math and physics play

Polarization review

January 24, 2015 ece1229 , , , , , , ,

[Click here for a PDF of this post with nicer formatting]

It seems worthwhile to review how a generally polarized field phasor leads to linear, circular, and elliptic geometries.

The most general field polarized in the \( x, y \) plane has the form

= \lr{ \xcap a e^{j \alpha} + \ycap b e^{j \beta} } e^{j \lr{ \omega t -k z }}
= \lr{ \xcap a e^{j \lr{\alpha – \beta}/2} + \ycap b e^{j \lr{ \beta – \alpha}/2} } e^{j \lr{ \omega t -k z + \lr{\alpha + \beta}/2 }}.

Knowing to factor out the average phase angle above is only because I tried initially without that and things got ugly and messy. I guessed this would help (it does).

Let \( \boldsymbol{\mathcal{E}} = \text{Re} \BE = \xcap x + \ycap y \), \( \theta = \omega t + (\alpha + \beta)/2 \), and \( \phi = (\alpha – \beta)/2 \), so that

= \lr{ \xcap a e^{j \phi} + \ycap b e^{-j \phi} } e^{j \theta }.

The coordinates can now be read off

\frac{x}{a} = \cos\phi \cos\theta – \sin\phi \sin\theta
\frac{y}{b} = \cos\phi \cos\theta + \sin\phi \sin\theta,

or in matrix form

x/a \\
y/b \\
\cos\phi & – \sin\phi \\
\cos\phi & \sin\phi
\cos\theta \\

The goal is to eliminate all the \( \theta \) (i.e. time dependence), converting the parametric relationship into a conic form.
Assuming that neither \( \cos\theta \), nor \( \sin\theta \) are zero for now (those are special cases and lead to linear polarization), inverting the matrix will allow the \( \theta \) dependence to be eliminated

\inv{\sin\lr{ 2\phi }}
\sin\phi & \sin\phi \\
– \cos\phi & \cos\phi
x/a \\
y/b \\
\cos\theta \\

Squaring and summing both rows of these equation gives
\inv{\sin^2 \lr{ 2\phi}}
} \\
\inv{\sin^2 \lr{ 2\phi}}
+2 \frac{x y}{a b} \lr{ \sin^2\phi – \cos^2\phi }
} \\
\inv{\sin^2 \lr{ 2\phi}}
-2 \frac{x y}{a b} \cos \lr{2\phi}

Time to summarize and handle the special cases.

  1. To have \( \cos\phi = 0 \), the phase angles must satisfy \( \alpha – \beta = \lr{ 1 + 2 k } \pi, \, k \in \mathbb{Z} \).

    For this case \ref{eqn:polarizationReview:50} reduces to

    -\frac{x}{a} = \frac{y}{b},

    which is just a line.


    Let \( \alpha = 0, \beta = -\pi \), so that the phasor has the value

    \BE = \lr{ \xcap a – \ycap b } e^{j \omega t}

  2. For have \( \sin\phi = 0 \), the phase angles must satisfy \( \alpha – \beta = 2 \pi k, \, k \in \mathbb{Z} \).

    For this case \ref{eqn:polarizationReview:60} and \ref{eqn:polarizationReview:80} reduce to

    \frac{x}{a} = \frac{y}{b},

    also just a line.


    Let \( \alpha = \beta = 0 \), so that the phasor has the value

    \BE = \lr{ \xcap a + \ycap b } e^{j \omega t}

  3. Last is the circular and elliptically polarized case. The system is clearly elliptically polarized if \( \cos(2 \phi) = 0\), or \( \alpha – \beta = (\pi/2)( 1 + 2 k ), k \in \mathbb{Z}\). When that is the case and \( a = b \) also holds, the ellipse is a circle.

    When the \( \cos( 2 \phi) = 0 \) condition does not hold, a rotation of coordinates

    x \\
    \cos\mu & \sin\mu \\
    -\sin\mu & \cos\mu
    u \\


    \mu = \inv{2} \tan^{-1} \lr{ \frac{ 2 \cos (\alpha – \beta)}{b – a}}

    puts the trajectory into a standard (but messy) conic form

    1 = \frac{u^2}{ab} \lr{
    \frac{b}{a} \cos^2 \mu
    + \frac{a}{b} \sin^2 \mu
    + \inv{2} \sin\lr{2 \mu + \alpha – \beta}
    \frac{v^2}{ab} \lr{
    \frac{b}{a} \sin^2 \mu
    + \frac{a}{b} \cos^2 \mu
    – \inv{2} \sin\lr{2 \mu + \alpha – \beta}

    It isn’t obvious to me that the factors of the \( u^2, v^2 \) terms are necessarily positive, which is required for the conic to be an ellipse and not a hyperbola.

    Circular polarization example.

    With \( a = b = E_0 \), \( \alpha = 0 \), \( \beta = \pm \pi/2 \), all the circular polarization conditions are met, leaving the phasor with values

    \BE = E_0 \lr{ \xcap \pm j \ycap } e^{j \omega t}

Fundamental parameters of antennas

January 22, 2015 ece1229 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

[Click here for a PDF of this post with nicer formatting]

This is my first set of notes for the UofT course ECE1229, Advanced Antenna Theory, taught by Prof. Eleftheriades, covering ch. 2 [1] content.

Unlike most of the other classes I have taken, I am not attempting to take comprehensive notes for this class. The class is taught on slides that match the textbook so closely, there is little value to me taking notes that just replicate the text. Instead, I am annotating my copy of textbook with little details instead. My usual notes collection for the class will contain musings of details that were unclear, or in some cases, details that were provided in class, but are not in the text (and too long to pencil into my book.)

Poynting vector

The Poynting vector was written in an unfamiliar form

\boldsymbol{\mathcal{W}} = \boldsymbol{\mathcal{E}} \cross \boldsymbol{\mathcal{H}}.

I can roll with the use of a different symbol (i.e. not \(\BS\)) for the Poynting vector, but I’m used to seeing a \( \frac{c}{4\pi} \) factor ([6] and [5]). I remembered something like that in SI units too, so was slightly confused not to see it here.

Per [3] that something is a \( \mu_0 \), as in

\boldsymbol{\mathcal{W}} = \inv{\mu_0} \boldsymbol{\mathcal{E}} \cross \boldsymbol{\mathcal{B}}.

Note that the use of \( \boldsymbol{\mathcal{H}} \) instead of \( \boldsymbol{\mathcal{B}} \) is what wipes out the requirement for the \( \frac{1}{\mu_0} \) term since \( \boldsymbol{\mathcal{H}} = \boldsymbol{\mathcal{B}}/\mu_0 \), assuming linear media, and no magnetization.

Typical far-field radiation intensity

It was mentioned that

U(\theta, \phi)
\frac{r^2}{2 \eta_0} \Abs{ \BE( r, \theta, \phi) }^2
\frac{1}{2 \eta_0} \lr{ \Abs{ E_\theta(\theta, \phi) }^2 + \Abs{ E_\phi(\theta, \phi) }^2},

where the intrinsic impedance of free space is

\eta_0 = \sqrt{\frac{\mu_0}{\epsilon_0}} = 377 \Omega.

(this is also eq. 2-19 in the text.)

To get an understanding where this comes from, consider the far field radial solutions to the electric and magnetic dipole problems, which have the respective forms (from [3]) of

\boldsymbol{\mathcal{E}} &= -\frac{\mu_0 p_0 \omega^2 }{4 \pi } \frac{\sin\theta}{r} \cos\lr{w t – k r} \thetacap \\
\boldsymbol{\mathcal{B}} &= -\frac{\mu_0 p_0 \omega^2 }{4 \pi c} \frac{\sin\theta}{r} \cos\lr{w t – k r} \phicap \\
\boldsymbol{\mathcal{E}} &= \frac{\mu_0 m_0 \omega^2 }{4 \pi c} \frac{\sin\theta}{r} \cos\lr{w t – k r} \phicap \\
\boldsymbol{\mathcal{B}} &= -\frac{\mu_0 m_0 \omega^2 }{4 \pi c^2} \frac{\sin\theta}{r} \cos\lr{w t – k r} \thetacap \\

In neither case is there a component in the direction of propagation, and in both cases (using \( \mu_0 \epsilon_0 = 1/c^2\))

= \frac{\Abs{\boldsymbol{\mathcal{E}}}}{\mu_0 c}
= \Abs{\boldsymbol{\mathcal{E}}} \sqrt{\frac{\epsilon_0}{\mu_0}}
= \inv{\eta_0}\Abs{\boldsymbol{\mathcal{E}}} .

A superposition of the phasors for such dipole fields, in the far field, will have the form

\BE &= \inv{r} \lr{ E_\theta(\theta, \phi) \thetacap + E_\phi(\theta, \phi) \phicap } \\
\BB &= \inv{r c} \lr{ E_\theta(\theta, \phi) \thetacap – E_\phi(\theta, \phi) \phicap },

with a corresponding time averaged Poynting vector

&= \inv{2 \mu_0} \BE \cross \BB^\conj \\
\inv{2 \mu_0 c r^2}
\lr{ E_\theta \thetacap + E_\phi \phicap } \cross
\lr{ E_\theta^\conj \thetacap – E_\phi^\conj \phicap } \\
\frac{\thetacap \cross \phicap}{2 \mu_0 c r^2}
\lr{ \Abs{E_\theta}^2 + \Abs{E_\phi}^2 } \\
\frac{\rcap}{2 \eta_0 r^2}
\lr{ \Abs{E_\theta}^2 + \Abs{E_\phi}^2 },

verifying \ref{eqn:advancedantennaL1:20} for a superposition of electric and magnetic dipole fields. This can likely be shown for more general fields too.

Field plots

We can plot the fields, or intensity (or log plots in dB of these).
It is pointed out in [3] that when there is \( r \) dependence these plots are done by considering the values of at fixed \( r \).

The field plots are conceptually the simplest, since that vector parameterizes
a surface. Any such radial field with magnitude \( f(r, \theta, \phi) \) can
be plotted in Mathematica in the \( \phi = 0 \) plane at \( r = r_0 \), or in
3D (respectively, but also at \( r = r_0\)) with code like that of the
following listing


Intensity plots can use the same code, with the only difference being the interpretation. The surface doesn’t represent the value of a vector valued radial function, but is the magnitude of a scalar valued function evaluated at \( f( r_0, \theta, \phi) \).

The surfaces for \( U = \sin\theta, \sin^2\theta \) in the plane are parametrically plotted in fig. 2, and for cosines in fig. 1 to compare with textbook figures.


fig 1. Cosinusoidal radiation intensities


fig 2. Sinusoidal radiation intensities


Visualizations of \( U = \sin^2 \theta\) and \( U = \cos^2 \theta\) can be found in fig. 3 and fig. 4 respectively. Even for such simple functions these look pretty cool.


fig 3. Square sinusoidal radiation intensity



fig 4. Square cosinusoidal radiation intensity


dB vs dBi

Note that dBi is used to indicate that the gain is with respect to an “isotropic” radiator.
This is detailed more in [2].

Trig integrals

Tables 1.1 and 1.2 produced with tableOfTrigIntegrals.nb have some of the sine and cosine integrals that are pervasive in this chapter.



Polarization vectors

The text introduces polarization vectors \( \rhocap \) , but doesn’t spell out their form. Consider a plane wave field of the form

E_x e^{j \phi_x} e^{j \lr{ \omega t – k z }} \xcap
E_y e^{j \phi_y} e^{j \lr{ \omega t – k z }} \ycap.

The \( x, y \) plane directionality of this phasor can be written

\Brho =
E_x e^{j \phi_x} \xcap
E_y e^{j \phi_y} \ycap,

so that

\BE = \Brho e^{j \lr{ \omega t – k z }}.

Separating this direction and magnitude into factors

\Brho = \Abs{\BE} \rhocap,

allows the phasor to be expressed as

\BE = \rhocap \Abs{\BE} e^{j \lr{ \omega t – k z }}.

As an example, suppose that \( E_x = E_y \), and set \( \phi_x = 0 \). Then

\rhocap = \xcap + \ycap e^{j \phi_y}.

Phasor power

In section 2.13 the phasor power is written as

I^2 R/2,

where \( I, R \) are the magnitudes of phasors in the circuit.

I vaguely recall this relation, but had to refer back to [4] for the details.
This relation expresses average power over a period associated with the frequency of the phasor

&= \inv{T} \int_{t_0}^{t_0 + T} p(t) dt \\
&= \inv{T} \int_{t_0}^{t_0 + T} \Abs{\BV} \cos\lr{ \omega t + \phi_V }
\Abs{\BI} \cos\lr{ \omega t + \phi_I} dt \\
&= \inv{T} \int_{t_0}^{t_0 + T} \Abs{\BV} \Abs{\BI}
\cos\lr{ \phi_V – \phi_I } + \cos\lr{ 2 \omega t + \phi_V + \phi_I}
dt \\
&= \inv{2} \Abs{\BV} \Abs{\BI} \cos\lr{ \phi_V – \phi_I }.

Introducing the impedance for this circuit element

\BZ = \frac{ \Abs{\BV} e^{j\phi_V} }{ \Abs{\BI} e^{j\phi_I} } = \frac{\Abs{\BV}}{\Abs{\BI}} e^{j\lr{\phi_V – \phi_I}},

this average power can be written in phasor form

\BP = \inv{2} \Abs{\BI}^2 \BZ,

P = \textrm{Re} \BP.

Observe that we have to be careful to use the absolute value of the current phasor \( \BI \), since \( \BI^2 \) differs in phase from \( \Abs{\BI}^2 \). This explains the conjugation in the [4] definition of complex power, which had the form

\BS = \BV_{\textrm{rms}} \BI^\conj_{\textrm{rms}}.

Radar cross section examples

Flat plate.

\sigma_{\textrm{max}} = \frac{4 \pi \lr{L W}^2}{\lambda^2}


fig. 6. Square geometry for RCS example.



In the optical limit the radar cross section for a sphere


fig. 7. Sphere geometry for RCS example.


\sigma_{\textrm{max}} = \pi r^2

Note that this is smaller than the physical area \( 4 \pi r^2 \).



fig. 8. Cylinder geometry for RCS example.


\sigma_{\textrm{max}} = \frac{ 2 \pi r h^2}{\lambda}

Tridedral corner reflector


fig. 9. Trihedral corner reflector geometry for RCS example.


\sigma_{\textrm{max}} = \frac{ 4 \pi L^4}{3 \lambda^2}

Scattering from a sphere vs frequency

Frequency dependence of spherical scattering is sketched in fig. 10.

  • Low frequency (or small particles): Rayleigh\begin{equation}\label{eqn:chapter2Notes:1040}
    \sigma = \lr{\pi r^2} 7.11 \lr{\kappa r}^4, \qquad \kappa = 2 \pi/\lambda.
  • Mie scattering (resonance),\begin{equation}\label{eqn:chapter2Notes:1060}
    \sigma_{\textrm{max}}(A) = 4 \pi r^2
    \sigma_{\textrm{max}}(B) = 0.26 \pi r^2.
  • optical limit ( \(r \gg \lambda\) )\begin{equation}\label{eqn:chapter2Notes:1100}
    \sigma = \pi r^2.

fig 10. Scattering from a sphere vs frequency (from Prof. Eleftheriades’ class notes).

FIXME: Do I have a derivation of this in my optics notes?


  • Time average.
    Both Prof. Eleftheriades
    and the text [1] use square brackets \( [\cdots] \) for time averages, not \( <\cdots> \). Was that an engineering convention?
  • Prof. Eleftheriades
    writes \(\Omega\) as a circle floating above a face up square bracket, as in fig. 1, and \( \sigma \) like a number 6, as in fig. 1.
  • Bold vectors are usually phasors, with (bold) calligraphic script used for the time domain fields. Example: \( \BE(x,y,z,t) = \ecap E(x,y) e^{j \lr{\omega t – k z}}, \boldsymbol{\mathcal{E}}(x, y, z, t) = \textrm{Re} \BE \).

fig. 11. Prof. handwriting decoder ring: Omega


fig 12. Prof. handwriting decoder ring: sigma



[1] Constantine A Balanis. Antenna theory: analysis and design. John Wiley \& Sons, 3rd edition, 2005.

[3] David Jeffrey Griffiths and Reed College. Introduction to electrodynamics. Prentice hall Upper Saddle River, NJ, 3rd edition, 1999.

[4] J.D. Irwin. Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis. MacMillian, 1993.

[5] JD Jackson. Classical Electrodynamics. John Wiley and Sons, 2nd edition, 1975.

[6] L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz. The classical theory of fields. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1980. ISBN 0750627689.

Final notes for ECE1254, Modelling of Multiphysics Systems

December 27, 2014 ece1254 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


I’ve now finished my first grad course, Modelling of Multiphysics Systems, taught by Prof Piero Triverio.

I’ve posted notes for lectures and other material as I was taking the course, but now have an aggregated set of notes for the whole course posted.
This is now updated with all my notes from the lectures, solved problems, additional notes on auxillary topics I wanted to explore (like SVD), plus the notes from the Harmonic Balance report that Mike and I will be presenting in January.

This version of my notes also includes all the matlab figures regenerating using, which allows a save-as pdf, which rescales much better than Matlab saveas() png’s when embedded in latex.  I’m not sure if that’s the best way to include Matlab figures in latex, but they are at least not fuzzy looking now.

All in all, I’m pretty pleased with my notes for this course.  They are a lot more readable than any of the ones I’ve done for the physics undergrad courses I was taking (  While there was quite a lot covered in this course, the material really only requires an introductory circuits course and some basic math (linear algebra and intro calculus), so is pretty accessible.

This was a fun course.  I recall, back in ancient times when I was a first year student, being unsatisfied with all the ad-hoc strategies we used to solve circuits problems.  This finally answers the questions of how to tackle things more systematically.

Here’s the contents outline for these notes:

Lecture notes
1 nodal analysis
1.1 In slides
1.2 Mechanical structures example
1.3 Assembling system equations automatically. Node/branch method
1.4 Nodal Analysis
1.5 Modified nodal analysis (MNA)
2 solving large systems
2.1 Gaussian elimination
2.2 LU decomposition
2.3 Problems
3 numerical errors and conditioning
3.1 Strict diagonal dominance
3.2 Exploring uniqueness and existence
3.3 Perturbation and norms
3.4 Matrix norm
4 singular value decomposition, and conditioning number
4.1 Singular value decomposition
4.2 Conditioning number
5 sparse factorization
5.1 Fill ins
5.2 Markowitz product
5.3 Markowitz reordering
5.4 Graph representation
6 gradient methods
6.1 Summary of factorization costs
6.2 Iterative methods
6.3 Gradient method
6.4 Recap: Summary of Gradient method
6.5 Conjugate gradient method
6.6 Full Algorithm
6.7 Order analysis
6.8 Conjugate gradient convergence
6.9 Gershgorin circle theorem
6.10 Preconditioning
6.11 Symmetric preconditioning
6.12 Preconditioned conjugate gradient
6.13 Problems
7 solution of nonlinear systems
7.1 Nonlinear systems
7.2 Richardson and Linear Convergence
7.3 Newton’s method
7.4 Solution of N nonlinear equations in N unknowns
7.5 Multivariable Newton’s iteration
7.6 Automatic assembly of equations for nonlinear system
7.7 Damped Newton’s method
7.8 Continuation parameters
7.9 Singular Jacobians
7.10 Struts and Joints, Node branch formulation
7.11 Problems
8 time dependent systems
8.1 Assembling equations automatically for dynamical systems
8.2 Numerical solution of differential equations
8.3 Forward Euler method
8.4 Backward Euler method
8.5 Trapezoidal rule (TR)
8.6 Nonlinear differential equations
8.7 Analysis, accuracy and stability (Dt ! 0)
8.8 Residual for LMS methods
8.9 Global error estimate
8.10 Stability
8.11 Stability (continued)
8.12 Problems
9 model order reduction
9.1 Model order reduction
9.2 Moment matching
9.3 Model order reduction (cont).
9.4 Moment matching
9.5 Truncated Balanced Realization (1000 ft overview)
9.6 Problems
Final report
10 harmonic balance
10.1 Abstract
10.2 Introduction
10.2.1 Modifications to the netlist syntax
10.3 Background
10.3.1 Discrete Fourier Transform
10.3.2 Harmonic Balance equations
10.3.3 Frequency domain representation of MNA equations
10.3.4 Example. RC circuit with a diode.
10.3.5 Jacobian
10.3.6 Newton’s method solution
10.3.7 Alternative handling of the non-linear currents and Jacobians
10.4 Results
10.4.1 Low pass filter
10.4.2 Half wave rectifier
10.4.3 AC to DC conversion
10.4.4 Bridge rectifier
10.4.5 Cpu time and error vs N
10.4.6 Taylor series non-linearities
10.4.7 Stiff systems
10.5 Conclusion
10.6 Appendices
10.6.1 Discrete Fourier Transform inversion
a singular value decomposition
b basic theorems and definitions
c norton equivalents
d stability of discretized linear differential equations
e laplace transform refresher
f discrete fourier transform
g harmonic balance, rough notes
g.1 Block matrix form, with physical parameter ordering
g.2 Block matrix form, with frequency ordering
g.3 Representing the linear sources
g.4 Representing non-linear sources
g.5 Newton’s method
g.6 A matrix formulation of Harmonic Balance non-linear currents
h matlab notebooks
i mathematica notebooks

New version of phy450 (Relativistic Electrodynamics) notes now posted.

December 24, 2014 math and physics play , , , ,

I’d taken Professor Poppitz’s “Relativistic Electrodynamics” course in 2011, and wrote up my notes and problem set solutions in latex at that point.

That was only the second course that I tried this in, and was much less structured than any of the subsequent class notes collections that I produced later.  I now put problems with the chapter material using the latex exercise environment, and have now retrofitted the use of that package into my old phy450 notes.

I’ve also moved some of the tutorial content into the problem sections, and the rest into the appendix.  The result is a much more streamlined layout than was the case when I took the course originally.  There are still no figures, nor is there any index.  Only my later class notes collections have those and it’s a fair amount of work to retrofit that.  The whole thing still needs a complete review (and probably a rewrite).

A matrix formulation of the Harmonic Balance method non-linear currents

December 14, 2014 ece1254 , , , , , ,

[Click here for a PDF of this post with nicer formatting]

Because it was simple, a coordinate expansion of the Jacobian of the non-linear currents was good to get a feeling for the structure of the equations. However, a Jacobian of that form is impossibly slow to compute for larger \( N \). It seems plausible that eliminating the coordinate expansion, expressing both the currrent and the Jacobian directly in terms of the Harmonic Balance unknowns vector \( \BV \), would lead to a simpler set of equations that could be implemented in a computationally more effective way. To aid in this discovery, consider the simple RC load diode circuit of fig. 1. It’s not too hard to start from scratch with the time domain nodal equations for this circuit, which are


fig. 1. Simple diode and resistor circuit


  1. \( 0 = i_s – i_d \)
  2. \( Z v^{(2)} + C dv^{(2)}/dt = i_d \)
  3. \( i_d = I_0 \lr{ e^{(v^{(1)} – v^{(2)})/V_T} – 1} \)

To setup for matrix form, let

\Bv(t) =
v^{(1)}(t) \\
v^{(2)}(t) \\
\BG =
0 & 0 \\
0 & Z \\
\BC =
0 & 0 \\
0 & C \\
\Bd =
1 \\
\Bb =
1 \\

so that the time domain equations can be written as

\BG \Bv(t)
+ \BC \Bv'(t)
\Bb i_s(t)
e^{ (v^{(1)}(t) – v^{(2)}(t))/V_T} – 1
\Bb & -I_0 \Bd
i_s(t) \\
I_0 \Bd
e^{ (v^{(1)}(t) – v^{(2)}(t))/V_T}.

Harmonic Balance is essentially the assumption that the input and outputs are assumed to be a bandwidth limited periodic signal, and the non-linear components can be approximated by the same

i_s(t) = \sum_{n=-N}^N I^{(s)}_n e^{ j \omega_0 n t },
v^{(k)}(t) =
\sum_{n=-N}^N V^{(k)}_n e^{ j \omega_0 n t },
\epsilon(t) =
e^{ (v^{(1)}(t) – v^{(2)}(t))/V_T}
\sum_{n=-N}^N E_n e^{ j \omega_0 n t },

The approximation in \ref{eqn:diodeRLCSample:1300} is an equality only at the Nykvist sampling times \( t_k = T k/(2 N + 1) \). The Fourier series provides a periodic extension to other times that will approximate the underlying periodic non-linear relation.

With all the time dependence locked into the exponentials, the derivatives are really easy to calculate

\frac{d}{dt} v^{(k)}(t) =
\sum_{n=-N}^N j \omega_0 n V^{(k)}_n e^{ j \omega_0 n t }.

Inserting all of these into \ref{eqn:diodeRLCSample:1220} gives

\sum_{n=-N}^N e^{ j \omega_0 n t} \lr{ \BG + j \omega_0 n \BC }
V^{(1)}_n \\
V^{(2)}_n \\
\sum_{n=-N}^N e^{ j \omega_0 n t}
-I_0 \Bd \delta_{n 0}
\Bb I^{(s)}_n
+ I_0 \Bd E_n

The periodic assumption requires equality for each \( e^{j \omega_0 n t} \), or

\lr{ \BG + j \omega_0 n \BC }
V^{(1)}_n \\
V^{(2)}_n \\
-I_0 \Bd \delta_{n 0}
\Bb I^{(s)}_n
+ I_0 \Bd E_n.

For illustration, consider the \( N = 1 \) case, where the block matrix form is

\BG + j \omega_0 (-1) \BC & 0 & 0 \\
0 & \BG + j \omega_0 (0) \BC & 0 \\
0 & 0 & \BG + j \omega_0 (1) \BC
V^{(1)}_{-1} \\
V^{(2)}_{-1} \\
\end{bmatrix} \\
V^{(1)}_{0} \\
V^{(2)}_{0} \\
\end{bmatrix} \\
V^{(1)}_{1} \\
V^{(2)}_{1} \\
\Bb I^{(s)}_{-1} \\
\Bb I^{(s)}_{0} – I_0 \Bd \\
\Bb I^{(s)}_{1} \\
\Bd E_{-1} \\
\Bd E_{0} \\
\Bd E_{1} \\

The structure of this equation is

\BY \BV = \BI + \mathcal{I}(\BV),

The non-linear current \( \mathcal{I}(\BV) \) needs to be examined further. How much of this can be precomputed, and what is the simplest way to compute the Jacobian? With

\BE =
E_{-1} \\
E_{0} \\
E_{1} \\
\end{bmatrix}, \qquad
\Bepsilon =
\epsilon_{-1} \\
\epsilon_{0} \\
\epsilon_{1} \\

the non-linear current is

\mathcal{I} =
\Bd E_{-1} \\
\Bd E_{0} \\
\Bd E_{1} \\
\Bd \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \BE \\
\Bd \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \BE \\
\Bd \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \BE
\Bd & 0 & 0 \\
0 & \Bd & 0 \\
0 & 0 & \Bd
\BF^{-1} \Bepsilon

In the last step \( \BE = \BF^{-1} \Bepsilon \) has been factored out (in its inverse Fourier form). With

\BD =
\Bd & 0 & 0 \\
0 & \Bd & 0 \\
0 & 0 & \Bd \\

the current is

\mathcal{I}(\BV) =
I_0 \BD \BF^{-1} \Bepsilon(\BV).

The next step is finding an appropriate form for \( \Bepsilon \)

\Bepsilon &=
\epsilon(t_{-1}) \\
\epsilon(t_{0}) \\
\epsilon(t_{1}) \\
\end{bmatrix} \\
\exp\lr{ \lr{ v^{(1)}_{-1} – v^{(2)}_{-1} }/V_T } \\
\exp\lr{ \lr{ v^{(1)}_{0} – v^{(2)}_{0} }/V_T } \\
\exp\lr{ \lr{ v^{(1)}_{1} – v^{(2)}_{1} }/V_T }
\end{bmatrix} \\
1 & 0 & 0
\lr{ \Bv^{(1)} – \Bv^{(2)} }/V_T } \\
0 & 1 & 0
\lr{ \Bv^{(1)} – \Bv^{(2)} }/V_T } \\
0 & 0 & 1
\lr{ \Bv^{(1)} – \Bv^{(2)} }/V_T } \\
\end{bmatrix} \\
1 & 0 & 0
\lr{ \BV^{(1)} – \BV^{(2)} }/V_T } \\
0 & 1 & 0
\lr{ \BV^{(1)} – \BV^{(2)} }/V_T } \\
0 & 0 & 1
\lr{ \BV^{(1)} – \BV^{(2)} }/V_T } \\

It would be nice to have the difference of frequency domain vectors expressed in terms of \( \BV \), which can be done with a bit of rearrangement

\BV^{(1)} – \BV^{(2)}
V^{(1)}_{-1} – V^{(2)}_{-1} \\
V^{(1)}_{0} – V^{(2)}_{0} \\
V^{(1)}_{1} – V^{(2)}_{1} \\
\end{bmatrix} \\
1 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 1 & -1 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & -1 \\
V_{-1}^{(1)} \\
V_{-1}^{(2)} \\
V_{0}^{(1)} \\
V_{0}^{(2)} \\
V_{1}^{(1)} \\
V_{1}^{(2)} \\
\end{bmatrix} \\
\Bd^\T & 0 & 0 \\
0 & \Bd^\T & 0 \\
0 & 0 & \Bd^\T \\
\BV \\
&= \BD^\T \BV,

\BF \BD^\T /V_T
\Bh_1^\T \\
\Bh_2^\T \\

which allows the non-linear current to can now be completely expressed in terms of \( \BV \).

e^{\Bh_1^\T \BV} \\
e^{\Bh_2^\T \BV} \\
e^{\Bh_3^\T \BV} \\


With a compact matrix representation of the non-linear current, attention can now be turned to the Jacobian of the non-linear current. Let \( \BA = I_0 \BD \BF^{-1} = [ a_{ij} ]_{ij} \), the current (with summation implied) is

\mathcal{I} =
a_{ik} \epsilon_k,

with coordinates

\mathcal{I}_i = a_{ik} \epsilon_k = a_{ik} \exp\lr{ \Bh_k^\T \BV }.

so the Jacobian components are

a_{ik} \epsilon_k = a_{ik}
\exp\lr{ \Bh_k^\T \BV }
\exp\lr{ \Bh_k^\T \BV }.

Factoring out \( \BU = [h_{ij} \exp\lr{ \Bh_i^\T \BV }]_{ij} \),

= \BA \BU
\begin{bmatrix} h_{11} & h_{12} & \cdots h_{1, R(2 N + 1)}\end{bmatrix} \exp\lr{ \Bh_1^\T \BV } \\
\begin{bmatrix} h_{21} & h_{22} & \cdots h_{2, R(2 N + 1)}\end{bmatrix} \exp\lr{ \Bh_2^\T \BV } \\
\begin{bmatrix} h_{31} & h_{32} & \cdots h_{3, R(2 N + 1)}\end{bmatrix} \exp\lr{ \Bh_3^\T \BV } \\
\Bh_1^\T \exp\lr{ \Bh_1^\T \BV } \\
\Bh_2^\T \exp\lr{ \Bh_2^\T \BV } \\
\Bh_3^\T \exp\lr{ \Bh_3^\T \BV } \\

A quick sanity check of dimensions seems worthwhile, and shows that all is well

  • \( \BA \) : \( R(2 N + 1) \times 2 N + 1 \)
  • \( \BU \) : \( 2 N + 1 \times R(2 N + 1) \)
  • \( \BJ^{\mathcal{I}} \) : \( R(2 N + 1) \times R(2 N + 1) \)

The Jacobian of the non-linear current is now completely determined

\BJ^{\mathcal{I}}( \BV ) =
I_0 \BD \BF^{-1}
\Bh_1^\T \exp\lr{ \Bh_1^\T \BV } \\
\Bh_2^\T \exp\lr{ \Bh_2^\T \BV } \\
\Bh_3^\T \exp\lr{ \Bh_3^\T \BV } \\

Newton’s method solution

All the pieces required for a Newton’s method solution are now in place. The goal is to find a value of \( \BV \) that provides the zero

f(\BV) = \BY \BV – \BI – \mathcal{I}(\BV).

Expansion to first order around an initial guess \( \BV^0 \), gives

f( \BV^0 + \Delta \BV ) = f(\BV^0) + \BJ(\BV^0) \Delta \BV \approx 0,

where the full Jacobian of \( f(\BV) \) is

\BJ(\BV) = \BY – \BJ^{\mathcal{I}}(\BV).

The Newton’s method refinement of the initial guess follows by inversion

\Delta \BV = -\lr{ \BY – \BJ^{\mathcal{I}}(\BV^0) }^{-1} f(\BV^0).