
Book update. Now includes recent work on best fit solutions.

October 1, 2023 Geometric Algebra for Electrical Engineers , , , , , , , , ,


I’ve added a few new pages in the linear systems solution portion of my book, Geometric Algebra for Electrical Engineers.  This now includes the best fit content that was covered in my recent video and blog post on approximate solutions to linear systems.

The geometry that is associated with a Moore-Penrose or SVD-based pseudoinverse is not terribly obvious, and this result, providing the same answer, uses geometry exclusively.  I’ve included it in my book, since it’s a cool application, and not conceptually much trickier than the exact system solution.  This makes this section slightly more formal, as it now including an up front statement as a theorem — but that’s where formality ends, as I don’t formally prove the theorem.  I do, however, provide lots of examples and problems (with solutions), sufficient for the industrious to craft their own proof if desired.

The updated version of the book should be available on all amazon marketplaces within the next 3-5 days.  The free PDF version (and leanpub edition), both linked above, are already updated.


Radial vector representation, momentum, and angular momentum.

September 8, 2023 math and physics play , , , , , ,

[Click here for a PDF version of this post], and here for a video version of this post.



In my last couple GA YouTube videos, circular and spherical coordinates were examined.

This post is a text representation of a new video that follows up on those two videos.

We found the form of the unit vector derivatives in both cases.

\Bx = r \mathbf{\hat{r}},
leaving the angular dependence of \( \mathbf{\hat{r}} \) unspecified. We want to find both \( \Bv = \Bx’ \) and \( \mathbf{\hat{r}}’\).


Lemma 1.1: Radial length derivative.

The derivative of a spherical length \( r \) can be expressed as
\frac{dr}{dt} = \mathbf{\hat{r}} \cdot \frac{d\Bx}{dt}.

Start proof:

We write \( r^2 = \Bx \cdot \Bx \), and take derivatives of both sides, to find
2 r \frac{dr}{dt} = 2 \Bx \cdot \frac{d\Bx}{dt},
\frac{dr}{dt} = \frac{\Bx}{r} \cdot \frac{d\Bx}{dt} = \mathbf{\hat{r}} \cdot \frac{d\Bx}{dt}.

End proof.

Application of the chain rule to \ref{eqn:radialderivatives:20} is straightforward
\Bx’ = r’ \mathbf{\hat{r}} + r \mathbf{\hat{r}}’,
but we don’t know the form for \( \mathbf{\hat{r}}’ \). We could proceed with a niave expansion of
\frac{d}{dt} \lr{ \frac{\Bx}{r} },
but we can be sneaky, and perform a projective and rejective split of \( \Bx’ \) with respect to \( \mathbf{\hat{r}} \). That is
&= \mathbf{\hat{r}} \mathbf{\hat{r}} \Bx’ \\
&= \mathbf{\hat{r}} \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \Bx’ } \\
&= \mathbf{\hat{r}} \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \cdot \Bx’ + \mathbf{\hat{r}} \wedge \Bx’} \\
&= \mathbf{\hat{r}} \lr{ r’ + \mathbf{\hat{r}} \wedge \Bx’}.
We used our lemma in the last step above, and after distribution, find
\Bx’ = r’ \mathbf{\hat{r}} + \mathbf{\hat{r}} \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \wedge \Bx’ }.
Comparing to \ref{eqn:radialderivatives:100}, we see that
r \mathbf{\hat{r}}’ = \mathbf{\hat{r}} \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \wedge \Bx’ }.
We see that the radial unit vector derivative is proportional to the rejection of \( \mathbf{\hat{r}} \) from \( \Bx’ \)
\mathbf{\hat{r}}’ = \inv{r} \mathrm{Rej}_{\mathbf{\hat{r}}}(\Bx’) = \inv{r^3} \Bx \lr{ \Bx \wedge \Bx’ }.
The vector \( \mathbf{\hat{r}}’ \) is perpendicular to \( \mathbf{\hat{r}} \) for any parameterization of it’s orientation, or in symbols
\mathbf{\hat{r}} \cdot \mathbf{\hat{r}}’ = 0.
We saw this for the circular and spherical parameterizations, and see now that this also holds more generally.

Angular momentum.

Let’s now write out the momentum \( \Bp = m \Bv \) for a point particle with mass \( m \), and determine the kinetic energy \( m \Bv^2/2 = \Bp^2/2m \) for that particle.

The momentum is
&= m r’ \mathbf{\hat{r}} + m \mathbf{\hat{r}} \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \wedge \Bv } \\
&= m r’ \mathbf{\hat{r}} + \inv{r} \mathbf{\hat{r}} \lr{ \Br \wedge \Bp }.
Observe that \( p_r = m r’ \) is the radial component of the momentum. It is natural to introduce a bivector valued angular momentum operator
L = \Br \wedge \Bp,
splitting the momentum into a component that is strictly radial and a component that lies purely on the surface of a spherical surface in momentum space. That is
\Bp = p_r \mathbf{\hat{r}} + \inv{r} \mathbf{\hat{r}} L.
Making use of the fact that \( \mathbf{\hat{r}} \) and \( \mathrm{Rej}_{\mathbf{\hat{r}}}(\Bx’) \) are perpendicular (so there are no cross terms when we square the momentum), the
kinetic energy is
\inv{2m} \Bp^2
&= \inv{2m} \lr{ p_r \mathbf{\hat{r}} + \inv{r} \mathbf{\hat{r}} L }^2 \\
&= \inv{2m} p_r^2 + \inv{2 m r^2 } \mathbf{\hat{r}} L \mathbf{\hat{r}} L \\
&= \inv{2m} p_r^2 – \inv{2 m r^2 } \mathbf{\hat{r}} L^2 \mathbf{\hat{r}} \\
&= \inv{2m} p_r^2 – \inv{2 m r^2 } L^2 \mathbf{\hat{r}}^2,
where we’ve used the anticommutative nature of \( \mathbf{\hat{r}} \) and \( L \) (i.e.: a sign swap is needed to swap them), and used the fact that \( L^2 \) is a scalar, allowing us to commute \( \mathbf{\hat{r}} \) with \( L^2 \). This leaves us with
E = \inv{2m} \Bp^2 = \inv{2m} p_r^2 – \inv{2 m r^2 } L^2.
Observe that both the radial momentum term and the angular momentum term are both strictly postive, since \( L \) is a bivector and \( L^2 \le 0 \).



Find \ref{eqn:radialderivatives:200} without being sneaky.


&= \frac{d}{dt} \lr{ \frac{\Bx}{r} } \\
&= \inv{r} \Bx’ – \inv{r^2} \Bx r’ \\
&= \inv{r} \Bx’ – \inv{r} \mathbf{\hat{r}} r’ \\
&= \inv{r} \lr{ \Bx’ – \mathbf{\hat{r}} r’ } \\
&= \inv{r} \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \mathbf{\hat{r}} \Bx’ – \mathbf{\hat{r}} r’ } \\
&= \inv{r} \mathbf{\hat{r}} \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \Bx’ – r’ } \\
&= \inv{r} \mathbf{\hat{r}} \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \Bx’ – \mathbf{\hat{r}} \cdot \Bx’ } \\
&= \inv{r} \mathbf{\hat{r}} \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \wedge \Bx’ }.


Show that \ref{eqn:radialderivatives:200} can be expressed as a triple vector cross product
\mathbf{\hat{r}}’ = \inv{r^3} \lr{ \Bx \cross \Bx’ } \cross \Bx,


While this may be familiar from elementary calculus, such as in [1], we can show follows easily from our GA result
&= \inv{r} \mathbf{\hat{r}} \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \wedge \Bx’ } \\
&= \inv{r} \gpgradeone{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \wedge \Bx’ } } \\
&= \inv{r} \gpgradeone{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} I \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \cross \Bx’ } } \\
&= \inv{r} \gpgradeone{ I \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \cdot \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \cross \Bx’ } + \mathbf{\hat{r}} \wedge \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \cross \Bx’ } } } \\
&= \inv{r} \gpgradeone{ I^2 \mathbf{\hat{r}} \cross \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \cross \Bx’ } } \\
&= \inv{r} \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \cross \Bx’ } \cross \mathbf{\hat{r}}.


[1] S.L. Salas and E. Hille. Calculus: one and several variables. Wiley New York, 1990.

A couple more reciprocal frame examples.

December 14, 2020 math and physics play , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

[If mathjax doesn’t display properly for you, click here for a PDF of this post]

This post logically follows both of the following:

  1. Curvilinear coordinates and gradient in spacetime, and reciprocal frames, and
  2. Lorentz transformations in Space Time Algebra (STA)

The PDF linked above above contains all the content from this post plus (1.) above [to be edited later into a more logical sequence.]

More examples.

Here are a few additional examples of reciprocal frame calculations.

Problem: Unidirectional arbitrary functional dependence.

x = a f(u),
where \( a \) is a constant vector and \( f(u)\) is some arbitrary differentiable function with a non-zero derivative in the region of interest.


Here we have just a single tangent space direction (a line in spacetime) with tangent vector
\Bx_u = a \PD{u}{f} = a f_u,
so we see that the tangent space vectors are just rescaled values of the direction vector \( a \).
This is a simple enough parameterization that we can compute the reciprocal frame vector explicitly using the gradient. We expect that \( \Bx^u = 1/\Bx_u \), and find
\inv{a} \cdot x = f(u),
but for constant \( a \), we know that \( \grad a \cdot x = a \), so taking gradients of both sides we find
\inv{a} = \grad f = \PD{u}{f} \grad u,
so the reciprocal vector is
\Bx^u = \grad u = \inv{a f_u},
as expected.

Problem: Linear two variable parameterization.

Let \( x = a u + b v \), where \( x \wedge a \wedge b = 0 \) represents spacetime plane (also the tangent space.) Find the curvilinear coordinates and their reciprocals.


The frame vectors are easy to compute, as they are just
\Bx_u &= \PD{u}{x} = a \\
\Bx_v &= \PD{v}{x} = b.
This is an example of a parametric equation that we can easily invert, as we have
x \wedge a &= – v \lr{ a \wedge b } \\
x \wedge b &= u \lr{ a \wedge b },
&= \inv{ a \wedge b } \cdot \lr{ x \wedge b } \\
&= \inv{ \lr{a \wedge b}^2 } \lr{ a \wedge b } \cdot \lr{ x \wedge b } \\
\lr{b \cdot x} \lr{ a \cdot b }

\lr{a \cdot x} \lr{ b \cdot b }
}{ \lr{a \wedge b}^2 }
v &= -\inv{ a \wedge b } \cdot \lr{ x \wedge a } \\
&= -\inv{ \lr{a \wedge b}^2 } \lr{ a \wedge b } \cdot \lr{ x \wedge a } \\
\lr{b \cdot x} \lr{ a \cdot a }

\lr{a \cdot x} \lr{ a \cdot b }
}{ \lr{a \wedge b}^2 }
Recall that \( \grad \lr{ a \cdot x} = a \), if \( a \) is a constant, so our gradients are just
\grad u
b \lr{ a \cdot b }

\lr{ b \cdot b }
}{ \lr{a \wedge b}^2 } \\
b \cdot \inv{ a \wedge b },
\grad v
b \lr{ a \cdot a }

a \lr{ a \cdot b }
}{ \lr{a \wedge b}^2 } \\
-a \cdot \inv{ a \wedge b }.
Expressed in terms of the frame vectors, this is just
\Bx^u &= \Bx_v \cdot \inv{ \Bx_u \wedge \Bx_v } \\
\Bx^v &= -\Bx_u \cdot \inv{ \Bx_u \wedge \Bx_v },
so we were able to show, for this special two parameter linear case, that the explicit evaluation of the gradients has the exact structure that we intuited that the reciprocals must have, provided they are constrained to the spacetime plane \( a \wedge b \). It is interesting to observe how this structure falls out of the linear system solution so directly. Also note that these reciprocals are not defined at the origin of the \( (u,v) \) parameter space.

Problem: Quadratic two variable parameterization.

Now consider a variation of the previous problem, with \( x = a u^2 + b v^2 \). Find the curvilinear coordinates and their reciprocals.


\Bx_u &= \PD{u}{x} = 2 u a \\
\Bx_v &= \PD{v}{x} = 2 v b.
Our tangent space is still the \( a \wedge b \) plane (as is the surface itself), but the spacing of the cells starts getting wider in proportion to \( u, v \).
Utilizing the work from the previous problem, we have
2 u \grad u &=
b \cdot \inv{ a \wedge b } \\
2 v \grad v &=
-a \cdot \inv{ a \wedge b }.
A bit of rearrangement can show that this is equivalent to the reciprocal frame identities. This is a second demonstration that the gradient and the algebraic formulations for the reciprocals match, at least for these special cases of linear non-coupled parameterizations.

Problem: Reciprocal frame for generalized cylindrical parameterization.

Let the vector parameterization be \( x(\rho,\theta) = \rho e^{-i\theta/2} x(\rho_0, \theta_0) e^{i \theta} \), where \( i^2 = \pm 1 \) is a unit bivector (\(+1\) for a boost, and \(-1\) for a rotation), and where \(\theta, \rho\) are scalars. Find the tangent space vectors and their reciprocals.

fig. 1. “Cylindrical” boost parameterization.

Note that this is cylindrical parameterization for the rotation case, and traces out hyperbolic regions for the boost case. The boost case is illustrated in fig. 1 where hyperbolas in the light cone are found for boosts of \( \gamma_0\) with various values of \(\rho\), and the spacelike hyperbolas are boosts of \( \gamma_1 \), again for various values of \( \rho \).


The tangent space vectors are
\Bx_\rho = \frac{x}{\rho},

&= -\frac{i}{2} x + x \frac{i}{2} \\
&= x \cdot i.
Recall that \( x \cdot i \) lies perpendicular to \( x \) (in the plane \( i \)), as illustrated in fig. 2. This means that \( \Bx_\rho \) and \( \Bx_\theta \) are orthogonal, so we can find the reciprocal vectors by just inverting them
\Bx^\rho &= \frac{\rho}{x} \\
\Bx^\theta &= \frac{1}{x \cdot i}.

fig. 2. Projection and rejection geometry.

Parameterization of a general linear transformation.

Given \( N \) parameters \( u^0, u^1, \cdots u^{N-1} \), a general linear transformation from the parameter space to the vector space has the form
x =
{a^\alpha}_\beta \gamma_\alpha u^\beta,
where \( \beta \in [0, \cdots, N-1] \) and \( \alpha \in [0,3] \).
For such a general transformation, observe that the curvilinear basis vectors are
&= \PD{u^\mu}{x} \\
&= \PD{u^\mu}{}
{a^\alpha}_\beta \gamma_\alpha u^\beta \\
{a^\alpha}_\mu \gamma_\alpha.
We find an interpretation of \( {a^\alpha}_\mu \) by dotting \( \Bx_\mu \) with the reciprocal frame vectors of the standard basis
\Bx_\mu \cdot \gamma^\nu
{a^\alpha}_\mu \lr{ \gamma_\alpha \cdot \gamma^\nu } \\
x = \Bx_\mu u^\mu.
We are able to reinterpret \ref{eqn:reciprocal:2160} as a contraction of the tangent space vectors with the parameters, scaling and summing these direction vectors to characterize all the points in the tangent plane.

Theorem 1.1: Projecting onto the tangent space.

Let \( T \) represent the tangent space. The projection of a vector onto the tangent space has the form
\textrm{Proj}_{\textrm{T}} y = \lr{ y \cdot \Bx^\mu } \Bx_\mu = \lr{ y \cdot \Bx_\mu } \Bx^\mu.

Start proof:

Let’s designate \( a \) as the portion of the vector \( y \) that lies outside of the tangent space
y = y^\mu \Bx_\mu + a.
If we knew the coordinates \( y^\mu \), we would have a recipe for the projection.
Algebraically, requiring that \( a \) lies outside of the tangent space, is equivalent to stating \( a \cdot \Bx_\mu = a \cdot \Bx^\mu = 0 \). We use that fact, and then take dot products
y \cdot \Bx^\nu
&= \lr{ y^\mu \Bx_\mu + a } \cdot \Bx^\nu \\
&= y^\nu,
y = \lr{ y \cdot \Bx^\mu } \Bx_\mu + a.
Similarly, the tangent space projection can be expressed as a linear combination of reciprocal basis elements
y = y_\mu \Bx^\mu + a.
Dotting with \( \Bx_\mu \), we have
y \cdot \Bx^\mu
&= \lr{ y_\alpha \Bx^\alpha + a } \cdot \Bx_\mu \\
&= y_\mu,
y = \lr{ y \cdot \Bx^\mu } \Bx_\mu + a.
We find the two stated ways of computing the projection.

Observe that, for the special case that all of \( \setlr{ \Bx_\mu } \) are orthogonal, the equivalence of these two projection methods follows directly, since
\lr{ y \cdot \Bx^\mu } \Bx_\mu
\lr{ y \cdot \inv{\Bx_\mu} } \inv{\Bx^\mu} \\
\lr{ y \cdot \frac{\Bx_\mu}{\lr{\Bx_\mu}^2 } } \frac{\Bx^\mu}{\lr{\Bx^\mu}^2} \\
\lr{ y \cdot \Bx_\mu } \Bx^\mu.

End proof.

Lorentz transformations in Space Time Algebra (STA)

December 12, 2020 math and physics play , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

[If mathjax doesn’t display properly for you, click here for a PDF of this post]


One of the remarkable features of geometric algebra are the complex exponential sandwiches that can be used to encode rotations in any dimension, or rotation like operations like Lorentz transformations in Minkowski spaces. In this post, we show some examples that unpack the geometric algebra expressions for Lorentz transformations operations of this sort. In particular, we will look at the exponential sandwich operations for spatial rotations and Lorentz boosts in the Dirac algebra, known as Space Time Algebra (STA) in geometric algebra circles, and demonstrate that these sandwiches do have the desired effects.

Lorentz transformations.

Theorem 1.1: Lorentz transformation.

The transformation
x \rightarrow e^{B} x e^{-B} = x’,
where \( B = a \wedge b \), is an STA 2-blade for any two linearly independent four-vectors \( a, b \), is a norm preserving, that is
x^2 = {x’}^2.

Start proof:

The proof is disturbingly trivial in this geometric algebra form
e^{B} x e^{-B} e^{B} x e^{-B} \\
e^{B} x x e^{-B} \\
x^2 e^{B} e^{-B} \\

End proof.

In particular, observe that we did not need to construct the usual infinitesimal representations of rotation and boost transformation matrices or tensors in order to demonstrate that we have spacetime invariance for the transformations. The rough idea of such a transformation is that the exponential commutes with components of the four-vector that lie off the spacetime plane specified by the bivector \( B \), and anticommutes with components of the four-vector that lie in the plane. The end result is that the sandwich operation simplifies to
x’ = x_\parallel e^{-B} + x_\perp,
where \( x = x_\perp + x_\parallel \) and \( x_\perp \cdot B = 0 \), and \( x_\parallel \wedge B = 0 \). In particular, using \( x = x B B^{-1} = \lr{ x \cdot B + x \wedge B } B^{-1} \), we find that
x_\parallel &= \lr{ x \cdot B } B^{-1} \\
x_\perp &= \lr{ x \wedge B } B^{-1}.
When \( B \) is a spacetime plane \( B = b \wedge \gamma_0 \), then this exponential has a hyperbolic nature, and we end up with a Lorentz boost. When \( B \) is a spatial bivector, we end up with a single complex exponential, encoding our plane old 3D rotation. More general \( B \)’s that encode composite boosts and rotations are also possible, but \( B \) must be invertible (it should have no lightlike factors.) The rough geometry of these projections is illustrated in fig 1, where the spacetime plane is represented by \( B \).

Projection and rejection geometry.

fig 1. Projection and rejection geometry.


What is not so obvious is how to pick \( B \)’s that correspond to specific rotation axes or boost directions. Let’s consider each of those cases in turn.

Theorem 1.2: Boost.

The boost along a direction vector \( \vcap \) and rapidity \( \alpha \) is given by
x’ = e^{-\vcap \alpha/2} x e^{\vcap \alpha/2},
where \( \vcap = \gamma_{k0} \cos\theta^k \) is an STA bivector representing a spatial direction with direction cosines \( \cos\theta^k \).

Start proof:

We want to demonstrate that this is equivalent to the usual boost formulation. We can start with decomposition of the four-vector \( x \) into components that lie in and off of the spacetime plane \( \vcap \).
&= \lr{ x^0 + \Bx } \gamma_0 \\
&= \lr{ x^0 + \Bx \vcap^2 } \gamma_0 \\
&= \lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \vcap + \lr{ \Bx \wedge \vcap} \vcap } \gamma_0,
where \( \Bx = x \wedge \gamma_0 \). The first two components lie in the boost plane, whereas the last is the spatial component of the vector that lies perpendicular to the boost plane. Observe that \( \vcap \) anticommutes with the dot product term and commutes with he wedge product term, so we have
\lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap } \vcap } \gamma_0
e^{\vcap \alpha/2 }
e^{\vcap \alpha/2 }
\lr{ \Bx \wedge \vcap } \vcap \gamma_0
e^{-\vcap \alpha/2 }
e^{\vcap \alpha/2 } \\
\lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap } \vcap } \gamma_0
e^{\vcap \alpha }
\lr{ \Bx \wedge \vcap } \vcap \gamma_0.
Noting that \( \vcap^2 = 1 \), we may expand the exponential in hyperbolic functions, and find that the boosted portion of the vector expands as
\lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \vcap } \gamma_0 e^{\vcap \alpha}
\lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \vcap } \gamma_0 \lr{ \cosh\alpha + \vcap \sinh \alpha} \\
\lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \vcap } \lr{ \cosh\alpha – \vcap \sinh \alpha} \gamma_0 \\
\lr{ x^0 \cosh\alpha – \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \sinh \alpha} \gamma_0
\lr{ -x^0 \sinh \alpha + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \cosh \alpha } \vcap \gamma_0.
We are left with
\lr{ x^0 \cosh\alpha – \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \sinh \alpha} \gamma_0
\lr{ \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \cosh \alpha -x^0 \sinh \alpha } \vcap \gamma_0
\lr{ \Bx \wedge \vcap} \vcap \gamma_0 \\
\gamma_0 & \vcap \gamma_0
\cosh\alpha & – \sinh\alpha \\
-\sinh\alpha & \cosh\alpha
x^0 \\
\Bx \cdot \vcap
\lr{ \Bx \wedge \vcap} \vcap \gamma_0,
which has the desired Lorentz boost structure. Of course, this is usually seen with \( \vcap = \gamma_{10} \) so that the components in the coordinate column vector are \( (ct, x) \).

End proof.

Theorem 1.3: Spatial rotation.

Given two linearly independent spatial bivectors \( \Ba = a^k \gamma_{k0}, \Bb = b^k \gamma_{k0} \), a rotation of \(\theta\) radians in the plane of \( \Ba, \Bb \) from \( \Ba \) towards \( \Bb \), is given by
x’ = e^{-i\theta} x e^{i\theta},
where \( i = (\Ba \wedge \Bb)/\Abs{\Ba \wedge \Bb} \), is a unit (spatial) bivector.

Start proof:

Without loss of generality, we may pick \( i = \acap \bcap \), where \( \acap^2 = \bcap^2 = 1 \), and \( \acap \cdot \bcap = 0 \). With such an orthonormal basis for the plane, we can decompose our four vector into portions that lie in and off the plane
&= \lr{ x^0 + \Bx } \gamma_0 \\
&= \lr{ x^0 + \Bx i i^{-1} } \gamma_0 \\
&= \lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot i } i^{-1} + \lr{ \Bx \wedge i } i^{-1} } \gamma_0.
The projective term lies in the plane of rotation, whereas the timelike and spatial rejection term are perpendicular. That is
x_\parallel &= \lr{ \Bx \cdot i } i^{-1} \gamma_0 \\
x_\perp &= \lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \wedge i } i^{-1} } \gamma_0,
where \( x_\parallel \wedge i = 0 \), and \( x_\perp \cdot i = 0 \). The plane pseudoscalar \( i \) anticommutes with \( x_\parallel \), and commutes with \( x_\perp \), so
&= e^{-i\theta/2} \lr{ x_\parallel + x_\perp } e^{i\theta/2} \\
&= x_\parallel e^{i\theta} + x_\perp.
\lr{ \Bx \cdot i } i^{-1}
\lr{ \Bx \cdot \lr{ \acap \wedge \bcap } } \bcap \acap \\
\lr{\Bx \cdot \acap} \bcap \bcap \acap
-\lr{\Bx \cdot \bcap} \acap \bcap \acap \\
\lr{\Bx \cdot \acap} \acap
+\lr{\Bx \cdot \bcap} \bcap,
x_\parallel e^{i\theta}
\lr{\Bx \cdot \acap} \acap
\lr{\Bx \cdot \bcap} \bcap
\cos\theta + \acap \bcap \sin\theta
} \\
\acap \lr{
\lr{\Bx \cdot \acap} \cos\theta

\lr{\Bx \cdot \bcap} \sin\theta
\bcap \lr{
\lr{\Bx \cdot \acap} \sin\theta
\lr{\Bx \cdot \bcap} \cos\theta
\acap & \bcap
\cos\theta & – \sin\theta \\
\sin\theta & \cos\theta
\Bx \cdot \acap \\
\Bx \cdot \bcap \\
\lr{ x \wedge i} i^{-1} \gamma_0.
Observe that this rejection term can be explicitly expanded to
\lr{ \Bx \wedge i} i^{-1} \gamma_0 =
x –
\lr{ \Bx \cdot \acap } \acap \gamma_0

\lr{ \Bx \cdot \acap } \acap \gamma_0.
This is the timelike component of the vector, plus the spatial component that is normal to the plane. This exponential sandwich transformation rotates only the portion of the vector that lies in the plane, and leaves the rest (timelike and normal) untouched.

End proof.


Problem: Verify components relative to boost direction.

In the proof of thm. 1.2, the vector \( x \) was expanded in terms of the spacetime split. An alternate approach, is to expand as
&= x \vcap^2 \\
&= \lr{ x \cdot \vcap + x \wedge \vcap } \vcap \\
&= \lr{ x \cdot \vcap } \vcap + \lr{ x \wedge \vcap } \vcap.
Show that
\lr{ x \cdot \vcap } \vcap
\lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \vcap } \gamma_0,
\lr{ x \wedge \vcap } \vcap
\lr{ \Bx \wedge \vcap} \vcap \gamma_0.


Let \( x = x^\mu \gamma_\mu \), so that
x \cdot \vcap
\gpgradeone{ x^\mu \gamma_\mu \cos\theta^b \gamma_{b 0} } \\
x^\mu \cos\theta^b \gpgradeone{ \gamma_\mu \gamma_{b 0} }
The \( \mu = 0 \) component of this grade selection is
\gpgradeone{ \gamma_0 \gamma_{b 0} }
and for \( \mu = a \ne 0 \), we have
\gpgradeone{ \gamma_a \gamma_{b 0} }
-\delta_{a b} \gamma_0,
so we have
x \cdot \vcap
x^0 \cos\theta^b (-\gamma_b)
x^a \cos\theta^b (-\delta_{ab} \gamma_0 ) \\
-x^0 \vcap \gamma_0

x^b \cos\theta^b \gamma_0 \\
– \lr{ x^0 \vcap + \Bx \cdot \vcap } \gamma_0,
where \( \Bx = x \wedge \gamma_0 \) is the spatial portion of the four vector \( x \) relative to the stationary observer frame. Since \( \vcap \) anticommutes with \( \gamma_0 \), the component of \( x \) in the spacetime plane \( \vcap \) is
\lr{ x \cdot \vcap } \vcap =
\lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \vcap } \gamma_0,
as expected.

For the rejection term, we have
x \wedge \vcap
x^\mu \cos\theta^s \gpgradethree{ \gamma_\mu \gamma_{s 0} }.
The \( \mu = 0 \) term clearly contributes nothing, leaving us with:
\lr{ x \wedge \vcap } \vcap
\lr{ x \wedge \vcap } \cdot \vcap \\
x^r \cos\theta^s \cos\theta^t \lr{ \lr{ \gamma_r \wedge \gamma_{s}} \gamma_0 } \cdot \lr{ \gamma_{t0} } \\
x^r \cos\theta^s \cos\theta^t \gpgradeone{
\lr{ \gamma_r \wedge \gamma_{s} } \gamma_0 \gamma_{t0}
} \\
-x^r \cos\theta^s \cos\theta^t \lr{ \gamma_r \wedge \gamma_{s}} \cdot \gamma_t \\
-x^r \cos\theta^s \cos\theta^t \lr{ -\gamma_r \delta_{st} + \gamma_s \delta_{rt} } \\
x^r \cos\theta^t \cos\theta^t \gamma_r

x^t \cos\theta^s \cos\theta^t \gamma_s \\
\Bx \gamma_0
– (\Bx \cdot \vcap) \vcap \gamma_0 \\
\lr{ \Bx \wedge \vcap} \vcap \gamma_0,
as expected. Is there a clever way to demonstrate this without resorting to coordinates?

Problem: Rotation transformation components.

Given a unit spatial bivector \( i = \acap \bcap \), where \( \acap \cdot \bcap = 0 \) and \( i^2 = -1 \), show that
\lr{ x \cdot i } i^{-1}
\lr{ \Bx \cdot i } i^{-1} \gamma_0
\lr{\Bx \cdot \acap } \acap \gamma_0
\lr{\Bx \cdot \bcap } \bcap \gamma_0,
\lr{ x \wedge i } i^{-1}
\lr{ \Bx \wedge i } i^{-1} \gamma_0
x –
\lr{\Bx \cdot \acap } \acap \gamma_0

\lr{\Bx \cdot \bcap } \bcap \gamma_0.
Also show that \( i \) anticommutes with \( \lr{ x \cdot i } i^{-1} \) and commutes with \( \lr{ x \wedge i } i^{-1} \).


This problem is left for the reader, as I don’t feel like typing out my solution.

The first part of this problem can be done in the tedious coordinate approach used above, but hopefully there is a better way.

For the last (commutation) part of the problem, here is a hint. Let \( x \wedge i = n i \), where \( n \cdot i = 0 \). The result then follows easily.

Fundamental Theorem of Geometric Calculus

September 20, 2016 math and physics play , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Stokes Theorem

The Fundamental Theorem of (Geometric) Calculus is a generalization of Stokes theorem to multivector integrals. Notationally, it looks like Stokes theorem with all the dot and wedge products removed. It is worth restating Stokes theorem and all the definitions associated with it for reference

Stokes’ Theorem

For blades \(F \in \bigwedge^{s}\), and \(m\) volume element \(d^k \Bx, s < k\), \begin{equation*} \int_V d^k \Bx \cdot (\boldpartial \wedge F) = \oint_{\partial V} d^{k-1} \Bx \cdot F. \end{equation*} This is a loaded and abstract statement, and requires many definitions to make it useful

  • The volume integral is over a \(m\) dimensional surface (manifold).
  • Integration over the boundary of the manifold \(V\) is indicated by \( \partial V \).
  • This manifold is assumed to be spanned by a parameterized vector \( \Bx(u^1, u^2, \cdots, u^k) \).
  • A curvilinear coordinate basis \( \setlr{ \Bx_i } \) can be defined on the manifold by
    \Bx_i \equiv \PD{u^i}{\Bx} \equiv \partial_i \Bx.

  • A dual basis \( \setlr{\Bx^i} \) reciprocal to the tangent vector basis \( \Bx_i \) can be calculated subject to the requirement \( \Bx_i \cdot \Bx^j = \delta_i^j \).
  • The vector derivative \(\boldpartial\), the projection of the gradient onto the tangent space of the manifold, is defined by
    \boldpartial = \Bx^i \partial_i = \sum_{i=1}^k \Bx_i \PD{u^i}{}.

  • The volume element is defined by
    d^k \Bx = d\Bx_1 \wedge d\Bx_2 \cdots \wedge d\Bx_k,


    d\Bx_k = \Bx_k du^k,\qquad \text{(no sum)}.

  • The volume element is non-zero on the manifold, or \( \Bx_1 \wedge \cdots \wedge \Bx_k \ne 0 \).
  • The surface area element \( d^{k-1} \Bx \), is defined by
    d^{k-1} \Bx = \sum_{i = 1}^k (-1)^{k-i} d\Bx_1 \wedge d\Bx_2 \cdots \widehat{d\Bx_i} \cdots \wedge d\Bx_k,

    where \( \widehat{d\Bx_i} \) indicates the omission of \( d\Bx_i \).

  • My proof for this theorem was restricted to a simple “rectangular” volume parameterized by the ranges
    [u^1(0), u^1(1) ] \otimes
    [u^2(0), u^2(1) ] \otimes \cdots \otimes
    [u^k(0), u^k(1) ] \)

  • The precise meaning that should be given to oriented area integral is
    \oint_{\partial V} d^{k-1} \Bx \cdot F
    \sum_{i = 1}^k (-1)^{k-i} \int \evalrange{
    \lr{ \lr{ d\Bx_1 \wedge d\Bx_2 \cdots \widehat{d\Bx_i} \cdots \wedge d\Bx_k } \cdot F }
    }{u^i = u^i(0)}{u^i(1)},

    where both the a area form and the blade \( F \) are evaluated at the end points of the parameterization range.

After the work of stating exactly what is meant by this theorem, most of the proof follows from the fact that for \( s < k \) the volume curl dot product can be expanded as \begin{equation}\label{eqn:fundamentalTheoremOfCalculus:160} \int_V d^k \Bx \cdot (\boldpartial \wedge F) = \int_V d^k \Bx \cdot (\Bx^i \wedge \partial_i F) = \int_V \lr{ d^k \Bx \cdot \Bx^i } \cdot \partial_i F. \end{equation} Each of the \(du^i\) integrals can be evaluated directly, since each of the remaining \(d\Bx_j = du^j \PDi{u^j}{}, i \ne j \) is calculated with \( u^i \) held fixed. This allows for the integration over a ``rectangular'' parameterization region, proving the theorem for such a volume parameterization. A more general proof requires a triangulation of the volume and surface, but the basic principle of the theorem is evident, without that additional work.

Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

There is a Geometric Algebra generalization of Stokes theorem that does not have the blade grade restriction of Stokes theorem. In [2] this is stated as

\int_V d^k \Bx \boldpartial F = \oint_{\partial V} d^{k-1} \Bx F.

A similar expression is used in [1] where it is also pointed out there is a variant with the vector derivative acting to the left

\int_V F d^k \Bx \boldpartial = \oint_{\partial V} F d^{k-1} \Bx.

In [3] it is pointed out that a bidirectional formulation is possible, providing the most general expression of the Fundamental Theorem of (Geometric) Calculus

\int_V F d^k \Bx \boldpartial G = \oint_{\partial V} F d^{k-1} \Bx G.

Here the vector derivative acts both to the left and right on \( F \) and \( G \). The specific action of this operator is
F \boldpartial G
(F \boldpartial) G
F (\boldpartial G) \\
(\partial_i F) \Bx^i G
F \Bx^i (\partial_i G).

The fundamental theorem can be demonstrated by direct expansion. With the vector derivative \( \boldpartial \) and its partials \( \partial_i \) acting bidirectionally, that is

\int_V F d^k \Bx \boldpartial G
\int_V F d^k \Bx \Bx^i \partial_i G \\
\int_V F \lr{ d^k \Bx \cdot \Bx^i + d^k \Bx \wedge \Bx^i } \partial_i G.

Both the reciprocal frame vectors and the curvilinear basis span the tangent space of the manifold, since we can write any reciprocal frame vector as a set of projections in the curvilinear basis

\Bx^i = \sum_j \lr{ \Bx^i \cdot \Bx^j } \Bx_j,

so \( \Bx^i \in sectionpan \setlr{ \Bx_j, j \in [1,k] } \).
This means that \( d^k \Bx \wedge \Bx^i = 0 \), and

\int_V F d^k \Bx \boldpartial G
\int_V F \lr{ d^k \Bx \cdot \Bx^i } \partial_i G \\
\sum_{i = 1}^{k}
du^1 du^2 \cdots \widehat{ du^i} \cdots du^k
F \lr{
\Bx_1 \wedge \Bx_2 \cdots \widehat{\Bx_i} \cdots \wedge \Bx_k } \partial_i G du^i \\
\sum_{i = 1}^{k}
\evalrange{ \lr{
F d\Bx_1 \wedge d\Bx_2 \cdots \widehat{d\Bx_i} \cdots \wedge d\Bx_k G
}{u^i = u^i(0)}{u^i(1)}.

Adding in the same notational sugar that we used in Stokes theorem, this proves the Fundamental theorem \ref{eqn:fundamentalTheoremOfCalculus:220} for “rectangular” parameterizations. Note that such a parameterization need not actually be rectangular.

Example: Application to Maxwell’s equation


Maxwell’s equation is an example of a first order gradient equation

\grad F = \inv{\epsilon_0 c} J.

Integrating over a four-volume (where the vector derivative equals the gradient), and applying the Fundamental theorem, we have

\inv{\epsilon_0 c} \int d^4 x J = \oint d^3 x F.

Observe that the surface area element product with \( F \) has both vector and trivector terms. This can be demonstrated by considering some examples

\gamma_{012} \gamma_{01} &\propto \gamma_2 \\
\gamma_{012} \gamma_{23} &\propto \gamma_{023}.

On the other hand, the four volume integral of \( J \) has only trivector parts. This means that the integral can be split into a pair of same-grade equations

\inv{\epsilon_0 c} \int d^4 x \cdot J &=
\oint \gpgradethree{ d^3 x F} \\
0 &=
\oint d^3 x \cdot F.

The first can be put into a slightly tidier form using a duality transformation
\gpgradethree{ d^3 x F}
-\gpgradethree{ d^3 x I^2 F} \\
\gpgradethree{ I d^3 x I F} \\
(I d^3 x) \wedge (I F).

Letting \( n \Abs{d^3 x} = I d^3 x \), this gives

\oint \Abs{d^3 x} n \wedge (I F) = \inv{\epsilon_0 c} \int d^4 x \cdot J.

Note that this normal is normal to a three-volume subspace of the spacetime volume. For example, if one component of that spacetime surface area element is \( \gamma_{012} c dt dx dy \), then the normal to that area component is \( \gamma_3 \).

A second set of duality transformations

n \wedge (IF)
\gpgradethree{ n I F} \\
-\gpgradethree{ I n F} \\
-\gpgradethree{ I (n \cdot F)} \\
-I (n \cdot F),

I d^4 x \cdot J
\gpgradeone{ I d^4 x \cdot J } \\
\gpgradeone{ I d^4 x J } \\
\gpgradeone{ (I d^4 x) J } \\
(I d^4 x) J,

can further tidy things up, leaving us with

\oint \Abs{d^3 x} n \cdot F &= \inv{\epsilon_0 c} \int (I d^4 x) J \\
\oint d^3 x \cdot F &= 0.

The Fundamental theorem of calculus immediately provides relations between the Faraday bivector \( F \) and the four-current \( J \).


[1] C. Doran and A.N. Lasenby. Geometric algebra for physicists. Cambridge University Press New York, Cambridge, UK, 1st edition, 2003.

[2] A. Macdonald. Vector and Geometric Calculus. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012.

[3] Garret Sobczyk and Omar Le\’on S\’anchez. Fundamental theorem of calculus. Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 21\penalty0 (1):\penalty0 221–231, 2011. URL