Incoherent ramblings

Wonderful Life=Giving Radium

March 22, 2025 Incoherent ramblings No comments

From “The Wide World” Magazine, June 1905 edition

“This remarkable substance is absolute and quick death to the germs of cancer, tumor, consumption, malaria, blood poison, ulcers and all forms of existing disease.  When it enters the system every vestige of disease is driven out, as no germ can live in its presence.”

The amusing thing is that the idea of this advertisement has a close analogue in modern medicine, as chemotherapy is essentially the same idea.  Chemotherapy is also a gross system wide attack on the body, a desperate hope that it can be used to kill off the cancer cells faster than the rest of the cellular structure of the body.  It’s the kind of treatment that future Bones, in Star Trek IV, will eventually be describing as “What is this, the dark ages?”

I have three of these “Wide World” magazines that I got in a “unknown” box of pulp fiction magazines from a second hand store when I was a kid (Argosy, Blue Boy, …).  The ads from these magazines are the best part.  I think I’ve posted a few more of them on my old blog, but I should systematically go through them for archival purposes, and share them all.

Coffee making procedure when you are too tired to make coffee

November 21, 2023 Incoherent ramblings , ,

Here’s the 15-20 minute coffee making procedure when you are tired enough that you should have adult supervision in the kitchen:
  • Boil water.
  • Put beans in coffee grinder.
  • Start pouring water over unground beans in grinder.
  • What the !%!%^! am I doing! 
  • Pour out damp beans, as you watch water drip out of bottom of plugged in grinder.
  • Take apart coffee grinder, and dry out the inside.
  • Blow out remaining moisture with air compressor in back shed.
  • Put grinder back together.
  • Grind coffee beans.
  • Put grounds in the french press.
  • Reboil water.
  • Hot water over grounds in french press.
  • Wait and plunge.
  • Enjoy.

Pondering the Human Calculator’s “rule of nine”

March 9, 2022 Incoherent ramblings , , ,

Mike Rowe’s most recent podcast (ep. 241 the Maddest March Ever), with Scott Flansburg (aka the Human Calculator), Scott mentioned what he called the “Rule of Nine”.

Take any 2 digit number, for example, \(71\), and:

  • Add the digits (in this case that gives: \(8\))
  • Subtract that from the original number, giving, in this case: \(71-8 = 63\)
  • The result will always be nine times the first digit.

Listening in double speed (and I think Scott may be a fast talker anyways), this sounds impressive, perhaps even mysterious, but it is easy to decode:

Let’s represent that two digit number as ‘ab’.  i.e:

$$a b \equiv a * 10 + b.$$

The algorithm gives us:

$$a * 10 + b \,- (a + b) = a * (10 – 1) = 9 * a$$

We see that this “Rule of Nine” algorithm above has a built-in distractor, the second digit.  You could express it more simply as:

Take any 2 digit number, for example, \(71\), and:

  • Ignore the second digit, giving in this case \(70\)
  • Subtract that first digit from the original number, giving, in this case: \( 70-7 = 63\)
  • The result will always be nine times that first digit.

But it’s not as cool to point out that \(7*10 \,- 7 = 9 * 7\).  It’s kind of cool that adding the digits of the result will again always be nine: \(6 + 3 = 9\), which I am sure was also mentioned in the episode, but we can also decode that secondary rule of nine.  That second rule of nine you know from ancient history when you learned your time tables, but algebraically, it is nothing more than:

$$10 * (x \,- 1) + 9 \,- (x-1) = 9 * x – 10 + 10 = 9 * x.$$

For example, for \( x = 7 \)

$$10 * 6 + (9-6) = 63$$

but we can also write that as

$$10 * (7-1) + (9-(7-1)) = 9 * (7-1) + 9 = 9 * 7,$$

which isn’t as cool.

Finally, some sensible cause and effect analysis of the Ukraine conflict.

March 1, 2022 Incoherent ramblings , , , , , , , , , , ,

When you see the media all moving in lock step beating the drums of war, it’s clear that there’s a heavy propaganda element to the story, and that there must be deeper issues at play.  It seemed obvious to me that there was surely US funded covert conflict undergirding this story, as has been repeatedly been the case in so many other world conflicts.

I’ve not been going out of my way to ferret out that info, but it was inevitable that some would eventually cross my path.  I’m sure there will be more, but here’s one little bit of the story:

Ep. 2074 Russia, Ukraine, and NATO

This was, in my judgment, a sensible cause and effect analysis on the Ukraine conflict, that doesn’t just try to paint things as a reaction to NATO incursion (which is surely some part of the story.)

In that interview, Tom Wood’s guest, Gilbert Doctorow, expounds on two specific points that are significant.  The first is that there has been an informal undeclared war against the Russian Ukrainian states for 8 years (with active shelling of Ukrainian/Russian civilians in those areas, and explicit disregard for the existing negotiated treaties).  The second point is that the Ukrainian President’s recently declared his intent to start a Ukrainian nuclear weapons program.

In addition to those points, recall that psychopathic elements in the US government and power broker circles financed a coup in the Ukraine for the tune of $5 Billion dollars in 2014 (Obama era).  Some of that financing went to literal NeoNazis! We have multiple generations of US government corruption in play, with Trump keeping up the game by coordinating US weapon sales to Ukraine, and with Biden’s family playing money laundering games (and who knows what else) in the region.

I’m not excusing Putin and the psychopathic elements that surely also exist on the Russian side. There is plausible reporting on Putin’s use of bombing or attempting to bomb his own people in Moscow to justify the Chechen war. It takes a special kind of evil to kill your own people to justify killing other people. There’s also considerable reporting on the disappearing of and deaths of Russian reporters and dissidents. I’d be very surprised if there was not truth to a considerable portion of that reporting given Putin’s KGB origin story.  Putin is not a good guy in this story, even if there is unreported rationale for his actions.

It takes a lot of work to get a full scale conflict to play out, and this one is big enough that apparently everybody seems to have simultaneously forgotten all the covid fear mongering, and government and medical tyranny of the last two years. One thing that we can be certain of, is that a lot of people will make money from this war and the financial gouging that is enabled by it, regardless of the extent that it is taken.

Lots of people on both sides will die, as powerful factions on both sides profit from the chaos.

3×5 card of allowable opinion for war with Ukraine

February 24, 2022 Incoherent ramblings , , ,

Here’s a very illuminating poll from the Toronto Sun, as seen in a recent article:

The bias for war in the media is so blatant in a poll like this.  It’s a question a lot like “Do you regret beating your wife?”  If you answer Yes, then you admit to beating your wife but wish you hadn’t, and if you answer No, then you don’t regret having beaten her, but also admit to it.  Here we are asked to choose whether covert warfare with Russia is enough, or whether we really need overt warfare.  Observe that there is no option like:

o          Hey, wait a sec.  Last time these war drums were being beaten for war in Ukraine, the USA was caught financing a coupe to the tune of 5 billion dollars, some of which went to literal NeoNazis.  We also saw both protestors and police in a crowd shot by snipers to foment violence and confusion.  Maybe there’s something more to this story (perhaps that new Russian/German oil pipeline?) that not widely reported on, and for which real reporting will be conspicuously absent from the trash-media.