Incoherent ramblings

Questions about bill C-51 to my “representative” John McCallum in parliment.

March 20, 2015 Incoherent ramblings , , , ,

Hi John,

As a new home owner in the Markham-Unionville riding it appears you are my representative in parliament. I have some questions about the Canadian Bill C-51, which appears is being carried along with the spree of fear porn that the media is pushing after the recent shooting at the capital.

I would like to know the following:

– Who are the specific authors of this bill? If they were bureaucrats and lawyers that were not members of parliament themselves, who were the members of parliament that backed their work?

– Who are the primary financial backers of the members of parliament that either wrote or supported the writing of this bill?

– Are there any known copies of this bill that precede the capital shooting? If so, the same questions apply to the authors or supporters of those bills.


Peeter Joot

A copy of this letter and any associated correspondence will be made publicly available.

Cancellation billing correspondence with Bell Canada

January 3, 2015 Incoherent ramblings , , ,

Jan 3, 2015.

To: Bell Canada, Customer accounts.


Peeter Joot, …. <address>

Account # xxxyyyzzz

Customer ID Number: xxxyyyzzzwww

Re: Disputing billing past cancellation.

To Whom it may concern,

I am writing to dispute the continued billing that I have received from Bell Canada, for services cancelled in August 2014.
Context: Within about a week of moving to a new house on August 12, 2014 I called Bell Canada to arrange for a move of service. Much to my surprise, your company was not willing to retain me as a customer, and I was informed that I would have to pay to move my home phone service to a new location, and was also obligated to accept a new phone number. Neither of these were acceptable, and I told the representative on the phone that I would call back to cancel the service after looking at what non-Bell options were available for home phone. That cancellation was made within a few weeks of my initial call. I do not have the dates for that second call, and the Bell representatives I have talked to tell me that they have lost all records of this second phone call. On that phone call, I was offered additional Bell services for free to attempt to keep me as a customer. A waiver of the move charge, something that makes no sense in this day when you ought to be attempting to retain customers, was also offered at this point. Neither the waiver of the move charge, nor the free services (internet and television related), were of interest at that point since by then I had already had home phone service installed from your competitor Rogers. Had you not required unacceptable move-charges when I initially called to arrange to have the service moved you could have retained me as a customer.

During that second call I was told that not only could you not cancel the service until an effective date of September 30th, you would also bill me for this additional service, whether I wanted it or not. I was and amazed at the meaningless charges that were imposed on me, but by this time felt that I did not have much choice. You have a corporate policy to extort your customers should they desire to keep using your services, so the fact that you are also willing to impose the same type of extortion on customers that no longer wish to use your services is not surpising.

Most recent payment history:

I have records of having paid the $39.49 home phone bill for August 2014 on Sept 9, 2014, and have records of having paid the ($39.49) bill for the services that should have ended Sept 30, 2014 on October 10, 2014.

Failure to cancel:

The house with the undesired Bell service was due to be sold in early November, and to ensure the new owners did not arrive in the house with a functioning phone service in my name, I contacted Bell through your online contact service on October 28, to ensure that the services had been properly cancelled. I talked to Marianne at that point who stated “I was asking because your home phone service is still showing active on my end. If the people you spoke with are not the Loyalty team then it will be the reason why the cancellation was not process. What needs to be done now is to call 310-BELL (2355) 1-800-668-6878 form 10 am – 9 pm and look for the Loyalty team to process the cancellation. I will note the account regarding what happened so you won’t have to render the 30 days notice anymore. “

It appears that your company lost the cancellation request that I had made. This is the same cancellation request where I was told explicitly by a Bell representative that the service would be cancelled effective September 30 2014.

Your representative Oszman (6028990), a nasty fellow to deal with, full of scorn and impatience, did manage to cancelled the service for real on November 3, effective November 4th. I was not surprised to find that your company’s claim that services could not be cancelled immediately was a fabrication.

I do not know if the lost cancellation request was made with Bell “Loyalty” or some other Bell customer service division. I understand from others in customer service roles that there are sometimes penalties for representatives that are not able to retain customers by offering incentives. Perhaps my cancellation request was “lost” to avoid such a penalty?

I have no intention of paying any bills from Bell Canada past the bill paid on October 10 2014 for the September service that I did not desire. For the record, I also consider that September bill to be invalid, but have paid it assuming that in some fine print somewhere I had agreed to be victimized by your company should I wish to cancel the service.


Peeter Joot

A copy of this correspondence will be made publicly available on the internet.

Remembrance day, a celebration and glorification of war

November 11, 2014 Incoherent ramblings

Today I received the following Remembrance day message at work:

“Every year on November 11th, Canadians pause for a moment of silence in remembrance of the men and women who have served our country during times of war, conflict and peace. More than 1,500,000 Canadians have served our country in this way and over 100,000 have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

They gave their lives and their futures for the freedoms we enjoy today.

At 11:00 a.m. today, please join me in observing one full minute of silence.

This illustrates precisely the sort of propaganda that is buried in this yearly celebration of war. Many people will object to my labeling of Remembrance day as a celebration of war, but I think that is an apt label.

We should remember the collective insanity that drove so many to send themselves off to be killed or kill. We should remember those who profited from the wars, and those who funded both sided. Let’s remember the Carnegies who concluded that there’s no better industry than war for profits and pleaded to Wilson to not end world war I too quickly. We should remember the massive propaganda campaigns to attempt to coerce people into fighting these wars. We should remember the disgusting lies that have been used again and again to justify wars that are later proven false. We should remember the US companies like Ford and IBM (my current employer!) that provided financial and resource backing to Hitler, without which his final atrocities would not have been possible. We should remember how every war has been an excuse for raising taxes to new peaks, raising nationalistic debt servitude at every turn (*). We should remember that civilians are the people most hurt by wars, and not focus our attentions on those soldiers that held the guns or were shot by them.

There are many things to remember, and if we are deluded into focusing our attention on the “sacrifices of soldiers”, who are pawns in the grand scheme of things, then we loose.

It is interesting to see just how transparent the Remembrance day propaganda can be. It is not just the glorification of the soldiers who were killed and did their killing. We are asked specifically to also glorify the people that “serve” Canada in it’s day to day waging of what amounts to US imperialistic warfare in times of peace.

Ron Paul’s recent commentary on Canada’s current war mongering nature was very apt.  We should remember that the aggressions that happen in our names have consequences.

If it were not for acceptance of the sorts of patriotic drivel that we see on Remembrance day, and patriotism conditioning events like the daily standing for the national anthem, perhaps a few less people would be so willing to fight wars for or against governments that are not worth obeying.

We give governments power by sheepish compliance. This service is to an entity that is a figment of our collective agreement.

Today I’ll actually just remember my dad. He is the only person I knew that saw through the social conditioning of Remembrance day and so aptly identified it as a propaganda event.




(*) I’m not sure how definitive the debtclock link above is, nor it’s sources.  Here’s a newer Canadian debt-clock.  That site is currently also vague about it’s sources, citing “Canadian Government Data” without specifying them, nor linking to them.

It is already time for remembrance day propaganda

September 24, 2014 Incoherent ramblings , , , ,


The propaganda for celebration of war, destruction, killing, and rape is already starting.  I was greeted today on facebook by the serene and smiling image of a world war II vet, along with his seemingly innocent request for “likes”


This is probably supposed to make people feel patriotism, the worship of an artificial boundary on a map and its associated label system.  Patriotism and national pride worship are designed to ensure that no rational thought opposes the psychopathic figureheads that run our modern “democracies”.

When we see vet worship propaganda like this, you have to think about the interests that encouraged the war in the first place.  These are power brokers like the Carnegies that requested that Wilson not end the war (WWI) too soon (and who had concluded in their minutes before that there was no better institution for profits than the business of war).  These are the armaments and munitions  manufacturers.  These are the companies that built the tanks and the planes that bombed uncounted civilians in Germany and the UK.  These are the makers of weapons that use white phosphorus and depleted uranium, and the makers of cluster bombs that shred children into hamburger meat before and after they are deployed.

I would describe us as being in world war III now.  This is the series of undeclared and covert wars that the USA and NATO have waged since world war II.  This is a war that happens with our tacit approval.  This approval that is assumed because there is no widespread disapproval.  Unfortunately, so much of this modern and current war happens without our even knowing about it, that nobody thinks to object.  This war is disconnected from our immediate attention, and most of the time we don’t even realize that we are funding it.  As always, I don’t want my tax dollars, money stolen from me at the point of a gun, to be used to fund the slaughter of people in Yugoslavia or Libya or <enter your favorite target in some little known corner of the world>, but I can’t control this.  It happens again and again, and is truly disgusting.

I am happy to see that this poor fellow survived.  However, if he had fought a real war, it would have been the war against the propaganda and brainwashing that involved him in the combat that got most of his compatriots killed, and against the same combat that killed uncountable numbers of civilians and “enemies”, and against the combat that encouraged these “enemies” to do the same.

I will not be liking this picture.

Apple Bonjour service shutting down my computer?

August 7, 2014 Incoherent ramblings , , ,


I’ve been running the armory bitcoin client, which has a very cpu and network intensive initial setup.  Two days in a row I attempted to let it run overnight, only to find my computer shutdown in the morning (with errors about improper shutdown on boot).

In both cases, the very last thing that I see in my system event log are timeouts for the Bonjour service.  Last night, the last stuff in the log before shutdown was:


and the night before:


I’m wondering if anybody else has seen similar unexpected shutdown occur.  I’m wondering if Bonjour is raising some sort of abort that manages to shutdown my system?