^2} \PD{t}{\phi_m} + \spacegrad \cdot \BF.
This is the Lorentz gauge condition. With this condition we can we can express Maxwell’s equation with magnetic sources, as a forced wave equation
A &= I \eta \lr{ -\phi_m + c \BF } \\
F &= \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A \\
0 &= \inv{c} \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A }{0,3} = \inv{c^2} \PD{t}{\phi_m} + \spacegrad \cdot \BF \\
\gpgrade{J}{2,3} &= \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } F }{2,3} = \lr{ \spacegrad^2 – \partial_{00} } A.

Gauge transformation.

Without the Lorentz gauge assumption, our potential representation for the field is
A &= I \eta \lr{ -\phi_m + c \BF } \\
F &= \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A }{1,2}.
It’s clear that any transformation of the form
A \rightarrow A + \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } \psi_{0,3},
leaves the field unchanged.
A &= I \eta \lr{ -\phi_m + c \BF } \\
I \eta \lr{ -\phi + c \BF } + \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } \psi_{0,3} \\
I \eta \lr{ -\phi_m + c \BF } + \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } \lr{ \psi + I \eta c \bar{\psi} } \\
I \eta \lr{
+ c \partial_0 \bar{\psi}
+ c \BF
+ c \spacegrad \bar{\psi}
+ \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } \psi.
We can drop the \( \psi \) contributions, since this time we want only grades(2,3) in our potential, and find that the
desired form of the gauge transformation, for scalar \( \bar{\psi} \), is
\phi_m &\rightarrow \phi_m – \PD{t}{\bar{\psi}} \\
\BF &\rightarrow \BF + \spacegrad \bar{\psi}.
The multivector form of this is
A \rightarrow A + \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } I \eta c \bar{\psi}.


We can now use superposition to construct a potential representation that works for both conventional electric and fictitious magnetic charges and currents.

Without a Lorentz gauge assumption, that is
A &= -\phi + c \BA + I \eta \lr{ -\phi_m + c \BF } \\
F &= \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A }{1,2} \\
J &= \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } F,
where, given scalar functions \( \psi, \bar{\psi} \), we are free to make gauge transformations of the multivector potential that satisfy
A \rightarrow A + \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } \lr{ c \psi + I \eta c \bar{\psi} },

With a Lorentz gauge constraint, we have a wave equation operator acting on \( A \), with the multivector current as a forcing term.
A &= -\phi + c \BA + I \eta \lr{ -\phi_m + c \BF } \\
0 &= \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A }{0,3} \\
F &= \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A \\
J &= \lr{ \spacegrad^2 – \partial_{00} } A.


It’s worth expansion to verify that we got all the dimensional constants write, and compare the results to Maxwell’s equations in their Gibbs form.

Let’s start with an expansion of \( F \) in terms of the potentials
F &=
\gpgrade{\lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A }{1,2} \\
&= \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } \lr{ -\phi + c \BA + I \eta \lr{ -\phi_m + c \BF } } }{1,2} \\
\gpgrade{ \spacegrad \lr{ -\phi + c \BA + I \eta \lr{ -\phi_m + c \BF } } -\partial_0 \lr{ -\phi + c \BA + I \eta \lr{ -\phi_m + c \BF } } }{1,2} \\
\gpgrade{ \spacegrad \lr{ -\phi + c \BA + I \eta \lr{ -\phi_m + c \BF } } -\partial_0 \lr{ c \BA + I \eta c \BF } }{1,2} \\
-\spacegrad \phi + c \spacegrad \wedge \BA – I \eta \spacegrad \phi_m + I \eta c \spacegrad \wedge \BF
-\partial_0 \lr{ c \BA + I \eta c \BF }.
That is
\BE &= -\spacegrad \phi + I \eta c \spacegrad \wedge \BF -c \partial_0 \BA \\
I \eta \BH &= c \spacegrad \wedge \BA – I \eta \spacegrad \phi_m – I \eta c \partial_0 \BF,
\BE &= – \spacegrad \phi -\partial_t \BA – \inv{\epsilon} \spacegrad \cross \BF \\
\BH &= – \spacegrad \phi_m – \partial_t \BF + \inv{\mu} \spacegrad \cross \BA.
All is good. This is exactly the form that we expect.

Let’s expand out Maxwell’s equation in terms of this potential representation and see what we get.

Let’s write the total field without the grade(1,2) selection, by subtracting off any grade(0,3) contributions
F = \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A – \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A }{0,3}.
That difference term is
– \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A }{0,3}
– \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } \lr{ -\phi + c \BA – I \eta \phi_m + I \eta c \BF } }{0,3} \\
– c \spacegrad \cdot \BA – I \eta c \spacegrad \cdot \BF – \partial_0 \phi – I \eta \partial_0 \phi_m.
The field is nicely split into a multivector term that depends directly on the full multivector potential \( A \), and a difference term that wipes out any scalar and pseudoscalar terms
\lr{ \spacegrad – \partial_0 } A
– \lr{ \partial_0 \phi + c \spacegrad \cdot \BA } – I \eta \lr{ \partial_0 \phi_m + c \spacegrad \cdot \BF }.

Maxwell’s equations are now reduced to
\lr{ \spacegrad^2 – \partial_{00} } A

\lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 }
\lr{ \partial_0 \phi + c \spacegrad \cdot \BA }

\lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 }
I \eta \lr{ \partial_0 \phi_m + c \spacegrad \cdot \BF }
= J.
This splits nicely into a single equation for each grade of \( A, J \) respectively. We write
J = \eta\lr{ c \rho – \BJ } + I \lr{ c \phi_m – \BM },
\lr{ \spacegrad^2 – \partial_{00} } (-\phi) – \partial_0 \lr{ \partial_0 \phi + c \spacegrad \cdot \BA } &= \eta c \rho \\
\lr{ \spacegrad^2 – \partial_{00} } (c \BA) – \spacegrad \lr{ \partial_0 \phi + c \spacegrad \cdot \BA } &= -\eta \BJ \\
\lr{ \spacegrad^2 – \partial_{00} } (I \eta c \BF) – I \eta \partial_0 \lr{ \partial_0 \phi_m + c \spacegrad \cdot \BF } &= -I \BM \\
\lr{ \spacegrad^2 – \partial_{00} } (-I \eta \phi_m) – I \eta \spacegrad \lr{ \partial_0 \phi_m + c \spacegrad \cdot \BF } &= I c \rho_m.
If we choose the Lorentz gauge conditions
0 = \lr{ \partial_0 \phi + c \spacegrad \cdot \BA } = \lr{ \partial_0 \phi_m + c \spacegrad \cdot \BF },
all of these equations decouple nicely, leaving us with 8 (scalar) equations in 8 unknowns
\lr{ \spacegrad^2 – \partial_{00} } \phi &= -\frac{\rho}{\epsilon} \\
\lr{ \spacegrad^2 – \partial_{00} } \BA &= -\mu \BJ \\
\lr{ \spacegrad^2 – \partial_{00} } \BF &= -\epsilon \BM \\
\lr{ \spacegrad^2 – \partial_{00} } \phi_m &= – \frac{\rho_m}{\mu}.

Potentials in STA (space time algebra).

All of this was very convoluted. Maxwell’s equation in STA form is considerably simpler, as is the potential formulation.

STA form of Maxwell’s equation.

We identify
\Be_k &= \gamma_k \gamma_0 \\
I &= \Be_1 \Be_2 \Be_3 = \gamma_0 \gamma_1 \gamma_2 \gamma_3 \\
\gamma^\mu \cdot \gamma_\nu &= {\delta^\mu}_\nu.
Our field multivector
&= \BE + I \eta \BH \\
&= \gamma_{k0} E^k + \eta \gamma_{0123k0} H^k \\
&= \gamma_{k0} E^k + \eta \gamma_{123k} H^k,
now has a pure bivector representation in STA (since \( k \) will always clobber one of the \( 1,2,3 \) indexes.) To find the STA representation of Maxwell’s equation, we simply multiply both sides of our multivector representation, from the left, by \( \gamma_0 \).
\gamma_0 \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 } F = \gamma_0 \lr{ \eta \lr{ c \rho – \BJ } + I \lr{ c \rho_m – \BM } }.
The LHS is just the spacetime gradient of \( F \), which we can see by expanding the product
\gamma_0 \lr{ \spacegrad + \partial_0 }
\gamma_0 \lr{ \gamma_{k0} \PD{x^k}{} + \PD{x^0}{} } \\
-\gamma_{k} \PD{x^k}{} + \gamma_0 \PD{x^0}{}.
This is the spacetime gradient
\grad \equiv \gamma^k \PD{x^k}{} + \gamma^0 \PD{x^0}{} = \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu.
Our RHS is
\gamma_0 \lr{ \eta \lr{ c \rho – \BJ } + I \lr{ c \rho_m – \BM } }
\gamma_0 \frac{\rho}{\epsilon} – \gamma_{0k0} \eta (\BJ \cdot \Be_k)
– I \lr{ c \rho_m \gamma_0 – \gamma_{0k0} (\BM \cdot \Be_k) } \\
\gamma_0 \frac{\rho}{\epsilon} + \gamma_k \eta (\BJ \cdot \Be_k)
– I \lr{ c \rho_m \gamma_0 + \gamma_{k} (\BM \cdot \Be_k) }.
If we let
J_e^0 &= \frac{\rho}{\epsilon} \\
J_e^k &= \eta (\BJ \cdot \Be_k) \\
J_m^0 &= c \rho_m \\
J_m^k &= (\BM \cdot \Be_k) \\
J_e &= J_e^\mu \gamma_\mu \\
J_m &= J_m^\mu \gamma_\mu,
then we are left with
\grad F = J_e – I J_m,
or just
\grad F = J,
where we now give a different meaning to \( J \) than we had in the multivector formulation. This \( J \) is now a multivector with grade(1,3) components.

Case I: potential formulation for conventional sources.

Much like we did with to find the potential formulation for the multivector form of Maxwell’s equation, we use superposition, and tackle the conventional sources, and fictitious magnetic sources separately.

With no fictitious sources, Maxwell’s equation is
\grad F = J_e,
which we may split into vector and trivector components
\grad \cdot F &= J_e \\
\grad \wedge F &= 0.
Clearly, the trivector equation can be satified by setting
F = \grad \wedge A,
for some vector \( A \). We may also make gauge transformations of \( A \) of the form
A \rightarrow A + \grad \psi,
without changing \( F \), showing that \( A \) is not uniquely determined. With such a representation, Maxwell’s equation is now reduced to
\grad \cdot F = J_e,
\grad \cdot \lr{ \grad \wedge A } \\
\grad^2 A – \grad \lr{ \grad \cdot A }.
Clearly the equivalent of the Lorentz gauge condition is now just
\grad \cdot A = 0,
so the Lorentz gauge potential form of Maxwell’s equation is just
\grad^2 A = J_e.

Case II: potential formulation for fictitious sources.

If we have only fictious sources, Maxwell’s equation is
\grad F = -I J_m,
or after left multiplication by \( I \) we have
\grad I F = J_m.
Let \( G = I F \), for the dual field, which is still a bivector. As before, we can split Maxwell’s equations into vector and trivector compoents
\grad \cdot G &= J_m \\
\grad \wedge G &= 0.
We may set
G = \grad \wedge K,
for vector \( K \). Maxwell’s equation is now reduced to
\grad \cdot G = J_m,
\grad \cdot \lr{ \grad \wedge K } \\
\grad^2 K – \grad \lr{ \grad \cdot K }.

As before we may make gauge transformations by adding gradient to our potential
K \rightarrow K + \grad \bar{\psi},
which will not change \( G \). For such sources, the Lorentz gauge condition is \( \grad \cdot K = 0 \). With the Lorentz gauge, Maxwell’s equation is reduced to
\grad^2 K = J_m.


For non-fictious sources, we have
F = \grad \wedge A
and for fictious sources, we have
I F = G = \grad \wedge K,
F = -I G = -I \lr{ \grad \wedge K }.
Combining these results, we have
&= \grad \wedge A -I \lr{ \grad \wedge K } \\
&= \gpgradetwo{ \grad \wedge A -I \lr{ \grad \wedge K } } \\
&= \gpgradetwo{ \grad A -I \lr{ \grad K } } \\
&= \gpgradetwo{ \grad \lr{ A + I K } },
F = \grad \lr{ A + I K } – \gpgrade{ \grad \lr{ A + I K } }{0,4}.
Maxwell’s equation is
\grad^2 \lr{ A + I K } – \grad \gpgrade{ \grad \lr{ A + I K } }{0,4} = J.
With the Lorentz gauge, this splits nicely into one forced wave equation for each vector potential
\grad^2 A &= J_e \\
\grad^2 K &= -J_m.


[1] Constantine A Balanis. Antenna theory: analysis and design. John Wiley & Sons, 3rd edition, 2005.

[2] R.P. Feynman, R.B. Leighton, and M.L. Sands. Feynman lectures on physics, Volume II.[Lectures on physics], chapter The Maxwell Equations. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Reading, Massachusetts, 1963. URL

[3] David Jeffrey Griffiths and Reed College. Introduction to electrodynamics. Prentice hall Upper Saddle River, NJ, 3rd edition, 1999.

[4] JD Jackson. Classical Electrodynamics. John Wiley and Sons, 2nd edition, 1975.

Multivector Lagrangian for Maxwell’s equation.

June 14, 2022 math and physics play , , , , , , , ,

This is the 5th and final part of a series on finding Maxwell’s equations (including the fictitious magnetic sources that are useful in engineering) from a Lagrangian representation.

[Click here for a PDF version of this series of posts, up to and including this one.]  The first, second, third and fourth parts are also available here on this blog.

We’ve found the charge and currency dependency parts of Maxwell’s equations for both electric and magnetic sources, using scalar and pseudoscalar Lagrangian densities respectively.

Now comes the really cool part. We can form a multivector Lagrangian and find Maxwell’s equation in it’s entirety in a single operation, without resorting to usual coordinate expansion of the fields.

Our Lagrangian is
\LL = \inv{2} F^2 – \gpgrade{A \lr{ J – I M}}{0,4},
where \( F = \grad \wedge A \).

The variation of the action formed from this Lagrangian density is
\delta S = \int d^4 x \lr{
\inv{2} \lr{ F \delta F + (\delta F) F } – \gpgrade{ \delta A \lr{ J – I M} }{0,4}
Both \( F \) and \( \delta F \) are STA bivectors, and for any two bivectors the symmetric sum of their products, selects the grade 0,4 components of the product. That is, for bivectors, \( F, G \), we have
\inv{2}\lr{ F G + G F } = \gpgrade{F G}{0,4} = \gpgrade{G F}{0,4}.
This means that the action variation integrand can all be placed into a 0,4 grade selection operation
\delta S
= \int d^4 x \gpgrade{
(\delta F) F – \delta A \lr{ J – I M}
Let’s look at the \( (\delta F) F \) multivector in more detail
(\delta F) F
\delta \lr{ \gamma^\mu \wedge \partial_\mu A } F \\
\lr{ \gamma^\mu \wedge \delta \partial_\mu A } F \\
\lr{ \gamma^\mu \wedge \partial_\mu \delta A } F \\

\lr{ (\partial_\mu \delta A) \wedge \gamma^\mu } F \\

(\partial_\mu \delta A) \gamma^\mu F

\lr{ (\partial_\mu \delta A) \cdot \gamma^\mu } F
This second term is a bivector, so once filtered with a grade 0,4 selection operator, will be obliterated.
We are left with
\delta S
&= \int d^4 x \gpgrade{

(\partial_\mu \delta A) \gamma^\mu F
– \delta A \lr{ J – I M}
&= \int d^4 x \gpgrade{

\partial_\mu \lr{
\delta A \gamma^\mu F
+ \delta A \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu F
– \delta A \lr{ J – I M}
&= \int d^4 x
\delta A \lr{ \grad F – \lr{ J – I M} }
As before, the total derivative term has been dropped, as variations \( \delta A \) are zero on the boundary. The remaining integrand must be zero for all variations, so we conclude that
\grad F = J – I M.
Almost magically, out pops Maxwell’s equation in it’s full glory, with both four vector charge and current density, and also the trivector (fictitious) magnetic charge and current densities, should we want to include those.

A final detail.

There’s one last thing to say. If you have a nagging objection to me having declared that \( \grad F – \lr{ J – I M} = 0 \) when the whole integrand was enclosed in a grade 0,4 selection operator. Shouldn’t we have to account for the grade selection operator somehow? Yes, we should, and I cheated a bit to not do so, but we get the same answer if we do. To handle this with a bit more finesse, we split \( \grad F – \lr{ J – I M} \) into it’s vector and trivector components, and consider those separately
\delta A \lr{ \grad F – \lr{ J – I M} }
\delta A \cdot \lr{ \grad \cdot F – J }
\delta A \wedge \lr{ \grad \wedge F + I M }.
We require these to be zero for all variations \( \delta A \), which gives us two independent equations
\grad \cdot F –  J  &= 0 \\
\grad \wedge F + I M &= 0.
However, we can now add up these equations, using \( \grad F = \grad \cdot F + \grad \wedge F \) to find, sure enough, that
\grad F = J – I M,
as stated, somewhat sloppily, before.

Some experiments in youtube mathematics videos

January 3, 2021 math and physics play , , , , , , ,

A couple years ago I was curious how easy it would be to use a graphics tablet as a virtual chalkboard, and produced a handful of very rough YouTube videos to get a feel for the basics of streaming and video editing (much of which I’ve now forgotten how to do). These were the videos in chronological order:

  • Introduction to Geometric (Clifford) Algebra.Introduction to Geometric (Clifford) algebra. Interpretation of products of unit vectors, rules for reducing products of unit vectors, and the axioms that justify those rules.
  • Geometric Algebra: dot, wedge, cross and vector products.Geometric (Clifford) Algebra introduction, showing the relation between the vector product dot and wedge products, and the cross product.
  • Solution of two line intersection using geometric algebra.
  • Linear system solution using the wedge product.. This video provides a standalone introduction to the wedge product, the geometry of the wedge product and some properties, and linear system solution as a sample application. In this video the wedge product is introduced independently of any geometric (Clifford) algebra, as an antisymmetric and associative operator. You’ll see that we get Cramer’s rule for free from this solution technique.
  • Exponential form of vector products in geometric algebra.In this video, I discussed the exponential form of the product of two vectors.

    I showed an example of how two unit vectors, each rotations of zcap orthonormal \(\mathbb{R}^3\) planes, produce a “complex” exponential in the plane that spans these two vectors.

  • Velocity and acceleration in cylindrical coordinates using geometric algebra.I derived the cylindrical coordinate representations of the velocity and acceleration vectors, showing the radial and azimuthal components of each vector.

    I also showed how these are related to the dot and wedge product with the radial unit vector.

  • Duality transformations in geometric algebra.Duality transformations (pseudoscalar multiplication) will be demonstrated in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) and \(\mathbb{R}^3\).

    A polar parameterized vector in \(\mathbb{R}^2\), written in complex exponential form, is multiplied by a unit pseudoscalar for the x-y plane. We see that the result is a vector normal to that vector, with the direction of the normal dependent on the order of multiplication, and the orientation of the pseudoscalar used.

    In \(\mathbb{R}^3\) we see that a vector multiplied by a pseudoscalar yields the bivector that represents the plane that is normal to that vector. The sign of that bivector (or its cyclic orientation) depends on the orientation of the pseudoscalar. The order of multiplication was not mentioned in this case since the \(\mathbb{R}^3\) pseudoscalar commutes with any grade object (assumed, not proved). An example of a vector with two components in a plane, multiplied by a pseudoscalar was also given, which allowed for a visualization of the bivector that is normal to the original vector.

  • Math bait and switch: Fractional integer exponents.When I was a kid, my dad asked me to explain fractional exponents, and perhaps any non-positive integer exponents, to him. He objected to the idea of multiplying something by itself \(1/2\) times.

    I failed to answer the question to his satisfaction. My own son is now reviewing the rules of exponentiation, and it occurred to me (30 years later) why my explanation to Dad failed.

    Essentially, there’s a small bait and switch required, and my dad didn’t fall for it.

    The meaning that my dad gave to exponentiation was that \( x^n\) equals \(x\) times itself \(n\) times.

    Using this rule, it is easy to demonstrate that \(x^a x^b = x^{a + b}\), and this can be used to justify expressions like \(x^{1/2}\). However, doing this really means that we’ve switched the definition of exponential, defining an exponential as any number that satisfies the relationship:

    \(x^a x^b = x^{a+b}\),

    where \(x^1 = x\). This slight of hand is required to give meaning to \(x^{1/2}\) or other exponentials where the exponential argument is any non-positive integer.

Of these videos I just relistened to the wedge product episode, as I had a new lone comment on it, and I couldn’t even remember what I had said. It wasn’t completely horrible, despite the low tech. I was, however, very surprised how soft and gentle my voice was. When I am talking math in person, I get very animated, but attempting to manage the tech was distracting and all the excitement that I’d normally have was obliterated.

I’d love to attempt a manim based presentation of some of this material, but suspect if I do something completely scripted like that, I may not be a very good narrator.

Curvilinear coordinates and gradient in spacetime, and reciprocal frames.

December 1, 2020 math and physics play , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

[If mathjax doesn’t display properly for you, click here for a PDF of this post]


I started pondering some aspects of spacetime integration theory, and found that there were some aspects of the concepts of reciprocal frames that were not clear to me. In the process of sorting those ideas out for myself, I wrote up the following notes.

In the notes below, I will introduce the many of the prerequisite ideas that are needed to express and apply the fundamental theorem of geometric calculus in a 4D relativistic context. The focus will be the Dirac’s algebra of special relativity, known as STA (Space Time Algebra) in geometric algebra parlance. If desired, it should be clear how to apply these ideas to lower or higher dimensional spaces, and to plain old Euclidean metrics.

On notation.

In Euclidean space we use bold face reciprocal frame vectors \( \Bx^i \cdot \Bx_j = {\delta^i}_j \), which nicely distinguishes them from the generalized coordinates \( x_i, x^j \) associated with the basis or the reciprocal frame, that is
\Bx = x^i \Bx_i = x_j \Bx^j.
On the other hand, it is conventional to use non-bold face for both the four-vectors and their coordinates in STA, such as the following standard basis decomposition
x = x^\mu \gamma_\mu = x_\mu \gamma^\mu.
If we use non-bold face \( x^\mu, x_\nu \) for the coordinates with respect to a specified frame, then we cannot also use non-bold face for the curvilinear basis vectors.

To resolve this notational ambiguity, I’ve chosen to use bold face \( \Bx^\mu, \Bx_\nu \) symbols as the curvilinear basis elements in this relativistic context, as we do for Euclidean spaces.

Basis and coordinates.

Definition 1.1: Standard Dirac basis.

The Dirac basis elements are \(\setlr{ \gamma_0, \gamma_1, \gamma_2, \gamma_3 } \), satisfying
\gamma_0^2 = 1 = -\gamma_k^2, \quad \forall k = 1,2,3,
\gamma_\mu \cdot \gamma_\nu = 0, \quad \forall \mu \ne \nu.

A conventional way of summarizing these orthogonality relationships is \( \gamma_\mu \cdot \gamma_\nu = \eta_{\mu\nu} \), where \( \eta_{\mu\nu} \) are the elements of the metric \( G = \text{diag}(+,-,-,-) \).

Definition 1.2: Reciprocal basis for the standard Dirac basis.

We define a reciprocal basis \( \setlr{ \gamma^0, \gamma^1, \gamma^2, \gamma^3} \) satisfying \( \gamma^\mu \cdot \gamma_\nu = {\delta^\mu}_\nu, \forall \mu,\nu \in 0,1,2,3 \).

Theorem 1.1: Reciprocal basis uniqueness.

This reciprocal basis is unique, and for our choice of metric has the values
\gamma^0 = \gamma_0, \quad \gamma^k = -\gamma_k, \quad \forall k = 1,2,3.

Proof is left to the reader.

Definition 1.3: Coordinates.

We define the coordinates of a vector with respect to the standard basis as \( x^\mu \) satisfying
x = x^\mu \gamma_\mu,
and define the coordinates of a vector with respect to the reciprocal basis as \( x_\mu \) satisfying
x = x_\mu \gamma^\mu,

Theorem 1.2: Coordinates.

Given the definitions above, we may compute the coordinates of a vector, simply by dotting with the basis elements
x^\mu = x \cdot \gamma^\mu,
x_\mu = x \cdot \gamma_\mu,

Start proof:

This follows by straightforward computation
x \cdot \gamma^\mu
\lr{ x^\nu \gamma_\nu } \cdot \gamma^\mu \\
x^\nu \lr{ \gamma_\nu \cdot \gamma^\mu } \\
x^\nu {\delta_\nu}^\mu \\
x \cdot \gamma_\mu
\lr{ x_\nu \gamma^\nu } \cdot \gamma_\mu \\
x_\nu \lr{ \gamma^\nu \cdot \gamma_\mu } \\
x_\nu {\delta^\nu}_\mu \\

End proof.

Derivative operators.

We’d like to determine the form of the (spacetime) gradient operator. The gradient can be defined in terms of coordinates directly, but we choose an implicit definition, in terms of the directional derivative.

Definition 1.4: Directional derivative and gradient.

Let \( F = F(x) \) be a four-vector parameterized multivector. The directional derivative of \( F \) with respect to the (four-vector) direction \( a \) is denoted
\lr{ a \cdot \grad } F = \lim_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0} \frac{ F(x + \epsilon a) – F(x) }{ \epsilon },
where \( \grad \) is called the space time gradient.

Theorem 1.3: Gradient.

The standard basis representation of the gradient is
\grad = \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu,
\partial_\mu = \PD{x^\mu}{}.

Start proof:

The Dirac gradient pops naturally out of the coordinate representation of the directional derivative, as we can see by expanding \( F(x + \epsilon a) \) in Taylor series
F(x + \epsilon a)
&= F(x) + \epsilon \frac{dF(x + \epsilon a)}{d\epsilon} + O(\epsilon^2) \\
&= F(x) + \epsilon \PD{\lr{x^\mu + \epsilon a^\mu}}{F} \PD{\epsilon}{\lr{x^\mu + \epsilon a^\mu}} \\
&= F(x) + \epsilon \PD{\lr{x^\mu + \epsilon a^\mu}}{F} a^\mu.
The directional derivative is
\lim_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0}
\frac{F(x + \epsilon a) – F(x)}{\epsilon}
\lim_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0}\,
\PD{\lr{x^\mu + \epsilon a^\mu}}{F} \\
\PD{x^\mu}{F} \\
\lr{a^\nu \gamma_\nu} \cdot \gamma^\mu \PD{x^\mu}{F} \\
a \cdot \lr{ \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu } F.

End proof.

Curvilinear bases.

Curvilinear bases are the foundation of the fundamental theorem of multivector calculus. This form of integral calculus is defined over parameterized surfaces (called manifolds) that satisfy some specific non-degeneracy and continuity requirements.

A parameterized vector \( x(u,v, \cdots w) \) can be thought of as tracing out a hypersurface (curve, surface, volume, …), where the dimension of the hypersurface depends on the number of parameters. At each point, a bases can be constructed from the differentials of the parameterized vector. Such a basis is called the tangent space to the surface at the point in question. Our curvilinear bases will be related to these differentials. We will also be interested in a dual basis that is restricted to the span of the tangent space. This dual basis will be called the reciprocal frame, and line the basis of the tangent space itself, also varies from point to point on the surface.

Fig 1a. One parameter curve, with illustration of tangent space along the curve.

Fig 1b. Two parameter surface, with illustration of tangent space along the surface.

One and two parameter spaces are illustrated in fig. 1a, and 1b.  The tangent space basis at a specific point of a two parameter surface, \( x(u^0, u^1) \), is illustrated in fig. 1. The differential directions that span the tangent space are
d\Bx_0 &= \PD{u^0}{x} du^0 \\
d\Bx_1 &= \PD{u^1}{x} du^1,
and the tangent space itself is \( \mbox{Span}\setlr{ d\Bx_0, d\Bx_1 } \). We may form an oriented surface area element \( d\Bx_0 \wedge d\Bx_1 \) over this surface.

Fig 2. Two parameter surface.

Tangent spaces associated with 3 or more parameters cannot be easily visualized in three dimensions, but the idea generalizes algebraically without trouble.

Definition 1.5: Tangent basis and space.

Given a parameterization \( x = x(u^0, \cdots, u^N) \), where \( N < 4 \), the span of the vectors
\Bx_\mu = \PD{u^\mu}{x},
is called the tangent space for the hypersurface associated with the parameterization, and it’s basis is
\( \setlr{ \Bx_\mu } \).

Later we will see that parameterization constraints must be imposed, as not all surfaces generated by a set of parameterizations are useful for integration theory. In particular, degenerate parameterizations for which the wedge products of the tangent space basis vectors are zero, or those wedge products cannot be inverted, are not physically meaningful. Properly behaved surfaces of this sort are called manifolds.

Having introduced curvilinear coordinates associated with a parameterization, we can now determine the form of the gradient with respect to a parameterization of spacetime.

Theorem 1.4: Gradient, curvilinear representation.

Given a spacetime parameterization \( x = x(u^0, u^1, u^2, u^3) \), the gradient with respect to the parameters \( u^\mu \) is
\grad = \sum_\mu \Bx^\mu
\Bx^\mu = \grad u^\mu.
The vectors \( \Bx^\mu \) are called the reciprocal frame vectors, and the ordered set \( \setlr{ \Bx^0, \Bx^1, \Bx^2, \Bx^3 } \) is called the reciprocal basis.It is convenient to define \( \partial_\mu \equiv \PDi{u^\mu}{} \), so that the gradient can be expressed in mixed index representation
\grad = \Bx^\mu \partial_\mu.
This introduces some notational ambiguity, since we used \( \partial_\mu = \PDi{x^\mu}{} \) for the standard basis derivative operators too, but we will be careful to be explicit when there is any doubt about what is intended.

Start proof:

The proof follows by application of the chain rule.
\grad F
\gamma^\alpha \PD{x^\alpha}{F} \\
\PD{u^\mu}{F} \\
\lr{ \grad u^\mu } \PD{u^\mu}{F} \\
\Bx^\mu \PD{u^\mu}{F}.

End proof.

Theorem 1.5: Reciprocal relationship.

The vectors \( \Bx^\mu = \grad u^\mu \), and \( \Bx_\mu = \PDi{u^\mu}{x} \) satisfy the reciprocal relationship
\Bx^\mu \cdot \Bx_\nu = {\delta^\mu}_\nu.

Start proof:

\Bx^\mu \cdot \Bx_\nu
\grad u^\mu \cdot
\PD{u^\nu}{x} \\
\gamma^\alpha \PD{x^\alpha}{u^\mu}
\PD{u^\nu}{x^\beta} \gamma_\beta
} \\
{\delta^\alpha}_\beta \PD{x^\alpha}{u^\mu}
\PD{u^\nu}{x^\beta} \\
\PD{x^\alpha}{u^\mu} \PD{u^\nu}{x^\alpha} \\
\PD{u^\nu}{u^\mu} \\

End proof.

It is instructive to consider an example. Here is a parameterization that scales the proper time parameter, and uses polar coordinates in the \(x-y\) plane.

Problem: Compute the curvilinear and reciprocal basis.

x(t,\rho,\theta,z) = c t \gamma_0 + \gamma_1 \rho e^{i \theta} + z \gamma_3,
where \( i = \gamma_1 \gamma_2 \), compute the curvilinear frame vectors and their reciprocals.


The frame vectors are all easy to compute
\Bx_0 &= \PD{t}{x} = c \gamma_0 \\
\Bx_1 &= \PD{\rho}{x} = \gamma_1 e^{i \theta} \\
\Bx_2 &= \PD{\theta}{x} = \rho \gamma_1 \gamma_1 \gamma_2 e^{i \theta} = – \rho \gamma_2 e^{i \theta} \\
\Bx_3 &= \PD{z}{x} = \gamma_3.
The \( \Bx_1 \) vector is radial, \( \Bx^2 \) is perpendicular to that tangent to the same unit circle, as plotted in fig 3.

Fig3: Tangent space direction vectors.

All of these particular frame vectors happen to be mutually perpendicular, something that will not generally be true for a more arbitrary parameterization.

To compute the reciprocal frame vectors, we must express our parameters in terms of \( x^\mu \) coordinates, and use implicit integration techniques to deal with the coupling of the rotational terms. First observe that
\gamma_1 e^{i\theta}
= \gamma_1 \lr{ \cos\theta + \gamma_1 \gamma_2 \sin\theta }
= \gamma_1 \cos\theta – \gamma_2 \sin\theta,
x^0 &= c t \\
x^1 &= \rho \cos\theta \\
x^2 &= -\rho \sin\theta \\
x^3 &= z.
We can easily evaluate the \( t, z \) gradients
\grad t &= \frac{\gamma^1 }{c} \\
\grad z &= \gamma^3,
but the \( \rho, \theta \) gradients are not as easy. First writing
\rho^2 = \lr{x^1}^2 + \lr{x^2}^2,
we find
2 \rho \grad \rho = 2 \lr{ x^1 \grad x^1 + x^2 \grad x^2 }
&= 2 \rho \lr{ \cos\theta \gamma^1 – \sin\theta \gamma^2 } \\
&= 2 \rho \gamma^1 \lr{ \cos\theta – \gamma_1 \gamma^2 \sin\theta } \\
&= 2 \rho \gamma^1 e^{i\theta},
\grad \rho = \gamma^1 e^{i\theta}.
For the \( \theta \) gradient, we can write
\tan\theta = -\frac{x^2}{x^1},
\inv{\cos^2 \theta} \grad \theta
&= -\frac{\gamma^2}{x^1} – x^2 \frac{-\gamma^1}{\lr{x^1}^2} \\
&= \inv{\lr{x^1}^2} \lr{ – \gamma^2 x^1 + \gamma^1 x^2 } \\
&= \frac{\rho}{\rho^2 \cos^2\theta } \lr{ – \gamma^2 \cos\theta – \gamma^1 \sin\theta } \\
&= -\frac{1}{\rho \cos^2\theta } \gamma^2 \lr{ \cos\theta + \gamma_2 \gamma^1 \sin\theta } \\
&= -\frac{\gamma^2 e^{i\theta} }{\rho \cos^2\theta },
\grad\theta = -\inv{\rho} \gamma^2 e^{i\theta}.
In summary,
\Bx^0 &= \frac{\gamma^0}{c} \\
\Bx^1 &= \gamma^1 e^{i\theta} \\
\Bx^2 &= -\inv{\rho} \gamma^2 e^{i\theta} \\
\Bx^3 &= \gamma^3.

Despite being a fairly simple parameterization, it was still fairly difficult to solve for the gradients when the parameterization introduced coupling between the coordinates. In this particular case, we could have solved for the parameters in terms of the coordinates (but it was easier not to), but that will not generally be true. We want a less labor intensive strategy to find the reciprocal frame. When we have a full parameterization of spacetime, then we can do this with nothing more than a matrix inversion.

Theorem 1.6: Reciprocal frame matrix equations.

Given a spacetime basis \( \setlr{\Bx_0, \cdots \Bx_3} \), let \( [\Bx_\mu] \) and \( [\Bx^\nu] \) be column matrices with the coordinates of these vectors and their reciprocals, with respect to the standard basis \( \setlr{\gamma_0, \gamma_1, \gamma_2, \gamma_3 } \). Let
A =
[\Bx_0] & \cdots & [\Bx_{3}]
X =
[\Bx^0] & \cdots & [\Bx^{3}]
The coordinates of the reciprocal frame vectors can be found by solving
A^\T G X = 1,
where \( G = \text{diag}(1,-1,-1,-1) \) and the RHS is an \( 4 \times 4 \) identity matrix.

Start proof:

Let \( \Bx_\mu = {a_\mu}^\alpha \gamma_\alpha, \Bx^\nu = b^{\nu\beta} \gamma_\beta \), so that
A =
X =
where \( \mu \in [0,3]\) are the row indexes and \( \nu \in [0,N-1]\) are the column indexes. The reciprocal frame satisfies \( \Bx_\mu \cdot \Bx^\nu = {\delta_\mu}^\nu \), which has the coordinate representation of
\Bx_\mu \cdot \Bx^\nu
{a_\mu}^\alpha \gamma_\alpha
b^{\nu\beta} \gamma_\beta
} \\
b^{\nu\beta} \\
{[A^\T G B]_\mu}^\nu,
where \( \mu \) is the row index and \( \nu \) is the column index.

End proof.

Problem: Matrix inversion reciprocals.

For the parameterization of \ref{eqn:reciprocalblog:2360}, find the reciprocal frame vectors by matrix inversion.


We expanded \( \Bx_1 \) explicitly in \ref{eqn:reciprocalblog:1200}. Doing the same for \( \Bx_2 \), we have
\Bx_2 =
-\rho \gamma_2 e^{i\theta}
= -\rho \gamma_2 \lr{ \cos\theta + \gamma_1 \gamma_2 \sin\theta }
= – \rho \lr{ \gamma_2 \cos\theta + \gamma_1 \sin\theta}.
Reading off the coordinates of our frame vectors, we have
X =
c & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & C & -\rho S & 0 \\
0 & -S & -\rho C & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\
where \( C = \cos\theta \) and \( S = \sin\theta \). We want
Y =
c & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & -C & S & 0 \\
0 & \rho S & \rho C & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 0 & -1 \\
\inv{c} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & -C & \frac{S}{\rho} & 0 \\
0 & S & \frac{C}{\rho} & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 0 & -1 \\
We can read off the coordinates of the reciprocal frame vectors
\Bx^0 &= \inv{c} \gamma_0 \\
\Bx^1 &= -\cos\theta \gamma_1 + \sin\theta \gamma_2 \\
\Bx^2 &= \inv{\rho} \lr{ \sin\theta \gamma_1 + \cos\theta \gamma_2 } \\
\Bx^3 &= -\gamma_3.
Factoring out \( \gamma^1 \) from the \( \Bx^1 \) terms, we find
&= -\cos\theta \gamma_1 + \sin\theta \gamma_2 \\
&= \gamma^1 \lr{ \cos\theta + \gamma_1 \gamma_2 \sin\theta } \\
&= \gamma^1 e^{i\theta}.
Similarly for \( \Bx^2 \),
&= \inv{\rho} \lr{ \sin\theta \gamma_1 + \cos\theta \gamma_2 } \\
&= \frac{\gamma^2}{\rho} \lr{ \sin\theta \gamma_2 \gamma_1 – \cos\theta } \\
&= -\frac{\gamma^2}{\rho} e^{i\theta}.
This matches \ref{eqn:reciprocalblog:1380}, as expected, but required only algebraic work to compute.

There will be circumstances where we parameterize only a subset of spacetime, and are interested in calculating quantities associated with such a surface. For example, suppose that
x(\rho,\theta) = \gamma_1 \rho e^{i \theta},
where \( i = \gamma_1 \gamma_2 \) as before. We are now parameterizing only the \(x-y\) plane. We will still find
\Bx_1 &= \gamma_1 e^{i \theta} \\
\Bx_2 &= -\gamma_2 \rho e^{i \theta}.
We can compute the reciprocals of these vectors using the gradient method. It’s possible to state matrix equations representing the reciprocal relationship of \ref{eqn:reciprocalblog:2200}, which, in this case, is \( X^\T G Y = 1 \), where the RHS is a \( 2 \times 2 \) identity matrix, and \( X, Y\) are \( 4\times 2\) matrices of coordinates, with
X =
0 & 0 \\
C & -\rho S \\
-S & -\rho C \\
0 & 0
We no longer have a square matrix problem to solve, and our solution set is multivalued. In particular, this matrix equation has solutions
\Bx^1 &= \gamma^1 e^{i\theta} + \alpha \gamma^0 + \beta \gamma^3 \\
\Bx^2 &= -\frac{\gamma^2}{\rho} e^{i\theta} + \alpha’ \gamma^0 + \beta’ \gamma^3.
where \( \alpha, \alpha’, \beta, \beta’ \) are arbitrary constants. In the example we considered, we saw that our \( \rho, \theta \) parameters were functions of only \( x^1, x^2 \), so taking gradients could not introduce any \( \gamma^0, \gamma^3 \) dependence in \( \Bx^1, \Bx^2 \). It seems reasonable to assert that we seek an algebraic method of computing a set of vectors that satisfies the reciprocal relationships, where that set of vectors is restricted to the tangent space. We will need to figure out how to prove that this reciprocal construction is identical to the parameter gradients, but let’s start with figuring out what such a tangent space restricted solution looks like.

Theorem 1.7: Reciprocal frame for two parameter subspace.

Given two vectors, \( \Bx_1, \Bx_2 \), the vectors \( \Bx^1, \Bx^2 \in \mbox{Span}\setlr{ \Bx_1, \Bx_2 } \) such that \( \Bx^\mu \cdot \Bx_\nu = {\delta^\mu}_\nu \) are given by
\Bx^1 &= \Bx_2 \cdot \inv{\Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2} \\
\Bx^2 &= -\Bx_1 \cdot \inv{\Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2},
provided \( \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 \ne 0 \) and
\( \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 }^2 \ne 0 \).

Start proof:

The most general set of vectors that satisfy the span constraint are
\Bx^1 &= a \Bx_1 + b \Bx_2 \\
\Bx^2 &= c \Bx_1 + d \Bx_2.
We can use wedge products with either \( \Bx_1 \) or \( \Bx_2 \) to eliminate the other from the RHS
\Bx^1 \wedge \Bx_2 &= a \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 } \\
\Bx^1 \wedge \Bx_1 &= – b \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 } \\
\Bx^2 \wedge \Bx_2 &= c \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 } \\
\Bx^2 \wedge \Bx_1 &= – d \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 },
and then dot both sides with \( \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 \) to produce four scalar equations
a \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 }^2
&= \lr{ \Bx^1 \wedge \Bx_2 } \cdot \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 } \\
\lr{ \Bx_2 \cdot \Bx_1 } \lr{ \Bx^1 \cdot \Bx_2 }

\lr{ \Bx_2 \cdot \Bx_2 } \lr{ \Bx^1 \cdot \Bx_1 } \\
\lr{ \Bx_2 \cdot \Bx_1 } (0)

\lr{ \Bx_2 \cdot \Bx_2 } (1) \\
&= – \Bx_2 \cdot \Bx_2
– b \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 }^2
\lr{ \Bx^1 \wedge \Bx_1 } \cdot \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 } \\
\lr{ \Bx^1 \cdot \Bx_2 } \lr{ \Bx_1 \cdot \Bx_1 }

\lr{ \Bx^1 \cdot \Bx_1 } \lr{ \Bx_1 \cdot \Bx_2 } \\
(0) \lr{ \Bx_1 \cdot \Bx_1 }

(1) \lr{ \Bx_1 \cdot \Bx_2 } \\
&= – \Bx_1 \cdot \Bx_2
c \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 }^2
&= \lr{ \Bx^2 \wedge \Bx_2 } \cdot \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 } \\
\lr{ \Bx_2 \cdot \Bx_1 } \lr{ \Bx^2 \cdot \Bx_2 }

\lr{ \Bx_2 \cdot \Bx_2 } \lr{ \Bx^2 \cdot \Bx_1 } \\
\lr{ \Bx_2 \cdot \Bx_1 } (1)

\lr{ \Bx_2 \cdot \Bx_2 } (0) \\
&= \Bx_2 \cdot \Bx_1
– d \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 }^2
&= \lr{ \Bx^2 \wedge \Bx_1 } \cdot \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 } \\
\lr{ \Bx_1 \cdot \Bx_1 } \lr{ \Bx^2 \cdot \Bx_2 }

\lr{ \Bx_1 \cdot \Bx_2 } \lr{ \Bx^2 \cdot \Bx_1 } \\
\lr{ \Bx_1 \cdot \Bx_1 } (1)

\lr{ \Bx_1 \cdot \Bx_2 } (0) \\
&= \Bx_1 \cdot \Bx_1.
Putting the pieces together we have
&= \frac{ – \lr{ \Bx_2 \cdot \Bx_2 } \Bx_1 + \lr{ \Bx_1 \cdot \Bx_2 } \Bx_2
}{\lr{\Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2}^2} \\
\Bx_2 \cdot \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 }
}{\lr{\Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2}^2} \\
\Bx_2 \cdot \inv{\Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2}
\frac{ \lr{ \Bx_1 \cdot \Bx_2 } \Bx_1 – \lr{ \Bx_1 \cdot \Bx_1 } \Bx_2
}{\lr{\Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2}^2} \\
\frac{ -\Bx_1 \cdot \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 } }
{\lr{\Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2}^2} \\
-\Bx_1 \cdot \inv{\Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2}

End proof.

Lemma 1.1: Distribution identity.

Given k-vectors \( B, C \) and a vector \( a \), where the grade of \( C \) is greater than that of \( B \), then
\lr{a \wedge B} \cdot C = a \cdot \lr{ B \cdot C }.

See [1] for a proof.

Theorem 1.8: Higher order tangent space reciprocals.

Given an \(N\) parameter tangent space with basis \( \setlr{ \Bx_0, \Bx_1, \cdots \Bx_{N-1} } \), the reciprocals are given by
\Bx^\mu = (-1)^\mu
\lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \cdots \check{\Bx_\mu} \cdots \wedge \Bx_{N-1} } \cdot I_N^{-1},
where the checked term (\(\check{\Bx_\mu}\)) indicates that all terms are included in the wedges except the \( \Bx_\mu \) term, and \( I_N = \Bx_0 \wedge \cdots \Bx_{N-1} \) is the pseudoscalar for the tangent space.

Start proof:

I’ll outline the proof for the three parameter tangent space case, from which the pattern will be clear. The motivation for this proof is a reexamination of the algebraic structure of the two vector solution. Suppose we have a tangent space basis \( \setlr{\Bx_0, \Bx_1} \), for which we’ve shown that
&= \Bx_1 \cdot \inv{\Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1} \\
&= \frac{\Bx_1 \cdot \lr{\Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1} }{\lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1}^2 }.
If we dot with \( \Bx_0 \) and \( \Bx_1 \) respectively, we find
\Bx_0 \cdot \Bx^0
\Bx_0 \cdot \frac{ \Bx_1 \cdot \lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 } }{\lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1}^2 } \\
\lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 } \cdot \frac{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 }{\lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1}^2 }.
We end up with unity as expected. Here the
“factored” out vector is reincorporated into the pseudoscalar using the distribution identity \ref{eqn:reciprocalblog:2280}.
Similarly, dotting with \( \Bx_1 \), we find
\Bx_1 \cdot \Bx^0
\Bx_1 \cdot \frac{ \Bx_1 \cdot \lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 } }{\lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1}^2 } \\
\lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_1 } \cdot \frac{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 }{\lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1}^2 }.
This is zero, since wedging a vector with itself is zero. We can perform such an operation in reverse, taking the square of the tangent space pseudoscalar, and factoring out one of the basis vectors. After this, division by that squared pseudoscalar will normalize things.

For a three parameter tangent space with basis \( \setlr{ \Bx_0, \Bx_1, \Bx_2 } \), we can factor out any of the tangent vectors like so
\lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 }^2
&= \Bx_0 \cdot \lr{ \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 } \cdot \lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 } } \\
&= (-1) \Bx_1 \cdot \lr{ \lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_2 } \cdot \lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 } } \\
&= (-1)^2 \Bx_2 \cdot \lr{ \lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 } \cdot \lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 } }.
The toggling of sign reflects the number of permutations required to move the vector of interest to the front of the wedge sequence. Having factored out any one of the vectors, we can rearrange to find that vector that is it’s inverse and perpendicular to all the others.
\Bx^0 &= (-1)^0 \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 } \cdot \inv{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 } \\
\Bx^1 &= (-1)^1 \lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_2 } \cdot \inv{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 } \\
\Bx^2 &= (-1)^2 \lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 } \cdot \inv{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 }.

End proof.

In the fashion above, should we want the reciprocal frame for all of spacetime given dimension 4 tangent space, we can state it trivially
\Bx^0 &= (-1)^0 \lr{ \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 \wedge \Bx_3 } \cdot \inv{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 \wedge \Bx_3 } \\
\Bx^1 &= (-1)^1 \lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_2 \wedge \Bx_3 } \cdot \inv{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 \wedge \Bx_3 } \\
\Bx^2 &= (-1)^2 \lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_3 } \cdot \inv{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 \wedge \Bx_3 } \\
\Bx^3 &= (-1)^3 \lr{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 } \cdot \inv{ \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 \wedge \Bx_3 }.
This is probably not an efficient way to compute all these reciprocals, since we can utilize a single matrix inversion to solve them in one shot. However, there are theoretical advantages to this construction that will be useful when we get to integration theory.

On degeneracy.

A small mention of degeneracy was mentioned above. Regardless of metric, \( \Bx_0 \wedge \Bx_1 = 0 \) means that this pair of vectors are colinear. A tangent space with such a pseudoscalar is clearly undesirable, and we must construct parameterizations for which the area element is non-zero in all regions of interest.

Things get more interesting in mixed signature spaces where we can have vectors that square to zero (i.e. lightlike). If the tangent space pseudoscalar has a lightlike factor, then that pseudoscalar will not be invertible. Such a degeneracy will will likely lead to many other troubles, and parameterizations of this sort should be avoided.

This following problem illustrates an example of this sort of degenerate parameterization.

Problem: Degenerate surface parameterization.

Given a spacetime plane parameterization \( x(u,v) = u a + v b \), where
a = \gamma_0 + \gamma_1 + \gamma_2 + \gamma_3,
b = \gamma_0 – \gamma_1 + \gamma_2 – \gamma_3,
show that this is a degenerate parameterization, and find the bivector that represents the tangent space. Are these vectors lightlike, spacelike, or timelike? Comment on whether this parameterization represents a physically relevant spacetime surface.


To characterize the vectors, we square them
a^2 = b^2 =
\gamma_0^2 +
\gamma_1^2 +
\gamma_2^2 +
1 – 3
= -2,
so \( a, b \) are both spacelike vectors. The tangent space is clearly just \( \mbox{Span}\setlr{ a, b } = \mbox{Span}\setlr{ e, f }\) where
e &= \gamma_0 + \gamma_2 \\
f &= \gamma_1 + \gamma_3.
Observe that \( a = e + f, b = e – f \), and \( e \) is lightlike (\( e^2 = 0 \)), whereas \( f \) is spacelike (\( f^2 = -2 \)), and \( e \cdot f = 0 \), so \( e f = – f e \). The bivector for the tangent plane is
a b
(e + f) (e – f)
e^2 – f^2 – 2 e f
= -2 e f,
e f = \gamma_{01} + \gamma_{21} + \gamma_{23} + \gamma_{03}.
Because \( e \) is lightlike (zero square), and \( e f = – f e \),
the bivector \( e f \) squares to zero
\lr{ e f }^2
= -e^2 f^2
= 0,
which shows that the parameterization is degenerate.

This parameterization can also be expressed as
= u ( e + f ) + v ( e – f )
= (u + v) e + (u – v) f,
a linear combination of a lightlike and spacelike vector. Intuitively, we expect that a physically meaningful spacetime surface involves linear combinations spacelike vectors, or combinations of a timelike vector with spacelike vectors. This beastie is something entirely different.

Final notes.

There are a few loose ends above. In particular, we haven’t conclusively proven that the set of reciprocal vectors \( \Bx^\mu = \grad u^\mu \) are exactly those obtained through algebraic means. For a full parameterization of spacetime, they are necessarily the same, since both are unique. So we know that \ref{eqn:reciprocalblog:1920} must equal the reciprocals obtained by evaluating the gradient for a full parameterization (and this must also equal the reciprocals that we can obtain through matrix inversion.) We have also not proved explicitly that the three parameter construction of the reciprocals in \ref{eqn:reciprocalblog:1900} is in the tangent space, but that is a fairly trivial observation, so that can be left as an exercise for the reader dismissal. Some additional thought about this is probably required, but it seems reasonable to put that on the back burner and move on to some applications.


[1] Peeter Joot. Geometric Algebra for Electrical Engineers. Kindle Direct Publishing, 2019.