Month: October 2018

A book review: Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq Paperback – by Ms. Susan Lindauer

October 12, 2018 Reviews

Why a review here.

Despite posting 86 prior reviews on (mostly books) I apparently no longer meet the “community guidelines” acceptable for posting amazon reviews, so I’ll switch to posting reviews on my blog.  I’d previously used my review list on amazon as a way of listing books I’d read, and used that successfully a couple times to avoid borrowing library books that I’d already read (to make that more foolproof I would have had to be more thorough reviewing all the books I’ve read, which I haven’t).

The review.

I listened to this book in it’s audiobook version using my lifetime Listen-and-think membership, which I obtained as a side effect to donating to the Scott Horton show.

The primary focus of this book is the story of how the US Patriot Act was used to silence an intelligence asset that had information that was inconvenient to the politicians attempting to use 9/11 as a justification for the Iraq war.  This was quite interesting, but equally disturbing.

It was also interesting to read the chronicle of how psychiatry and drugs are used as weapons by the US “justice” department to attempt to chemically lobotomize the author (unsuccessfully), and how drugs were used against many of the other inmates she met (successfully).

This book requires severe editing and has excessive redundancy.  I think that the audio version minimized the horror of some of that redundancy since one doesn’t necessarily expect speech to be as refined and concise as a good book.  There were a number of times, after listening to the same material for perhaps the fifth time, I wondered if the book would ever end.  It took a long time to get through, even at 2x playback speed.

PHY2403H Quantum Field Theory. Lecture 9: Unbroken and spontaneously broken symmetries, Higgs Lagrangian, scale invariance, Lorentz invariance, angular momentum quantization. Taught by Prof. Erich Poppitz

October 11, 2018 phy2403 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

[Click here for a PDF of this post with nicer formatting (and a Mathematica listing that I didn’t include in this blog post’s latex export)]

DISCLAIMER: Very rough notes from class, with some additional side notes.

These are notes for the UofT course PHY2403H, Quantum Field Theory I, taught by Prof. Erich Poppitz fall 2018.

Last time

We followed a sequence of operations

  1. Noether’s theorem
  2. \( \rightarrow \) conserved currents
  3. \( \rightarrow \) charges (classical)
  4. \( \rightarrow \) “correspondence principle”
  5. \( \rightarrow \hatQ \)
  • Hermitian operators
  • “generators of symmetry”
    \hatU(\alpha) = e^{i \alpha \hatQ}
    We found
    \hatU(\alpha) \phihat \hatU^\dagger(\alpha) = \phihat + i \alpha \antisymmetric{\hatQ}{\phihat} + \cdots

Example: internal symmetries:

(non-spacetime), such as \( O(N)\) or \( U(1) \).

In QFT internal symmetries can have different “\underline{modes of realization}”.


  1. “Wigner mode”. These are also called “unbroken symmetries”.
    \hatQ \ket{0} = 0
    i.e. \( \hatU(\alpha) \ket{0} = 0 \).
    Ground state invariant. Formally \( :\hatQ: \) annihilates \( \ket{0} \).
    \( \antisymmetric{\hatQ}{\hatH} = 0 \) implies that all eigenstates are eigenstates of \( \hatQ \) in \( U(1) \). Example from HW 1
    \hatQ = \text{“charge” under \( U(1) \)}.
    All states have definite charge, just live in QU.
  2. “Nambu-Goldstone mode” (Landau-ginsburg). This is also called a “spontaneously broken symmetry”\footnote{
    First encounter example (HWII, \( SU(2) \times SU(2) \rightarrow SU(2) \)). Here a \( U(1) \) spontaneous broken symmetry.}.
    \( H \) or \( L \) is invariant under symmetry, but ground state is not.

fig. 1. Mexican hat potential.

fig. 2. Degenerate Mexican hat potential ( v = 0)

\LL = \partial_\mu \phi^\conj \partial^\mu \phi – V(\Abs{\phi}),
V(\Abs{\phi}) = m^2 \phi^\conj \phi + \frac{\lambda}{4} \lr{ \phi^\conj \phi }^2.
When \( m^2 > 0 \) we have a Wigner mode, but when \( m^2 < 0 \) we have an issue: \( \phi = 0 \) is not a minimum of potential.
When \( m^2 < 0 \) we write
&= – m^2 \phi^\conj \phi + \frac{\lambda}{4} \lr{ \phi^\conj \phi}^2 \\
&= \frac{\lambda}{4} \lr{
\lr{ \phi^\conj \phi}^2 – \frac{4}{\lambda} m^2 } \\
&= \frac{\lambda}{4} \lr{
\phi^\conj \phi – \frac{2}{\lambda} m^2 }^2 – \frac{4 m^4}{\lambda^2},
or simply
\frac{\lambda}{4} \lr{ \phi^\conj \phi – v^2 }^2 + \text{const}.
The potential (called the Mexican hat potential) is illustrated in fig. 1 for non-zero \( v \), and in
fig. 2 for \( v = 0 \).
We choose to expand around some point on the minimum ring (it doesn’t matter which one).
When there is no potential, we call the field massless (i.e. if we are in the minimum ring).
We expand as
\phi(x) = v \lr{ 1 + \frac{\rho(x)}{v} } e^{i \alpha(x)/v },
\lr{\phi^\conj \phi – v^2}^2
v^2 \lr{ 1 + \frac{\rho(x)}{v} }^2
– v^2
}^2 \\
v^4 \lr{ \lr{ 1 + \frac{\rho(x)}{v} }^2 – 1 } \\
\frac{2 \rho}{v} + \frac{\rho^2}{v^2}

\partial_\mu \phi =
v \lr{ 1 + \frac{\rho(x)}{v} } \frac{i}{v} \partial_\mu \alpha
+ \partial_\mu \rho
} e^{i \alpha}

&= \Abs{\partial \phi^\conj}^2 – \frac{\lambda}{4} \lr{ \Abs{\phi^\conj}^2 – v^2 }^2 \\
\partial_\mu \rho \partial^\mu \rho + \partial_\mu \alpha \partial^\mu \alpha \lr{ 1 + \frac{\rho}{v} }

\frac{\lambda v^4}{4} \frac{ 4\rho^2}{v^2} + O(\rho^3) \\
\partial_\mu \rho \partial^\mu \rho
– \lambda v^2\rho^2
\partial_\mu \alpha \partial^\mu \alpha \lr{ 1 + \frac{\rho}{v} }.
We have two fields, \( \rho \) : a massive scalar field, the “Higgs”, and a massless field \( \alpha \) (the Goldstone Boson).

\( U(1) \) symmetry acts on \( \phi(x) \rightarrow e^{i \omega } \phi(x) \) i.t.o \( \alpha(x) \rightarrow \alpha(x) + v \omega \).
\( U(1) \) global symmetry (broken) acts on the Goldstone field \( \alpha(x) \) by a constant shift. (\(U(1)\) is still a symmetry of the Lagrangian.)

The current of the \( U(1) \) symmetry is:
j_\mu = \partial_\mu \alpha \lr{ 1 + \text{higher dimensional \( \rho \) terms} }.

When we quantize
\alpha(x) =
\int \frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3 \sqrt{ 2 \omega_p }} e^{i \omega_p t – i \Bp \cdot \Bx} \hat{a}_\Bp^\dagger +
\int \frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3 \sqrt{ 2 \omega_p }} e^{-i \omega_p t + i \Bp \cdot \Bx} \hat{a}_\Bp
j^\mu(x) = \partial^\mu \alpha(x) =
\int \frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3 \sqrt{ 2 \omega_p }} \lr{ i \omega_\Bp – i \Bp } e^{i \omega_p t – i \Bp \cdot \Bx} \hat{a}_\Bp^\dagger +
\int \frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3 \sqrt{ 2 \omega_p }} \lr{ -i \omega_\Bp + i \Bp } e^{-i \omega_p t + i \Bp \cdot \Bx} \hat{a}_\Bp.

j^\mu(x) \ket{0} \ne 0,
instead it creates a single particle state.

Examples of symmetries

In particle physics, examples of Wigner vs Nambu-Goldstone, ignoring gravity the only exact internal symmetry in the standard module is
\( (B\# – L\#) \), believed to be a \( U(1) \) symmetry in Wigner mode.

Here \(B\#\) is the Baryon number, and \( L\# \) is the Lepton number. Examples:

  • \( B(p) = 1 \), proton.
  • \( B(q) = 1/3 \), quark
  • \( B(e) = 1 \), electron
  • \( B(n) = 1 \), neutron.
  • \( L(p) = 1 \), proton.
  • \( L(q) = 0 \), quark.
  • \( L(e) = 0 \), electron.

The major use of global internal symmetries in the standard model is as “approximate” ones. They become symmetries when one neglects some effect( “terms in \( \LL \)”).
There are other approximate symmetries (use of group theory to find the Balmer series).

Example from HW2:

QCD in limit
m_u = m_d = 0.
\( m_u m_d \ll m_p \) (the products of the up-quark mass and the down-quark mass are much less than a composite one (name?)).
\( SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \rightarrow SU(2)_V \)

EWSB (Electro-Weak-Symmetry-Breaking) sector

When the couplings \( g_2, g_1 = 0 \). (\( g_2 \in SU(2), g_1 \in U(1) \)).

Scale invariance

x &\rightarrow e^{\lambda} x \\
\phi &\rightarrow e^{-\lambda} \phi \\
A_\mu &\rightarrow e^{-\lambda} A_\mu
Any unitary theory which is scale invariant is also \underline{conformal} invariant. Conformal invariance means that angles are preserved.
The point here is that there is more than scale invariance.

We have classical internal global continuous symmetries.
These can be either

  1. “unbroken” (Wigner mode)
    \hatQ\ket{0} = 0.
  2. “spontaneously broken”
    j^\mu(x) \ket{0} \ne 0
    (creates Goldstone modes).
  3. “anomalous”. Classical symmetries are not a symmetry of QFT.

    • Scale symmetry (to be studied in QFT II), although this is not truly internal.
    • In QCD again when \( \omega_\Bq = 0 \), a \( U(1\) symmetry (chiral symmetry) becomes exact, and cannot be preserved in QFT.
    • In the standard model (E.W sector), the Baryon number and Lepton numbers are not symmetries, but their difference \( B\# – L\# \) is a symmetry.

Lorentz invariance.

We’d like to study the action of Lorentz symmetries on quantum states. We are going to “go by the book”, finding symmetries, currents, quantize, find generators, and so forth.

Under a Lorentz transformation
x^\mu \rightarrow {x’}^\mu = {\Lambda^\mu}_\nu x^\nu,
We are going to consider infinitesimal Lorentz transformations
{\Lambda^\mu}_\nu \approx
{\delta^\mu}_\nu + {\omega^\mu}_\nu
where \( {\omega^\mu}_\nu \) is small.
A Lorentz transformation \( \Lambda \) must satisfy \( \Lambda^\T G \Lambda = G \), or
g_{\mu\nu} = {{\Lambda}^\alpha}_\mu g_{\alpha \beta} {{\Lambda}^\beta}_\nu,
into which we insert the infinitesimal transformation representation
– g_{\mu\nu} +
\lr{ {\delta^\alpha}_\mu + {\omega^\alpha}_\mu }
g_{\alpha \beta}
\lr{ {\delta^\beta}_\nu + {\omega^\beta}_\nu } \\
– g_{\mu\nu} +
g_{\mu \beta}
\lr{ {\delta^\beta}_\nu + {\omega^\beta}_\nu } \\
– g_{\mu\nu} +
g_{\mu \nu}
The quadratic term can be ignored, leaving just
0 =
\omega_{\nu\mu} = – \omega_{\mu\nu}.
Note that \( \omega \) is a completely antisymmetric tensor, and like \( F_{\mu\nu} \) this has only 6 elements.
This means that the
infinitesimal transformation of the coordinates is
x^\mu \rightarrow {x’}^\mu \approx x^\mu + \omega^{\mu\nu} x_\nu,
the field transforms as
\phi(x) \rightarrow \phi'(x’) = \phi(x)
\phi'(x^\mu + \omega^{\mu\nu} x_\nu) =
\phi'(x) + \omega^{\mu\nu} x_\nu \partial_\mu\phi(x) = \phi(x),
\delta \phi = \phi'(x) – \phi(x) =
-\omega^{\mu\nu} x_\nu \partial_\mu \phi.

Since \( \LL \) is a scalar
\delta \LL
-\omega^{\mu\nu} x_\nu \partial_\mu \LL \\

\partial_\mu \lr{
\omega^{\mu\nu} x_\nu \LL
(\partial_\mu x_\nu) \omega^{\mu\nu} \LL \\
\partial_\mu \lr{

\omega^{\mu\nu} x_\nu \LL
since \( \partial_\nu x_\mu = g_{\nu\mu} \) is symmetric, and \( \omega \) is antisymmetric.
Our current is

\omega^{\mu\nu} x_\mu \LL
Our Noether current is
&= \PD{\phi_{,\nu}}{\LL} \delta \phi – J^\mu_\omega \\
\partial^\nu \phi\lr{ – \omega^{\mu\rho} x_\rho \partial_\mu \phi } + \omega^{\nu \rho} x_\rho \LL \\
\partial^\nu \phi\lr{ – x_\rho \partial_\mu \phi } + {\delta^{\nu}}_\mu x_\rho \LL
} \\
\omega^{\mu\rho} x_\rho
-\partial^\nu \phi \partial_\mu \phi + {\delta^{\nu}}_\mu \LL
We identify

{T^\nu}_\mu =
-\partial^\nu \phi \partial_\mu \phi + {\delta^{\nu}}_\mu \LL,
so the current is
-\omega^{\mu\rho} x_\rho
{T^\nu}_\mu \\
-\omega_{\mu\rho} x^\rho
j^{\nu\mu\rho} = \inv{2} \lr{ x^\rho T^{\nu\mu} – x^{\mu} T^{\nu\rho} },
which retains the antisymmetry in \( \mu \rho \) yet still drops the parameter \( \omega^{\mu\rho} \).
To check that this makes sense, we can contract
\( j^{\nu\mu\rho} \) with \( \omega_{\rho\mu} \)
j^{\nu\mu\rho} \omega_{\rho\mu}
&= -\inv{2} \lr{ x^\rho T^{\nu\mu} – x^{\mu} T^{\nu\rho} }
\omega_{\mu\rho} \\
-\inv{2} x^\rho T^{\nu\mu}
– \inv{2} x^{\mu} T^{\nu\rho}
\omega_{\rho\mu} \\
-\inv{2} x^\rho T^{\nu\mu}
– \inv{2} x^{\rho} T^{\nu\mu}
\omega_{\mu\rho} \\
– x^{\rho} T^{\nu\mu}
which matches \ref{eqn:qftLecture9:580} as desired.

Example. Rotations \( \mu\rho = ij \)

J^{0 i j} \epsilon_{ijk}
\inv{2} \lr{ x^i T^{0j} – x^{j} T^{0i} } \epsilon_{ijk} \\
x^i T^{0j} \epsilon_{ijk}.
Observe that this has the structure of \( (\Bx \cross \Bp)_k \), where \( \Bp \) is the momentum density of the field.
L_k \equiv Q_k = \int d^3 x J^{0ij} \epsilon_{ijk}.
We can now quantize and build a generator
&= e^{i \Balpha \cdot \hat{\BL}} \\
&= \exp\lr{i \alpha_k
\int d^3 x x^i \hat{T}^{0j} \epsilon_{ijk}
From \ref{eqn:qftLecture9:560} we can quantize with \( T^{0j} = \partial^0 \phi \partial^j \phi \rightarrow \hat{\pi} \lr{\spacegrad \phihat}_j\), or
\exp\lr{i \alpha_k
\int d^3 x x^i \hat{\pi} (\spacegrad \phihat)_j \epsilon_{ijk}
} \\
\exp\lr{i \Balpha \cdot
\int d^3 x \hat{\pi} \spacegrad \phihat \cross \Bx
(up to a sign in the exponent which doesn’t matter)
\phihat(\By) \rightarrow \hatU(\alpha) \phihat(\By) \hatU^\dagger(\alpha)
\phihat(\By) +
i \Balpha \cdot
\int d^3 x \hat{\pi}(\Bx) \spacegrad \phihat(\Bx) \cross \Bx
} \\
\phihat(\By) +
i \Balpha \cdot
\int d^3 x
(-i) \delta^3(\Bx – \By)
\spacegrad \phihat(\Bx) \cross \Bx \\
\phihat(\By) +
\Balpha \cdot \lr{ \spacegrad \phihat(\By ) \cross \By}
Explicitly, in coordinates, this is
\phihat(\By) +
\partial^j \phihat(\By) y^k \epsilon_{jki}
} \\
\phihat(\By) –
\epsilon_{ikj} \alpha^i y^k \partial^j \phihat \\
\phihat( y^j – \epsilon^{ikj} \alpha^i y^k ).
This is a rotation. To illustrate, pick \( \Balpha = (0, 0, \alpha) \), so \( y^j \rightarrow y^j – \epsilon^{ikj} \alpha y^k \delta_{i3} = y^j – \epsilon^{3kj} \alpha y^k \), or
y^1 &\rightarrow y^1 – \epsilon^{3k1} \alpha y^k = y^1 + \alpha y^2 \\
y^2 &\rightarrow y^2 – \epsilon^{3k2} \alpha y^k = y^2 – \alpha y^1 \\
y^3 &\rightarrow y^3 – \epsilon^{3k3} \alpha y^k = y^3,
or in matrix form
y^1 \\
y^2 \\
y^3 \\
1 & \alpha & 0 \\
-\alpha & 1 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 1
y^1 \\
y^2 \\
y^3 \\

PHY2403H Quantum Field Theory. Lecture 7: Symmetries, translation currents, energy momentum tensor. Taught by Prof. Erich Poppitz

October 3, 2018 phy2403 , , , , , ,

[Click here for a PDF of this post with nicer formatting]

DISCLAIMER: Very rough notes from class, with some additional side notes.

These are notes for the UofT course PHY2403H, Quantum Field Theory I, taught by Prof. Erich Poppitz fall 2018.


Given the complexities of the non-linear systems we want to investigate, examination of symmetries gives us simpler problems that we can solve.

  • “internal” symmetries. This means that the symmetries do not act on space time \( (\Bx, t) \). An example is
    \phi^i =
    \psi_1 \\
    \psi_2 \\
    \vdots \\
    \psi_N \\
    If we map \( \phi^i \rightarrow O^i_j \phi^j \) where \( O^\T O = 1 \), then we call this an internal symmetry.
    The corresponding Lagrangian density might be something like
    \LL = \inv{2} \partial_\mu \Bphi \cdot \partial^\mu \Bphi – \frac{m^2}{2} \Bphi \cdot \Bphi – V(\Bphi \cdot \Bphi)

  • spacetime symmetries: Translations, rotations, boosts, dilatations. We will consider continuous symmetries, which can be defined as a succession of infinitesimal transformations.
    An example from \(O(2)\) is a rotation
    \phi^1 \\
    \phi^2 \\
    \cos\alpha & \sin\alpha \\
    -\sin\alpha & \cos\alpha \\
    \phi^1 \\
    or if \( \alpha \sim 0 \)
    \phi^1 \\
    \phi^2 \\
    1 & \alpha \\
    -\alpha & 1\\
    \phi^1 \\
    \phi^1 \\
    \phi^2 \\
    In index notation we write
    \phi^i \rightarrow \phi^i + \alpha e^{ij} \phi^j,
    where \( \epsilon^{12} = +1, \epsilon^{21} = -1 \) is the completely antisymmetric tensor. This can be written in more general form as
    \phi^i \rightarrow \phi^i + \delta \phi^i,
    where \( \delta \phi^i \) is considered to be an infinitesimal transformation.

Definition: Symmetry

A symmetry means that there is some transformation
\phi^i \rightarrow \phi^i + \delta \phi^i,
where \( \delta \phi^i \) is an infinitesimal transformation, and the equations of motion are invariant under this transformation.

Theorem: Noether’s theorem (1st).

If the equations of motion re invariant under \( \phi^\mu \rightarrow \phi^\mu + \delta \phi^\mu \), then there exists a conserved current \( j^\mu \) such that \( \partial_\mu j^\mu = 0 \).

Noether’s first theorem applies to global symmetries, where the parameters are the same for all \( (\Bx, t)\). Gauge symmetries are not examples of such global symmetries.

Given a Lagrangian density \( \LL(\phi(x), \phi_{,\mu}(x)) \), where \( \phi_{,\mu} \equiv \partial_\mu \phi \). The action is
S = \int d^d x \LL.
EOMs are invariant if under \( \phi(x) \rightarrow \phi'(x) = \phi(x) + \delta_\epsilon \phi(x)\), we have
\LL(\phi) \rightarrow \LL'(\phi’) = \LL(\phi) + \partial_\mu J_\epsilon^\mu(\phi) + O(\epsilon^2).
Then there exists a conserved current. In QFT we say that the E.O.M’s are “on shell”. Note that \ref{eqn:qftLecture7:180} is a symmetry since we have added a total derivative to the Lagrangian which leaves the equations of motion of unchanged.

In general, the change of action under arbitrary variation of \( \delta \phi\) of the fields is
\delta S
\int d^d x \delta \LL(\phi, \partial_\mu \phi) \\
\int d^d x \lr{
\PD{\phi}{\LL} \delta \phi
\PD{(\partial_\mu \phi)}{\LL} \delta \partial_\mu \phi
} \\
\int d^d x \lr{
\partial_\mu \lr{ \PD{(\partial_\mu \phi)}{\LL} } \delta \phi
\PD{(\partial_\mu \phi)}{\LL} \partial_\mu \delta \phi
} \\
\int d^d x
\partial_\mu \lr{ \frac{\delta \LL}{\delta(\partial_\mu \phi)} \delta \phi }
However from \ref{eqn:qftLecture7:180}
\delta_\epsilon \LL = \partial_\mu J_\epsilon^\mu(\phi, \partial_\mu \phi),
so after equating these variations we fine that
\delta S = \int d^d x \delta_\epsilon \LL = \int d^d x \partial_\mu J_\epsilon^\mu,
0 = \int d^d x
\partial_\mu \lr{ \frac{\delta \LL}{\delta(\partial_\mu \phi)} \delta \phi – J_\epsilon^\mu },
or \( \partial_\mu j^\mu = 0 \) provided
j^\mu =
\frac{\delta \LL}{\delta(\partial_\mu \phi)} \delta_\epsilon \phi – J_\epsilon^\mu.

Integrating the divergence of the current over a space time volume, perhaps that of cylinder (time up, space out) is also zero. That is
\int d^4 x \, \partial_\mu j^\mu \\
\int d^3 \Bx dt \, \partial_\mu j^\mu \\
\int d^3 \Bx dt \, \partial_t j^0 –
\int d^3 \Bx dt \spacegrad \cdot \Bj \\
\int d^3 \Bx dt \, \partial_t j^0 ,
where the spatial divergence is zero assuming there’s no current leaving the volume on the infinite boundary
(no \(\Bj\) at spatial infinity.)

We write
Q = \int d^3x \partial_t j^0,
and call this the on-shell charge associated with the symmetry.

Spacetime translation.

A spacetime translation has the form
x^\mu \rightarrow {x’}^\mu = x^\mu + a^\mu,
\phi(x) \rightarrow \phi'(x’) = \phi(x)
(contrast this to a Lorentz transformation that had the form \( x^\mu \rightarrow {x’}^\mu = {\Lambda^\mu}_\nu x^\nu \)).

If \(\phi'(x + a) = \phi(x) \), then
\phi'(x) + a^\mu \partial_\mu \phi'(x) =
\phi'(x) + a^\mu \partial_\mu \phi(x) =
= \phi(x) – a^\mu \partial_\mu \phi'(x)
= \phi(x) + \delta_a \phi(x),
\delta_a \phi(x) = – a^\mu \partial_\mu \phi(x).
Under \( \phi \rightarrow \phi – a^\mu \partial_\mu \phi \), we have
\LL(\phi) \rightarrow \LL(\phi) – a^\mu \partial_\mu \LL.
Let’s calculate this with our scalar theory Lagrangian
\LL = \inv{2} \partial_\mu \phi \partial^\mu \phi – \frac{m^2}{2} \phi^2 – V(\phi)
The Lagrangian variation is
\evalbar{\delta \LL}{\phi \rightarrow \phi + \delta \phi, \delta\phi = – a^\mu \partial_\mu \phi}
(\partial_\mu \phi) \delta (\partial^\mu \phi) – m^2 \phi \delta \phi – \PD{\phi}{V} \delta \phi \\
(\partial_\mu \phi)(-a^\nu \partial_\nu \phi \partial^\mu \phi) + m^2 \phi a^\nu \partial_\nu \phi + \PD{\phi}{V} a^\nu \partial_\nu \phi \\
– a^\nu \partial_\nu \lr{ \inv{2} \partial_\mu \partial^\mu \phi – \frac{m^2}{2} \phi^2 – V(\phi) } \\
– a^\nu \partial_\nu \LL.

So the current is
(\partial^\mu \phi) (-a^\nu \partial_\nu \phi) + a^\nu \LL \\
-a^\nu \lr{ \partial^\mu \phi \partial_\nu \phi – \LL }

We really have a current for each \( \nu \) direction and can make that explicit writing
\delta_\nu \LL
&= -\partial_\nu \LL \\
&= – \partial_\mu \lr{ {\delta^\mu}_\nu \LL } \\
&= \partial_\mu {J^\mu}_\nu
we write
{j^\mu}_\nu = \PD{x_\mu}{\phi} \lr{ – \PD{x^\nu}{\phi} } + {\delta^\mu}_\nu \LL,
where \( \nu \) are labels which coordinates are translated:
\partial_\nu \phi &= – \partial_\nu \phi \\
\partial_\nu \LL &= – \partial_\nu \LL.
We call the conserved quantities elements of the energy-momentum tensor, and write it as
{T^\mu}_\nu = -\PD{x_\mu}{\phi} \PD{x^\nu}{\phi} + {\delta^\mu}_\nu \LL.

Incidentally, we picked a non-standard sign convention for the tensor, as an explicit expansion of \( T^{00} \), the energy density component, shows
– \inv{2} (\spacegrad \phi) \cdot (\spacegrad \phi)
– \frac{m^2}{2} \phi^2 – V(\phi) \\
-\inv{2} \PD{t}{\phi} \PD{t}{\phi}
– \inv{2} (\spacegrad \phi) \cdot (\spacegrad \phi)
– \frac{m^2}{2} \phi^2 – V(\phi).
Had we translated by \( -a^\mu \) we’d have a positive definite tensor instead.