Geometric Algebra

Maxwell’s equations with magnetic charge and current densities, from Lagrangian.

June 13, 2022 math and physics play , , , , , , , ,

This is the 4th part in a series on finding Maxwell’s equations (including the fictitious magnetic sources that are useful in engineering) from a Lagrangian representation.

[Click here for a PDF version of this series of posts, up to and including this one.]  The first and second, and third parts are also available here on this blog.

Now, let’s suppose that we have a pseudoscalar Lagrangian density of the following form
\LL &= F \wedge F + b I A \cdot M \\
&= \inv{4} I \epsilon^{\mu\nu\alpha\beta} F_{\mu\nu} F_{\alpha\beta} + b I A_\mu M^\mu.
Let’s fix \( b \) by evaluating this with the Euler-Lagrange equations

b I M^\alpha
\partial_\alpha \lr{
\inv{2} I \epsilon^{\mu\nu\sigma\pi} F_{\mu\nu} \PD{(\partial_\beta A_\alpha)}{F_{\sigma\pi}}
} \\
\inv{2} I \epsilon^{\mu\nu\sigma\pi}
\partial_\alpha \lr{
F_{\mu\nu} \PD{(\partial_\beta A_\alpha)}{}\lr{\partial_\sigma A_\pi – \partial_\pi A_\sigma}
} \\
\inv{2} I
\partial_\alpha \lr{

} \\
Remember that we want \( \partial_\nu \lr{ \inv{2} \epsilon^{\mu\nu\alpha\beta} F_{\alpha\beta} } = M^\mu \), so after swapping indexes we see that \( b = 2 \).

We would find the same thing if we vary the Lagrangian directly with respect to variations \( \delta A_\mu \). However, let’s try that variation with respect to a four-vector field variable \( \delta A \) instead. Our multivector Lagrangian is
&= F \wedge F + 2 I M \cdot A \\
\lr{ \gamma^\mu \wedge \partial_\mu A } \wedge \lr{ \gamma^\nu \wedge \partial_\nu A } + 2 (I M) \wedge A.
We’ve used a duality transformation on the current term that will come in handy shortly. The Lagrangian variation is
\delta \LL
2 \lr{ \gamma^\mu \wedge \partial_\mu A } \wedge \lr{ \gamma^\nu \wedge \delta \partial_\nu A } + 2 (I M) \wedge \delta A \\
2 \partial_\nu \lr{ \lr{ \gamma^\mu \wedge \partial_\mu A } \wedge \lr{ \gamma^\nu \wedge \delta A } }

2 \lr{ \gamma^\mu \wedge \partial_\nu \partial_\mu A } \wedge \lr{ \gamma^\nu \wedge \delta A }
+ 2 (I M) \wedge \delta A \\
2 \lr{ – \lr{ \gamma^\mu \wedge \partial_\nu \partial_\mu A } \wedge \gamma^\nu + I M } \wedge \delta A \\
2 \lr{ – \grad \wedge (\partial_\nu A ) \wedge \gamma^\nu + I M } \wedge \delta A.
We’ve dropped the complete derivative term, as the \( \delta A \) is zero on the boundary. For the action variation to be zero, we require
&= – \grad \wedge (\partial_\nu A ) \wedge \gamma^\nu + I M \\
&= \grad \wedge \gamma^\nu \wedge (\partial_\nu A ) + I M \\
&= \grad \wedge \lr{ \grad \wedge A } + I M \\
&= \grad \wedge F + I M,
\grad \wedge F = -I M.
Here we’ve had to dodge a sneaky detail, namely that \( \grad \wedge \lr{ \grad \wedge A } = 0 \), provided \( A \) has sufficient continuity that we can assert mixed partials. We will see a way to resolve this contradiction when we vary a Lagrangian density that includes both electric and magnetic field contributions. That’s a game for a different day.

Maxwell’s equations in STA and Tensor forms.

June 11, 2022 math and physics play , , , , , , ,

[Click here for a PDF version of this post]

This is part II of a series, continuing from our expansion of \( F^2 \) previously.

We are going to use the coordinate expansion of the Lagrangian, so we need the tensor form of Maxwell’s equation for comparison.

Maxwell’s equations, with electric and fictional magnetic sources (useful for antenna theory and other engineering applications), are
\spacegrad \cdot \BE &= \frac{\rho}{\epsilon} \\
\spacegrad \cross \BE &= – \BM – \mu \PD{t}{\BH} \\
\spacegrad \cdot \BH &= \frac{\rho_\txtm}{\mu} \\
\spacegrad \cross \BH &= \BJ + \epsilon \PD{t}{\BE}.
We can assemble these into a single geometric algebra equation,
\lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } F = \eta \lr{ c \rho – \BJ } + I \lr{ c \rho_m – \BM },
where \( F = \BE + \eta I \BH = \BE + I c \BB \).

We can put this into STA form by multiplying through by \( \gamma_0 \), making the identification \( \Be_k = \gamma_k \gamma_0 \). For the space time derivatives, we have
\gamma_0 \lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c} \PD{t}{} }
\gamma_0 \lr{ \gamma_k \gamma_0 \PD{x_k}{} + \PD{x_0}{} } \\
-\gamma_k \partial_k + \gamma_0 \partial_0 \\
\gamma^k \partial_k + \gamma^0 \partial_0 \\
\gamma^\mu \partial_\mu \\
&\equiv \grad
For our 0,2 multivectors on the right hand side, we find, for example
\gamma_0 \eta \lr{ c \rho – \BJ }
\gamma_0 \eta c \rho – \gamma_0 \gamma_k \gamma_0 \eta (\BJ \cdot \Be_k) \\
\gamma_0 \eta c \rho + \gamma_k \eta (\BJ \cdot \Be_k) \\
\gamma_0 \frac{\rho}{\epsilon} + \gamma_k \eta (\BJ \cdot \Be_k).
So, if we make the identifications
J^0 &= \frac{\rho}{\epsilon} \\
J^k &= \eta \lr{ \BJ \cdot \Be_k } \\
M^0 &= c \rho_m \\
M^k &= \BM \cdot \Be_k,
and \( J = J^\mu \gamma_\mu, M = M^\mu \gamma_\mu \), and \( \grad = \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu \) we find the STA form of Maxwell’s equation, including magnetic sources
\grad F = J – I M.

The electromagnetic field, in it’s STA representation is a bivector, which we can write without reference to observer specific electric and magnetic fields, as
F = \inv{2} {\gamma_\mu \wedge \gamma_\nu} F^{\mu\nu},
where \( F^{\mu\nu} \) is an arbitrary antisymmetric 2nd rank tensor. Maxwell’s equation has a vector and trivector component, which may be split out explicitly using grade selection, to find
\grad \cdot F &= J \\
\grad \wedge F &= -I M.

Dotting the vector equation with \( \gamma^\mu \), we have
\inv{2} \gamma^\mu \cdot \lr{ \gamma^\alpha \cdot \lr{ \gamma_{\sigma} \wedge \gamma_{\pi} } \partial_\alpha F^{\sigma \pi} } \\
\inv{2} \lr{
{\delta^\mu}_\pi {\delta^\alpha}_\sigma

{\delta^\mu}_\sigma {\delta^\alpha}_\pi
\partial_\alpha F^{\sigma \pi} \\
\partial_\sigma F^{\sigma \mu}

\partial_\pi F^{\mu \pi}
\partial_\sigma F^{\sigma \mu}.

We can find the tensor form of the trivector equation by wedging it with \( \gamma^\mu \). On the left we have
\gamma^\mu \wedge \lr{ \grad \wedge F }
\inv{2} \gamma^\mu \wedge \gamma^\nu \wedge \gamma^\alpha \wedge \gamma^\beta \partial_\nu F_{\alpha\beta} \\
\inv{2} I \epsilon^{\mu\nu\alpha\beta} \partial_\nu F_{\alpha\beta}.
On the right, we have
\gamma^\mu \wedge \lr{ -I M }
-\gpgrade{ \gamma^\mu I M }{4} \\
\gpgrade{ I \gamma^\mu M }{4} \\
I \lr{ \gamma^\mu \cdot M } \\
I M^\mu,
so we have
\partial_\nu \lr{
Note that, should we want to, we can define a dual tensor \( G^{\mu\nu} = -(1/2) \epsilon^{\mu\nu\alpha\beta} F_{\alpha\beta} \), so that the electric and magnetic components of Maxwell’s equation have the same structure
\partial_\nu F^{\nu\mu} = J^{\mu}, \quad \partial_\nu G^{\nu\mu} = M^{\mu}.

Now that we have the tensor form of Maxwell’s equation, we can proceed to try to find the Lagrangian. We will assume that the Lagrangian density for Maxwell’s equation has the multivector structure
\LL = \gpgrade{F^2}{0,4} + a \lr{ A \cdot J } + b I \lr{ A \cdot M},
where \( F = \grad \wedge A \). My hunch, since the multivector current has the form \( J – I M \), is that we don’t actually need the grade two component of \( F^2 \), despite having spent the time computing it, thinking that it might be required.

Next time, we’ll remind ourselves what the field Euler-Lagrange equations look like, and evaluate them to see if we can find the constants \(a, b\).

Square of electrodynamic field.

June 5, 2022 math and physics play , , , , ,

[Click here for a PDF version of this post]

The electrodynamic Lagrangian (without magnetic sources) has the form
\LL = F \cdot F + \alpha A \cdot J,
where \( \alpha \) is a constant that depends on the unit system.
My suspicion is that one or both of the bivector or quadvector grades of \( F^2 \) are required for Maxwell’s equation with magnetic sources.

Let’s expand out \( F^2 \) in coordinates, as preparation for computing the Euler-Lagrange equations. The scalar and pseudoscalar components both simplify easily into compact relationships, but the bivector term is messier. We start with the coordinate expansion of our field, which we may write in either upper or lower index form
F = \inv{2} \gamma_\mu \wedge \gamma_\nu F^{\mu\nu}
= \inv{2} \gamma^\mu \wedge \gamma^\nu F_{\mu\nu}.
The square is
F^2 = F \cdot F + \gpgradetwo{F^2} + F \wedge F.

Let’s compute the scalar term first. We need to make a change of dummy indexes, for one of the \( F \)’s. It will also be convenient to use upper indexes in one factor, and lowers in the other. We find
F \cdot F
\lr{ \gamma_\mu \wedge \gamma_\nu } \cdot \lr{ \gamma^\alpha \wedge \gamma^\beta }
F_{\alpha\beta} \\
{\delta_\nu}^\alpha {\delta_\mu}^\beta
– {\delta_\mu}^\alpha {\delta_\nu}^\beta
F_{\alpha\beta} \\
F^{\mu\nu} F_{\nu\mu}

F^{\mu\nu} F_{\mu\nu}
} \\
F^{\mu\nu} F_{\mu\nu}.

Now, let’s compute the pseudoscalar component of \( F^2 \). This time we uniformly use upper index components for the tensor, and find
F \wedge F
\lr{ \gamma_\mu \wedge \gamma_\nu } \wedge \lr{ \gamma_\alpha \wedge \gamma_\beta }
F^{\alpha\beta} \\
\epsilon_{\mu\nu\alpha\beta} F^{\mu\nu} F^{\alpha\beta},
where \( \epsilon_{\mu\nu\alpha\beta} \) is the completely antisymmetric (Levi-Civita) tensor of rank four. This pseudoscalar components picks up all the products of components of \( F \) where all indexes are different.

Now, let’s try computing the bivector term of the product. This will require fancier index gymnastics.
\lr{ \gamma_\mu \wedge \gamma_\nu } \lr{ \gamma^\alpha \wedge \gamma^\beta }
F_{\alpha\beta} \\
\gamma_\mu \gamma_\nu \lr{ \gamma^\alpha \wedge \gamma^\beta }

\lr{ \gamma_\mu \cdot \gamma_\nu} \lr{ \gamma^\alpha \wedge \gamma^\beta } F^{\mu\nu} F_{\alpha\beta}.
The dot product term is killed, since \( \lr{ \gamma_\mu \cdot \gamma_\nu} F^{\mu\nu} = g_{\mu\nu} F^{\mu\nu} \) is the contraction of a symmetric tensor with an antisymmetric tensor. We can now proceed to expand the grade two selection
\gamma_\mu \gamma_\nu \lr{ \gamma^\alpha \wedge \gamma^\beta }
\gamma_\mu \wedge \lr{ \gamma_\nu \cdot \lr{ \gamma^\alpha \wedge \gamma^\beta } }
\gamma_\mu \cdot \lr{ \gamma_\nu \wedge \lr{ \gamma^\alpha \wedge \gamma^\beta } } \\
\gamma_\mu \wedge
{\delta_\nu}^\alpha \gamma^\beta

{\delta_\nu}^\beta \gamma^\alpha
g_{\mu\nu} \lr{ \gamma^\alpha \wedge \gamma^\beta }

{\delta_\mu}^\alpha \lr{ \gamma_\nu \wedge \gamma^\beta }
{\delta_\mu}^\beta \lr{ \gamma_\nu \wedge \gamma^\alpha } \\
{\delta_\nu}^\alpha \lr{ \gamma_\mu \wedge \gamma^\beta }

{\delta_\nu}^\beta \lr{ \gamma_\mu \wedge \gamma^\alpha }

{\delta_\mu}^\alpha \lr{ \gamma_\nu \wedge \gamma^\beta }
{\delta_\mu}^\beta \lr{ \gamma_\nu \wedge \gamma^\alpha }.
Observe that I’ve taken the liberty to drop the \( g_{\mu\nu} \) term. Strictly speaking, this violated the equality, but won’t matter since we will contract this with \( F^{\mu\nu} \). We are left with
4 \gpgradetwo{ F^2 }
{\delta_\nu}^\alpha \lr{ \gamma_\mu \wedge \gamma^\beta }

{\delta_\nu}^\beta \lr{ \gamma_\mu \wedge \gamma^\alpha }

{\delta_\mu}^\alpha \lr{ \gamma_\nu \wedge \gamma^\beta }
{\delta_\mu}^\beta \lr{ \gamma_\nu \wedge \gamma^\alpha }
F_{\alpha\beta} \\
\lr{ \gamma_\mu \wedge \gamma^\alpha }

\lr{ \gamma_\mu \wedge \gamma^\alpha }

\lr{ \gamma_\nu \wedge \gamma^\alpha }
\lr{ \gamma_\nu \wedge \gamma^\alpha }
} \\
2 F^{\mu\nu}
\lr{ \gamma_\mu \wedge \gamma^\alpha }
\lr{ \gamma_\nu \wedge \gamma^\alpha }
} \\
2 F^{\nu\mu}
\lr{ \gamma_\nu \wedge \gamma^\alpha }
2 F^{\mu\nu}
\lr{ \gamma_\nu \wedge \gamma^\alpha }
which leaves us with
\gpgradetwo{ F^2 }
\lr{ \gamma_\nu \wedge \gamma^\alpha }
I suspect that there must be an easier way to find this result.

We now have the complete coordinate expansion of \( F^2 \), separated by grade
F^2 =
F^{\mu\nu} F_{\mu\nu}
\lr{ \gamma_\nu \wedge \gamma^\alpha }
\epsilon_{\mu\nu\alpha\beta} F^{\mu\nu} F^{\alpha\beta}.
Tomorrow’s task is to start evaluating the Euler-Lagrange equations for this multivector Lagrangian density, and see what we get.

Almost an academic author: Appendix B: Representation of Dyadics via Geometric Algebra

May 29, 2022 math and physics play , , ,

I corresponded for a bit with the author of a paper on variations and inconsistencies with dyadic notation that is used in some fluid flow and other problems.  In the end I ended up contributing an appendix (Appendix B: Representation of Dyadics via Geometric Algebra) to their paper, which has been submitted to an academic journal (I forget which one.)

I’ve written thousands of pages of independent musings as blog posts, and even a book (self published, and also available for free in pdf form), but this is the first time anything that I’ve written has ended up in an academic journal.

You can find a preprint here on arxiv

Gauge freedom and four-potentials in the STA form of Maxwell’s equation.

March 27, 2022 math and physics play , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

[If mathjax doesn’t display properly for you, click here for a PDF of this post]


In a recent video on the tensor structure of Maxwell’s equation, I made a little side trip down the road of potential solutions and gauge transformations. I thought that was worth writing up in text form.

The initial point of that side trip was just to point out that the Faraday tensor can be expressed in terms of four potential coordinates
F_{\mu\nu} = \partial_\mu A_\nu – \partial_\nu A_\mu,
but before I got there I tried to motivate this. In this post, I’ll outline the same ideas.

STA representation of Maxwell’s equation.

We’d gone through the work to show that Maxwell’s equation has the STA form
\grad F = J.
This is a deceptively compact representation, as it requires all of the following definitions
\grad = \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu = \gamma_\mu \partial^\mu,
\partial_\mu = \PD{x^\mu}{},
\gamma^\mu \cdot \gamma_\nu = {\delta^\mu}_\nu,
\gamma_\mu \cdot \gamma_\nu = g_{\mu\nu},
&= \BE + I c \BB \\
&= -E^k \gamma^k \gamma^0 – \inv{2} c B^r \gamma^s \gamma^t \epsilon^{r s t} \\
&= \inv{2} \gamma^{\mu} \wedge \gamma^{\nu} F_{\mu\nu},
J &= \gamma_\mu J^\mu \\
J^\mu &= \frac{\rho}{\epsilon} \gamma_0 + \eta (\BJ \cdot \Be_k).

Four-potentials in the STA representation.

In order to find the tensor form of Maxwell’s equation (starting from the STA representation), we first split the equation into two, since
\grad F = \grad \cdot F + \grad \wedge F = J.
The dot product is a four-vector, the wedge term is a trivector, and the current is a four-vector, so we have one grade-1 equation and one grade-3 equation
\grad \cdot F &= J \\
\grad \wedge F &= 0.
The potential comes into the mix, since the curl equation above means that \( F \) necessarily can be written as the curl of some four-vector
F = \grad \wedge A.
One justification of this is that \( a \wedge (a \wedge b) = 0 \), for any vectors \( a, b \). Expanding such a double-curl out in coordinates is also worthwhile
\grad \wedge \lr{ \grad \wedge A }
\lr{ \gamma_\mu \partial^\mu }
\lr{ \gamma_\nu \partial^\nu }
A \\
\gamma^\mu \wedge \gamma^\nu \wedge \lr{ \partial_\mu \partial_\nu A }.
Provided we have equality of mixed partials, this is a product of an antisymmetric factor and a symmetric factor, so the full sum is zero.

Things get interesting if one imposes a \( \grad \cdot A = \partial_\mu A^\mu = 0 \) constraint on the potential. If we do so, then
\grad F = \grad^2 A = J.
Observe that \( \grad^2 \) is the wave equation operator (often written as a square-box symbol.) That is
&= \partial^\mu \partial_\mu \\
&= \partial_0 \partial_0
– \partial_1 \partial_1
– \partial_2 \partial_2
– \partial_3 \partial_3 \\
&= \inv{c^2} \PDSq{t}{} – \spacegrad^2.
This is also an operator for which the Green’s function is well known ([1]), which means that we can immediately write the solutions
A(x) = \int G(x,x’) J(x’) d^4 x’.
However, we have no a-priori guarantee that such a solution has zero divergence. We can fix that by making a gauge transformation of the form
A \rightarrow A – \grad \chi.
Observe that such a transformation does not change the electromagnetic field
F = \grad \wedge A \rightarrow \grad \wedge \lr{ A – \grad \chi },
\grad \wedge \grad \chi = 0,
(also by equality of mixed partials.) Suppose that \( \tilde{A} \) is a solution of \( \grad^2 \tilde{A} = J \), and \( \tilde{A} = A + \grad \chi \), where \( A \) is a zero divergence field to be determined, then
\grad \cdot \tilde{A}
\grad \cdot A + \grad^2 \chi,
\grad^2 \chi = \grad \cdot \tilde{A}.
So if \( \tilde{A} \) does not have zero divergence, we can find a \( \chi \)
\chi(x) = \int G(x,x’) \grad’ \cdot \tilde{A}(x’) d^4 x’,
so that \( A = \tilde{A} – \grad \chi \) does have zero divergence.


[1] JD Jackson. Classical Electrodynamics. John Wiley and Sons, 2nd edition, 1975.