[Here are my notes for lecture 19 of the UofT course PHY2403H, Quantum Field Theory, taught by Prof. Erich Poppitz, fall 2018.] For this lecture my notes are pdf only, due to length. While the after-class length was 8 pages, it ended up expanded to 17 pages by the time I finished making sense of the material.
These also include a portion of the notes from Lecture 18 (not yet posted), as it made sense to group all the Pauli matrix related content. This particular set of notes diverges from the format presented in class, as it made sense to me to group things in this particular lecture in a more structured definition, theorem, proof style. I’ve added a number of additional details that I found helpful, as well as a couple of extra problems (some set as formal problems at the end, and others set as theorem or lemmas in with the rest.)