Cancellation billing correspondence with Bell Canada

January 3, 2015 Incoherent ramblings , , ,

Jan 3, 2015.

To: Bell Canada, Customer accounts.


Peeter Joot, …. <address>

Account # xxxyyyzzz

Customer ID Number: xxxyyyzzzwww

Re: Disputing billing past cancellation.

To Whom it may concern,

I am writing to dispute the continued billing that I have received from Bell Canada, for services cancelled in August 2014.
Context: Within about a week of moving to a new house on August 12, 2014 I called Bell Canada to arrange for a move of service. Much to my surprise, your company was not willing to retain me as a customer, and I was informed that I would have to pay to move my home phone service to a new location, and was also obligated to accept a new phone number. Neither of these were acceptable, and I told the representative on the phone that I would call back to cancel the service after looking at what non-Bell options were available for home phone. That cancellation was made within a few weeks of my initial call. I do not have the dates for that second call, and the Bell representatives I have talked to tell me that they have lost all records of this second phone call. On that phone call, I was offered additional Bell services for free to attempt to keep me as a customer. A waiver of the move charge, something that makes no sense in this day when you ought to be attempting to retain customers, was also offered at this point. Neither the waiver of the move charge, nor the free services (internet and television related), were of interest at that point since by then I had already had home phone service installed from your competitor Rogers. Had you not required unacceptable move-charges when I initially called to arrange to have the service moved you could have retained me as a customer.

During that second call I was told that not only could you not cancel the service until an effective date of September 30th, you would also bill me for this additional service, whether I wanted it or not. I was and amazed at the meaningless charges that were imposed on me, but by this time felt that I did not have much choice. You have a corporate policy to extort your customers should they desire to keep using your services, so the fact that you are also willing to impose the same type of extortion on customers that no longer wish to use your services is not surpising.

Most recent payment history:

I have records of having paid the $39.49 home phone bill for August 2014 on Sept 9, 2014, and have records of having paid the ($39.49) bill for the services that should have ended Sept 30, 2014 on October 10, 2014.

Failure to cancel:

The house with the undesired Bell service was due to be sold in early November, and to ensure the new owners did not arrive in the house with a functioning phone service in my name, I contacted Bell through your online contact service on October 28, to ensure that the services had been properly cancelled. I talked to Marianne at that point who stated “I was asking because your home phone service is still showing active on my end. If the people you spoke with are not the Loyalty team then it will be the reason why the cancellation was not process. What needs to be done now is to call 310-BELL (2355) 1-800-668-6878 form 10 am – 9 pm and look for the Loyalty team to process the cancellation. I will note the account regarding what happened so you won’t have to render the 30 days notice anymore. “

It appears that your company lost the cancellation request that I had made. This is the same cancellation request where I was told explicitly by a Bell representative that the service would be cancelled effective September 30 2014.

Your representative Oszman (6028990), a nasty fellow to deal with, full of scorn and impatience, did manage to cancelled the service for real on November 3, effective November 4th. I was not surprised to find that your company’s claim that services could not be cancelled immediately was a fabrication.

I do not know if the lost cancellation request was made with Bell “Loyalty” or some other Bell customer service division. I understand from others in customer service roles that there are sometimes penalties for representatives that are not able to retain customers by offering incentives. Perhaps my cancellation request was “lost” to avoid such a penalty?

I have no intention of paying any bills from Bell Canada past the bill paid on October 10 2014 for the September service that I did not desire. For the record, I also consider that September bill to be invalid, but have paid it assuming that in some fine print somewhere I had agreed to be victimized by your company should I wish to cancel the service.


Peeter Joot

A copy of this correspondence will be made publicly available on the internet.

Final notes for ECE1254, Modelling of Multiphysics Systems

December 27, 2014 ece1254 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


I’ve now finished my first grad course, Modelling of Multiphysics Systems, taught by Prof Piero Triverio.

I’ve posted notes for lectures and other material as I was taking the course, but now have an aggregated set of notes for the whole course posted.
This is now updated with all my notes from the lectures, solved problems, additional notes on auxillary topics I wanted to explore (like SVD), plus the notes from the Harmonic Balance report that Mike and I will be presenting in January.

This version of my notes also includes all the matlab figures regenerating using, which allows a save-as pdf, which rescales much better than Matlab saveas() png’s when embedded in latex.  I’m not sure if that’s the best way to include Matlab figures in latex, but they are at least not fuzzy looking now.

All in all, I’m pretty pleased with my notes for this course.  They are a lot more readable than any of the ones I’ve done for the physics undergrad courses I was taking (  While there was quite a lot covered in this course, the material really only requires an introductory circuits course and some basic math (linear algebra and intro calculus), so is pretty accessible.

This was a fun course.  I recall, back in ancient times when I was a first year student, being unsatisfied with all the ad-hoc strategies we used to solve circuits problems.  This finally answers the questions of how to tackle things more systematically.

Here’s the contents outline for these notes:

Lecture notes
1 nodal analysis
1.1 In slides
1.2 Mechanical structures example
1.3 Assembling system equations automatically. Node/branch method
1.4 Nodal Analysis
1.5 Modified nodal analysis (MNA)
2 solving large systems
2.1 Gaussian elimination
2.2 LU decomposition
2.3 Problems
3 numerical errors and conditioning
3.1 Strict diagonal dominance
3.2 Exploring uniqueness and existence
3.3 Perturbation and norms
3.4 Matrix norm
4 singular value decomposition, and conditioning number
4.1 Singular value decomposition
4.2 Conditioning number
5 sparse factorization
5.1 Fill ins
5.2 Markowitz product
5.3 Markowitz reordering
5.4 Graph representation
6 gradient methods
6.1 Summary of factorization costs
6.2 Iterative methods
6.3 Gradient method
6.4 Recap: Summary of Gradient method
6.5 Conjugate gradient method
6.6 Full Algorithm
6.7 Order analysis
6.8 Conjugate gradient convergence
6.9 Gershgorin circle theorem
6.10 Preconditioning
6.11 Symmetric preconditioning
6.12 Preconditioned conjugate gradient
6.13 Problems
7 solution of nonlinear systems
7.1 Nonlinear systems
7.2 Richardson and Linear Convergence
7.3 Newton’s method
7.4 Solution of N nonlinear equations in N unknowns
7.5 Multivariable Newton’s iteration
7.6 Automatic assembly of equations for nonlinear system
7.7 Damped Newton’s method
7.8 Continuation parameters
7.9 Singular Jacobians
7.10 Struts and Joints, Node branch formulation
7.11 Problems
8 time dependent systems
8.1 Assembling equations automatically for dynamical systems
8.2 Numerical solution of differential equations
8.3 Forward Euler method
8.4 Backward Euler method
8.5 Trapezoidal rule (TR)
8.6 Nonlinear differential equations
8.7 Analysis, accuracy and stability (Dt ! 0)
8.8 Residual for LMS methods
8.9 Global error estimate
8.10 Stability
8.11 Stability (continued)
8.12 Problems
9 model order reduction
9.1 Model order reduction
9.2 Moment matching
9.3 Model order reduction (cont).
9.4 Moment matching
9.5 Truncated Balanced Realization (1000 ft overview)
9.6 Problems
Final report
10 harmonic balance
10.1 Abstract
10.2 Introduction
10.2.1 Modifications to the netlist syntax
10.3 Background
10.3.1 Discrete Fourier Transform
10.3.2 Harmonic Balance equations
10.3.3 Frequency domain representation of MNA equations
10.3.4 Example. RC circuit with a diode.
10.3.5 Jacobian
10.3.6 Newton’s method solution
10.3.7 Alternative handling of the non-linear currents and Jacobians
10.4 Results
10.4.1 Low pass filter
10.4.2 Half wave rectifier
10.4.3 AC to DC conversion
10.4.4 Bridge rectifier
10.4.5 Cpu time and error vs N
10.4.6 Taylor series non-linearities
10.4.7 Stiff systems
10.5 Conclusion
10.6 Appendices
10.6.1 Discrete Fourier Transform inversion
a singular value decomposition
b basic theorems and definitions
c norton equivalents
d stability of discretized linear differential equations
e laplace transform refresher
f discrete fourier transform
g harmonic balance, rough notes
g.1 Block matrix form, with physical parameter ordering
g.2 Block matrix form, with frequency ordering
g.3 Representing the linear sources
g.4 Representing non-linear sources
g.5 Newton’s method
g.6 A matrix formulation of Harmonic Balance non-linear currents
h matlab notebooks
i mathematica notebooks

Thoughts on the “new” C++ style cast operators.

December 24, 2014 C/C++ development and debugging. , , , , , ,

I happen to maintain the DB2 coding standards, which are mostly concerned with portability, and not style. I’ve joked that I was given that job since I had “broken the build” more than anybody else, so was most qualified to let others know how not to do so.

In our coding standards we have a prohibition against the use of exceptions. This is a historical restriction because we’ve built with compilation flags like -qnoeh (no exception handling) on some platforms to get a bit of additional performance. These days the compilers do much better at not degrading performance when exception handling is allowed and not used, but since our performance folks will sell their kids for a 1% improvement, we’ve kept using flags like this and the associated restriction. Components that must (or want) to use exception handling must “firewall” any exceptions, not letting them get thrown to external code (and also explicitly enable exceptions for their code).

We had a note in the coding standards not to use RTTI (Run Time Type Identification), because exceptions are required. That was a confusing and incomplete statement to include in our standards. It was interpreted by one developer as meaning that none of:


were allowed. However, only the dynamic_cast is a RTTI operation, and only the dynamic_cast will throw an exception when the cast doesn’t match the underlying type.

I’ve now fixed up our coding standards. It now references dynamic_cast instead of RTTI.

The DB2 code is still very C’ish, compiled with a C++ compiler. I’d say the bulk of the casts in our code are old style C casts, and that most of our developers (including myself) don’t even know when to use the “new” cast operations. Here’s some thoughts on these:

  • I’ve seen a fair amount of const_cast use in our code, and I know personally how this can be very useful. An example:

volatile int x ;
void foo( int * y ) ;

foo( const_cast(&x) ) ; // compilation error
foo( const_cast(&x) ) ; // allowed.  Just strips the volatile (or const) off the pointer type.
  • A second nice use of const_cast<>() is to enforce type checking in macros. If the macro parameter is supposed to be a pointer to type T, you can enforce that by using a const_cast<T*>. This assumes that you don’t actually care about the const-ness of the pointer, and will force a compile error if the macro is used with any other type.
  • In general I don’t think it’s a bad idea to use the new cast operators, since they represent a hierarchy of weaker than C style casts. You can also search for cast operations by name in a given file if they are used, which is much harder to do with a C style cast.
  • I’m not sure how much use of static_cast<> and reinterpret_cast<> we have in the code.

Declaring my own stupidity, without looking them up, I didn’t personally know how to use the “new style” static_cast and reinterpret_cast operations correctly. I use a C cast by habit unless I’m trying to strip const or volatile attributes (or enforce a type in a macro).

If DB2 coders start using these, it will likely confuse old guys like me for a while, but I figure I can learn about these.

As a step in this direction, I see some helpful looking info in the C++ reference page on explicit_cast

My take on reference page is roughly: If there is a place to use a C cast, then you can use:

  1. const_cast if it compiles. If not you can use:
  2. static_cast. If that doesn’t compile you can use:
  3. reinterpret_cast. If that doesn’t compile you can use:
  4. (In code where exceptions are allowed:) dynamic_cast.
  5. If that doesn’t work or is not allowed you can use:
    A C style cast.

New version of phy450 (Relativistic Electrodynamics) notes now posted.

December 24, 2014 math and physics play , , , ,

I’d taken Professor Poppitz’s “Relativistic Electrodynamics” course in 2011, and wrote up my notes and problem set solutions in latex at that point.

That was only the second course that I tried this in, and was much less structured than any of the subsequent class notes collections that I produced later.  I now put problems with the chapter material using the latex exercise environment, and have now retrofitted the use of that package into my old phy450 notes.

I’ve also moved some of the tutorial content into the problem sections, and the rest into the appendix.  The result is a much more streamlined layout than was the case when I took the course originally.  There are still no figures, nor is there any index.  Only my later class notes collections have those and it’s a fair amount of work to retrofit that.  The whole thing still needs a complete review (and probably a rewrite).

A matrix formulation of the Harmonic Balance method non-linear currents

December 14, 2014 ece1254 , , , , , ,

[Click here for a PDF of this post with nicer formatting]

Because it was simple, a coordinate expansion of the Jacobian of the non-linear currents was good to get a feeling for the structure of the equations. However, a Jacobian of that form is impossibly slow to compute for larger \( N \). It seems plausible that eliminating the coordinate expansion, expressing both the currrent and the Jacobian directly in terms of the Harmonic Balance unknowns vector \( \BV \), would lead to a simpler set of equations that could be implemented in a computationally more effective way. To aid in this discovery, consider the simple RC load diode circuit of fig. 1. It’s not too hard to start from scratch with the time domain nodal equations for this circuit, which are


fig. 1. Simple diode and resistor circuit


  1. \( 0 = i_s – i_d \)
  2. \( Z v^{(2)} + C dv^{(2)}/dt = i_d \)
  3. \( i_d = I_0 \lr{ e^{(v^{(1)} – v^{(2)})/V_T} – 1} \)

To setup for matrix form, let

\Bv(t) =
v^{(1)}(t) \\
v^{(2)}(t) \\
\BG =
0 & 0 \\
0 & Z \\
\BC =
0 & 0 \\
0 & C \\
\Bd =
1 \\
\Bb =
1 \\

so that the time domain equations can be written as

\BG \Bv(t)
+ \BC \Bv'(t)
\Bb i_s(t)
e^{ (v^{(1)}(t) – v^{(2)}(t))/V_T} – 1
\Bb & -I_0 \Bd
i_s(t) \\
I_0 \Bd
e^{ (v^{(1)}(t) – v^{(2)}(t))/V_T}.

Harmonic Balance is essentially the assumption that the input and outputs are assumed to be a bandwidth limited periodic signal, and the non-linear components can be approximated by the same

i_s(t) = \sum_{n=-N}^N I^{(s)}_n e^{ j \omega_0 n t },
v^{(k)}(t) =
\sum_{n=-N}^N V^{(k)}_n e^{ j \omega_0 n t },
\epsilon(t) =
e^{ (v^{(1)}(t) – v^{(2)}(t))/V_T}
\sum_{n=-N}^N E_n e^{ j \omega_0 n t },

The approximation in \ref{eqn:diodeRLCSample:1300} is an equality only at the Nykvist sampling times \( t_k = T k/(2 N + 1) \). The Fourier series provides a periodic extension to other times that will approximate the underlying periodic non-linear relation.

With all the time dependence locked into the exponentials, the derivatives are really easy to calculate

\frac{d}{dt} v^{(k)}(t) =
\sum_{n=-N}^N j \omega_0 n V^{(k)}_n e^{ j \omega_0 n t }.

Inserting all of these into \ref{eqn:diodeRLCSample:1220} gives

\sum_{n=-N}^N e^{ j \omega_0 n t} \lr{ \BG + j \omega_0 n \BC }
V^{(1)}_n \\
V^{(2)}_n \\
\sum_{n=-N}^N e^{ j \omega_0 n t}
-I_0 \Bd \delta_{n 0}
\Bb I^{(s)}_n
+ I_0 \Bd E_n

The periodic assumption requires equality for each \( e^{j \omega_0 n t} \), or

\lr{ \BG + j \omega_0 n \BC }
V^{(1)}_n \\
V^{(2)}_n \\
-I_0 \Bd \delta_{n 0}
\Bb I^{(s)}_n
+ I_0 \Bd E_n.

For illustration, consider the \( N = 1 \) case, where the block matrix form is

\BG + j \omega_0 (-1) \BC & 0 & 0 \\
0 & \BG + j \omega_0 (0) \BC & 0 \\
0 & 0 & \BG + j \omega_0 (1) \BC
V^{(1)}_{-1} \\
V^{(2)}_{-1} \\
\end{bmatrix} \\
V^{(1)}_{0} \\
V^{(2)}_{0} \\
\end{bmatrix} \\
V^{(1)}_{1} \\
V^{(2)}_{1} \\
\Bb I^{(s)}_{-1} \\
\Bb I^{(s)}_{0} – I_0 \Bd \\
\Bb I^{(s)}_{1} \\
\Bd E_{-1} \\
\Bd E_{0} \\
\Bd E_{1} \\

The structure of this equation is

\BY \BV = \BI + \mathcal{I}(\BV),

The non-linear current \( \mathcal{I}(\BV) \) needs to be examined further. How much of this can be precomputed, and what is the simplest way to compute the Jacobian? With

\BE =
E_{-1} \\
E_{0} \\
E_{1} \\
\end{bmatrix}, \qquad
\Bepsilon =
\epsilon_{-1} \\
\epsilon_{0} \\
\epsilon_{1} \\

the non-linear current is

\mathcal{I} =
\Bd E_{-1} \\
\Bd E_{0} \\
\Bd E_{1} \\
\Bd \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \BE \\
\Bd \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \BE \\
\Bd \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \BE
\Bd & 0 & 0 \\
0 & \Bd & 0 \\
0 & 0 & \Bd
\BF^{-1} \Bepsilon

In the last step \( \BE = \BF^{-1} \Bepsilon \) has been factored out (in its inverse Fourier form). With

\BD =
\Bd & 0 & 0 \\
0 & \Bd & 0 \\
0 & 0 & \Bd \\

the current is

\mathcal{I}(\BV) =
I_0 \BD \BF^{-1} \Bepsilon(\BV).

The next step is finding an appropriate form for \( \Bepsilon \)

\Bepsilon &=
\epsilon(t_{-1}) \\
\epsilon(t_{0}) \\
\epsilon(t_{1}) \\
\end{bmatrix} \\
\exp\lr{ \lr{ v^{(1)}_{-1} – v^{(2)}_{-1} }/V_T } \\
\exp\lr{ \lr{ v^{(1)}_{0} – v^{(2)}_{0} }/V_T } \\
\exp\lr{ \lr{ v^{(1)}_{1} – v^{(2)}_{1} }/V_T }
\end{bmatrix} \\
1 & 0 & 0
\lr{ \Bv^{(1)} – \Bv^{(2)} }/V_T } \\
0 & 1 & 0
\lr{ \Bv^{(1)} – \Bv^{(2)} }/V_T } \\
0 & 0 & 1
\lr{ \Bv^{(1)} – \Bv^{(2)} }/V_T } \\
\end{bmatrix} \\
1 & 0 & 0
\lr{ \BV^{(1)} – \BV^{(2)} }/V_T } \\
0 & 1 & 0
\lr{ \BV^{(1)} – \BV^{(2)} }/V_T } \\
0 & 0 & 1
\lr{ \BV^{(1)} – \BV^{(2)} }/V_T } \\

It would be nice to have the difference of frequency domain vectors expressed in terms of \( \BV \), which can be done with a bit of rearrangement

\BV^{(1)} – \BV^{(2)}
V^{(1)}_{-1} – V^{(2)}_{-1} \\
V^{(1)}_{0} – V^{(2)}_{0} \\
V^{(1)}_{1} – V^{(2)}_{1} \\
\end{bmatrix} \\
1 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 1 & -1 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & -1 \\
V_{-1}^{(1)} \\
V_{-1}^{(2)} \\
V_{0}^{(1)} \\
V_{0}^{(2)} \\
V_{1}^{(1)} \\
V_{1}^{(2)} \\
\end{bmatrix} \\
\Bd^\T & 0 & 0 \\
0 & \Bd^\T & 0 \\
0 & 0 & \Bd^\T \\
\BV \\
&= \BD^\T \BV,

\BF \BD^\T /V_T
\Bh_1^\T \\
\Bh_2^\T \\

which allows the non-linear current to can now be completely expressed in terms of \( \BV \).

e^{\Bh_1^\T \BV} \\
e^{\Bh_2^\T \BV} \\
e^{\Bh_3^\T \BV} \\


With a compact matrix representation of the non-linear current, attention can now be turned to the Jacobian of the non-linear current. Let \( \BA = I_0 \BD \BF^{-1} = [ a_{ij} ]_{ij} \), the current (with summation implied) is

\mathcal{I} =
a_{ik} \epsilon_k,

with coordinates

\mathcal{I}_i = a_{ik} \epsilon_k = a_{ik} \exp\lr{ \Bh_k^\T \BV }.

so the Jacobian components are

a_{ik} \epsilon_k = a_{ik}
\exp\lr{ \Bh_k^\T \BV }
\exp\lr{ \Bh_k^\T \BV }.

Factoring out \( \BU = [h_{ij} \exp\lr{ \Bh_i^\T \BV }]_{ij} \),

= \BA \BU
\begin{bmatrix} h_{11} & h_{12} & \cdots h_{1, R(2 N + 1)}\end{bmatrix} \exp\lr{ \Bh_1^\T \BV } \\
\begin{bmatrix} h_{21} & h_{22} & \cdots h_{2, R(2 N + 1)}\end{bmatrix} \exp\lr{ \Bh_2^\T \BV } \\
\begin{bmatrix} h_{31} & h_{32} & \cdots h_{3, R(2 N + 1)}\end{bmatrix} \exp\lr{ \Bh_3^\T \BV } \\
\Bh_1^\T \exp\lr{ \Bh_1^\T \BV } \\
\Bh_2^\T \exp\lr{ \Bh_2^\T \BV } \\
\Bh_3^\T \exp\lr{ \Bh_3^\T \BV } \\

A quick sanity check of dimensions seems worthwhile, and shows that all is well

  • \( \BA \) : \( R(2 N + 1) \times 2 N + 1 \)
  • \( \BU \) : \( 2 N + 1 \times R(2 N + 1) \)
  • \( \BJ^{\mathcal{I}} \) : \( R(2 N + 1) \times R(2 N + 1) \)

The Jacobian of the non-linear current is now completely determined

\BJ^{\mathcal{I}}( \BV ) =
I_0 \BD \BF^{-1}
\Bh_1^\T \exp\lr{ \Bh_1^\T \BV } \\
\Bh_2^\T \exp\lr{ \Bh_2^\T \BV } \\
\Bh_3^\T \exp\lr{ \Bh_3^\T \BV } \\

Newton’s method solution

All the pieces required for a Newton’s method solution are now in place. The goal is to find a value of \( \BV \) that provides the zero

f(\BV) = \BY \BV – \BI – \mathcal{I}(\BV).

Expansion to first order around an initial guess \( \BV^0 \), gives

f( \BV^0 + \Delta \BV ) = f(\BV^0) + \BJ(\BV^0) \Delta \BV \approx 0,

where the full Jacobian of \( f(\BV) \) is

\BJ(\BV) = \BY – \BJ^{\mathcal{I}}(\BV).

The Newton’s method refinement of the initial guess follows by inversion

\Delta \BV = -\lr{ \BY – \BJ^{\mathcal{I}}(\BV^0) }^{-1} f(\BV^0).