V0.3.5 of Geometric Algebra for Electrical Engineers (and temp hardcover price drop)

December 16, 2023 Geometric Algebra for Electrical Engineers , , , , ,

Yes, I just published an update last week, but here’s another one.

Temporary price drop on hardcover.

It’s been 4 years since I printed a copy of the book for myself to mark up and edit.  In particular, having added some vector calculus identities and their geometric algebra equivalents to chapter II, it messes up the flow a bit, and I’d like a paper copy to review to help figure out how to sequence it all better.  I may just start with div and curl (in their GA forms) before moving on to curvilinear coordinates, the vector derivative and all the integration theorems, …

While I intend to mark up my copy, I’m going to treat myself to a hardcover version this time, to see what it looks like.

However, to make things a bit cheaper on myself, I’ve reduced the price on the amazon.com marketplace for the hardcover version of the book to the absolute cheapest amazon will let me make it: $16.12 USD.  At that price, amazon will make some profit above printing costs, but I will not.  I believe this will also result in a price drop on the amazon.ca marketplace (unlike the paperback pricing, there is no explicit option to set an amazon.ca price for the hardcover version, so I think it’s just the USD price converted to CAD.)

So if you would like a hardcover print copy for yourself at bargain prices, now is your chance.  The paperback, in contrast, is $15.50 USD, so for only $0.62 USD more, you (and I) can get a hardcover version!  I’ll wait about a week before ordering my copy to make sure that it’s the newest version when I order, and will leave the hardcover price at $16.12 USD until I get my copy in the mail.  After that, the price will go back up, and I’ll make a couple bucks for any hardcover sales again after that.  Note that the PDF version is still available for free, as always.

If you ask “What about author proofs”.  Well, Kindle direct publishing (formerly Createspace) does have a mechanism for ordering author proofs, and if I lived in the USA, I’d use that.  However, for us poor second class Canadians, it costs just about as much to get an author proof with shipping, as just buying a copy.

What changed in this version

V0.3.5 (Dec 15, 2023)

  • Rewrite spherical polar section with the geometry first, not the coordinate representation, nor the CAS stuff.
  • Move the coordinates -> GA derivation to a problem.
  • New figure: sphericalPolarFig2.
  • update spherical polar figure1 with orientation of j.
  • Add to helpful formulas: Vector calculus identities.
  • Note about ambiguity of our curl notation.
  • Add some references to the d’Alembertian (wave equation) operator.
  • New section (chapter 2): Vector calculus identities.
  • Two (wedge) curl examples (vector field) to make things less abstract.
  • bivector field curl examples (problem.)
  • curl with polar form representation of gradient and field (problem.)
  • curl of 3D vector field example.


Multilanguage debugging in lldb: print call to function.

December 13, 2023 C/C++ development and debugging. , , , , , ,

There probably aren’t many people that care about debugging multiple languages, but I learned a new trick today that is worth making a note of, even if that note is for a future amnesiatic self.

Here’s a debug session where C code is calling COBOL, but in the COBOL frame, the language rules prohibit running print to show the results of a C function call (example: printf, strlen, strspn, …)

To make a function call in lldb, I used to go up the stack to a C language frame.  For example, if this was the COBOL code I was debugging:

(lldb) n
12/13/23 19:27:26 LTE14039I Opening LzMQZ connection. QMGR: MQZ1 MQZCONN: 0x7ff920625170 API: 0x7fed0008e0e0
Process 1673776 stopped
* thread #57, name = 'LZOCREG1', stop reason = step over
    frame #0: 0x00007ff9243b31f2 WINDC.NATIVE.LZPDS.A0116662(LTESVCXC).f3968a73`LTESVCXC at LTESVCXC.cbl:36:1
   34                  DISPLAY 'WSCHECK: "' WORK-VAR '"'
-> 36                 EXEC CICS LINK PROGRAM ('LTESVCXC')
   37                      COMMAREA(WORK-COMMAREA)
   38                      LENGTH   (LENGTH OF WORK-COMMAREA)
   39                 END-EXEC
(lldb) p &WORK-VAR
(*char [10]) $4 = 0x00007fadef810478
(lldb) p WORK-VAR
(char [10]) WORK-VAR = "STORISOK  "
(lldb) fr v -format x WORK-VAR
(char [10]) WORK-VAR = {
  [0] = 0xe2
  [1] = 0xe3
  [2] = 0xd6
  [3] = 0xd9
  [4] = 0xc9
  [5] = 0xe2
  [6] = 0xd6
  [7] = 0xd2
  [8] = 0x40
  [9] = 0x40

Aside: If you object to the use of a C address-of operator against a COBOL variable, that’s just because our debugger has C like & notational shorthand for the COBOL ‘ADDRESS OF …’, which is very useful.

If I want to run a C function against that COBOL WORKING-STORAGE variable, like strchr, to look for the address of the first EBCDIC space (0x40) in that string, I used to do it by going up the stack into a C frame, like so:

(lldb) up 2
frame #2: 0x00007ff9243b3f7e WINDC.NATIVE.LZPDS.A0116662(LTESVCXC).f3968a73`pgm_ltesvcxc + 382
->  0x7ff9243b3f7e <+382>: jmp    0x7ff9243b3f88            ; <+392>
    0x7ff9243b3f80 <+384>: addq   $0x128, %rsp              ; imm = 0x128 
    0x7ff9243b3f87 <+391>: retq   
    0x7ff9243b3f88 <+392>: leaq   0x201039(%rip), %rdi
(lldb) print (char *)strchr(0x00007fadef810478, 0x40)
(char *) $6 = 0x00007fadef810480 "@@"

Sure enough, that space is found 8 bytes into the string, as expected. This is a very short string, and I could have seen that by inspection, but it’s just to illustrate that we can make calls to functions within the debugger, and they can even be functions that aren’t in the program or language that we are debugging.

I noticed today that ‘print’ is an alias for ‘expression –‘, and that expression takes a language option. This means that I can do cross language calls like this in any frame, provided I specify the language I want. Example:

(lldb) down 2
frame #0: 0x00007ff9243b31f2 WINDC.NATIVE.LZPDS.A0116662(LTESVCXC).f3968a73`LTESVCXC at LTESVCXC.cbl:36:1
   34                  DISPLAY 'WSCHECK: "' WORK-VAR '"'
-> 36                 EXEC CICS LINK PROGRAM ('LTESVCXC')
   37                      COMMAREA(WORK-COMMAREA)
   38                      LENGTH   (LENGTH OF WORK-COMMAREA)
   39                 END-EXEC
(lldb) expression -l c -- (char *)strchr(0x00007fadef810478, 0x40)
(char *) $7 = 0x00007fadef810480 "@@"

Ten points to me for learning yet another obscure debugger trick.

Some new tmux tricks (for me)

December 9, 2023 perl and general scripting hackery , ,

I’ve been using tmux since RHEL stopped shipping screen by default.  We now use Oracle Linux at work, not RHEL, and perhaps Oracle Linux ships screen, but I’m unlikely to switch back now.

I blundered upon a tmux book at the Toronto Public Library today.  It’s a little book, and most of what is interesting looking to me, is in the first couple chapters.  Here are some notes.

tmux sessions.

I normally want just one tmux session per machine, but tmux does have the capability of creating named sessions. I knew this, but hadn’t used it, and it’s spelled out nicely in the book.  Here are two bash aliases to exploit that feature:

alias tplay='tmux new -s play'
alias twork='tmux new -s work'

Here are two such sessions in action:

Notice the little [work] and [play] indicators in the bottom left corner of each screen session.  Nice!

Of course, I created a couple aliases to attach to my named sessions:

alias atplay='tmux at -t play'
alias atwork='tmux at -t work'

tmux window switching “menu”

The only thing screen feature that I miss is the menu of windows for the session, but I’ve gotten used to that limitation.

However, because tmux shows the active sessions at the bottom, you can use that as an built in session switching mechanism.

Do this with [Prefix] N, where N is the window number.  [Prefix] is the notation from the book that has the control sequence used for shortcuts.  For me, because I have this in my .tmux.conf

unbind C-b
set -g prefix ^N
bind n send-prefix

For me, [Prefix] is control-n (I don’t remember why I had ‘set -g’ and bind, which looks redundant to me.) So, I can do window switching with

control-n 1
control-n 2

Most of the time I use my F5, and F8 commmand key mappings to do window switching

bind-key -T root F5 select-window -p
bind-key -T root F6 select-window -l
bind-key -T root F8 select-window -n
bind-key -T root F9 new-window

but this ‘[Prefix] N’ gives me another way to do window switching.

However, what do you know, there is an equivalent to the old screen window selection mechanism, as I’ve just learned from the book:

[Prefix] w

This window switcher is actually really cool. It shows a preview of the window to be selected, and even shows the windows in both named sessions, so not only is it a window switcher, but also a session switcher!


I’d seen that tmux has support for window splitting, but have never used it.

Here are the commands, for new vertical split, new horizontal split, pane cycle, and pane navigate:

[Prefix] %

[Prefix] ”

[Prefix] o

[Prefix] Up-Arrow,Down-Arrow,Left-Arrow,Right-Arrow

Looks like the pane splitting is specific to the active window, so if you do a split pane, and have run a rename-window command, for example, using something like:

alias tre='tmux rename-window'
function tnd
    tmux rename-window `pwd | sed 's,.*/,,'`

then the split pane only shows up in that named window, like so:

Some random tricks

Detach: [Prefix] d

(I use command line ‘tmux det’)

Switch between horizontal and vertical panes: [Prefix] space

Create new window: [Prefix] c

(I use my F9 bind-key mapping)


Pane mapping bind-keys for adjusting window size:

tmux bind -r H resize-pane -L 5
tmux bind -r J resize-pane -D 5
tmux bind -r K resize-pane -U 5
tmux bind -r L resize-pane -R 5

(can also be put into the .tmux.conf without the leading tmux)

This allows you to resize panes. For example, perhaps you want to tail the output of something long running, or run top, or something else, but have the rest of the upper pane in action, something like:

New version of Geometric Algebra for Electrical Engineers published.

December 9, 2023 Geometric Algebra for Electrical Engineers , , , , , ,

A new version of my book is now published.  The free PDF and the leanpub versions are available now.  The paperback and hardcover versions should be available on Amazon within the week.

What has changed:

  • V0.3.2 (Dec 8, 2023)
    • Add to helpful formulas: Determinant form of triple wedge.
    • Add figure showing the spherical polar conventions picked.
    • Add a problem showing that \( (e^x)’ = x’ e^x \) only when \( x \) and \( x’ \) commute, which is true for scalars and complex numbers, but not necessarily true for abstract entities, such as multivectors and square matrices.
    • Spherical polar coordinates: do not skip steps for \( \mathbf{x}_\phi \) computation.
    • Rewrite the Multivector potentials section. No longer pulling the ideas out of a magic hat, instead trying to motivate them.  Compromised on the strategy to do so, leaving some of the details to problems.

This potentials rewrite I’ve been working on indirectly for the last month, and have published two blog posts about the topic, as well another that I wrote and discarded, but helped me form and sequence some of the ideas.

The exponential derivative topic was also covered on my blog recently.  I’ve reworked that so that it is independent of the specific application to spherical polar coordinates, and set it as a problem for the reader (with solution at the end of chapter I in case I didn’t give enough hints in the problem statement.)

Potentials for multivector Maxwell’s equation (again.)

December 8, 2023 math and physics play , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

[Click here for the PDF version of this post.]


This revisits my last blog post where I covered this content in a meandering fashion. This is an attempt to re-express this in a more compact form. In particular, in a form that is amenable to include in my book. When I wrote the potential section of my book, I cheated, and didn’t try to motivate the results. My cheat was figuring out the multivector potential representation starting with STA where things are simpler, and then translating it back to a multivector representation, instead of figuring out a reasonable way to motivate things from the foundation already laid.

I’d like to eventually have a less rushed treatment of potentials in my book, where the results are not pulled out of a magic hat. Here is an attempted step in that direction. I’ve opted to put some of the motivational material in problems (with solutions at the chapter end.)

Multivector potentials.

We know from conventional electromagnetism (given no fictitious magnetic sources) that we can represent the six components of the electric and magnetic fields in terms of four scalar fields
\BE &= -\spacegrad \phi – \PD{t}{\BA} \\
\BH &= \inv{\mu} \spacegrad \cross \BA.
The conventional way of constructing these potentials makes use of the identities
\spacegrad \cdot \lr{ \spacegrad \cross \BA } &= 0 \\
\spacegrad \cross \lr{ \spacegrad \phi } &= 0,
applying those to the source free Maxwell’s equations to find representations of \( \BE, \BH \) that automatically satisfy those equations. For that conventional analysis, see section 18-6 [2] (available online), or section 10.1 [3], or section 6.4 [4]. We can also find such a potential representation using geometric algebra methods that are cross product free (problem 1.)

For Maxwell’s equations with fictitious magnetic sources, it can be shown that a potential representation of the field
\BH &= -\spacegrad \phi_m – \PD{t}{\BF} \\
\BE &= -\inv{\epsilon} \spacegrad \cross \BF.
satisfies the source-free grades of Maxwell’s equation.
See [1], and [5] for such derivations. As with the conventional source potentials, we can also apply our geometric algebra toolbox to easily find these results (problem 2.)

We have a mix of time partials and curls that is reminiscent of Maxwell’s equation itself. It’s obvious to wonder whether there is a more coherent integrated form for the potential. This is in fact the case.

Lemma 1.1: Multivector potentials.

For Maxwell’s equation with electric sources, the total field \( F \) can be expressed in multivector potential form
F = \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } \lr{ -\phi + c \BA } }{1,2}.
For Maxwell’s equation with only fictitious magnetic sources, the total field \( F \) can be expressed in multivector form
F = \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } I \eta \lr{ -\phi_m + c \BF } }{1,2}.

The reader should try to verify this themselves (problem 3.)

Using superposition, we can form a multivector potential that includes all grades.

Definition 1.1: Multivector potential.

We call \( A \), a multivector with all grades, the multivector potential, defining the total field as
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } A }{1,2} \\
\lr{ \spacegrad – \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } A

\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } A }{0,3}.
Imposition of the constraint
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad – \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } A }{0,3} = 0,
is called the Lorentz gauge condition, and allows us to express \( F \) in terms of the potential without any grade selection filters.

Lemma 1.2: Conventional multivector potential.

A = -\phi + c \BA + I \eta \lr{ -\phi_m + c \BF }.
This results in the conventional potential representation of the electric and magnetic fields
\BE &= -\spacegrad \phi – \PD{t}{\BA} – \inv{\epsilon} \spacegrad \cross \BF \\
\BH &= -\spacegrad \phi_m – \PD{t}{\BF} + \inv{\mu} \spacegrad \cross \BA.
In terms of potentials, the Lorentz gauge condition \ref{eqn:mvpotentials:680} takes the form
0 &= \inv{c} \PD{t}{\phi} + \spacegrad \cdot (c \BA) \\
0 &= \inv{c} \PD{t}{\phi_m} + \spacegrad \cdot (c \BF).

Start proof:

See problem 4.

End proof.


Problem 1: Potentials for no-fictitious sources.

Starting with Maxwell’s equation with only conventional electric sources
\lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} } F = \gpgrade{J}{0,1}.
Show that this may be split by grade into three equations
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} } F}{0,1} &= \gpgrade{J}{0,1} \\
\spacegrad \wedge \BE + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} \lr{ I \eta \BH } &= 0 \\
\spacegrad \wedge \lr{ I \eta \BH } &= 0.
Then use the identities \( \spacegrad \wedge \spacegrad \wedge \BA = 0 \), for vector \( \BA \) and \( \spacegrad \wedge \spacegrad \phi = 0 \), for scalar \( \phi \) to find the potential representation.


Taking grade(0,1) and (2,3) selections of Maxwell’s equation, we split our equations into source dependent and source free equations
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } F }{0,1} = \gpgrade{J}{0,1},
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } F }{2,3} = 0.

In terms of \( F = \BE + I \eta \BH \), the source free equation expands to
\lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } \lr{ \BE + I \eta \BH }
}{2,3} \\
\gpgradetwo{\spacegrad \BE}
+ \gpgradethree{I \eta \spacegrad \BH} + I \eta \inv{c} \PD{t}{\BH} \\
\spacegrad \wedge \BE
+ \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ I \eta \BH }
+ I \eta \inv{c} \PD{t}{\BH},
which can be further split into a bivector and trivector equation
0 = \spacegrad \wedge \BE + I \eta \inv{c} \PD{t}{\BH}
0 = \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ I \eta \BH }.
It’s clear that we want to write the magnetic field as a (bivector) curl, so we let
I \eta \BH = I c \BB = c \spacegrad \wedge \BA,
\BH = \inv{\mu} \spacegrad \cross \BA.

\Cref{eqn:mvpotentials:260} is reduced to
&= \spacegrad \wedge \BE + I \eta \inv{c} \PD{t}{\BH} \\
&= \spacegrad \wedge \BE + \inv{c} \PD{t}{} \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ c \BA } \\
&= \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ \BE + \PD{t}{\BA} }.
We can now let
\BE + \PD{t}{\BA} = -\spacegrad \phi.
We sneakily adjust the sign of the gradient so that the result matches the conventional representation.

Problem 2: Potentials for fictitious sources.

Starting with Maxwell’s equation with only fictitious magnetic sources
\lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} } F = \gpgrade{J}{2,3},
show that this may be split by grade into three equations
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} } I F}{0,1} &= I \gpgrade{J}{2,3} \\
-\eta \spacegrad \wedge \BH + \inv{c}\PD{t}{(I \BE)} &= 0 \\
\spacegrad \wedge \lr{ I \BE } &= 0.
Then use the identities \( \spacegrad \wedge \spacegrad \wedge \BF = 0 \), for vector \( \BF \) and \( \spacegrad \wedge \spacegrad \phi_m = 0 \), for scalar \( \phi_m \) to find the potential representation \ref{eqn:mvpotentials:100}.


We multiply \ref{eqn:mvpotentials:160} by \( I \) to find
\lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} } I F = I \gpgrade{J}{2,3},
which can be split into
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} } I F }{1,2} &= I \gpgrade{J}{2,3} \\
\gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} } I F }{0,3} &= 0.
We expand the source free equation in terms of \( I F = I \BE – \eta \BH \), to find
&= \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad + \inv{c}\PD{t}{} } \lr{ I \BE – \eta \BH } }{0,3} \\
&= \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ I \BE } + \inv{c} \PD{t}{(I \BE)} – \eta \spacegrad \wedge \BH,
which has the respective bivector and trivector grades
0 = \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ I \BE }
0 = \inv{c} \PD{t}{(I \BE)} – \eta \spacegrad \wedge \BH.
We can clearly satisfy \ref{eqn:mvpotentials:420} by setting
I \BE = -\inv{\epsilon} \spacegrad \wedge \BF,
\BE = -\inv{\epsilon} \spacegrad \cross \BF.
Here, once again, the sneaky inclusion of a constant factor \( -1/\epsilon \) is to make the result match the conventional. Inserting this value for \( I \BE \) into our bivector equation yields
&= -\inv{\epsilon} \inv{c} \PD{t}{} (\spacegrad \wedge \BF) – \eta \spacegrad \wedge \BH \\
&= -\eta \spacegrad \wedge \lr{ \PD{t}{\BF} + \BH },
so we set
\PD{t}{\BF} + \BH = -\spacegrad \phi_m,
and have a field representation that automatically satisfies the source free equations.

Problem 3: Total field in terms of potentials.

Prove lemma 1.1, either by direct expansion, or by trying to discover the multivector form of the field by construction.


Proof by expansion is straightforward, and left to the reader. We form the respective total electromagnetic fields \( F = \BE + I \eta H \) for each case.

We find
&= \BE + I \eta \BH \\
&= -\spacegrad \phi – \PD{t}{\BA} + I \frac{\eta}{\mu} \spacegrad \cross \BA \\
&= -\spacegrad \phi – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BA)} + \spacegrad \wedge (c\BA) \\
&= \gpgrade{ -\spacegrad \phi – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BA)} + \spacegrad \wedge (c\BA) }{1,2} \\
&= \gpgrade{ -\spacegrad \phi – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BA)} + \spacegrad (c\BA) }{1,2} \\
&= \gpgrade{ \spacegrad \lr{ -\phi + c \BA } – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BA)} }{1,2} \\
&= \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad -\inv{c} \PD{t}{} } \lr{ -\phi + c \BA } }{1,2}.

For the field for the fictitious source case, we compute the result in the same way, inserting a no-op grade selection to allow us to simplify, finding
&= \BE + I \eta \BH \\
&= -\inv{\epsilon} \spacegrad \cross \BF + I \eta \lr{ -\spacegrad \phi_m – \PD{t}{\BF} } \\
&= \inv{\epsilon c} I \lr{ \spacegrad \wedge (c \BF)} + I \eta \lr{ -\spacegrad \phi_m – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BF)} } \\
&= I \eta \lr{ \spacegrad \wedge (c \BF) + \lr{ -\spacegrad \phi_m – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BF)} } } \\
&= I \eta \gpgrade{ \spacegrad \wedge (c \BF) + \lr{ -\spacegrad \phi_m – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BF)} } }{1,2} \\
&= I \eta \gpgrade{ \spacegrad (c \BF) – \spacegrad \phi_m – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BF)} }{1,2} \\
&= I \eta \gpgrade{ \spacegrad (-\phi_m + c \BF) – \inv{c} \PD{t}{(c \BF)} }{1,2} \\
&= I \eta \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad -\inv{c} \PD{t}{} } (-\phi_m + c \BF) }{1,2}.

Problem 4: Fields in terms of potentials.

Prove lemma 1.2.


Let’s expand and then group by grade
\lr{ \spacegrad – \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } A
\lr{ \spacegrad – \inv{c} \PD{t}{} } \lr{ -\phi + c \BA + I \eta \lr{ -\phi_m + c \BF }} \\
-\spacegrad \phi + c \spacegrad \BA + I \eta \lr{ -\spacegrad \phi_m + c \spacegrad \BF }
-\inv{c} \PD{t}{\phi} + c \inv{c} \PD{t}{ \BA } + I \eta \lr{ -\inv{c} \PD{t}{\phi_m} + c \inv{c} \PD{t}{\BF} } \\
– \spacegrad \phi
+ I \eta c \spacegrad \wedge \BF
– c \inv{c} \PD{t}{\BA}
\quad + c \spacegrad \wedge \BA
-I \eta \spacegrad \phi_m
– c I \eta \inv{c} \PD{t}{\BF} \\
&\quad + c \spacegrad \cdot \BA
+\inv{c} \PD{t}{\phi}
\quad + I \eta \lr{ c \spacegrad \cdot \BF
+ \inv{c} \PD{t}{\phi_m} } \\
– \spacegrad \phi
– \inv{\epsilon} \spacegrad \cross \BF
– \PD{t}{\BA}
\quad + I \eta \lr{
\inv{\mu} \spacegrad \cross \BA
– \spacegrad \phi_m
– \PD{t}{\BF}
} \\
&\quad + c \spacegrad \cdot \BA
+\inv{c} \PD{t}{\phi}
\quad + I \eta \lr{ c \spacegrad \cdot \BF
+ \inv{c} \PD{t}{\phi_m} }.
Observing that \( F = \gpgrade{ \lr{ \spacegrad -(1/c) \partial_t } A }{1,2} = \BE + I \eta \BH \), completes the problem. If the Lorentz gauge condition is assumed, the scalar and pseudoscalar components above are obliterated, leaving just
\( F = \lr{ \spacegrad -(1/c) \partial_t } A \).


[1] Constantine A Balanis. Antenna theory: analysis and design. John Wiley & Sons, 3rd edition, 2005.

[2] R.P. Feynman, R.B. Leighton, and M.L. Sands. Feynman lectures on physics, Volume II.[Lectures on physics], chapter The Maxwell Equations. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Reading, Massachusetts, 1963. URL https://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/II_18.html.

[3] David Jeffrey Griffiths and Reed College. Introduction to electrodynamics. Prentice hall Upper Saddle River, NJ, 3rd edition, 1999.

[4] JD Jackson. Classical Electrodynamics. John Wiley and Sons, 2nd edition, 1975.

[5] David M Pozar. Microwave engineering. John Wiley & Sons, 2009.