
Geometric algebra, exact and least squares solutions of two variable linear system

September 25, 2023 math and physics play , , , , , , , , ,

New video (on Google’s CensorshipTube):

Exact system.

Recall that we can use the wedge product to solve linear systems. For example, assuming that \( \Ba, \Bb \) are not colinear, the system
x \Ba + y \Bb = \Bc,
if it has a solution, can be solved for \( x \) and \( y \) by wedging with \( \Bb \), and \( \Ba \) respectively.
For example, wedging with \( \Bb \), from the right, gives
x \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } + y \lr{ \Bb \wedge \Bb } = \Bc \wedge \Bb,
but since \( \Bb \wedge \Bb = 0 \), we are left with
x \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } = \Bc \wedge \Bb,
and since \( \Ba, \Bb \) are not colinear, which means that \( \Ba \wedge \Bb \ne 0 \), we have
x = \inv{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \Bc \wedge \Bb.
Similarly, we can wedge with \( \Ba \) (from the left), to find
y = \inv{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \Ba \wedge \Bc.
This works because, if the system has a solution, all the bivectors \( \Ba \wedge \Bb \), \( \Ba \wedge \Bc \), and \( \Bb \wedge \Bc \), are all scalar multiples of each other, so we can just divide the two bivectors, and the results must be scalars.

Cramer’s rule.

Incidentally, observe that for \(\mathbb{R}^2\), this is the “Cramer’s rule” solution to the system, since
\Bx \wedge \By = \begin{vmatrix} \Bx & \By \end{vmatrix} \Be_1 \Be_2,
where we are treating \( \Bx \) and \( \By \) here as column vectors of the coordinates. This means that, after dividing out the plane pseudoscalar \( \Be_1 \Be_2 \), we have
\Bc & \Bb \\
\Ba & \Bb
} \\
\Ba & \Bc \\
\Ba & \Bb
This follows the usual Cramer’s rule proscription, where we form determinants of the coordinates of the spanning vectors, replace either of the original vectors in the numerator with the target vector (depending on which variable we seek), and then take ratios of the two determinants.

Least squares solution, using geometry.

Now, let’s consider the case, where the system \ref{eqn:cramersProjection:20} cannot be solved exactly. Geometrically, the best we can do is to try to solve the related “least squares” problem
x \Ba + y \Bb = \Bc_\parallel,
where \( \Bc_\parallel \) is the projection of \( \Bc \) onto the plane spanned by \( \Ba, \Bb \). Regardless of the value of \( \Bc \), we can always find a solution to this problem. For example, solving for \( x \), we have
&= \inv{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \Bc_\parallel \wedge \Bb \\
&= \inv{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Bc_\parallel \wedge \Bb } \\
&= \inv{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Bc \wedge \Bb } – \inv{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Bc_\perp \wedge \Bb }.
Let’s look at the second term, which can be written
– \inv{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Bc_\perp \wedge \Bb }
– \frac{ \Ba \wedge \Bb }{ \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb}^2 } \cdot \lr{ \Bc_\perp \wedge \Bb } \\
\lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Bc_\perp \wedge \Bb } \\
\lr{ \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \Bc_\perp } \cdot \Bb \\
\lr{ \Ba \lr{ \Bb \cdot \Bc_\perp} – \Bb \lr{ \Ba \cdot \Bc_\perp} } \cdot \Bb \\
The zero above follows because \( \Bc_\perp \) is perpendicular to both \( \Ba \) and \( \Bb \) by construction. Geometrically, we are trying to dot two perpendicular bivectors, where \( \Bb \) is a common factor of those two bivectors, as illustrated in fig. 1.

fig. 1. Perpendicular bivectors.

We see that our least squares solution, to this two variable linear system problem, is
x = \inv{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Bc \wedge \Bb }.
y = \inv{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bc }.

The interesting thing here is how we have managed to connect the geometric notion of the optimal solution, the equivalent of a least squares solution (which we can compute with the Moore-Penrose inverse, or with an SVD (Singular Value Decomposition)), with the entirely geometric notion of selecting for the portion of the desired solution that lies within the span of the set of input vectors, provided that the spanning vectors for that hyperplane are linearly independent.

Least squares solution, using calculus.

I’ve called the projection solution, a least-squares solution, without full justification. Here’s that justification. We define the usual error function, the squared distance from the target, from our superposition position in the plane
\epsilon = \lr{ \Bc – x \Ba – y \Bb }^2,
and then take partials with respect to \( x, y \), equating each to zero
0 &= \PD{x}{\epsilon} = 2 \lr{ \Bc – x \Ba – y \Bb } \cdot (-\Ba) \\
0 &= \PD{y}{\epsilon} = 2 \lr{ \Bc – x \Ba – y \Bb } \cdot (-\Bb).
This is a two equation, two unknown system, which can be expressed in matrix form as
\Ba^2 & \Ba \cdot \Bb \\
\Ba \cdot \Bb & \Bb^2
x \\
\Ba \cdot \Bc \\
\Bb \cdot \Bc \\
This has solution
x \\
\Ba^2 & \Ba \cdot \Bb \\
\Ba \cdot \Bb & \Bb^2
\Bb^2 & -\Ba \cdot \Bb \\
-\Ba \cdot \Bb & \Ba^2
\Ba \cdot \Bc \\
\Bb \cdot \Bc \\
\Bb^2 \lr{ \Ba \cdot \Bc } – \lr{ \Ba \cdot \Bb} \lr{ \Bb \cdot \Bc } \\
\Ba^2 \lr{ \Bb \cdot \Bc } – \lr{ \Ba \cdot \Bb} \lr{ \Ba \cdot \Bc } \\
\Ba^2 \Bb^2 – \lr{ \Ba \cdot \Bb }^2

All of these differences can be expressed as wedge dot products, using the following expansions in reverse
\lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Bc \wedge \Bd }
\Ba \cdot \lr{ \Bb \cdot \lr{ \Bc \wedge \Bd } } \\
\Ba \cdot \lr{ \lr{\Bb \cdot \Bc} \Bd – \lr{\Bb \cdot \Bd} \Bc } \\
\lr{ \Ba \cdot \Bd } \lr{\Bb \cdot \Bc} – \lr{ \Ba \cdot \Bc }\lr{\Bb \cdot \Bd}.

We find
&= \frac{\Bb^2 \lr{ \Ba \cdot \Bc } – \lr{ \Ba \cdot \Bb} \lr{ \Bb \cdot \Bc }}{-\lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb }^2 } \\
&= \frac{\lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Bb \wedge \Bc }}{ -\lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb }^2 } \\
&= \inv{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Bc \wedge \Bb },
&= \frac{\Ba^2 \lr{ \Bb \cdot \Bc } – \lr{ \Ba \cdot \Bb} \lr{ \Ba \cdot \Bc } }{-\lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb }^2 } \\
&= \frac{- \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bc } }{ -\lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bb }^2 } \\
&= \inv{ \Ba \wedge \Bb } \cdot \lr{ \Ba \wedge \Bc }.
Sure enough, we find what was dubbed our least squares solution, which we now know can be written out as a ratio of (dotted) wedge products.
From \ref{eqn:cramersProjection:340}, it wasn’t obvious that the least squares solution would have a structure that was almost Cramer’s rule like, but having solved this problem using geometry alone, we knew to expect that. It was therefore natural to write the results in terms of wedge products factors, and find the simplest statement of the end result. That end result reduces to Cramer’s rule for the \(\mathbb{R}^2\) special case where the system has an exact solution.

New video: Elliptical motion from Newton’s law of gravitation.

September 14, 2023 math and physics play , , , , , , , , , ,

This blog post is a text version of the video below, available in a few forms:


We found previously that
\mathbf{\hat{r}}’ = \inv{r} \mathbf{\hat{r}} \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \wedge \Bx’ }.
Somewhat remarkably, we can use this identity to demonstrate that orbits governed gravitational force are elliptical (or parabolic, or hyperbolic.) This ends up being possible because the angular momentum of the system is a conserved quantity, and this immediately introduces angular momentum into the mix in a fundamental way. In particular,
\mathbf{\hat{r}}’ = \inv{m r^2} \mathbf{\hat{r}} L,
where we define the angular momentum bivector as
L = \Bx \wedge \Bp.
Our gravitational law is
m \ddt{\Bv} = – G m M \frac{\mathbf{\hat{r}}}{r^2},
-\inv{G M} \ddt{\Bv} = \frac{\mathbf{\hat{r}}}{r^2}.
Combining the gravitational law with our \( \mathbf{\hat{r}} \) derivative identity, we have
\ddt{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} }
&= \inv{m} \frac{\mathbf{\hat{r}}}{r^2} L \\
&= -\inv{G m M} \ddt{\Bv} L \\
&= -\inv{G m M} \lr{ \ddt{(\Bv L)} – \ddt{L} }.
Since angular momentum is a constant of motion of the system, means that
\ddt{L} = 0,
our equation of motion is integratable
\ddt{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} } = -\inv{G m M} \ddt{(\Bv L)}.
Introducing a vector valued integration constant \( -\Be \), we have
\mathbf{\hat{r}} = -\inv{G m M} \Bv L – \Be.
We’ve transformed our second order differential equation to a first order equation, one that does not look easy to integrate one more time. Luckily, we do not have to integrate, and can partially solve this algebraically, enough to describe the orbit in a compact fashion.

Before trying that, it’s worth quickly demonstrating that this equation is not a multivector equation, but a vector equation, since the multivector \( \Bv L \) is, in fact, vector valued.
\Bv L
&= \Bv \lr{ \Bx \wedge (m \Bv) } \\
&\propto \mathbf{\hat{v}} \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \wedge \mathbf{\hat{v}} } \\
&= \mathbf{\hat{v}} \cdot \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \wedge \mathbf{\hat{v}} } + \mathbf{\hat{v}} \wedge \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \wedge \mathbf{\hat{v}} } \\
&= \mathbf{\hat{v}} \cdot \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{r}} \wedge \mathbf{\hat{v}} } \\
&= \lr{ \mathbf{\hat{v}} \cdot \mathbf{\hat{r}} } \mathbf{\hat{v}} – \mathbf{\hat{r}},
which is a vector (i.e.: a vector that is directed along the portion of \( \Bx \) that is perpendicular to \( \Bv \).)

We can reduce \ref{eqn:solarellipse:180} to a scalar equation by dotting with \( \Bx = r \mathbf{\hat{r}} \), leaving
&= -\inv{G m M} \gpgradezero{ \Bx \Bv L } – \Bx \cdot \Be \\
&= -\inv{G m^2 M} \gpgradezero{ \Bx \Bp L } – \Bx \cdot \Be \\
&= -\inv{G m^2 M} \gpgradezero{ \lr{ \Bx \cdot \Bp + L } L } – \Bx \cdot \Be \\
&= -\inv{G m^2 M} L^2 – \Bx \cdot \Be,
r = -\frac{L^2}{G M m^2} – r e \cos\theta,
r \lr{ 1 + e \cos\theta } = -\frac{L^2}{G M m^2}.
Observe that the RHS constant is a positive constant, since \( L^2 \le 0 \). This has the structure of a conic section, if we write
-\frac{L^2}{G M m^2} = e d.
This is an ellipse, for \( e \in [0,1) \), a parabola for \( e = 1 \), and hyperbola for \( e > 1 \) ([1] theorem 10.3.1).

fig. 1. Ellipse with e = 0.75

In fig. 1 is a plot with \( e = 0.75 \) (changing \( d \) doesn’t change the shape of the figure, just the size.)


[1] S.L. Salas and E. Hille. Calculus: one and several variables. Wiley New York, 1990.

Geometric algebra notes collection split into two volumes

November 10, 2015 math and physics play , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

I’ve now split my (way too big) Exploring physics with Geometric Algebra into two volumes:

Each of these is now a much more manageable size, which should facilitate removing the redundancies in these notes, and making them more properly book like.

Also note I’ve also previously moved “Exploring Geometric Algebra” content related to:

  • Lagrangian’s
  • Hamiltonian’s
  • Noether’s theorem

into my classical mechanics collection (449 pages).