Markham-Unionville riding

TPP sales pitch from Bob Saroya, my “representative” in parliament.

November 2, 2016 Incoherent ramblings , , , , , , ,

My “representative” member of parliament, Bob Saroya, is busy wasting my money my sending out TPP sales propaganda, apparently believing that I’m stupid enough to fall for this bit of fear mongering.


My response was:

I received your TPP sales pitch.  I’m not surprised to see a member of parliament attempting to sell Canada to unaccountable corporate tribunals, using a misleading attempt to disguise this as a “free trade”.

This is of course the function of government “representation”, to take resources from people who actually work for them, and channel them into the hands of power elite.  Your letter demonstrates that you are serving this purpose admirably!
Of course there’s a chance that you are just spouting the party line without actually believing or understanding what you are writing.  Even if that is the case, it is disappointing and frustrating to see taxpayer resources wasted on such empty propaganda.

Greetings to new Markham-Unionville conservative rep Bob Saroya.

October 21, 2015 Incoherent ramblings , , , ,

The Honourable Bob Saroya,

Congratulations for your success winning your position in parliament for our district. Unfortunately for you, this means that you are also obligated to represent me. I did not vote for you. I effectively voted none-of-the-above, by voting for the Green Party representative Elvin Kao, knowing full well that he was too inexperienced to be successful. I’m not sad that he was not successful, because his emails expressed a belligerence in foreign policy matters that turned my stomach. He got my vote in the end because he answered my mailed questions, unlike yourself and unlike your like your Liberal running mate Mrs. Jiang. Your Liberal predecessor in Markham Unionville, Mr John McCallum, as a representative, has a 2/5 score for answering correspondence. However, that small non-zero portion of his positive score can really be attributed to his administrative assistant, Mr. Nicholson.

I have a very poor opinion of politics, and politicians, and as my representative, you have an infinitesimal chance of changing that position. Given that you did not answer correspondence sent while running, I do not expect there is much chance of that occurring. What I do expect is to see more voting for increased government when you have the chance. Take bill-C51, the police state bill, tabled by members of Minister Blainey’s hierarchy that effectively gave themselves paychecks and power. Despite knowing that there was a massive objection to this bill, so much that it probably cost the Conservatives their majority this election, it was still forced through. It seems to me that this bill owes its success to the putrid non-democratic policy of the party whip. Because the Liberal leadership was also deluded into thinking there was rational for a new Canadian police state, the average joe like me will slowly start to see how big government in Canada will exploit this to spy on all it’s could-be-terrorist citizens. Welcome to the new Canada, where fear mongering trumps rationality.

I am not surprised that fear mongering is so successful here. We are conditioned to be conformist and patriotic. Our schools are like jails, locked down, with active shooter drills, and require police checks of parent volunteers that discourage involvement of non-school personal in raising the little obedient soldiers who stand for their dose of Oh Canada every morning.

The desired product seems to be unthinking patriots that will be willing to go off to war to bomb the current bad-guy brown people de-jour. Such people are guilty of having been selected as targets by the USA and their North bordered military lackey, but this always occurs in a predictable way. First they are sold or given weapons, then later declared to be enemies. It’s a beautiful scheme to keep the armaments industry going.

What do we not see taught in schools? We don’t see anybody taught to think for themselves. We don’t see basics taught. We are raising a generation of kids that have to use a calculator because they haven’t learned their timetables, and have had the new math shoved down their throats. They won’t be able to multiply the way our generation, our parents, and grandparents learned, but by the time they have been subjected to the matrix method of multiplication, the line crossing method of multiplication, and the array method of multiplication … they will give up. Math will be viewed as too confusing, and we will have a generation of math illiteracy. Our generation has front row seats to watching our first world status get flushed down the toilet.

Ranting aside, I have a couple questions.

1) Should Mr Trudeau follow through with his unlikely promise to repeal parts of bill-C51, imagine that the party whip was given the day off, and you were given the chance to vote in a democratic fashion instead of having to obediently follow the party line like a good Oh Canada trained compliant patriot, how would you vote?

Yes, I know that it is unlikely that the party whip would be given the day off. A more likely scenario is that he/she gets correctly identified as a source of anti-free-speech and anti-democracy, and gets shot by terrorists inspired by Canadian bombing throughout the world.

2) The Quirks and Quarks radio show hosted by Bob McDonald hosted a political debate on science topics. This was a pretty putrid affair, like all politician debates, and the point of the debaters seemed to be to win points for most spin, and least fact.

One point debated seemed to be fact checkable. Opposition members brought up the destruction of one or more Canadian research libraries by the conservative party. The conservative party rep claimed that they were lying, and said that the libraries were not destroyed but digitized to be made available for all. The opposition then predictably claimed that the conservative was also lying.

How many research libraries were destroyed? Where are the digitized copies of all the books available? Was that a 100% digitization, or a partial digitization. If partial, where is the policy used to decide what was destroyed, and are there records showing what was destroyed?


Peeter Joot

Letter to Liberal Markham-Unionville Liberal representive

October 14, 2015 Incoherent ramblings , ,

Hello Mrs Jiang,

I’m interested in your position on two topics that probably rule out my vote for the liberal party.  Before the vote, I am giving you a chance to defend or justify your stance on these policies.

The first is the party whip.  This is, in my opinion, a destroyer of democracy, and effectively ensures that local constituents have no possibility of representation.  A meaningless vote every four years is made further meaningless by requiring that “representatives” vote the party-line.  Even school children realize the absurdity of such a policy, but such absurdity appears to be not only tolerated but desired by Canadian politicians.

The second is the Liberal vote for bill C-51 required by the party leadership.  I’ve appended correspondence that shows my position on this bill to the incumbent “representative” for Markham-Unionville.  His reply was voting for the bill, which did not surprise me.

Peeter Joot

please note that I make a copy of all political correspondence (or lack thereof) available online.
Appended copy of my “take a firm stand” letter to John McCallum, incumbent Markham-Unionville “representitive”.

Letter to parliament (John McCallum), thank you for your positive Bill C-51 vote.

May 11, 2015 Incoherent ramblings , , , ,


From: <me, address, date>





The Honourable John McCallum,

House of Commons

Ottawa, Ontario


K1A 0A6


The Honourable John McCallum,


I see at that you voted for bill C-51.  I asked for this in my letter dated April 15, 2015.  However, I thought I should now point out that my original letter was intended to be satire.

Satire has been used historically for political commentary.  This was true for example of Orwell’s “Animal Farm” and “1984”.  Given your vote on bill C-51, it seems clear that the intent of the book “1984” was not clear.  This book was supposed to point out many dangerous trends in society of the time.  It was not supposed to be a manual.

I do not know if your vote for C-51 was due to a belief that this was what your constituents wanted this.  Perhaps you were looking at biased or old polls that indicated this was true?  There would have been a time when the media hype for the parliamentary shootings would have gotten just this sort of reactionary support.  However, once people started behaving rationally again, support for increased police state actions against Canadian citizens should have been a hard sell.

Perhaps you voted for this because you felt obligated to?  Your political party requires consensus views and actions.  For reasons that I’ll never understand, the current figurehead of your political party mandated that you would not be able to vote your own view, let alone the views of your constituents.  I really can’t imagine how you can tolerate being part of such a system.  Did you realize that once elected you would be powerless, and not be given the opportunity to vote for your own views?

How a system where party consensus is required can be called democracy is beyond my understanding.  Perhaps this is because I have a 12-year old mentality.  When I took civics for the first time back in junior school, this concept was just as insane.  Perhaps I am the childish insane one to think that the forces that truly govern behind the curtain would allow things to be any other way.

You as a member of parliament, and I as a citizen of Canada, both know how much of a farce democracy in Canada is.  Once every few years the “people” get to exercise their “free will” electing a representative.  Even if our chosen representative is elected, as many as 49% percent (assuming the ideal of all voting) will be unrepresented.  Those who do get their selection of “representative” are probably compromising on a number of issues, and are really crossing their fingers hoping not to be screwed by the power elite.  Even assuming our representative makes it into their figurehead position, you have no more power to actually represent us than a stick floating upstream.  You have to fight the entrenched bureaucracy of the Federal government, surely an unmovable force.  For that I give you my deepest condolences.

It is my expectation that this positive C-51 vote is going to backfire strongly on both the Conservative and Liberal parties.  Canadians have been shown by the actions of both that they are indistinguishable.  For those that still believe in the concept of modern democracy, you will likely find that this will increase voter apathy.  This bill is just more of the same old crap.  The government is once again voting to give themselves more power.  If that is why you voted for this I guess it makes sense.  It’s sad and demoralizing, but it makes sense.  In essence a positive vote is like a positive vote for a pay raise for government.  Unfortunately, we all have to pay for that raise.  We all have to pay for our own enslavement.  This will probably mean that an NDP Federal figurehead will lead the next round of the show come election times.  I don’t personally believe that it will make any difference.  It may make a difference to you, since you might be forced to get a different job.

Presuming that you did read this or my previous correspondence, I doubt there is anything that you can say that will fight off the feelings of complete betrayal.  I doubt there is anything that you can write that would inspire non-existent believe in Canadian democracy.  I write this as if you will actually read what I say.  I don’t know if that is the case.  Perhaps I am corresponding again with Mr. Nicholson from your office?

Even if you do read this, and even if you do respond, I doubt there is any sort of justification that you can make that I will judge to be in good faith and to be well reasoned.  This is why people don’t want to know what our “leadership” is doing in our names, and do not want to be involved in the Canadian system of government.  It is too depressing to know come face to face with just how pointless and hopeless it is.  Thanks to your vote on bill C-51, perhaps I’ll go back to ignoring what I can’t change, and let myself and my kids become ever more enslaved.






Peeter Joot

Why you should support Canada’s bill C-51 terrorism bill.

April 15, 2015 Incoherent ramblings , , , , , ,

To my great surprise, the Canadian government’s attempt to enact a terrorize-Canadians bill is actually getting noticed.  There’s even been protests.

For those who find this objectionable, the stopc51 website makes it easy for people to write a form letter to their representative, but what about all those people who want to support this bill? There’s no startc51 website for people to use!

For all those people, I’ve drafted a form letter that they can use, based on the stopc51 form letter. I’m paper mailing my copy of this letter, with the hopes that a paper letter requires slightly more work to throw out. The civil servant who’s job is to press the delete key can file a union grievance against me.

EDIT: I ended up with a response to my original C-51 letter.

Form letter for support of bill C-51.

[your name and address, including postal code]


cc: [who else should get a copy of your letter?]

The Honourable [representative name here],

I’m writing to call on you to take a firm stand in support of the government’s carefully thought out, harmless, and effective Bill C-51. I’m asking you to side with Canadians and vote for this legislation.

I applaud the Canadian government initiative to exploit the fear-porn potential of the recent parliamentary shooting to its advantage.

The bill is prudent because it turns CSIS into a ‘secret police’ force with little oversight or accountability. Oversight and accountability are both highly overrated. History has proven that secret police forces have been important forces in many effective governments. Without a secret police force Stalin would not have been able to cull so many millions of the excess citizens of his country. Without a secret police force Hitler would not have been able to implement his death camps. In this day of omnipresent globalism Canada clearly needs its own secret police force to remain competitive.

The bill is useful because it opens the door for violations of our Charter Rights including censorship of free expression online. If people are able to express themselves openly, how can they be controlled?

The bill is effective because it will lead to dragnet surveillance and information sharing on innocent Canadians. Stephen Harper, Justin Trudeau or any other current or future politician would love to have such powers available for blackmail and manipulation purposes.

I applaud the government for trying to push this law through parliament in record time without a proper debate. No Canadian wants to see meaningful discussion in government. Reruns of Jerry Springer is clearly sufficient debate for most people. Inhibiting discussion is prudent since questioning authority and the power elite just feeds uncertainty in these difficult times.

If this bill doesn’t pass, it would limit opportunities for the Canadian government to spy on anyone, at any time. No Canadian wants to know when such spying has occurred. We want to create a shadowy and unaccountable secret police force that will have such a critical role in removing the freedoms of a nation that cannot be allowed to question government and authority.

Please, side with the majority of Canadians who are clueless and have never heard of this bill. Please don’t talk about or vote against this important legislation. Assuming you decide to vote for this bill, I hope you also won’t have any part in educate Canadians about this bill. Nobody needs to know what government allows itself to do “in our names.”

I’m one of the millions of Canadians who are perfectly happy with the status quo, which includes politicians who will not represent us in any meaningful way. I am assuming that you will be towing the party line and will vote for this bill. I already know that free expression is not tolerated in government, so when I see an affirmative vote for this bill, I’ll know that the world as I know it is stable and cannot be changed by individual action.

Please don’t respond to this letter. I do not want a response outlining the reasons that you will not be voting for this bill. Such a response would serve to destroy my worldview that assumes no politicians act for nor truly care for their constituents or Canadians in general. I want to continue to view politicians as pawns placed in positions of powerlessness and ineptitude, incapable of altering or even accurately observing the world around them.


[your name here]

Posting your letter.

Note that mail may be sent postage-free to any Member of parliament at the following address:

Name of Member of Parliament
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Yes, we still pay for that “free” mail service through taxation, but I’m going to justify my exploitation of that service as a fair exchange for all the time that I have to spend weeding through the huge stacks of junk mail that Canada Post delivers to my mailbox daily.

My last letter to my “representative” (John McCallum) in parliament about bill C-51 went unanswered. I don’t really believe that I am represented by virtue of having voted or not. Will the actions of the Honourable John McCallum of Markham-Unionville surprise me, or make me doubt this position?

EDIT: as noted above, I did get an answer to my original C-51 letter.  It was neutral in tone, and matter of fact, giving no hint of whether or not the bill will be supported.  What sort of response will this letter produce if any?