four vector

A multivector Lagrangian for Maxwell’s equation: A summary of previous exploration.

June 21, 2022 math and physics play , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

This summarizes the significant parts of the last 8 blog posts.

[Click here for a PDF version of this post]

STA form of Maxwell’s equation.

Maxwell’s equations, with electric and fictional magnetic sources (useful for antenna theory and other engineering applications), are
\spacegrad \cdot \BE &= \frac{\rho}{\epsilon} \\
\spacegrad \cross \BE &= – \BM – \mu \PD{t}{\BH} \\
\spacegrad \cdot \BH &= \frac{\rho_\txtm}{\mu} \\
\spacegrad \cross \BH &= \BJ + \epsilon \PD{t}{\BE}.
We can assemble these into a single geometric algebra equation,
\lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } F = \eta \lr{ c \rho – \BJ } + I \lr{ c \rho_{\mathrm{m}} – \BM },
where \( F = \BE + \eta I \BH = \BE + I c \BB \), \( c = 1/\sqrt{\mu\epsilon}, \eta = \sqrt{(\mu/\epsilon)} \).

By multiplying through by \( \gamma_0 \), making the identification \( \Be_k = \gamma_k \gamma_0 \), and
J^0 &= \frac{\rho}{\epsilon}, \quad J^k = \eta \lr{ \BJ \cdot \Be_k }, \quad J = J^\mu \gamma_\mu \\
M^0 &= c \rho_{\mathrm{m}}, \quad M^k = \BM \cdot \Be_k, \quad M = M^\mu \gamma_\mu \\
\grad &= \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu,
we find the STA form of Maxwell’s equation, including magnetic sources
\grad F = J – I M.

Decoupling the electric and magnetic fields and sources.

We can utilize two separate four-vector potential fields to split Maxwell’s equation into two parts. Let
F = F_{\mathrm{e}} + I F_{\mathrm{m}},
F_{\mathrm{e}} &= \grad \wedge A \\
F_{\mathrm{m}} &= \grad \wedge K,
and \( A, K \) are independent four-vector potential fields. Plugging this into Maxwell’s equation, and employing a duality transformation, gives us two coupled vector grade equations
\grad \cdot F_{\mathrm{e}} – I \lr{ \grad \wedge F_{\mathrm{m}} } &= J \\
\grad \cdot F_{\mathrm{m}} + I \lr{ \grad \wedge F_{\mathrm{e}} } &= M.
However, since \( \grad \wedge F_{\mathrm{m}} = \grad \wedge F_{\mathrm{e}} = 0 \), by construction, the curls above are killed. We may also add in \( \grad \wedge F_{\mathrm{e}} = 0 \) and \( \grad \wedge F_{\mathrm{m}} = 0 \) respectively, yielding two independent gradient equations
\grad F_{\mathrm{e}} &= J \\
\grad F_{\mathrm{m}} &= M,
one for each of the electric and magnetic sources and their associated fields.

Tensor formulation.

The electromagnetic field \( F \), is a vector-bivector multivector in the multivector representation of Maxwell’s equation, but is a bivector in the STA representation. The split of \( F \) into it’s electric and magnetic field components is observer dependent, but we may write it without reference to a specific observer frame as
F = \inv{2} \gamma_\mu \wedge \gamma_\nu F^{\mu\nu},
where \( F^{\mu\nu} \) is an arbitrary antisymmetric 2nd rank tensor. Maxwell’s equation has a vector and trivector component, which may be split out explicitly using grade selection, to find
\grad \cdot F &= J \\
\grad \wedge F &= -I M.
Further dotting and wedging these equations with \( \gamma^\mu \) allows for extraction of scalar relations
\partial_\nu F^{\nu\mu} = J^{\mu}, \quad \partial_\nu G^{\nu\mu} = M^{\mu},
where \( G^{\mu\nu} = -(1/2) \epsilon^{\mu\nu\alpha\beta} F_{\alpha\beta} \) is also an antisymmetric 2nd rank tensor.

If we treat \( F^{\mu\nu} \) and \( G^{\mu\nu} \) as independent fields, this pair of equations is the coordinate equivalent to \ref{eqn:maxwellLagrangian:1760}, also decoupling the electric and magnetic source contributions to Maxwell’s equation.

Coordinate representation of the Lagrangian.

As observed above, we may choose to express the decoupled fields as curls \( F_{\mathrm{e}} = \grad \wedge A \) or \( F_{\mathrm{m}} = \grad \wedge K \). The coordinate expansion of either field component, given such a representation, is straight forward. For example
&= \lr{ \gamma_\mu \partial^\mu } \wedge \lr{ \gamma_\nu A^\nu } \\
&= \inv{2} \lr{ \gamma_\mu \wedge \gamma_\nu } \lr{ \partial^\mu A^\nu – \partial^\nu A^\mu }.

We make the identification \( F^{\mu\nu} = \partial^\mu A^\nu – \partial^\nu A^\mu \), the usual definition of \( F^{\mu\nu} \) in the tensor formalism. In that tensor formalism, the Maxwell Lagrangian is
\LL = – \inv{4} F_{\mu\nu} F^{\mu\nu} – A_\mu J^\mu.
We may show this though application of the Euler-Lagrange equations
\PD{A_\mu}{\LL} = \partial_\nu \PD{(\partial_\nu A_\mu)}{\LL}.
\PD{(\partial_\nu A_\mu)}{\LL}
&= -\inv{4} (2) \lr{ \PD{(\partial_\nu A_\mu)}{F_{\alpha\beta}} } F^{\alpha\beta} \\
&= -\inv{2} \delta^{[\nu\mu]}_{\alpha\beta} F^{\alpha\beta} \\
&= -\inv{2} \lr{ F^{\nu\mu} – F^{\mu\nu} } \\
&= F^{\mu\nu}.
So \( \partial_\nu F^{\nu\mu} = J^\mu \), the equivalent of \( \grad \cdot F = J \), as expected.

Coordinate-free representation and variation of the Lagrangian.

F^2 =
F^{\mu\nu} F_{\mu\nu}
\lr{ \gamma_\alpha \wedge \gamma^\beta }
\epsilon_{\mu\nu\alpha\beta} F^{\mu\nu} F^{\alpha\beta},
we may express the Lagrangian \ref{eqn:maxwellLagrangian:1870} in a coordinate free representation
\LL = \inv{2} F \cdot F – A \cdot J,
where \( F = \grad \wedge A \).

We will now show that it is also possible to apply the variational principle to the following multivector Lagrangian
\LL = \inv{2} F^2 – A \cdot J,
and recover the geometric algebra form \( \grad F = J \) of Maxwell’s equation in it’s entirety, including both vector and trivector components in one shot.

We will need a few geometric algebra tools to do this.

The first such tool is the notational freedom to let the gradient act bidirectionally on multivectors to the left and right. We will designate such action with over-arrows, sometimes also using braces to limit the scope of the action in question. If \( Q, R \) are multivectors, then the bidirectional action of the gradient in a \( Q, R \) sandwich is
Q \lrgrad R
&= Q \lgrad R + Q \rgrad R \\
&= \lr{ Q \gamma^\mu \lpartial_\mu } R + Q \lr{ \gamma^\mu \rpartial_\mu R } \\
&= \lr{ \partial_\mu Q } \gamma^\mu R + Q \gamma^\mu \lr{ \partial_\mu R }.
In the final statement, the partials are acting exclusively on \( Q \) and \( R \) respectively, but the \( \gamma^\mu \) factors must remain in place, as they do not necessarily commute with any of the multivector factors.

This bidirectional action is a critical aspect of the Fundamental Theorem of Geometric calculus, another tool that we will require. The specific form of that theorem that we will utilize here is
\int_V Q d^4 \Bx \lrgrad R = \int_{\partial V} Q d^3 \Bx R,
where \( d^4 \Bx = I d^4 x \) is the pseudoscalar four-volume element associated with a parameterization of space time. For our purposes, we may assume that parameterization are standard basis coordinates associated with the basis \( \setlr{ \gamma_0, \gamma_1, \gamma_2, \gamma_3 } \). The surface differential form \( d^3 \Bx \) can be given specific meaning, but we do not actually care what that form is here, as all our surface integrals will be zero due to the boundary constraints of the variational principle.

Finally, we will utilize the fact that bivector products can be split into grade \(0,4\) and \( 2 \) components using anticommutator and commutator products, namely, given two bivectors \( F, G \), we have
\gpgrade{ F G }{0,4} &= \inv{2} \lr{ F G + G F } \\
\gpgrade{ F G }{2} &= \inv{2} \lr{ F G – G F }.

We may now proceed to evaluate the variation of the action for our presumed Lagrangian
S = \int d^4 x \lr{ \inv{2} F^2 – A \cdot J }.
We seek solutions of the variational equation \( \delta S = 0 \), that are satisfied for all variations \( \delta A \), where the four-potential variations \( \delta A \) are zero on the boundaries of this action volume (i.e. an infinite spherical surface.)

We may start our variation in terms of \( F \) and \( A \)
\delta S
\int d^4 x \lr{ \inv{2} \lr{ \delta F } F + F \lr{ \delta F } } – \lr{ \delta A } \cdot J \\
\int d^4 x \gpgrade{ \lr{ \delta F } F – \lr{ \delta A } J }{0,4} \\
\int d^4 x \gpgrade{ \lr{ \grad \wedge \lr{\delta A} } F – \lr{ \delta A } J }{0,4} \\
-\int d^4 x \gpgrade{ \lr{ \lr{\delta A} \lgrad } F – \lr{ \lr{ \delta A } \cdot \lgrad } F + \lr{ \delta A } J }{0,4} \\
-\int d^4 x \gpgrade{ \lr{ \lr{\delta A} \lgrad } F + \lr{ \delta A } J }{0,4} \\
-\int d^4 x \gpgrade{ \lr{\delta A} \lrgrad F – \lr{\delta A} \rgrad F + \lr{ \delta A } J }{0,4},
where we have used arrows, when required, to indicate the directional action of the gradient.

Writing \( d^4 x = -I d^4 \Bx \), we have
\delta S
-\int_V d^4 x \gpgrade{ \lr{\delta A} \lrgrad F – \lr{\delta A} \rgrad F + \lr{ \delta A } J }{0,4} \\
-\int_V \gpgrade{ -\lr{\delta A} I d^4 \Bx \lrgrad F – d^4 x \lr{\delta A} \rgrad F + d^4 x \lr{ \delta A } J }{0,4} \\
\int_{\partial V} \gpgrade{ \lr{\delta A} I d^3 \Bx F }{0,4}
+ \int_V d^4 x \gpgrade{ \lr{\delta A} \lr{ \rgrad F – J } }{0,4}.
The first integral is killed since \( \delta A = 0 \) on the boundary. The remaining integrand can be simplified to
\gpgrade{ \lr{\delta A} \lr{ \rgrad F – J } }{0,4} =
\gpgrade{ \lr{\delta A} \lr{ \grad F – J } }{0},
where the grade-4 filter has also been discarded since \( \grad F = \grad \cdot F + \grad \wedge F = \grad \cdot F \) since \( \grad \wedge F = \grad \wedge \grad \wedge A = 0 \) by construction, which implies that the only non-zero grades in the multivector \( \grad F – J \) are vector grades. Also, the directional indicator on the gradient has been dropped, since there is no longer any ambiguity. We seek solutions of \( \gpgrade{ \lr{\delta A} \lr{ \grad F – J } }{0} = 0 \) for all variations \( \delta A \), namely
\grad F = J.
This is Maxwell’s equation in it’s coordinate free STA form, found using the variational principle from a coordinate free multivector Maxwell Lagrangian, without having to resort to a coordinate expansion of that Lagrangian.

Lagrangian for fictitious magnetic sources.

The generalization of the Lagrangian to include magnetic charge and current densities can be as simple as utilizing two independent four-potential fields
\LL = \inv{2} \lr{ \grad \wedge A }^2 – A \cdot J + \alpha \lr{ \inv{2} \lr{ \grad \wedge K }^2 – K \cdot M },
where \( \alpha \) is an arbitrary multivector constant.

Variation of this Lagrangian provides two independent equations
\grad \lr{ \grad \wedge A } &= J \\
\grad \lr{ \grad \wedge K } &= M.
We may add these, scaling the second by \( -I \) (recall that \( I, \grad \) anticommute), to find
\grad \lr{ F_{\mathrm{e}} + I F_{\mathrm{m}} } = J – I M,
which is \( \grad F = J – I M \), as desired.

It would be interesting to explore whether it is possible find Lagrangian that is dependent on a multivector potential, that would yield \( \grad F = J – I M \) directly, instead of requiring a superposition operation from the two independent solutions. One such possible potential is \( \tilde{A} = A – I K \), for which \( F = \gpgradetwo{ \grad \tilde{A} } = \grad \wedge A + I \lr{ \grad \wedge K } \). The author was not successful constructing such a Lagrangian.

Curl of F revisited.

June 20, 2022 math and physics play , , , , , , , , ,

This is the 8th part of a series on finding Maxwell’s equations (including the fictitious magnetic sources that are useful in engineering) from a multivector Lagrangian representation.

[Click here for a PDF version of this series of posts, up to and including this one.]  The first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and
seventh parts are also available here on this blog.

There’s an aspect of the previous treatment that has bugged me. We’ve used a Lagrangian
\LL = \inv{2} F^2 – \gpgrade{A \lr{ J – I M } }{0,4}, \end{equation}
where \( F = \grad \wedge A \), and found Maxwell’s equation by varying the Lagrangian
\grad F = J – I M.
However, if we decompose this into vector and trivector parts we have
\grad \cdot F &= J \\
\grad \wedge F &= -I M,
and then put our original \( F = \grad \wedge A \) back in the magnetic term of this equation, we have a contradiction
0 = -I M,
\grad \wedge \lr{ \grad \wedge A } = 0,
provided we have equality of mixed partials for \( A \). The resolution to this contradiction appears to be a requirement to define the field differently. In particular, we can utilize two separate four-vector potential fields to split Maxwell’s equation into two parts. Let
F = F_{\mathrm{e}} + I F_{\mathrm{m}},
F_{\mathrm{e}} &= \grad \wedge A \\
F_{\mathrm{m}} &= \grad \wedge K,
and \( A, K \) are independent four-vector potential fields. Plugging this into Maxwell’s equation, and employing a duality transformation, gives us two coupled vector grade equations
\grad \cdot F_{\mathrm{e}} – I \lr{ \grad \wedge F_{\mathrm{m}} } &= J \\
\grad \cdot F_{\mathrm{m}} + I \lr{ \grad \wedge F_{\mathrm{e}} } &= M.
However, since \( \grad \wedge F_{\mathrm{m}} = \grad \wedge F_{\mathrm{e}} = 0 \), these decouple trivially, leaving
\grad \cdot F_{\mathrm{e}} &= J \\
\grad \cdot F_{\mathrm{m}} &= M.
In fact, again, since \( \grad \wedge F_{\mathrm{m}} = \grad \wedge F_{\mathrm{e}} = 0 \), these are equivalent to two independent gradient equations
\grad F_{\mathrm{e}} &= J \\
\grad F_{\mathrm{m}} &= M,
one for each of the electric and magnetic sources and their associated fields.

Should we wish to recover these two equations from a Lagrangian, we form a multivector Lagrangian that uses two independent four-vector fields
\LL = \inv{2} \lr{ \grad \wedge A }^2 – A \cdot J + \alpha \lr{ \inv{2} \lr{ \grad \wedge K }^2 – K \cdot M },
where \( \alpha \) is an arbitrary multivector constant. Variation of this Lagrangian provides two independent equations
\grad \lr{ \grad \wedge A } &= J \\
\grad \lr{ \grad \wedge K } &= M.
We may add these, scaling the second by \( -I \) (recall that \( I, \grad \) anticommute), to find
\grad \lr{ F_{\mathrm{e}} + I F_{\mathrm{m}} } = J – I M,
which is \( \grad F = J – I M \), as desired. This resolves the eq \ref{eqn:fsquared:1720} conundrum, but the cost is that we essentially have an independent Lagrangian for each of the electric and magnetic sources. I think that is the cost of correctness. Perhaps there is an alternative Lagrangian for the electric+magnetic case that yields all of Maxwell’s equation in one shot. My attempts to formulate one in terms of the total field \( F = F_{\mathrm{e}} + I F_{\mathrm{m}} \) have not been successful.

On the positive side, for non-fictitious electric sources, the case that we care about in physics, we still have the pleasantry of being able to use a simple multivector (coordinate-free) Lagrangian, and vary that in a coordinate free fashion to find Maxwell’s equation. This has an aesthetic quality that is arguably superior to the usual procedure of using the Euler-Lagrange equations and lots of index gymnastics to find the tensor form of Maxwell’s equation (i.e. the vector part of Maxwell’s) and applying the Bianchi identity to fill in the pieces (i.e. the trivector component of Maxwell’s.)

Progressing towards coordinate free form of the Euler-Lagrange equations for Maxwell’s equation

June 17, 2022 math and physics play , , , , , , , , , ,

This is the 6th part of a series on finding Maxwell’s equations (including the fictitious magnetic sources that are useful in engineering) from a multivector Lagrangian representation.

[Click here for a PDF version of this series of posts, up to and including this one.]  The first, second, third, fourth, and fifth parts are also available here on this blog.

We managed to find Maxwell’s equation in it’s STA form by variation of a multivector Lagrangian, with respect to a four-vector field (the potential). That approach differed from the usual variation with respect to the coordinates of that four-vector, or the use of the Euler-Lagrange equations with respect to those coordinates.

Euler-Lagrange equations.

Having done so, an immediate question is whether we can express the Euler-Lagrange equations with respect to the four-potential in it’s entirety, instead of the coordinates of that vector. I have some intuition about how to completely avoid that use of coordinates, but first we can get part way there.

Consider a general Lagrangian, dependent on a field \( A \) and all it’s derivatives \( \partial_\mu A \)
\LL = \LL( A, \partial_\mu A ).

The variational principle requires
0 = \delta S = \int d^4 x \delta \LL( A, \partial_\mu A ).
That variation can be expressed as a limiting parametric operation as follows
\delta S
= \int d^4 x
\lim_{t \rightarrow 0} \ddt{} \LL( A + t \delta A )
\lim_{t \rightarrow 0} \ddt{} \LL( \partial_\mu A + t \delta \partial_\mu A )
We eventually want a coordinate free expression for the variation, but we’ll use them to get there. We can expand the first derivative by chain rule as
\lim_{t \rightarrow 0} \ddt{} \LL( A + t \delta A )
\lim_{t \rightarrow 0} \PD{(A^\alpha + t \delta A^\alpha)}{\LL} \PD{t}{}(A^\alpha + t \delta A^\alpha) \\
\PD{A^\alpha}{\LL} \delta A^\alpha.
This has the structure of a directional derivative \( A \). In particular, let
\grad_A = \gamma^\alpha \PD{A^\alpha}{},
so we have
\lim_{t \rightarrow 0} \ddt{} \LL( A + t \delta A )
= \delta A \cdot \grad_A.
\lim_{t \rightarrow 0} \ddt{} \LL( \partial_\mu A + t \delta \partial_\mu A )
\PD{(\partial_\mu A^\alpha)}{\LL} \delta \partial_\mu A^\alpha,
so we can define a gradient with respect to each of the derivatives of \(A \) as
\grad_{\partial_\mu A} = \gamma^\alpha \PD{(\partial_\mu A^\alpha)}{}.
Our variation can now be expressed in a somewhat coordinate free form
\delta S = \int d^4 x \lr{
\lr{\delta A \cdot \grad_A} \LL + \lr{ \lr{\delta \partial_\mu A} \cdot \grad_{\partial_\mu A} } \LL
We now sum implicitly over pairs of indexes \( \mu \) (i.e. we are treating \( \grad_{\partial_\mu A} \) as an upper index entity). We can now proceed with our chain rule expansion
\delta S
&= \int d^4 x \lr{
\lr{\delta A \cdot \grad_A} \LL + \lr{ \lr{\delta \partial_\mu A} \cdot \grad_{\partial_\mu A} } \LL
} \\
&= \int d^4 x \lr{
\lr{\delta A \cdot \grad_A} \LL + \lr{ \lr{\partial_\mu \delta A} \cdot \grad_{\partial_\mu A} } \LL
} \\
&= \int d^4 x \lr{
\lr{\delta A \cdot \grad_A} \LL
+ \partial_\mu \lr{ \lr{ \delta A \cdot \grad_{\partial_\mu A} } \LL }
– \lr{\PD{x^\mu}{} \delta A \cdot \grad_{\partial_\mu A} \LL}_{\delta A}
As usual, we kill off the boundary term, by insisting that \( \delta A = 0 \) on the boundary, leaving us with a four-vector form of the field Euler-Lagrange equations
\lr{\delta A \cdot \grad_A} \LL = \lr{\PD{x^\mu}{} \delta A \cdot \grad_{\partial_\mu A} \LL}_{\delta A},
where the RHS derivatives are taken with \(\delta A \) held fixed. We seek solutions of this equation that hold for all variations \( \delta A \).

Application to the Maxwell Lagrangian.

For the Maxwell application we need a few helper calculations. The first, given a multivector \( B \), is
\lr{ \delta A \cdot \grad_A } A B
\delta A^\alpha \PD{A^\alpha}{} \gamma_\beta A^\beta B \\
\delta A^\alpha \gamma_\alpha B \\
\lr{ \delta A } B.

Now let’s compute, for multivector \( B \)
\lr{ \delta A \cdot \grad_{\partial_\mu A} } B F
\delta A^\alpha \PD{(\partial_\mu A^\alpha)} B \lr{ \gamma^\beta \wedge \partial_\beta \lr{ \gamma_\pi A^\pi } } \\
\delta A^\alpha B \lr{ \gamma^\mu \wedge \gamma_\alpha } \\
B \lr{ \gamma^\mu \wedge \delta A }.

Our Lagrangian is
\LL = \inv{2} F^2 – \gpgrade{A \lr{ J – I M } }{0,4},
\lr{\delta A \cdot \grad_A} \LL
-\gpgrade{ \lr{ \delta A } \lr{ J – I M } }{0,4},
\lr{ \delta A \cdot \grad_{\partial_\mu A} } \inv{2} F^2
\inv{2} \lr{ F \lr{ \gamma^\mu \wedge \delta A } + \lr{ \gamma^\mu \wedge \delta A } F } \\
\lr{ \gamma^\mu \wedge \delta A } F
}{0,4} \\
\lr{ \delta A \wedge \gamma^\mu } F
}{0,4} \\
\delta A \gamma^\mu F

\lr{ \delta A \cdot \gamma^\mu } F
}{0,4} \\
\delta A \gamma^\mu F
Taking derivatives (holding \( \delta A \) fixed), we have
-\gpgrade{ \lr{ \delta A } \lr{ J – I M } }{0,4}
\delta A \partial_\mu \gamma^\mu F
}{0,4} \\
\delta A \grad F
We’ve already seen that the solution can be expressed without grade selection as
\grad F = \lr{ J – I M },
which is Maxwell’s equation in it’s STA form. It’s not clear that this is really any less work, but it’s a step towards a coordinate free evaluation of the Maxwell Lagrangian (at least not having to use the coordinates \( A^\mu \) as we have to do in the tensor formalism.)

Multivector Lagrangian for Maxwell’s equation.

June 14, 2022 math and physics play , , , , , , , ,

This is the 5th and final part of a series on finding Maxwell’s equations (including the fictitious magnetic sources that are useful in engineering) from a Lagrangian representation.

[Click here for a PDF version of this series of posts, up to and including this one.]  The first, second, third and fourth parts are also available here on this blog.

We’ve found the charge and currency dependency parts of Maxwell’s equations for both electric and magnetic sources, using scalar and pseudoscalar Lagrangian densities respectively.

Now comes the really cool part. We can form a multivector Lagrangian and find Maxwell’s equation in it’s entirety in a single operation, without resorting to usual coordinate expansion of the fields.

Our Lagrangian is
\LL = \inv{2} F^2 – \gpgrade{A \lr{ J – I M}}{0,4},
where \( F = \grad \wedge A \).

The variation of the action formed from this Lagrangian density is
\delta S = \int d^4 x \lr{
\inv{2} \lr{ F \delta F + (\delta F) F } – \gpgrade{ \delta A \lr{ J – I M} }{0,4}
Both \( F \) and \( \delta F \) are STA bivectors, and for any two bivectors the symmetric sum of their products, selects the grade 0,4 components of the product. That is, for bivectors, \( F, G \), we have
\inv{2}\lr{ F G + G F } = \gpgrade{F G}{0,4} = \gpgrade{G F}{0,4}.
This means that the action variation integrand can all be placed into a 0,4 grade selection operation
\delta S
= \int d^4 x \gpgrade{
(\delta F) F – \delta A \lr{ J – I M}
Let’s look at the \( (\delta F) F \) multivector in more detail
(\delta F) F
\delta \lr{ \gamma^\mu \wedge \partial_\mu A } F \\
\lr{ \gamma^\mu \wedge \delta \partial_\mu A } F \\
\lr{ \gamma^\mu \wedge \partial_\mu \delta A } F \\

\lr{ (\partial_\mu \delta A) \wedge \gamma^\mu } F \\

(\partial_\mu \delta A) \gamma^\mu F

\lr{ (\partial_\mu \delta A) \cdot \gamma^\mu } F
This second term is a bivector, so once filtered with a grade 0,4 selection operator, will be obliterated.
We are left with
\delta S
&= \int d^4 x \gpgrade{

(\partial_\mu \delta A) \gamma^\mu F
– \delta A \lr{ J – I M}
&= \int d^4 x \gpgrade{

\partial_\mu \lr{
\delta A \gamma^\mu F
+ \delta A \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu F
– \delta A \lr{ J – I M}
&= \int d^4 x
\delta A \lr{ \grad F – \lr{ J – I M} }
As before, the total derivative term has been dropped, as variations \( \delta A \) are zero on the boundary. The remaining integrand must be zero for all variations, so we conclude that
\grad F = J – I M.
Almost magically, out pops Maxwell’s equation in it’s full glory, with both four vector charge and current density, and also the trivector (fictitious) magnetic charge and current densities, should we want to include those.

A final detail.

There’s one last thing to say. If you have a nagging objection to me having declared that \( \grad F – \lr{ J – I M} = 0 \) when the whole integrand was enclosed in a grade 0,4 selection operator. Shouldn’t we have to account for the grade selection operator somehow? Yes, we should, and I cheated a bit to not do so, but we get the same answer if we do. To handle this with a bit more finesse, we split \( \grad F – \lr{ J – I M} \) into it’s vector and trivector components, and consider those separately
\delta A \lr{ \grad F – \lr{ J – I M} }
\delta A \cdot \lr{ \grad \cdot F – J }
\delta A \wedge \lr{ \grad \wedge F + I M }.
We require these to be zero for all variations \( \delta A \), which gives us two independent equations
\grad \cdot F –  J  &= 0 \\
\grad \wedge F + I M &= 0.
However, we can now add up these equations, using \( \grad F = \grad \cdot F + \grad \wedge F \) to find, sure enough, that
\grad F = J – I M,
as stated, somewhat sloppily, before.

Lorentz transformations in Space Time Algebra (STA)

December 12, 2020 math and physics play , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

[If mathjax doesn’t display properly for you, click here for a PDF of this post]


One of the remarkable features of geometric algebra are the complex exponential sandwiches that can be used to encode rotations in any dimension, or rotation like operations like Lorentz transformations in Minkowski spaces. In this post, we show some examples that unpack the geometric algebra expressions for Lorentz transformations operations of this sort. In particular, we will look at the exponential sandwich operations for spatial rotations and Lorentz boosts in the Dirac algebra, known as Space Time Algebra (STA) in geometric algebra circles, and demonstrate that these sandwiches do have the desired effects.

Lorentz transformations.

Theorem 1.1: Lorentz transformation.

The transformation
x \rightarrow e^{B} x e^{-B} = x’,
where \( B = a \wedge b \), is an STA 2-blade for any two linearly independent four-vectors \( a, b \), is a norm preserving, that is
x^2 = {x’}^2.

Start proof:

The proof is disturbingly trivial in this geometric algebra form
e^{B} x e^{-B} e^{B} x e^{-B} \\
e^{B} x x e^{-B} \\
x^2 e^{B} e^{-B} \\

End proof.

In particular, observe that we did not need to construct the usual infinitesimal representations of rotation and boost transformation matrices or tensors in order to demonstrate that we have spacetime invariance for the transformations. The rough idea of such a transformation is that the exponential commutes with components of the four-vector that lie off the spacetime plane specified by the bivector \( B \), and anticommutes with components of the four-vector that lie in the plane. The end result is that the sandwich operation simplifies to
x’ = x_\parallel e^{-B} + x_\perp,
where \( x = x_\perp + x_\parallel \) and \( x_\perp \cdot B = 0 \), and \( x_\parallel \wedge B = 0 \). In particular, using \( x = x B B^{-1} = \lr{ x \cdot B + x \wedge B } B^{-1} \), we find that
x_\parallel &= \lr{ x \cdot B } B^{-1} \\
x_\perp &= \lr{ x \wedge B } B^{-1}.
When \( B \) is a spacetime plane \( B = b \wedge \gamma_0 \), then this exponential has a hyperbolic nature, and we end up with a Lorentz boost. When \( B \) is a spatial bivector, we end up with a single complex exponential, encoding our plane old 3D rotation. More general \( B \)’s that encode composite boosts and rotations are also possible, but \( B \) must be invertible (it should have no lightlike factors.) The rough geometry of these projections is illustrated in fig 1, where the spacetime plane is represented by \( B \).

Projection and rejection geometry.

fig 1. Projection and rejection geometry.


What is not so obvious is how to pick \( B \)’s that correspond to specific rotation axes or boost directions. Let’s consider each of those cases in turn.

Theorem 1.2: Boost.

The boost along a direction vector \( \vcap \) and rapidity \( \alpha \) is given by
x’ = e^{-\vcap \alpha/2} x e^{\vcap \alpha/2},
where \( \vcap = \gamma_{k0} \cos\theta^k \) is an STA bivector representing a spatial direction with direction cosines \( \cos\theta^k \).

Start proof:

We want to demonstrate that this is equivalent to the usual boost formulation. We can start with decomposition of the four-vector \( x \) into components that lie in and off of the spacetime plane \( \vcap \).
&= \lr{ x^0 + \Bx } \gamma_0 \\
&= \lr{ x^0 + \Bx \vcap^2 } \gamma_0 \\
&= \lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \vcap + \lr{ \Bx \wedge \vcap} \vcap } \gamma_0,
where \( \Bx = x \wedge \gamma_0 \). The first two components lie in the boost plane, whereas the last is the spatial component of the vector that lies perpendicular to the boost plane. Observe that \( \vcap \) anticommutes with the dot product term and commutes with he wedge product term, so we have
\lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap } \vcap } \gamma_0
e^{\vcap \alpha/2 }
e^{\vcap \alpha/2 }
\lr{ \Bx \wedge \vcap } \vcap \gamma_0
e^{-\vcap \alpha/2 }
e^{\vcap \alpha/2 } \\
\lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap } \vcap } \gamma_0
e^{\vcap \alpha }
\lr{ \Bx \wedge \vcap } \vcap \gamma_0.
Noting that \( \vcap^2 = 1 \), we may expand the exponential in hyperbolic functions, and find that the boosted portion of the vector expands as
\lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \vcap } \gamma_0 e^{\vcap \alpha}
\lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \vcap } \gamma_0 \lr{ \cosh\alpha + \vcap \sinh \alpha} \\
\lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \vcap } \lr{ \cosh\alpha – \vcap \sinh \alpha} \gamma_0 \\
\lr{ x^0 \cosh\alpha – \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \sinh \alpha} \gamma_0
\lr{ -x^0 \sinh \alpha + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \cosh \alpha } \vcap \gamma_0.
We are left with
\lr{ x^0 \cosh\alpha – \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \sinh \alpha} \gamma_0
\lr{ \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \cosh \alpha -x^0 \sinh \alpha } \vcap \gamma_0
\lr{ \Bx \wedge \vcap} \vcap \gamma_0 \\
\gamma_0 & \vcap \gamma_0
\cosh\alpha & – \sinh\alpha \\
-\sinh\alpha & \cosh\alpha
x^0 \\
\Bx \cdot \vcap
\lr{ \Bx \wedge \vcap} \vcap \gamma_0,
which has the desired Lorentz boost structure. Of course, this is usually seen with \( \vcap = \gamma_{10} \) so that the components in the coordinate column vector are \( (ct, x) \).

End proof.

Theorem 1.3: Spatial rotation.

Given two linearly independent spatial bivectors \( \Ba = a^k \gamma_{k0}, \Bb = b^k \gamma_{k0} \), a rotation of \(\theta\) radians in the plane of \( \Ba, \Bb \) from \( \Ba \) towards \( \Bb \), is given by
x’ = e^{-i\theta} x e^{i\theta},
where \( i = (\Ba \wedge \Bb)/\Abs{\Ba \wedge \Bb} \), is a unit (spatial) bivector.

Start proof:

Without loss of generality, we may pick \( i = \acap \bcap \), where \( \acap^2 = \bcap^2 = 1 \), and \( \acap \cdot \bcap = 0 \). With such an orthonormal basis for the plane, we can decompose our four vector into portions that lie in and off the plane
&= \lr{ x^0 + \Bx } \gamma_0 \\
&= \lr{ x^0 + \Bx i i^{-1} } \gamma_0 \\
&= \lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot i } i^{-1} + \lr{ \Bx \wedge i } i^{-1} } \gamma_0.
The projective term lies in the plane of rotation, whereas the timelike and spatial rejection term are perpendicular. That is
x_\parallel &= \lr{ \Bx \cdot i } i^{-1} \gamma_0 \\
x_\perp &= \lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \wedge i } i^{-1} } \gamma_0,
where \( x_\parallel \wedge i = 0 \), and \( x_\perp \cdot i = 0 \). The plane pseudoscalar \( i \) anticommutes with \( x_\parallel \), and commutes with \( x_\perp \), so
&= e^{-i\theta/2} \lr{ x_\parallel + x_\perp } e^{i\theta/2} \\
&= x_\parallel e^{i\theta} + x_\perp.
\lr{ \Bx \cdot i } i^{-1}
\lr{ \Bx \cdot \lr{ \acap \wedge \bcap } } \bcap \acap \\
\lr{\Bx \cdot \acap} \bcap \bcap \acap
-\lr{\Bx \cdot \bcap} \acap \bcap \acap \\
\lr{\Bx \cdot \acap} \acap
+\lr{\Bx \cdot \bcap} \bcap,
x_\parallel e^{i\theta}
\lr{\Bx \cdot \acap} \acap
\lr{\Bx \cdot \bcap} \bcap
\cos\theta + \acap \bcap \sin\theta
} \\
\acap \lr{
\lr{\Bx \cdot \acap} \cos\theta

\lr{\Bx \cdot \bcap} \sin\theta
\bcap \lr{
\lr{\Bx \cdot \acap} \sin\theta
\lr{\Bx \cdot \bcap} \cos\theta
\acap & \bcap
\cos\theta & – \sin\theta \\
\sin\theta & \cos\theta
\Bx \cdot \acap \\
\Bx \cdot \bcap \\
\lr{ x \wedge i} i^{-1} \gamma_0.
Observe that this rejection term can be explicitly expanded to
\lr{ \Bx \wedge i} i^{-1} \gamma_0 =
x –
\lr{ \Bx \cdot \acap } \acap \gamma_0

\lr{ \Bx \cdot \acap } \acap \gamma_0.
This is the timelike component of the vector, plus the spatial component that is normal to the plane. This exponential sandwich transformation rotates only the portion of the vector that lies in the plane, and leaves the rest (timelike and normal) untouched.

End proof.


Problem: Verify components relative to boost direction.

In the proof of thm. 1.2, the vector \( x \) was expanded in terms of the spacetime split. An alternate approach, is to expand as
&= x \vcap^2 \\
&= \lr{ x \cdot \vcap + x \wedge \vcap } \vcap \\
&= \lr{ x \cdot \vcap } \vcap + \lr{ x \wedge \vcap } \vcap.
Show that
\lr{ x \cdot \vcap } \vcap
\lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \vcap } \gamma_0,
\lr{ x \wedge \vcap } \vcap
\lr{ \Bx \wedge \vcap} \vcap \gamma_0.


Let \( x = x^\mu \gamma_\mu \), so that
x \cdot \vcap
\gpgradeone{ x^\mu \gamma_\mu \cos\theta^b \gamma_{b 0} } \\
x^\mu \cos\theta^b \gpgradeone{ \gamma_\mu \gamma_{b 0} }
The \( \mu = 0 \) component of this grade selection is
\gpgradeone{ \gamma_0 \gamma_{b 0} }
and for \( \mu = a \ne 0 \), we have
\gpgradeone{ \gamma_a \gamma_{b 0} }
-\delta_{a b} \gamma_0,
so we have
x \cdot \vcap
x^0 \cos\theta^b (-\gamma_b)
x^a \cos\theta^b (-\delta_{ab} \gamma_0 ) \\
-x^0 \vcap \gamma_0

x^b \cos\theta^b \gamma_0 \\
– \lr{ x^0 \vcap + \Bx \cdot \vcap } \gamma_0,
where \( \Bx = x \wedge \gamma_0 \) is the spatial portion of the four vector \( x \) relative to the stationary observer frame. Since \( \vcap \) anticommutes with \( \gamma_0 \), the component of \( x \) in the spacetime plane \( \vcap \) is
\lr{ x \cdot \vcap } \vcap =
\lr{ x^0 + \lr{ \Bx \cdot \vcap} \vcap } \gamma_0,
as expected.

For the rejection term, we have
x \wedge \vcap
x^\mu \cos\theta^s \gpgradethree{ \gamma_\mu \gamma_{s 0} }.
The \( \mu = 0 \) term clearly contributes nothing, leaving us with:
\lr{ x \wedge \vcap } \vcap
\lr{ x \wedge \vcap } \cdot \vcap \\
x^r \cos\theta^s \cos\theta^t \lr{ \lr{ \gamma_r \wedge \gamma_{s}} \gamma_0 } \cdot \lr{ \gamma_{t0} } \\
x^r \cos\theta^s \cos\theta^t \gpgradeone{
\lr{ \gamma_r \wedge \gamma_{s} } \gamma_0 \gamma_{t0}
} \\
-x^r \cos\theta^s \cos\theta^t \lr{ \gamma_r \wedge \gamma_{s}} \cdot \gamma_t \\
-x^r \cos\theta^s \cos\theta^t \lr{ -\gamma_r \delta_{st} + \gamma_s \delta_{rt} } \\
x^r \cos\theta^t \cos\theta^t \gamma_r

x^t \cos\theta^s \cos\theta^t \gamma_s \\
\Bx \gamma_0
– (\Bx \cdot \vcap) \vcap \gamma_0 \\
\lr{ \Bx \wedge \vcap} \vcap \gamma_0,
as expected. Is there a clever way to demonstrate this without resorting to coordinates?

Problem: Rotation transformation components.

Given a unit spatial bivector \( i = \acap \bcap \), where \( \acap \cdot \bcap = 0 \) and \( i^2 = -1 \), show that
\lr{ x \cdot i } i^{-1}
\lr{ \Bx \cdot i } i^{-1} \gamma_0
\lr{\Bx \cdot \acap } \acap \gamma_0
\lr{\Bx \cdot \bcap } \bcap \gamma_0,
\lr{ x \wedge i } i^{-1}
\lr{ \Bx \wedge i } i^{-1} \gamma_0
x –
\lr{\Bx \cdot \acap } \acap \gamma_0

\lr{\Bx \cdot \bcap } \bcap \gamma_0.
Also show that \( i \) anticommutes with \( \lr{ x \cdot i } i^{-1} \) and commutes with \( \lr{ x \wedge i } i^{-1} \).


This problem is left for the reader, as I don’t feel like typing out my solution.

The first part of this problem can be done in the tedious coordinate approach used above, but hopefully there is a better way.

For the last (commutation) part of the problem, here is a hint. Let \( x \wedge i = n i \), where \( n \cdot i = 0 \). The result then follows easily.