Bivector transformation, and reciprocal frame for column vectors of a transformation

January 21, 2024 math and physics play , , , ,

[Click here for a PDF version of this and previous two posts]

The author of a book draft I am reading pointed out if a vector transforms as
\Bv \rightarrow M \Bv,
then cross products must transform as
\Ba \cross \Bb \rightarrow \lr{ \textrm{adj}\, M }^\T \lr{ \Ba \cross \Bb }.
Bivectors clearly must transform in the same fashion. We also noticed that the adjoint is related to the reciprocal frame vectors of the columns of \( M \), but didn’t examine the reciprocal frame formulation of the adjoint in any detail.

Before we do that, let’s consider a slightly simpler case, the transformation of a pseudoscalar. That is
M(\Ba) \wedge M(\Bb) \wedge M(\Bc)
\lr{ \Bm_i a_i } \wedge
\lr{ \Bm_j a_j } \wedge
\lr{ \Bm_k a_k } \\
\lr{ \Bm_i \wedge \Bm_j \wedge \Bm_k } a_i b_j c_k \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 } \epsilon_{ijk} a_i b_j c_k \\
\sum_{ijk} \epsilon_{ijk} a_i b_j c_k \\
\Abs{M} \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb \wedge \Bc }.
This is a well known geometric algebra result (called an outermorphism transformation.)

It’s somewhat amusing that an outermorphism transformation with two wedged vectors is a bit more complicated to express than the same for three. Let’s see if we can find a coordinate free form for such a transformation.
M(\Ba) \wedge M(\Bb)
\sum_{ij} \lr{ \Bm_i a_i } \wedge \lr{ \Bm_j b_j } \\
\sum_{ij} \lr{ \Bm_i \wedge \Bm_j } a_i b_j \\
\sum_{i < j} \lr{ \Bm_i \wedge \Bm_j }
a_i & a_j \\
b_i & b_j
\end{vmatrix} \\
\sum_{i < j} \lr{ \Bm_i \wedge \Bm_j } \lr{ \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Be_j \wedge \Be_i } }.

Recall that the reciprocal frame with respect to the basis \( \setlr{ \Bm_1, \Bm_2, \Bm_3 } \), assuming this is a non-degenerate basis, has elements of the form
\Bm^1 &= \lr{ \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 } \inv{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 } \\
\Bm^2 &= \lr{ \Bm_3 \wedge \Bm_1 } \inv{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 } \\
\Bm^3 &= \lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 } \inv{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 }.
This can be flipped around as
\Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 &= \Bm^1 \Abs{M} I \\
\Bm_3 \wedge \Bm_1 &= \Bm^2 \Abs{M} I \\
\Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 &= \Bm^3 \Abs{M} I \\
M&(\Ba) \wedge M(\Bb) \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 } \lr{ \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Be_2 \wedge \Be_1 } }
\lr{ \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 } \lr{ \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Be_3 \wedge \Be_2 } }
\lr{ \Bm_3 \wedge \Bm_1 } \lr{ \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Be_1 \wedge \Be_3 } } \\
I \Abs{M} \lr{
\Bm^3 \lr{ \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Be_2 \wedge \Be_1 } }
\Bm^1 \lr{ \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Be_3 \wedge \Be_2 } }
\Bm^2 \lr{ \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Be_1 \wedge \Be_3 } }

Let’s see if we can simplify one of these double index quantities
I \lr{ \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Be_2 \wedge \Be_1 } }
\gpgradethree{ I \lr{ \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Be_2 \wedge \Be_1 } } } \\
\gpgradethree{ I \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \lr{ \Be_2 \wedge \Be_1 } } \\
\gpgradethree{ \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \Be_{12321} } \\
\gpgradethree{ \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \Be_{3} } \\
\Ba \wedge \Bb \wedge \Be_3.
We have
M(\Ba) \wedge M(\Bb) = \Abs{M} \lr{
\lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb \wedge \Be_1 } \Bm^1
\lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb \wedge \Be_2 } \Bm^2
\lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb \wedge \Be_3 } \Bm^3

Using summation convention, we can now express the transformation of a bivector \( B \) as just
B \rightarrow \Abs{M} \lr{ B \wedge \Be_i } \Bm^i.
If we are interested in the transformation of a pseudovector \( \Bv \) defined implicitly as the dual of a bivector \( B = I \Bv \), where
B \wedge \Be_i = \gpgradethree{ I \Bv \Be_i } = I \lr{ \Bv \cdot \Be_i }.
This leaves us with a transformation rule for cross products equivalent to the adjoint relation \ref{eqn:adjoint:780}
\lr{ \Ba \cross \Bb } \rightarrow \lr{ \Ba \cross \Bb } \cdot \Be_i \Abs{M} \Bm^i.
As intuited, the determinant weighted reciprocal frame vectors for the columns of the transformation \( M \), are the components of the adjoint. That is
\lr{ \textrm{adj}\, M }^\T = \Abs{M}
\Bm^1 & \Bm^2 & \Bm^3

Simplifying the previous adjoint matrix results.

January 17, 2024 math and physics play , , , , , , , , ,

[Click here for a PDF version of this (and the previous) post]

We previously found determinant expressions for the matrix elements of the adjoint for 2D and 3D matrices \( M \). However, we can extract additional structure from each of those results.

2D case.

Given a matrix expressed in block matrix form in terms of it’s columns
M =
\Bm_1 & \Bm_2
we found that the adjoint \( A \) satisfying \( M A = \Abs{M} I \) had the structure
A =
\begin{vmatrix} \Be_1 & \Bm_2 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Be_2 & \Bm_2 \end{vmatrix} \\
& \\
\begin{vmatrix} \Bm_1 & \Be_1 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Bm_1 & \Be_2 \end{vmatrix}
We initially had wedge product expressions for each of these matrix elements, and can discover our structure by putting back those wedge products. Modulo sign, each of these matrix elemens has the form
\begin{vmatrix} \Be_i & \Bm_j \end{vmatrix}
\lr{ \Be_i \wedge \Bm_j } i^{-1} \\
\lr{ \Be_i \wedge \Bm_j } i^{-1}
} \\
\lr{ \Be_i \Bm_j – \Be_i \cdot \Bm_j } i^{-1}
} \\
\Be_i \Bm_j i^{-1}
} \\
\Be_i \cdot \lr{ \Bm_j i^{-1} },
where \( i = \Be_{12} \). The adjoint matrix is
A =
-\lr{ \Bm_2 i } \cdot \Be_1 & -\lr{ \Bm_2 i } \cdot \Be_2 \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 i } \cdot \Be_1 & \lr{ \Bm_1 i } \cdot \Be_2 \\
If we use a column vector representation of the vectors \( \Bm_j i^{-1} \), we can write the adjoint in a compact hybrid geometric-algebra matrix form
A =
-\lr{ \Bm_2 i }^\T \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 i }^\T


Let’s see if this works, by multiplying with \( M \)
A M &=
-\lr{ \Bm_2 i }^\T \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 i }^\T
\Bm_1 & \Bm_2
\end{bmatrix} \\
-\lr{ \Bm_2 i }^\T \Bm_1 & -\lr{ \Bm_2 i }^\T \Bm_2 \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 i }^\T \Bm_1 & \lr{ \Bm_1 i }^\T \Bm_2
Those dot products have the form
\lr{ \Bm_j i }^\T \Bm_i
\lr{ \Bm_j i } \cdot \Bm_i \\
\gpgradezero{ \lr{ \Bm_j i } \Bm_i } \\
\gpgradezero{ -i \Bm_j \Bm_i } \\
-i \lr{ \Bm_j \wedge \Bm_i },
A M &=
i \lr{ \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_1 } & 0 \\
0 & -i \lr { \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 }
\end{bmatrix} \\
\Abs{M} I.
We find the determinant weighted identity that we expected. Our methods are a bit schizophrenic, switching fluidly between matrix and geometric algebra representations, but provided we are careful enough, this isn’t problematic.

3D case.

Now, let’s look at the 3D case, where we assume a column vector representation of the matrix of interest
M =
\Bm_1 & \Bm_2 & \Bm_3
and try to simplify the expression we found for the adjoint
A =
\begin{vmatrix} \Be_1 & \Bm_2 & \Bm_3 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Be_2 & \Bm_2 & \Bm_3 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Be_3 & \Bm_2 & \Bm_3 \end{vmatrix} \\
& & \\
\begin{vmatrix} \Be_1 & \Bm_3 & \Bm_1 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Be_2 & \Bm_3 & \Bm_1 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Be_3 & \Bm_3 & \Bm_1 \end{vmatrix} \\
& & \\
\begin{vmatrix} \Be_1 & \Bm_1 & \Bm_2 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Be_2 & \Bm_1 & \Bm_2 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Be_3 & \Bm_1 & \Bm_2 \end{vmatrix}
As with the 2D case, let’s re-express these determinants in wedge product form. We’ll write \( I = \Be_{123} \), and find
\begin{vmatrix} \Be_i & \Bm_j & \Bm_k \end{vmatrix}
\lr{ \Be_i \wedge \Bm_j \wedge \Bm_k } I^{-1} \\
\gpgradezero{ \lr{ \Be_i \wedge \Bm_j \wedge \Bm_k } I^{-1} } \\
\gpgradezero{ \lr{
\Be_i \lr{ \Bm_j \wedge \Bm_k }
\Be_i \cdot \lr{ \Bm_j \wedge \Bm_k }
} I^{-1} } \\
\Be_i \lr{ \Bm_j \wedge \Bm_k }
I^{-1} } \\
\Be_i \lr{ \Bm_j \cross \Bm_k } I
I^{-1} } \\
\Be_i \cdot \lr{ \Bm_j \cross \Bm_k }.
We see that we can put the adjoint in block matrix form
A =
\lr{ \Bm_2 \cross \Bm_3 }^\T \\
\lr{ \Bm_3 \cross \Bm_1 }^\T \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 \cross \Bm_2 }^\T \\


\lr{ \Bm_2 \cross \Bm_3 }^\T \\
\lr{ \Bm_3 \cross \Bm_1 }^\T \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 \cross \Bm_2 }^\T \\
\Bm_1 & \Bm_2 & \Bm_3
\end{bmatrix} \\
\lr{ \Bm_2 \cross \Bm_3 }^\T \Bm_1 & \lr{ \Bm_2 \cross \Bm_3 }^\T \Bm_2 & \lr{ \Bm_2 \cross \Bm_3 }^\T \Bm_3 \\
\lr{ \Bm_3 \cross \Bm_1 }^\T \Bm_1 & \lr{ \Bm_3 \cross \Bm_1 }^\T \Bm_2 & \lr{ \Bm_3 \cross \Bm_1 }^\T \Bm_3 \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 \cross \Bm_2 }^\T \Bm_1 & \lr{ \Bm_1 \cross \Bm_2 }^\T \Bm_2 & \lr{ \Bm_1 \cross \Bm_2 }^\T \Bm_3
\end{bmatrix} \\
\Abs{M} I.

Essentially, we found that the rows of the adjoint matrix are each parallel to the reciprocal frame vectors of the columns of \( M \). This makes sense, as the reciprocal frame encodes a generalized inverse of sorts.

Computing the adjoint matrix

January 16, 2024 math and physics play , , , , ,

[Click here for a PDF version of this post]

I started reviewing a book draft that mentions the adjoint in passing, but I’ve forgotten what I knew about the adjoint (not counting self-adjoint operators, which is different.) I do recall that adjoint matrices were covered in high school linear algebra (now 30+ years ago!), but never really used after that.

It appears that the basic property of the adjoint \( A \) of a matrix \( M \), when it exists, is
M A = \Abs{M} I,
so it’s proportional to the inverse, where the numerical factor is the determinant of that matrix. Let’s try to compute this beastie for 1D, 2D, and 3D cases.

Simplest case: \(1 \times 1\) matrix.

For a one by one matrix, say
M =
the determinant is just \( \Abs{M} = m_11 \), so our adjoint is the identity matrix
A =
Not too interesting. Let’s try the 2D case.

Less trivial case: \(2 \times 2\) matrix.

For the 2D case, let’s define our matrix as a pair of column vectors
M =
\Bm_1 & \Bm_2
and let’s write the adjoint out in full in coordinates as
A =
a_{11} & a_{12} \\
a_{21} & a_{22}
We seek solutions to a pair of vector equations
\Bm_1 a_{11} + \Bm_2 a_{21} &= \Abs{M} \Be_1 \\
\Bm_1 a_{12} + \Bm_2 a_{22} &= \Abs{M} \Be_2.
We can immediately solve either of these, by taking wedge products, yielding
\lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 } a_{11} + \lr{ \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_2 } a_{21} &= \Abs{M} \lr{ \Be_1 \wedge \Bm_2 } \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_1 } a_{11} + \lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 } a_{21} &= \Abs{M} \lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Be_1 } \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 } a_{12} + \lr{ \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_2 } a_{22} &= \Abs{M} \lr{ \Be_2 \wedge \Bm_2 } \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_1 } a_{12} + \lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 } a_{22} &= \Abs{M} \lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Be_2}.
Any wedge with a repeated vector is zero.
Provided the determinant is non-zero, we can divide both sides by \( \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 = \Abs{M} \Be_{12} \) to find a single determinant for each element in the adjoint
a_{11} &= \begin{vmatrix} \Be_1 & \Bm_2 \end{vmatrix} \\
a_{21} &= \begin{vmatrix} \Bm_1 & \Be_1 \end{vmatrix} \\
a_{12} &= \begin{vmatrix} \Be_2 & \Bm_2 \end{vmatrix} \\
a_{22} &= \begin{vmatrix} \Bm_1 & \Be_2 \end{vmatrix}
A =
\begin{vmatrix} \Be_1 & \Bm_2 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Be_2 & \Bm_2 \end{vmatrix} \\
& \\
\begin{vmatrix} \Bm_1 & \Be_1 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Bm_1 & \Be_2 \end{vmatrix}
A_{ij} =
\Be_j & \Bm_r
where \( \epsilon_{ir} \) is the completely antisymmetric tensor, and the Einstein summation convention is in effect (summation implied over any repeated indexes.)


We should verify that expanding these determinants explicitly reproduces the usual representation of the 2D adjoint:
\begin{vmatrix} \Be_1 & \Bm_2 \end{vmatrix} &= \begin{vmatrix} 1 & m_{12} \\ 0 & m_{22} \end{vmatrix} = m_{22} \\
\begin{vmatrix} \Bm_1 & \Be_1 \end{vmatrix} &= \begin{vmatrix} m_{11} & 1 \\ m_{21} & 0 \end{vmatrix} = -m_{21} \\
\begin{vmatrix} \Be_2 & \Bm_2 \end{vmatrix} &= \begin{vmatrix} 0 & m_{12} \\ 1 & m_{22} \end{vmatrix} = -m_{12} \\
\begin{vmatrix} \Bm_1 & \Be_2 \end{vmatrix} &= \begin{vmatrix} m_{11} & 0 \\ m_{21} & 1 \end{vmatrix} = m_{11},
A =
m_{22} & -m_{12} \\
-m_{21} & m_{11}

Multiplying everything out should give us determinant weighted identity
m_{11} & m_{12} \\
m_{21} & m_{22}
m_{22} & -m_{12} \\
-m_{21} & m_{11}
\end{bmatrix} \\
\lr{ m_{11} m_{22} – m_{12} m_{21} }
1 & 0 \\
0 & 1
\end{bmatrix} \\
&= \Abs{M} I,
as expected.

3D case: \(3 \times 3\) matrix.

For the 3D case, let’s also define our matrix as column vectors
M =
\Bm_1 & \Bm_2 & \Bm_3
and let’s write the adjoint out in full in coordinates as
A =
a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13} \\
a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23} \\
a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33}
This time, we seek solutions to three vector equations
\Bm_1 a_{11} + \Bm_2 a_{21} + \Bm_3 a_{31} &= \Abs{M} \Be_1 \\
\Bm_1 a_{12} + \Bm_2 a_{22} + \Bm_3 a_{32} &= \Abs{M} \Be_2 \\
\Bm_1 a_{13} + \Bm_2 a_{23} + \Bm_3 a_{33} &= \Abs{M} \Be_3,
and can immediately solve, once again, by taking wedge products, yielding
\lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{11} + \lr{ \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{21} + \lr{ \Bm_3 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{31} &= \Abs{M} \Be_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{11} + \lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{21} + \lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_3 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{31} &= \Abs{M} \Bm_1 \wedge \Be_1 \wedge \Bm_3 \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_1 }a_{11} + \lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_2 }a_{21} + \lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{31} &= \Abs{M} \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Be_1 \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{12} + \lr{ \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{22} + \lr{ \Bm_3 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{32} &= \Abs{M} \Be_2 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{12} + \lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{22} + \lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_3 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{32} &= \Abs{M} \Bm_1 \wedge \Be_2 \wedge \Bm_3 \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_1 }a_{12} + \lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_2 }a_{22} + \lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{32} &= \Abs{M} \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Be_2 \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{13} + \lr{ \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{23} + \lr{ \Bm_3 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{33} &= \Abs{M} \Be_3 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{13} + \lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{23} + \lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_3 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{33} &= \Abs{M} \Bm_1 \wedge \Be_3 \wedge \Bm_3 \\
\lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_1 }a_{13} + \lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_2 }a_{23} + \lr{ \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 }a_{33} &= \Abs{M} \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Be_3,
Any wedge with a repeated vector is zero.
Like before, provided the determinant is non-zero, we can divide both sides by \( \Bm_1 \wedge \Bm_2 \wedge \Bm_3 = \Abs{M} \Be_{123} \) to find a single determinant for each element in the adjoint
A &=
\begin{vmatrix} \Be_1 & \Bm_2 & \Bm_3 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Be_2 & \Bm_2 & \Bm_3 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Be_3 & \Bm_2 & \Bm_3 \end{vmatrix} \\
& & \\
\begin{vmatrix} \Bm_1 & \Be_1 & \Bm_3 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Bm_1 & \Be_2 & \Bm_3 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Bm_1 & \Be_3 & \Bm_3 \end{vmatrix} \\
& & \\
\begin{vmatrix} \Bm_1 & \Bm_2 & \Be_1 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Bm_1 & \Bm_2 & \Be_2 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Bm_1 & \Bm_2 & \Be_3 \end{vmatrix}
\end{bmatrix} \\
\begin{vmatrix} \Be_1 & \Bm_2 & \Bm_3 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Be_2 & \Bm_2 & \Bm_3 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Be_3 & \Bm_2 & \Bm_3 \end{vmatrix} \\
& & \\
\begin{vmatrix} \Be_1 & \Bm_3 & \Bm_1 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Be_2 & \Bm_3 & \Bm_1 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Be_3 & \Bm_3 & \Bm_1 \end{vmatrix} \\
& & \\
\begin{vmatrix} \Be_1 & \Bm_1 & \Bm_2 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Be_2 & \Bm_1 & \Bm_2 \end{vmatrix} & \begin{vmatrix} \Be_3 & \Bm_1 & \Bm_2 \end{vmatrix}
A_{ij} = \frac{\epsilon_{irs}}{2!} \begin{vmatrix} \Be_j & \Bm_r & \Bm_s \end{vmatrix}.
Observe that the inclusion of the \( \Be_j \) column vector in this determinant, means that we really need only compute a \( 2 \times 2 \) determinant for each adjoint matrix element. That is

A_{ij} = \frac{(-1)^j \epsilon_{irs}\epsilon_{jab}}{(2!)^2}
m_{ar} & m_{as} \\
m_{br} & m_{bs}
This looks a lot like the usual minor/cofactor recipe, but written out explicitly for each element, using the antisymmetric tensor to encode the index alternation. It’s worth noting that there may be an error or subtle difference from the usual in my formulation, since wikipedia defines the adjoint as the transpose of the cofactor matrix, see: [1].

General case: \(n \times n\) matrix.

It appears that if we wanted an induction hypotheses for the general \( n > 1 \) case, the \( ij \) element of the adjoint matrix is likely
A_{ij} &= \frac{\epsilon_{i s_1 s_2 \cdots s_{n-1}}}{(n-1)!} \begin{vmatrix} \Be_j & \Bm_{s_1} & \Bm_{s_2} & \cdots & \Bm_{s_{n-1}} \end{vmatrix} \\
&= \frac{(-1)^j \epsilon_{i r_1 r_2 \cdots r_{n-1}} \epsilon_{j s_1 s_2 \cdots s_{n-1}} }{\lr{(n-1)!}^2}
m_{r_1 s_1} & \cdots & m_{r_1 s_{n-1}} \\
\vdots & & \vdots \\
m_{r_{n-1} s_{1}} & \cdots & m_{r_{n-1} s_{n-1}}
I’m not going to try to prove this, inductively or otherwise.


[1] Wikipedia contributors. Minor (linear algebra) — Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2023. URL [Online; accessed 16-January-2024].

A hardcopy of my book for myself.

January 14, 2024 Geometric Algebra for Electrical Engineers

I hadn’t printed a copy of my book for myself for about 4 years, and since I’ve added a lot since then, I wanted a new version to mark up.   This new version (V0.3.5) is now up to 313 pages, whereas my May 2019 V0.1.15-6 version weighed in at a much skinnier 258 pages.

This time, so I could see what it looked like, I got myself a hardcover copy:

The hard cover has a nice feel and thickness, and the book has a nice weight.  It also opens fairly flat, which is nice for a textbook style book.  All in all, I’m pretty impressed with the binding.  My only complaint is a small curvature to the covers.

A router table extension for my table saw.

January 7, 2024 Wood working

I’ve got a nice little job site table saw, but my “workshop” is an 8×10 shed (approximately), and space is at a premium, so I don’t have space for a lot of bigger wood working tools.  I saw a number of YouTube videos showing various router table extensions for their table saws, and I’ve started building one for myself.  I’d like to avoid such a modification that drills into the saw frame itself, as some of them did, and want to be able to use my table saw sliding fence as the router table fence too.

Here’s my progress so far

My router came with two bases, one plunge base that can be used as a fixed base or in plunge mode, and one fixed base.  I unscrewed the circular plate, and replaced it with a small rectangular piece of plexiglass, embedded in the board that I used for the table extension.  One YouTuber that did a project like this, said that he just used his thickness planer to get the height of that table extension right.  Well I don’t have a thickness planer (nor do I have a space for one), so I routed the very edge of my extension slightly, to remove a bit of the thickness.  There’s a lot of weird cuts on my little extension, but it fits nicely.

I have a couple clamps that I should be able to use to make a router table guide that I can attach to my table saw fence, so that I can use it as my router fence without any destructive modifications.  When I’m done, I’ll post my own little YouTube video of my creation.  I didn’t try to record the creation process, which included way too much trial and error, but I’ll show it in action if it all works out.