
A curious proof of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula

November 4, 2015 phy1520 , , ,

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Equation (39) of [1] states the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula for two operators \( a, b\) that commute with their commutator \( \antisymmetric{a}{b} \)

e^a e^b = e^{a + b + \antisymmetric{a}{b}/2},

and provides the outline of an interesting method of proof. That method is to consider the derivative of

f(\lambda) = e^{\lambda a} e^{\lambda b} e^{-\lambda (a + b)},

That derivative is
e^{\lambda a} a e^{\lambda b} e^{-\lambda (a + b)}
e^{\lambda a} b e^{\lambda b} e^{-\lambda (a + b)}

e^{\lambda a} b e^{\lambda b} (a + b)e^{-\lambda (a + b)} \\
e^{\lambda a} \lr{
a e^{\lambda b}
b e^{\lambda b}

e^{\lambda b} (a+b)
e^{-\lambda (a + b)} \\
e^{\lambda a} \lr{
\antisymmetric{a}{e^{\lambda b}}
{\antisymmetric{b}{e^{\lambda b}}}
e^{-\lambda (a + b)} \\
e^{\lambda a}
\antisymmetric{a}{e^{\lambda b}}
e^{-\lambda (a + b)}

The commutator above is proportional to \( \antisymmetric{a}{b} \)

\antisymmetric{a}{e^{\lambda b}}
\sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{\lambda^k}{k!} \antisymmetric{a}{ b^k } \\
\sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{\lambda^k}{k!} k b^{k-1} \antisymmetric{a}{b} \\
\lambda \sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{\lambda^{k-1}}{(k-1)!} b^{k-1}
\antisymmetric{a}{b} \\
\lambda e^{\lambda b} \antisymmetric{a}{b},


\frac{df}{d\lambda} = \lambda \antisymmetric{a}{b} f.

To get the above, we should also do the induction demonstration for \( \antisymmetric{a}{ b^k } = k b^{k-1} \antisymmetric{a}{b} \).

This clearly holds for \( k = 0,1 \). For any other \( k \) we have

a b^{k+1} – b^{k+1} a \\
\lr{ \antisymmetric{a}{b^{k}} + b^k a
} b – b^{k+1} a \\
k b^{k-1} \antisymmetric{a}{b} b
+ b^k \lr{ \antisymmetric{a}{b} + {b a} }
– {b^{k+1} a} \\
k b^{k} \antisymmetric{a}{b}
+ b^k \antisymmetric{a}{b} \\
(k+1) b^k \antisymmetric{a}{b}.

Observe that \ref{eqn:bakercambell:100} is solved by

f = e^{\lambda^2\antisymmetric{a}{b}/2},

which gives

e^{\lambda^2 \antisymmetric{a}{b}/2} =
e^{\lambda a} e^{\lambda b} e^{-\lambda (a + b)}.

Right multiplication by \( e^{\lambda (a + b)} \) which commutes with \( e^{\lambda^2 \antisymmetric{a}{b}/2} \) and setting \( \lambda = 1 \) recovers \ref{eqn:bakercambell:20} as desired.

What I wonder looking at this, is what thought process led to trying this in the first place? This is not what I would consider an obvious approach to demonstrating this identity.


[1] Roy J Glauber. Some notes on multiple-boson processes. Physical Review, 84 (3), 1951.

Plane wave ground state expectation for SHO

October 18, 2015 phy1520 , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Problem [1] 2.18 is, for a 1D SHO, show that

\bra{0} e^{i k x} \ket{0} = \exp\lr{ -k^2 \bra{0} x^2 \ket{0}/2 }.

Despite the simple appearance of this problem, I found this quite involved to show. To do so, start with a series expansion of the expectation

\bra{0} e^{i k x} \ket{0}
\sum_{m=0}^\infty \frac{(i k)^m}{m!} \bra{0} x^m \ket{0}.


X = \lr{ a + a^\dagger },

so that

= \sqrt{\frac{\Hbar}{2 \omega m}} X
= \frac{x_0}{\sqrt{2}} X.

Consider the first few values of \( \bra{0} X^n \ket{0} \)

\bra{0} X \ket{0}
\bra{0} \lr{ a + a^\dagger } \ket{0} \\
\braket{0}{1} \\

\bra{0} X^2 \ket{0}
\bra{0} \lr{ a + a^\dagger }^2 \ket{0} \\
\braket{1}{1} \\

\bra{0} X^3 \ket{0}
\bra{0} \lr{ a + a^\dagger }^3 \ket{0} \\
\bra{1} \lr{ \sqrt{2} \ket{2} + \ket{0} } \\

Whenever the power \( n \) in \( X^n \) is even, the braket can be split into a bra that has only contributions from odd eigenstates and a ket with even eigenstates. We conclude that \( \bra{0} X^n \ket{0} = 0 \) when \( n \) is odd.

Noting that \( \bra{0} x^2 \ket{0} = \ifrac{x_0^2}{2} \), this leaves

\bra{0} e^{i k x} \ket{0}
\sum_{m=0}^\infty \frac{(i k)^{2 m}}{(2 m)!} \bra{0} x^{2m} \ket{0} \\
\sum_{m=0}^\infty \frac{(i k)^{2 m}}{(2 m)!} \lr{ \frac{x_0^2}{2} }^m \bra{0} X^{2m} \ket{0} \\
\sum_{m=0}^\infty \frac{1}{(2 m)!} \lr{ -k^2 \bra{0} x^2 \ket{0} }^m \bra{0} X^{2m} \ket{0}.

This problem is now reduced to showing that

\frac{1}{(2 m)!} \bra{0} X^{2m} \ket{0} = \inv{m! 2^m},


\bra{0} X^{2m} \ket{0}
&= \frac{(2m)!}{m! 2^m} \\
&= \frac{ (2m)(2m-1)(2m-2) \cdots (2)(1) }{2^m m!} \\
&= \frac{ 2^m (m)(2m-1)(m-1)(2m-3)(m-2) \cdots (2)(3)(1)(1) }{2^m m!} \\
&= (2m-1)!!,

where \( n!! = n(n-2)(n-4)\cdots \).

It looks like \( \bra{0} X^{2m} \ket{0} \) can be expanded by inserting an identity operator and proceeding recursively, like

\bra{0} X^{2m} \ket{0}
\bra{0} X^2 \lr{ \sum_{n=0}^\infty \ket{n}\bra{n} } X^{2m-2} \ket{0} \\
\bra{0} X^2 \lr{ \ket{0}\bra{0} + \ket{2}\bra{2} } X^{2m-2} \ket{0} \\
\bra{0} X^{2m-2} \ket{0} + \bra{0} X^2 \ket{2} \bra{2} X^{2m-2} \ket{0}.

This has made use of the observation that \( \bra{0} X^2 \ket{n} = 0 \) for all \( n \ne 0,2 \). The remaining term includes the factor

\bra{0} X^2 \ket{2}
\bra{0} \lr{a + a^\dagger}^2 \ket{2} \\
\lr{ \bra{0} + \sqrt{2} \bra{2} } \ket{2} \\

Since \( \sqrt{2} \ket{2} = \lr{a^\dagger}^2 \ket{0} \), the expectation of interest can be written

\bra{0} X^{2m} \ket{0}
\bra{0} X^{2m-2} \ket{0} + \bra{0} a^2 X^{2m-2} \ket{0}.

How do we expand the second term. Let’s look at how \( a \) and \( X \) commute

a X
\antisymmetric{a}{X} + X a \\
\antisymmetric{a}{a + a^\dagger} + X a \\
\antisymmetric{a}{a^\dagger} + X a \\
1 + X a,

a^2 X
a \lr{ a X } \\
a \lr{ 1 + X a } \\
a + a X a \\
a + \lr{ 1 + X a } a \\
2 a + X a^2.

Proceeding to expand \( a^2 X^n \) we find
a^2 X^3 &= 6 X + 6 X^2 a + X^3 a^2 \\
a^2 X^4 &= 12 X^2 + 8 X^3 a + X^4 a^2 \\
a^2 X^5 &= 20 X^3 + 10 X^4 a + X^5 a^2 \\
a^2 X^6 &= 30 X^4 + 12 X^5 a + X^6 a^2.

It appears that we have
\antisymmetric{a^2 X^n}{X^n a^2} = \beta_n X^{n-2} + 2 n X^{n-1} a,


\beta_n = \beta_{n-1} + 2 (n-1),

and \( \beta_2 = 2 \). Some goofing around shows that \( \beta_n = n(n-1) \), so the induction hypothesis is

\antisymmetric{a^2 X^n}{X^n a^2} = n(n-1) X^{n-2} + 2 n X^{n-1} a.

Let’s check the induction
a^2 X^{n+1}
a^2 X^{n} X \\
\lr{ n(n-1) X^{n-2} + 2 n X^{n-1} a + X^n a^2 } X \\
n(n-1) X^{n-1} + 2 n X^{n-1} a X + X^n a^2 X \\
n(n-1) X^{n-1} + 2 n X^{n-1} \lr{ 1 + X a } + X^n \lr{ 2 a + X a^2 } \\
n(n-1) X^{n-1} + 2 n X^{n-1} + 2 n X^{n} a
+ 2 X^n a
+ X^{n+1} a^2 \\
X^{n+1} a^2 + (2 + 2 n) X^{n} a + \lr{ 2 n + n(n-1) } X^{n-1} \\
X^{n+1} a^2 + 2(n + 1) X^{n} a + (n+1) n X^{n-1},

which concludes the induction, giving

\bra{ 0 } a^2 X^{n} \ket{0 } = n(n-1) \bra{0} X^{n-2} \ket{0},


\bra{0} X^{2m} \ket{0}
\bra{0} X^{2m-2} \ket{0} + (2m-2)(2m-3) \bra{0} X^{2m-4} \ket{0}.


\sigma_{n} = \bra{0} X^n \ket{0},

so that the recurrence relation, for \( 2n \ge 4 \) is

\sigma_{2n} = \sigma_{2n -2} + (2n-2)(2n-3) \sigma_{2n -4}

We want to show that this simplifies to

\sigma_{2n} = (2n-1)!!

The first values are

\sigma_0 = \bra{0} X^0 \ket{0} = 1
\sigma_2 = \bra{0} X^2 \ket{0} = 1

which gives us the right result for the first term in the induction

&= \sigma_2 + 2 \times 1 \times \sigma_0 \\
&= 1 + 2 \\
&= 3!!

For the general induction term, consider

\sigma_{2n + 2}
&= \sigma_{2n} + 2 n (2n – 1) \sigma_{2n -2} \\
&= (2n-1)!! + 2n ( 2n – 1) (2n -3)!! \\
&= (2n + 1) (2n -1)!! \\
&= (2n + 1)!!,

which completes the final induction. That was also the last thing required to complete the proof, so we are done!


[1] Jun John Sakurai and Jim J Napolitano. Modern quantum mechanics. Pearson Higher Ed, 2014.

PHY1520H Graduate Quantum Mechanics. Lecture 6: Electromagnetic gauge transformation and Aharonov-Bohm effect. Taught by Prof. Arun Paramekanti

October 6, 2015 phy1520 , , ,

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Peeter’s lecture notes from class. These may be incoherent and rough.

These are notes for the UofT course PHY1520, Graduate Quantum Mechanics, taught by Prof. Paramekanti, covering [1] chap. 2 content.

Particle with \( \BE, \BB \) fields

We express our fields with vector and scalar potentials

\BE, \BB \rightarrow \BA, \phi

and apply a gauge transformed Hamiltonian

H = \inv{2m} \lr{ \Bp – q \BA }^2 + q \phi.

Recall that in classical mechanics we have

\Bp – q \BA = m \Bv

where \( \Bp \) is not gauge invariant, but the classical momentum \( m \Bv \) is.

If given a point in phase space we must also specify the gauge that we are working with.

For the quantum case, temporarily considering a Hamiltonian without any scalar potential, but introducing a gauge transformation

\BA \rightarrow \BA + \spacegrad \chi,

which takes the Hamiltonian from

H = \inv{2m} \lr{ \Bp – q \BA }^2,

H = \inv{2m} \lr{ \Bp – q \BA -q \spacegrad \chi }^2.

We care that the position and momentum operators obey

\antisymmetric{\hat{r}_i}{\hat{p}_j} = i \Hbar \delta_{i j}.

We can apply a transformation that keeps \( \Br \) the same, but changes the momentum

\hat{\Br}’ &= \hat{\Br} \\
\hat{\Bp}’ &= \hat{\Bp} – q \spacegrad \chi(\Br)

This maps the Hamiltonian to

H = \inv{2m} \lr{ \Bp’ – q \BA -q \spacegrad \chi }^2,

We want to check if the commutator relationships have the desired structure, that is

\antisymmetric{r_i’}{r_j’} &= 0 \\
\antisymmetric{p_i’}{p_j’} &= 0

This is confirmed in \ref{problem:qmLecture6:1}.

Another thing of interest is how are the wave functions altered by this change of variables? The wave functions must change in response to this transformation if the energies of the Hamiltonian are to remain the same.

Considering a plane wave specified by

e^{i \Bk \cdot \Br},

where we alter the momentum by

\Bk \rightarrow \Bk – e \spacegrad \chi.

This takes the plane wave to

e^{i \lr{ \Bk – q \spacegrad \chi } \cdot \Br}.

We want to try to find a wave function for the new Hamiltonian

H’ = \inv{2m} \lr{ \Bp’ – q \BA -q \spacegrad \chi }^2,

of the form

e^{i \theta(\Br)} \psi(\Br),

where the new wave function differs from a wave function for the original Hamiltonian by only a position dependent phase factor.

Let’s look at the action of the Hamiltonian on the new wave function

H’ \psi'(\Br) .

Looking at just the first action

\lr{ -i \Hbar \spacegrad – q \BA – q \spacegrad \chi } e^{i \theta(\Br)} \psi(\Br)
\lr{ -i \Hbar \spacegrad – q \BA – q \spacegrad \chi }
-i \Hbar i \spacegrad \theta
\psi(\Br) \\
\lr{ -i \Hbar \spacegrad – q \BA – q \spacegrad \chi
+ \Hbar \spacegrad \theta

If we choose

\theta = \frac{q \chi}{\Hbar},

then we are left with

\lr{ -i \Hbar \spacegrad – q \BA – q \spacegrad \chi } e^{i \theta(\Br)} \psi(\Br)
\lr{ -i \Hbar \spacegrad – q \BA }

Let \( \BM = -i \Hbar \spacegrad – q \BA \), and act again with \( \lr{ -i \Hbar \spacegrad – q \BA – q \spacegrad \chi } \)

\lr{ -i \Hbar \spacegrad – q \BA – q \spacegrad \chi } e^{i \theta} \BM \psi
\lr{ -i \Hbar i \spacegrad \theta – q \BA – q \spacegrad \chi } e^{i \theta} \BM \psi
\lr{ -i \Hbar \spacegrad } \BM \psi \\
\lr{ -i \Hbar \spacegrad -q \BA + \spacegrad \lr{ \Hbar \theta – q \chi} } \BM \psi \\
e^{i\theta} \BM^2 \psi.

Restoring factors of \( m \), we’ve shown that for a choice of \( \Hbar \theta – q \chi \), we have

\inv{2m} \lr{ -i \Hbar \spacegrad – q \BA – q \spacegrad \chi }^2 e^{i \theta} \psi = e^{i\theta}
\inv{2m} \lr{ -i \Hbar \spacegrad – q \BA }^2 \psi.

When \( \psi \) is an energy eigenfunction, this means

H’ e^{i\theta} \psi = e^{i \theta} H \psi = e^{i\theta} E\psi = E (e^{i\theta} \psi).

We’ve found a transformation of the wave function that has the same energy eigenvalues as the corresponding wave functions for the original untransformed Hamiltonian.

In summary
H’ &= \inv{2m} \lr{ \Bp – q \BA – q \spacegrad \chi}^2 \\
\psi'(\Br) &= e^{i \theta(\Br)} \psi(\Br), \qquad \text{where}\, \theta(\Br) = q \chi(\Br)/\Hbar

Aharonov-Bohm effect

Consider a periodic motion in a fixed ring as sketched in fig. 1.

fig. 1. particle confined to a ring

fig. 1. particle confined to a ring

Here the displacement around the perimeter is \( s = R \phi \) and the Hamiltonian

H = – \frac{\Hbar^2}{2 m} \PDSq{s}{} = – \frac{\Hbar^2}{2 m R^2} \PDSq{\phi}{}.

Now assume that there is a magnetic field squeezed into the point at the origin, by virtue of a flux at the origin

\BB = \Phi_0 \delta(\Br) \zcap.

We know that

\oint \BA \cdot d\Bl = \Phi_0,

so that

\BA = \frac{\Phi_0}{2 \pi r} \phicap.

The Hamiltonian for the new configuration is

&= – \lr{ -i \Hbar \spacegrad – q \frac{\Phi_0}{2 \pi r } \phicap }^2 \\
&= – \inv{2 m} \lr{ -i \Hbar \inv{R} \PD{\phi}{} – q \frac{\Phi_0}{2 \pi R } }^2.

Here the replacement \( r \rightarrow R \) makes use of the fact that this problem as been posed with the particle forced to move around the ring at the fixed radius \( R \).

For this transformed Hamiltonian, what are the wave functions?

e^{i n \phi}.

H \psi
&= \inv{2 m}
\lr{ -i \Hbar \inv{R} (i n) – q \frac{\Phi_0}{2 \pi R } }^2 e^{i n \phi} \\
\underbrace{\inv{2 m}
\lr{ \frac{\Hbar n}{R} – q \frac{\Phi_0}{2 \pi R } }^2}_{E_n} e^{i n \phi}.

This is very unclassical, since the energy changes in a way that depends on the flux, because particles are seeing magnetic fields that are not present at the point of the particle.

This is sketched in fig. 2.

fig. 2. Energy variation with flux.

fig. 2. Energy variation with flux.

we see that there are multiple points that the energies hit the minimum levels


Show that after a transformation of position and momentum of the following form

\hat{\Br}’ &= \hat{\Br} \\
\hat{\Bp}’ &= \hat{\Bp} – q \spacegrad \chi(\Br)

all the commutators have the expected values.


The position commutators don’t need consideration. Of interest is the momentum-position commutators

\antisymmetric{\hat{p}_k – q \partial_k \chi}{\hat{x}_k} \\
\antisymmetric{\hat{p}_k}{\hat{x}_k} – q \antisymmetric{\partial_k \chi}{\hat{x}_k} \\

and the momentum commutators

\antisymmetric{\hat{p}_k – q \partial_k \chi}{\hat{p}_j – q \partial_j \chi} \\
– q \lr{ \antisymmetric{\partial_k \chi}{\hat{p}_j} + \antisymmetric{\hat{p}_k}{\partial_j \chi} }.

That last sum of commutators is

\antisymmetric{\partial_k \chi}{\hat{p}_j} + \antisymmetric{\hat{p}_k}{\partial_j \chi}
– i \Hbar \lr{ \PD{k}{(\partial_j \chi)} – \PD{j}{(\partial_k \chi)} } \\
&= 0.

We’ve shown that

\antisymmetric{\hat{p}_k’}{\hat{x}_k’} &= \antisymmetric{\hat{p}_k}{\hat{x}_k} \\
\antisymmetric{\hat{p}_k’}{\hat{p}_j’} &= \antisymmetric{\hat{p}_k}{\hat{p}_j}.

All the other commutators clearly have the desired transformation properties.


[1] Jun John Sakurai and Jim J Napolitano. Modern quantum mechanics. Pearson Higher Ed, 2014.

Commutators of angular momentum and a central force Hamiltonian

September 30, 2015 phy1520 , , , ,

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In problem 1.17 of [1] we are to show that non-commuting operators that both commute with the Hamiltonian, have, in general, degenerate energy eigenvalues. It suggests considering \( L_x, L_z \) and a central force Hamiltonian \( H = \Bp^2/2m + V(r) \) as examples.

Let’s just demonstrate these commutators act as expected in these cases.

With \( \BL = \Bx \cross \Bp \), we have

L_x &= y p_z – z p_y \\
L_y &= z p_x – x p_z \\
L_z &= x p_y – y p_x.

The \( L_x, L_z \) commutator is

\antisymmetric{y p_z – z p_y }{x p_y – y p_x} \\
\antisymmetric{y p_z}{x p_y}
-\antisymmetric{y p_z}{y p_x}
-\antisymmetric{z p_y }{x p_y}
+\antisymmetric{z p_y }{y p_x} \\
x p_z \antisymmetric{y}{p_y}
+ z p_x \antisymmetric{p_y }{y} \\
i \Hbar \lr{ x p_z – z p_x } \\
– i \Hbar L_y

cyclicly permuting the indexes shows that no pairs of different \( \BL \) components commute. For \( L_y, L_x \) that is

\antisymmetric{z p_x – x p_z }{y p_z – z p_y} \\
\antisymmetric{z p_x}{y p_z}
-\antisymmetric{z p_x}{z p_y}
-\antisymmetric{x p_z }{y p_z}
+\antisymmetric{x p_z }{z p_y} \\
y p_x \antisymmetric{z}{p_z}
+ x p_y \antisymmetric{p_z }{z} \\
i \Hbar \lr{ y p_x – x p_y } \\
– i \Hbar L_z,

and for \( L_z, L_y \)

\antisymmetric{x p_y – y p_x }{z p_x – x p_z} \\
\antisymmetric{x p_y}{z p_x}
-\antisymmetric{x p_y}{x p_z}
-\antisymmetric{y p_x }{z p_x}
+\antisymmetric{y p_x }{x p_z} \\
z p_y \antisymmetric{x}{p_x}
+ y p_z \antisymmetric{p_x }{x} \\
i \Hbar \lr{ z p_y – y p_z } \\
– i \Hbar L_x.

If these angular momentum components are also shown to commute with themselves (which they do), the commutator relations above can be summarized as

\antisymmetric{L_a}{L_b} = i \Hbar \epsilon_{a b c} L_c.

In the example to consider, we’ll have to consider the commutators with \( \Bp^2 \) and \( V(r) \). Picking any one component of \( \BL \) is sufficent due to the symmetries of the problem. For example

\antisymmetric{y p_z – z p_y}{p_x^2 + p_y^2 + p_z^2} \\
\antisymmetric{y p_z}{{p_x^2} + p_y^2 + {p_z^2}}
-\antisymmetric{z p_y}{{p_x^2} + {p_y^2} + p_z^2} \\
p_z \antisymmetric{y}{p_y^2}
-p_y \antisymmetric{z}{p_z^2} \\
p_z 2 i \Hbar p_y
2 i \Hbar p_y
-p_y 2 i \Hbar p_z \\

How about the commutator of \( \BL \) with the potential? It is sufficient to consider one component again, for example

\antisymmetric{y p_z – z p_y}{V} \\
y \antisymmetric{p_z}{V} – z \antisymmetric{p_y}{V} \\
-i \Hbar y \PD{z}{V(r)} + i \Hbar z \PD{y}{V(r)} \\
-i \Hbar y \PD{r}{V}\PD{z}{r} + i \Hbar z \PD{r}{V}\PD{y}{r} \\
-i \Hbar y \PD{r}{V} \frac{z}{r} + i \Hbar z \PD{r}{V}\frac{y}{r} \\

We’ve shown that all the components of \( \BL \) commute with a central force Hamiltonian, and each different component of \( \BL \) do not commute.

The next step will be figuring out how to use this to show that there are energy degeneracies.


[1] Jun John Sakurai and Jim J Napolitano. Modern quantum mechanics. Pearson Higher Ed, 2014.

Gauge transformation of free particle Hamiltonian

September 15, 2015 math and physics play , , , , , ,

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Given a gauge transformation of the free particle Hamiltonian to

H = \inv{2 m} \BPi \cdot \BPi + e \phi,


\BPi = \Bp – \frac{e}{c} \BA,

calculate \( m d\Bx/dt \), \( \antisymmetric{\Pi_i}{\Pi_j} \), and \( m d^2\Bx/dt^2 \), where \( \Bx \) is the Heisenberg picture position operator, and the fields are functions only of position \( \phi = \phi(\Bx), \BA = \BA(\Bx) \).


The final results for these calculations are found in [1], but seem worth deriving to exercise our commutator muscles.

Heisenberg picture velocity operator

The first order of business is the Heisenberg picture velocity operator, but first note

\BPi \cdot \BPi
&= \lr{ \Bp – \frac{e}{c} \BA} \cdot \lr{ \Bp – \frac{e}{c} \BA} \\
&= \Bp^2 – \frac{e}{c} \lr{ \BA \cdot \Bp + \Bp \cdot \BA } + \frac{e^2}{c^2} \BA^2.

The time evolution of the Heisenberg picture position operator is therefore

&= \inv{i\Hbar} \antisymmetric{\Bx}{H} \\
&= \inv{i\Hbar 2 m} \antisymmetric{\Bx}{\BPi^2} \\
&= \inv{i\Hbar 2 m} \antisymmetric{\Bx}{\Bp^2 – \frac{e}{c} \lr{ \BA \cdot \Bp
+ \Bp \cdot \BA } + \frac{e^2}{c^2} \BA^2 } \\
&= \inv{i\Hbar 2 m}
– \frac{e}{c} \antisymmetric{\Bx}{ \BA \cdot \Bp + \Bp \cdot \BA }

For the \( \Bp^2 \) commutator we have

i \Hbar \PD{p_r}{\Bp^2}
2 i \Hbar p_r,

2 i \Hbar \Bp.

Computing the remaining commutator, we’ve got

\antisymmetric{x_r}{\Bp \cdot \BA + \BA \cdot \Bp}
&= x_r p_s A_s – p_s A_s x_r \\
&\quad+ x_r A_s p_s – A_s p_s x_r \\
&= \lr{ \antisymmetric{x_r}{p_s} + p_s x_r } A_s – p_s A_s x_r \\
&\quad+ x_r A_s p_s – A_s \lr{ \antisymmetric{p_s}{x_r} + x_r p_s } \\
&= \antisymmetric{x_r}{p_s} A_s + {p_s A_s x_r – p_s A_s x_r} \\
&\quad+ {x_r A_s p_s – x_r A_s p_s} + A_s \antisymmetric{x_r}{p_s} \\
&= 2 i \Hbar \delta_{r s} A_s \\
&= 2 i \Hbar A_r,


\antisymmetric{\Bx}{\Bp \cdot \BA + \BA \cdot \Bp} = 2 i \Hbar \BA.

Assembling these results gives

\ddt{\Bx} = \inv{m} \lr{ \Bp – \frac{e}{c} \BA } = \inv{m} \BPi,

as asserted in the text.

Kinetic Momentum commutators

\antisymmetric{p_r – e A_r/c}{p_s – e A_s/c} \\
– \frac{e}{c} \lr{ \antisymmetric{p_r}{A_s} + \antisymmetric{A_r}{p_s}}
+ \frac{e^2}{c^2} {\antisymmetric{A_r}{A_s}} \\
– \frac{e}{c} \lr{ (-i\Hbar) \PD{x_r}{A_s} + (i\Hbar) \PD{x_s}{A_r} } \\
– \frac{i e \Hbar}{c} \lr{ -\PD{x_r}{A_s} + \PD{x_s}{A_r} } \\
– \frac{i e \Hbar}{c} \epsilon_{t s r} B_t,

\frac{i e \Hbar}{c} \epsilon_{r s t} B_t.

Quantum Lorentz force

For the force equation we have

m \frac{d^2 \Bx}{dt^2}
&= \ddt{\BPi} \\
&= \inv{i \Hbar} \antisymmetric{\BPi}{H} \\
&= \inv{i \Hbar 2 m } \antisymmetric{\BPi}{\BPi^2}
+ \inv{i \Hbar } \antisymmetric{\BPi}{e \phi}.

For the \( \phi \) commutator consider one component

\antisymmetric{\Pi_r}{e \phi}
e \antisymmetric{p_r – \frac{e}{c} A_r}{\phi} \\
e \antisymmetric{p_r}{\phi} \\
e (-i\Hbar) \PD{x_r}{\phi},

\inv{i \Hbar} \antisymmetric{\BPi}{e \phi}
– e \spacegrad \phi
e \BE.

For the \( \BPi^2 \) commutator I initially did this the hard way (it took four notebook pages, plus two for a false start.) Realizing that I didn’t use \ref{eqn:gaugeTx:220} for that expansion was the clue to doing this more expediently.

Considering a single component

\antisymmetric{\Pi_r}{\Pi_s \Pi_s} \\
\Pi_r \Pi_s \Pi_s – \Pi_s \Pi_s \Pi_r \\
\lr{ \antisymmetric{\Pi_r}{\Pi_s} + {\Pi_s \Pi_r} }
– \Pi_s
\lr{ \antisymmetric{\Pi_s}{\Pi_r} + {\Pi_r \Pi_s} } \\
&= i \Hbar \frac{e}{c} \epsilon_{r s t}
\lr{ B_t \Pi_s + \Pi_s B_t },


\inv{ i \Hbar 2 m} \antisymmetric{\BPi}{\BPi^2}
&= \frac{e}{2 m c } \epsilon_{r s t} \Be_r
\lr{ B_t \Pi_s + \Pi_s B_t } \\
&= \frac{e}{ 2 m c }
\BPi \cross \BB
– \BB \cross \BPi

Putting all the pieces together we’ve got the quantum equivalent of the Lorentz force equation

m \frac{d^2 \Bx}{dt^2} = e \BE + \frac{e}{2 c} \lr{
\frac{d\Bx}{dt} \cross \BB
– \BB \cross \frac{d\Bx}{dt}

While this looks equivalent to the classical result, all the vectors here are Heisenberg picture operators dependent on position.


[1] Jun John Sakurai and Jim J Napolitano. Modern quantum mechanics. Pearson Higher Ed, 2014.